"Then you, what are the good things in this world?" He held the glass in his hand, which was a glass of strong liquor with round ice cubes in it.

"There will always be. As long as there is evil, there will be good, and as long as there is good, there will be evil. The two complement each other, but we are the ones who don't see it."

"Then you mean, we have seen happiness when our lives were as small as a blade of grass?"

Liuli's cup was too dazzling under the sunlight, but he just liked to stare at it, watching the colorful sunlight reflected in its corners, looking at the colorful and crystal clear wine in the cup, and even kept thinking like a child. Transforming the angle, looking for the most eye-catching point, the six-diamond wine glass was rotated little by little in his hand, reflecting little by little, occasionally deviating from the original orbit, or catching up with the sun covered by clouds. He changed to his original position, always chasing the beam of light that came into the window. As if he was possessed by a demon, he just stared at the brightest point and watched its colorful reflection in his eyes. , seeing the diamond-like shining light stung his eyes.

He finally couldn't help but blink, and then opened his eyes to look elsewhere, as if his eyes were filled with fiery red glass shadows. It's like quenched crystal agate, piece by piece, with sharp edges and corners, and like gilding, directly plated on the surface of other objects. He closed his eyes and opened them, closed them again, opened them again, and the cycle continued. He felt as if he had become a light chaser, extremely obsessed with that beam of light, even regardless of the consequences. Even if a child gets a favorite toy, he must keep tracing it in his hands.

"Okay, have you seen enough? I've been watching you play for ten minutes!" Chen Xuan couldn't stand it anymore and called him. If he continues like this, his eyes will be damaged.

Chen Xuan finally stopped him, and he decided to share his past experience with him. He has now discovered that the person in front of him may be very calm in other places, whether it is dealing with interpersonal relationships or magic, so why is he really not as good as others on this issue of understanding, then she Willing to come here and lead his own people out of this predicament. That's what a good friend should do. He is also a rough person. He is not embarrassed at all when it comes to words, let alone euphemistic wording. In front of others, he may lose weight for a year, but when he is drinking and chatting with the person in front of him, that will definitely not happen! So, what do you think, please take advantage of the fact that you are very angry now, and your anger is not bad.

"Do you know why this is? Because the rules of this world are like this. Maybe people in other worlds are kind and peaceful, but this world is different. As long as people can enter this world, they are more or less They are all lethal, no matter you are a young man, a teenager, a woman or a child!”

"This is the rule of this world. Maybe even if there are many parallel universes, then in this universe, or it is not a parallel universe at all, it is just a regional difference, then in this place, on every edge that you can see on the map , he has such a rule! So no matter where you are on this map, whether you are doing business or living, you can't change this rule. You can only obey him, because you don't know what is happening on this map. How much strength and violence do those people have? This is a world where the jungle is strong and the strong eats the strong. Maybe there is a beautiful place, but it’s not here!”

Yan Keyun didn't know why he suddenly talked about the issue of force, and why he talked so profoundly all of a sudden! He and she were indeed right. He had discussed this issue with Chen Xuan before under dim candlelight and on a rainy night.

"So let's not talk about business. In this world, you have to obey such rules. Business and super-high martial arts are inseparable. Is there no problem with this?"

The words "No Sakura" came out of his mouth sincerely. Because she has also seen many people who are very business-minded, but they do not do well, because sometimes once the business becomes big, all kinds of people will come to burn, kill and loot...

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