"Right, he and I, that place is very good, there are many things that we don't have here now, and there are also many things that we think are impossible!"

"Did you know? I have a pet named Hei. I originally met him in a barren mountain. Oh, by the way, I also met a hero there! He was like the idle cloud and wild crane, but with very strong abilities. , I got the two magic crystals from him at the auction! He was about to die from a big dragon, and then I met Hei in the cave! "

"When I adopted her, I thought she was just an ordinary pet, because she was really just an ordinary black dog at that time, and her abilities were not particularly strong. There were all monsters in that barren mountain and forest. The two of us cooperated. , but then an old man told me that it was definitely not an ordinary pet, but a spiritual beast! I didn't believe it at first, but later practice proved that he was really powerful! It was amazing later! We went to many places with me. I still remember that there was a princess in a city who was besieged by all the bad guys. We were not around at the time, so she scared all the bad guys away with her own dog! "He smiled as he touched himself, like the sun rising behind him.

"You must not know either! When I knew she was a spiritual beast, Gao Xin almost went crazy. I thought I had picked up a treasure and spun it around several times!"

"But that old man didn't give me any face at all! He told me directly that he had seen a lot of this kind of thing, and there were many, many more in that place! You don't know how disappointed I was at that time!"

Those happy fragmented times are treasured in her memory, and sometimes it’s good to take them out and look at them!

"Yes, there's more!" He remembered another one.

"Do you know when we met? I opened an auction house, and the precious thing I auctioned cost you hundreds of thousands! Haha..." He couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

"Do you know that thing? It's the Formation Stone! That thing was passed down from the leader of the previous generation, hundreds of years ago! Then he felt that it was a scarce resource in this world, and you could earn it Money! Then he gave me a production book! "What's wrong with you?" It's like a treasure.

"What? What do you mean, the things I spent more than 100,000 yuan on auction were actually easy to get?" Yan Keyun was confused. This was the first time he heard it, and he felt that his three views had been refreshed. This is not surprising! If it weren't for their good relationship now, he would fight him right now!

"You are so good at deceiving my feelings! You defrauded me of so much money! Hmph!"

"I don't want to either. Who told you to spend so much money to buy it yourself?" He began to feel guilty.

"I will be too embarrassed to mention it to you in the future, for fear that you will hit me..."

"Huh!" Yan Keyun didn't argue with him anymore. After all, he is also ignorant in this regard. This was the first time he truly felt his own insignificance. She suddenly became interested in his story.

"Is there only this much? There should be more!"

"Well... there should still be some!" He clinked glasses with Yan Keyun and took another sip of wine. "Actually, if I go forward, it will also allow me to establish my own power! Because when he was assisting, a The leader was framed because he was weak and outnumbered in the end, so he was urging me from the beginning! Moreover, he asked me to find a way to establish my own business mechanism here because he met me there! I have experienced very advanced social conditions that we don’t have here.”

"And there are many more! He also said, we don't have a professional communication system here! It feels very inconvenient!"

"We have this, we have conches!"

"That's only within your scope, and it hasn't been promoted yet!"

"By the way, and did you know? I actually met a space master on the way to do business!"

"Space Master? What is that for?"

"It's the one that completes the space jump! It's very convenient. As long as you find the space node, you'll be there in an instant!"

"Have you ever experienced it? Where is this kind of place?"

"You may not believe it!" He suddenly became mysterious.

"You know where we live is called Fengcheng! Right next door to our city, there is an Ice City! There is a space station there! It is very mysterious, in a broken house! But it is close to the flow of people and a very large market ! Their design is very reasonable! ”

"Ice City? Is that where your sister lives?"

"Yes." Chen Xuan thought of Qing'er, but he still felt strange.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"Does that girl really like you?"



Yan Keyun said nothing and clinked the glasses with him.

After taking a sip, he asked again, "Can you highlight your former friends for me? I've been busy these past few months since I met you, and I haven't heard how you are doing!"

"They... are actually not that many." Chen Xuan slowly recalled that he actually didn't have many friends! Before meeting Mr. Ta again, he only knew Qing'er, Mr. Wrinkle Yi, and his three senior brothers. I feel like I have more enemies than friends!

"I remember that after I met this old man, I gradually had more friends. In fact, they should be disciples! Some of them are also acquainted with each other!" He began to count them one by one with his fingers, "There are Qing'er, Master Han, Zou, Chou Yi, Nan Hao, Xiao Fei, old man, you, Fang Che, Fang Yan... Space Master Alliance, and the people who helped me in the cities I have been to before, Mr. Han, the steward of the air auction house, the princess I knew before, and the people from the sects who I promised before that I could give them a stone formation! I don't know if they came to the auction! These are almost all I can remember!" Yan Keyun listened carefully. Seeing that he was almost done, he thought it was good! There are not many friends, but each of them can lend a helping hand when she needs help! And listening to him like this, there are still quite a few close friends! This is actually enough! He originally thought that Chen Xuan was like her, really a loner, but after hearing this, he was really happy for him! For her to have so many good friends, for the happiness he gained in this world! At the same time, it is also for him to know me, and for me to know him!

"Since we know each other, let's do it together in the future! You still have so many unfinished things, we can do it together! It just so happens that I know a little more than you, and you understand it a little more deeply than me. If we join forces, we may be more powerful!"

"Okay, do we still need to discuss this kind of thing?" The two of them hit it off.

Yan Keyun has never regretted deciding to date Chen Xuan, starting from the night he invited her to drink beer, starting from when he was poisoned, and that person has been taking care of him! Starting from their long talk this time!

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