So he first extended an olive branch to the other party and made concessions.

"What do you think? It has come to this point, and you still want to defeat me? Stop dreaming, girl! It's time to recognize the world! Although I have no intention of hurting you, you should not push it too far! Otherwise, I will think you are here for revenge!"

"I don't..." He was suddenly speechless and couldn't go on. This sentence woke Yan Keyun up! He was really too motivated and fought too hard, which made others suspicious! If he continued like this, he would be exposed!

But at the same time, he thought that the other party also gave him a chance to get out. Why didn't he follow the clues and choose to leave directly?

Just thinking about it, the attack in his hand stopped unconsciously. The rhythm of the battle also slowed down, and the other party could see it very clearly. So in less than a minute, the two people were holding each other, stopping their hands and stopping on the ground. This is a mess and a devastated place.

Yan Keyun was still doubting her life, and now she was thinking about how to step down. Linghui had some free time to observe the room. It was originally a nice room, with a blue tablecloth, white stools, a nice pot of tea, two glasses, and a beautiful stock exchange machine, showing the color of money, but after they fought like this, everything turned into one color.

Silver, copper, and gray.

Now looking around, the whole room was full of her, the color of the metal liquid, gray, as if it had changed, and the metal that had undergone a chemical reaction had the previous luster, and it was messy, making people feel upset and depressed, and even worse, it even burned the stock exchange machine. The original color of the machine and the burnt black were exposed. It was even more disgusting.

He looked at the girl opposite him, and she seemed to be frightened by her. Her eyes were confused, and her fingers were light. It should be because she had used too much force just now, and she was still recovering.

Alas, what a naughty child, in this case, he should show his gentlemanly demeanor! But you have to pay attention to the method, after all, she is still angry with him!

So, he chose a very extreme but very useful method - scolding her!

She is in a very low mood now, and it seems that she is full of anger, directed at him. If he smiles at him at this time, he will feel even more confused and don’t know how to start. It is better to scold him directly, and wait for his mood to be dispersed, and then he will not be in the mood!

Thinking of this, he did it, this is his strong point! The reason why he is so successful is that he is also good at talking!

He poured himself a pot of tea to moisten his throat first, and poured him another cup just in case.

What if the girl wants to drink it later! Then, his big show began.

"Okay, girl, do you know why you lost to me?" His stand-up comedy began. She didn't know the girl in front of her very well, and she didn't know his family background. She could only scold him with the truth that the whole world understood. Although it was unpleasant, it would never go wrong.

"I don't know why you came to me. Did your master ask you to come? Or did you come by yourself?" He showed a smile that seemed to be disguised.

"And I saw that you wanted to fight with me right away. You looked eager to try. Did I bully someone in your family? Is it your brother? Or your father?" The tone was very sarcastic, almost to the point of mocking others!

This is the effect he wanted.

"In short, I don't know why you came to me, but what I want to tell you is that if you don't have enough ability, don't come to force it! If you just want to compete with me in martial arts, then you have to practice for a few more years. If you come to me for revenge, then you are still too young. If the person you protect knows that you came blindly like this, he will definitely be very disappointed and will despise you for being stupid!"

Yan Keyun raised his eyelids slightly when he heard this. But he was not discovered.

"If you really want to protect someone, then you should wait until you are strong enough. If you are not strong enough to protect her, then you should choose to let go!" His resoluteness was unquestionable and sounded very harsh. Of course, it also pierced Yan Keyun's heart.

"Do you know why I say this? Because this world is a world where the strong prey on the weak! If he is not capable enough and needs protection from others, or even needs to implicate others and sacrifice his life, then he is not worth protecting! No matter who he is to you, this world only has the survival of the fittest, and not every life has the value of existence. If she is born to suffer in every way, then he might as well not give birth to her!"

After finishing this topic, he thought of another topic and left without saying anything.

"If your grandfather asked you to come to me, you'd better tell me now why he wants to do this. Is it because I killed their servants? Or because I owe them money? Or do you just want to cooperate with me? If you just want to cooperate with me, tell your master that we can just talk directly, no need to fight! This way of solving problems is so boring..." Ling Hui was still nagging, but Yan Keyun couldn't listen anymore. He didn't know what he said next, and his mind was repeating the same words he just said.

"If a person is not strong enough and needs others to protect him with their lives, then he has no value in existence..."

Is it really like this? Really not?

Yan Keyun, who was thinking about this question, has now reacted and remembered his role setting.

His answer is, "No!"

He was thinking about something and opened his mouth. After a while, he saw the tea on the table and finally thought of a way to end it.

"Since you have this attitude, I'm sorry to bother you!" Yan Keyun put on a very arrogant state, sweeping away the confusion and loss just now. He slowly stood up and drank the last cup of tea, turned around, and pretended to stroke his flowing wig.

"Sir, I don't know what you mean by these actions and words today. But I just want to know that we will find our own answers! There is nothing wrong with our grandfather's behavior. He does all things above board. If I want to compete with you, I will do it in advance. In our eyes, life is equally important! This is our position today! I am sorry for causing you unknown troubles, and I am very sorry that I didn't tell you our intentions until the end. But you don't have to despise us so much!" After that, he stood up and left the hotel step by step without looking back. He ended his ridiculous trip today and brought back a question that he has not figured out until now.

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