In fact, this problem was discovered when she first came to this world, but at that time, she had not considered this problem carefully. However, now this problem is in front of her, and for the first time, she has to bear so much trouble and thinking.

She didn't know how to go back on this road, and she forgot how many mountain roads she had walked, how many rivers she had crossed, how many different kinds of people she had seen, with huge differences, old and young people, and how much she had experienced. The long road was deserted and uninhabited, and she couldn't see anyone for dozens of miles on the mountain road.

It was like a lone ranger, walking silently on the road. It was not that he didn't meet people, but that there was no difference between meeting people and not meeting people, because his whole brain and body were devoted to this magnificent and tragic thinking.

What is going on here? Why am I? What caused him to become what he is now? In what direction will he develop in the future? Will this world be destroyed?

The irrational, irrational, and clueless questions of the martial arts hall all flew into his mind in an order! His mind is now a mess, and he doesn't know where to start. Only the skin on her legs was still erect, and the memory of the muscles on the skin, like controlling a machine, controlled his legs and the whole body to move forward. With each step, he now looked like a walking corpse, with his head down, his hands on his chin, and his eyes could not look at the road ahead. He didn't even know if all the roads he was taking were right. His brain had already flown to the sky, and he didn't know what he was thinking about. He walked from afternoon to evening, and walked for several hours before walking home. The sun was like a follower, following behind her all the time, and of course it was getting closer and closer to the horizon, emitting less and less light.

"Look at this color, it's getting darker and darker!" She looked at the sky, which was gradually changing color, and said to herself. I don't know what it means, or who she is talking to.

All passers-by who look in my direction will see a person wearing blue clothes in the middle of the purple-red soil on the yellow sandy road. He has long flowing hair, but it is not completely tied up. On his feet, he wears a pair of beautiful embroidered shoes that are not quite consistent with his identity, blue. He seemed to have just taken a shower, his whole body was wet, and then he seemed to have sprayed some perfume and rouge from somewhere, and his whole body exuded his own fragrance.

The sky gradually darkened, and the purple-red roads changed from being crowded with people to being sparsely populated, and then gradually became deserted, and finally, there was not even a little light left. He had to find a way to light himself. But she didn't care, he still walked step by step as before, because he knew that after crossing many mountains and many roads, he would meet those who had been waiting for him. He would see the yellow lights left for him. All their houses were not in the bustling downtown, and the terrain there was very remote, and there were not many people on weekdays, so they didn't need to. Their yard was very large, but every night they would only put a revolving lantern at the gate of the yard. And as long as it was after the second half of the night, it would become very dark.

But they would not lose their love for him because the light became very dim. I feel like he likes her even more. Although he is very, he is enough for him to watch! Every time when he is busy outside until late at night, or comes back exhausted, this revolving lantern is always the first one waiting for him here! No matter what kind of grievances he has experienced outside, what kind of evil he has seen, and what kind of dark things he has experienced, it seems that as long as he sees that little bit of fire, his mood will get better! Maybe, it is because this lamp has accompanied him through the time when he needs others to light the drum the most!

It was when she was sick a few days ago!

At that time, she always thought she was going to die soon, but Chen Xuan came back every night and brought her new hope. They would give her acupuncture and treatment, so that she could relax for a moment, and then when she got up the next day, there was a whole day of pain and suffering!

She would have a fever and cough constantly, and I would have to sleep for a long time every time. If it weren’t for the old Chinese doctor, I would make fresh medicinal porridge every day, and then watch it drink little by little. Looking back, I would not have survived that period of time. At that time, I remember very clearly that on that tattered table with different colors, there was a beautiful and clean bowl, and next to it was a beautiful oil lamp! Those were specially prepared for him!

Then every night, she would cough non-stop, and then she couldn't sleep all night. Chen Xuan was almost not at home every night. He always took things to find antidotes for himself, or went to seek medical advice. Later, he became even busier. He met those homeless people and his two friends Fang Yan and Fang Che, and he had less time to come back to see her. Sometimes, he could only come back once!

He also knew that everyone around her was busy, so he didn't want to disturb them, so he had to take care of himself and adjust himself. At this time, the weak light was always lit by him. He wanted to find a medicine bag for himself or go out to see the stars in such a light, blowing the cool wind, waiting for the light or waiting for him to come back.

Finally, a light with only a little brightness appeared in front of him. He knew that he was home. She instinctively looked for the people she knew, but found that none of them came back!

"Are they two busier than me?" She ran over and asked the old Chinese medicine doctor again. The old Chinese medicine doctor gave the same answer.

Yan Keyun originally wanted to wait, but he was too tired today. He left a piece of paper on the table, closed his room, and fell asleep. I don’t know when that person came back or whether they saw the note.

The next morning, they both fell asleep, sleeping soundly and soundly. When the sun was high, the two of them got up from the bed one after the other.

There was no appetite for breakfast, so the two of them ate snacks, and then each of them prepared a glass of wine for themselves. Just make it on a table at home and start talking. In fact, that table was the chapter he made when he was sick. The two men started this after each took a sip of wine. It turns out I saw it last night and knew exactly what she was thinking. The two of them still have a good understanding!

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