The two of them had finished chatting, and the sun gradually rose very high. The ice cubes in Yan Keyun's wine glass had melted, and then he remembered to ask them what happened yesterday.

"Ahem, don't you, I even forgot..." Chen Xuan really has a good mind!

He got up and walked to Fang Che's room to see that he had already gotten up early and was helping the doctor in the yard. He called the two of them over, thinking it was time to discuss yesterday's results!

It's not in vain that the two of them put on such heavy makeup, wore it so neatly, and behaved so unnaturally! The harvest is still very rich!

But I had to wait a moment, and it happened to be lunch time. So they sat around the dinner table, and Chen Xuan happily talked about yesterday's experience - of course, it was not all happy.

Yesterday, the two of them went neatly to find Mr. Yi, an official and a gentleman.

What they had was probably a very pleasant conversation - apart from the formality they both had to do to accommodate each other.

It was also in the morning when they went there, when everyone was just starting to work and live.

This gentleman is a very gentle person, and has his own biological clock and behavior. He lives like a robot! They went to visit his residence, and the person who opened the door for her was a boy. When they went there, they opened the door. At that moment, the first thing they saw with their right eyes was a regular courtyard. A boy with a broom came to greet them and asked them where they were from. After learning about the crude oil and its origin, he invited them in with a smile and threw the broom aside, looking very casual.

He announced inside and came out to make tea for them. After a while, Mr. Yi also came out.

The two of them did not dare to neglect, took the time, stood up and saluted. At that time, the old man happened to walk to the door, and when he saw them, he suddenly stopped in his heart and refused to leave.

Then he stood there, waited for the two of them to finish washing, and returned a polite salute to them, and then took steps to walk over here again.

Both of them were shocked by her actions, or they should be respected, because this was the first time they saw such a person in this world. Maybe I feel more respectful. His behavior has also become very regular.

Mr. Yi first asked them if they had eaten breakfast. After knowing that they had eaten, Mr. Yi invited them to have morning tea together. He also told them very politely that he had work this morning and asked them to wait in the yard for a while. Children will be arranged to entertain them.

After getting their consent and understanding, he bowed deeply to them, prepared tea and cakes with his boy, and then picked up his document bag, not forgetting the etiquette when going out. Zhou Quan nodded to them again, and the two of them did the same, standing there watching him leave, and also gave him polite smiles and nods. It wasn't until he stepped out and closed the door that the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then, are you two just waiting there?" Yan Keyun asked.

"Waiting there is just waiting, but it's not really waiting!" Chen Xuan was picking up food for Fang Che. He was concentrating on eating. He didn't expect it at all and was stunned for a moment.

"What's ours, you eat what's yours!" Chen Xuan saw that he was eating too slowly, and he was obviously accommodating them!

"After that gentleman left, his boy did play with us for a long time! In fact, he didn't play all the time. We also asked him many questions, and as long as he could answer them, he answered them all for us!"

"We asked him about the nature of his work and his usual work routine in preparation for coming to see him next time. We also asked him about his usual behavior and his preferences in dealing with people. After all, we are afraid It’s not good if you do something inappropriate and make him angry. After all, you will still have to cooperate with him in the future!”

"Then did he answer you one by one?"

"Of course, and very enthusiastic!" Chen Xuan said this with light in his eyes.

"After working with him, we gradually got to know this person! It turns out that there are some differences between him and yours! He is usually a very regular office worker. Of course, the class he attends is not an ordinary class, but this place Officials of the independent autonomous government! By the way, we also learned about this local official organization!”

"Because this place is sparsely populated, the distance is quite far, and the economic center is relatively concentrated, so there are not too many things happening on a daily basis. The most important thing is that everyone has their own life, so it is a relatively leisurely department."

"Then why does he go to work on time so often?" It was Yan Keyun again. He was putting rice into his mouth, his head lowered, and when he looked up, he saw his big eyes that flickered.

"I don't know, it probably has something to do with his personality! But according to that kid, although their organization is relaxed, the discipline is also very strict. So under normal circumstances, there should be no absentees."

"That should be considered beyond the normal level! If it were me, I wouldn't be so active!"

"We think so too, maybe it's his personal charm! Otherwise, how could he become one of the four giants?"

"Does she like what you gave her?" Yan Keyun asked about the carefully prepared gifts. This big box of seafood was something he had saved from his hometown with great difficulty. I usually eat sparingly, but it’s just because of important events that I take out part of it.

"That box of seafood of yours!" Chen Xuan smiled and waved to him.

"We brought them all over originally, but he didn't know why and even beat him to death and refused to accept them! We had no choice but to take them back later."

"Oh, that's it!" He was a little disappointed. Originally, he thought that no one would refuse his seafood! Yan Keyun kept playing with his own tableware, "Then he should be honest and upright, and he doesn't usually accept things from others, so he wouldn't want it!"

"He is usually so active at work, so he will definitely not do such a thing!" He said to himself, comforting himself.

"We think so."

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