"If this woman just happens to have this intention, then I'll show my shame to you!"

After that, he stood up with a wave of his sleeves.

"Finally, I'm afraid it will be too boring for me to perform alone. Sir, would you like to come in and join in the fun with me?"

He is a boy, tall and tall, like an eagle about to spread its wings and fly high.

"Okay, okay, since you want to invite me, girl, I have no reason to refuse, so let's have a try! Okay, that's it! Let's take a look at our two families' kung fu, who can be better?"

"Okay! Then take action!" Yan Keyun stretched out his nail polish-covered hand, asking the other party to take action first.

"Okay, it doesn't matter how old you are, you don't have the courage! In that case, I won't be polite!"

"Ghosting Sword!"

This time, this man didn't use his own internal strength, but a weapon!

This is very much in line with what she meant! Yan Keyun originally had such remote control! Those who are too close will not be comfortable with it. A weapon with such a comparative range of attack power is the best range control for him!

"If that's the case, then I won't be polite!"

"Holy water protection!" Yan Keyun gave the order, and his hands seemed to turn into falling waterfalls!

Layers of waves fell, as if a big hole had leaked, and the house seemed to be flooded with water in a short time. However, it was not the end. The waves kept rolling, and some even turned into round bubbles one after another, spreading around, getting bigger and bigger, and finally burst. Some of them were tangled together like ropes, and then, relying on their own inertia due to their large mass and the gravity created by Yan Keyun, they rushed towards each other one by one without looking back, just like the target on the opposite side. .

Don't look at those waves. Although they are very big, if they hit your face, it will be very painful!

The rough waves, one after another, seem to be beating against the rocks beside the coast, tough, straight, and full of lethality!

Yan Keyun is still not satisfied with these! He constantly challenges his own magic power and tries to work out a trick for him! Then let him have a good look at his own level!

"Holy water protection!" It's the same trick again, but there is indeed a big difference inside him!

"Bloom!" she ordered to some water flowers.

This time, these blue waves took on a completely different shape than last time!

They once again gave up their original circular and columnar waves and scattered themselves. They dispersed into spirals as thin as paper, spinning in the water so fast that even their eyes and Even my eyesight cannot capture it clearly!

"Second style!" The spirals that were spinning on the beach just now were bounced one by one by his fingers!

"Get out! Get out! Get out!"

One after another, just like those boys who can play yo-yo! The water splash in his hand is simply not an invisible liquid! A weapon that has a shape and can be touched!

Yan Keyun stood on the top of the waves, wearing a short coat that showed his ability. The lotus leaf sleeves and blue embroidered shoes seemed to imply that he was transformed from water! His hair was also wavy in the air due to his huge aura, and his whole person showed a heroic spirit!

"Sure enough, the girl is not an ordinary person!" Ling Hui saw his intentions throughout the whole process.

People don’t come here to fight with you, they just come here to show off to you!

well! Well, if that's the case, then he has no reservations!

"Girl, please come down! I saw it!"

Yan Keyun glanced at him, and he immediately began to applaud slowly! He also brought a lot of compliments.

"Your kung fu is indeed good. It can be seen that your grandfather did not train you in vain! You are indeed young and promising! Come down!"

Yan Keyun then waved his hand to take back all the waves, and then got down from the water column. He is as light as a swallow, and his embroidered shoes only get a little wet on the tips!

"Okay! Okay! That's a good performance! But now, let me show you my real level! Okay!"

After seeing the other party's ability, Ling Hui's tone of voice became different! I am a businessman myself. He knows best how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages and maximize profits. If the fat on his lips just runs away, then he will not agree!

"Now, watch me perform!"

Then, he waved the black sword, the sword named Double Shadow.

"Girl, since you came to me, do you know about our family's kung fu?"

“I understand, and I have a very detailed understanding!”

"Then this is no longer a secret!"

Then, he began to use his magic power.

"Sacred water protection! Ghost image."

Coming, coming, his is coming too! Yan Keyun calmed down and watched intently, wishing that every move and detail would be engraved in his eyes and remembered in his mind.

Ling Hui brandished the sword and used health care instead of fingers to make something exactly like Yan Keyun! And there is a second move!

"Holy water protection! Break!" Those water splashes instantly condensed into waves and spirals, flying out towards Yan Keyun.

"Holy Water Protection, Second Style!"

Another moment, almost the same rhythm, only the gestures and shapes of the hands are different, everything else is exactly the same!

The water column just turned into water splashes, and the water splashes turned into spirals, and then they flew up one by one and were bounced out by him!

Exactly the same!

"How's it going? Girl, are you confident that you can catch my attack?"

He changed his tone again, very evil and cynical!

"Or, it should be you!"

"Thump!" With a sound, the water splashed over like darts, and the water column seemed to suddenly disperse, like clouds dispersing, and all of them hit him one after another.

"How's it going? It feels good to be hit by your own moves, doesn't it?"

At this time, who will never show mercy? Although there is a really charming looking girl in front of me.

"It's okay, you don't need to worry!"

Yan Keyun himself was already thinking of ways to dodge. Although this move is estimated to be very offensive, he still hasn't really thought about how to avoid it! Goddess, he could only rely on his own skills, and he could barely avoid it bit by bit.

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