"Don't think about it, these are all nonsense, just defeat you!" He begged, calmed himself down, constantly instilled some correct thoughts into himself, and tried to stop his fingers from shaking.

"Ice Technique!" After knowing this, he dared not use new tricks in front of the opponent, but used the old tricks before, so that even if he couldn't win, he wouldn't get new materials and then make himself an executioner!

"Not bad, you have a high level of understanding, and you know how to use the old methods!"

Then, "Gilding Technique!" He used another very strange trick, which was related to metal. Although the name was very nice, it was not necessarily real gold and silver. However, it was indeed a very powerful, very strange, and very terrifying trick! As long as it was metal, he could control it!

This was what he got when he fought with a certain hero who practiced in this city! He watched that man's tricks for a long time and thought she was very powerful. For such a big Qingsi Building, he didn't even take a step up. He used metal to send himself up step by step. In the end, he restored the building by 200%! Then he asked to compete with the hero and copied his ability! Of course, he didn't just copy it. He also made some supplements to make it more flexible, more practical, and even full of lethality! Now he is doing such a thing. It mobilizes all the metal in the house. It is not like what ordinary people see, broken copper and iron sticking together, which is very ugly, but directly turns it into liquid metal. I don't know how high the temperature is, but what you see is not a fiery red fluid, but the original color of the metal! It is very strange, but it can be realized in his hands. He turned the metal into juice, and the temperature is not high, but once it touches other people's skin, or the shell of other things, it will instantly seal it! The lethality is very strong. People and goods trapped by the double are generally not easy to break free unless they have super high skills! In the end, many people were suffocated to death!

"Let me show you! Girl!"

After she swung her black sword, a stream of liquid flew out from the sword! This time it was gold and silver-gray, it should be low-grade metals such as copper, iron and nickel. But their corrosiveness is very high!

"What on earth is this?" Yan Keyun didn't know, but he knew one thing, that is, no matter what tricks the enemy used, he must not touch his body!

He dodged left and right, and those metal liquids hit the board and the wall one by one, and some even hit the trading disk! Those trading disks with some electronic components were instantly corroded into black after touching that! The originally clean places on the floor and wall were also hung with solidified metal.

So that's it... Yan Keyun finally understood it now! He must not be touched by him! If he was touched, he would definitely die! He immediately mobilized the power of the ice cube to make a big ice umbrella for himself.

You got him drunk, crystal clear, with her dress and exquisite makeup, under her slender body, she actually looked very beautiful in the fierce fighting. She used this big umbrella as protection, and then freed up the other hand for attack!

"Ice magic!" This week he decided to use this trick to the extreme without any other tricks!

"Gilding magic!" The two of them started the game of magic goddess, neither of them gave in, but both of them kept their own goals and identities in mind, and both of them showed mercy and stopped at the right time. After all, it was not the time to tear their faces.

The battle became more and more intense. Ling Hui's attack was a long-range attack, and the attack range was particularly large. However, Yan Keyun was really a little inferior to him. After all, he had to do a good job of shipping, so he only had one hand to attack, and he was constantly dodging, and he was really always at a disadvantage.

"Sure enough, she is just a girl, her level is not good!" The opponent laughed at him coldly.

Yan Keyun had nothing. He couldn't argue like this. It was wrong, because if it was his turn, he would laugh at his opponent without hesitation, because a game is a game, and a war is a war. There is no first come first served, and there is no courtesy, righteousness, and respect for the old and love for the young! He had no right to refute, because he was now at a disadvantage. What he could do was to make himself stronger as soon as possible and reverse the current situation as soon as possible! "Ice magic!" He tried again and again, and attacked again and again. Every time she tried her best, because the enemy in front of him was too powerful, and the moves restricted him. If he could take out the Siren Voice, which he was best at, the scene would definitely not be in this state... But he couldn't do it. He couldn't let his most precious thing be copied by others and used by others! Even if he was beaten all over, he had to protect the honor of their family! So she kept repeating the same action and the same set of moves mechanically and monotonously. She was not very good at this. Although she made some progress in continuous use, her body had almost reached its limit. Coupled with the terrifying metal liquid on the other side that melted bones upon contact, he was even more anxious.

"No, no, I absolutely cannot give up!" He kept encouraging himself, making himself continue to fight hard and challenge the limits of his body.

However, on the other side of the battle, Ling Hui, who had changed his perspective, felt that this girl was so strange. The more he fought, the stranger he felt! This girl was waiting for him to go back, and she seemed to know him very well. She was waiting at the door of the stock exchange, not at any other place for fun. He should know that he had a special liking for money and economy! But then she pulled him in for tea and wine! What on earth is this? Who wants to talk to him? Or drink with him? He was even more confused! Unconsciously, they talked about kung fu again, and he had to compete with him! He had to do this, this was the first time he had seen such an active girl! It even gave him a feeling that he felt that this was not a girl at all, and there was a man living in her head! If she hadn't seen this girl as a good seedling with a fine bone structure and full cultivation, and she was very talented, and the most important and most attractive thing to him was that their boss was very rich! He had only started fighting until now, and he had only thought of stopping when he had reached a certain point, but he had not expected that the girl would become happier and happier, and in the end, she would even kill him! She thought this was simply unreasonable, so he had no choice but to use his ultimate move! What was the relationship between the two of them? Did they know each other before? If not, what hatred or grudge did they have? This was simply a fantasy! There was no point in pestering him like this, so it was better to end it early! And he saw that the person on the other side should be almost exhausted, and he should not refuse.

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