After finishing this sentence, he felt that there should be no problem. She should be treated with emotion and acted with reason. Moreover, she was given a moral kidnapping. He should have nothing to refute. Before he even started to feel complacent, he gave her a head start. Although it wasn't a hard blow, it was a soft blow that left him at a loss. Unexpectedly, Mr. Yi thought about it after much thought.

"Then thank you for your kindness in advance, but you probably don't know my rules!"


There was three seconds of silence at a dinner table...

This is really a Achilles heel...

No matter how you answer it, it's wrong...

Ah ah ah ah ah……

Chen Xuan screamed in his heart, what should we do? He really couldn't figure it out! I couldn't have imagined that this meal would be cold!

"Sir, the way to deal with things is to be fickle and adaptable." Fang Che said this when the two of you were not alone.

"Sir, we have traveled thousands of miles to come to you now because of our sincerity. I don't dare to say how important I am to you, and I don't dare to say that we are the only ones who come to you because of something. But I What I think is that our sincerity has been fully reflected within the scope of what we know. Not everyone has an initial rule. Everyone has his own characteristics. We respect these characteristics, but we are not omniscient and omnipotent! "

After saying these words, Fang Che shut his mouth and disappeared. Chen Xuan looked at him blankly the whole time.

Yes, this was not only beyond the old gentleman's expectation, but also beyond her expectation.

After Fang Che finished, he changed into a serious posture with his hands on the chopsticks and his clothes ready to eat.

The gentleman looked at it quietly, his eyes filled with undercurrents of sand and oppression. She didn't avoid it, nor did she confront him head-on. She just let him watch without being too humble or overbearing.

After a while, the old gentleman silently withdrew his gaze and looked at Chen Xuan.

"Is he your friend?"

"Ah?...Yes!" Chen Xuan didn't know how to answer for a while, so he simply admitted.

"You are lucky to know her!"

The two of them couldn't accept this sudden sentence. You looked at me, I looked at you, and they looked at each other. They all laughed out loud at the end.

"Now you know! He is very good!" Mr. Yi was very gentle and smiled happily. Slowly explain to him the reasons for these things. But his movements still make people feel suffocated.

There was no way, he was just used to it, he still spoke very slowly, and his language was very plain, without any waves at all. It was uncomfortable to hear, but it was much better than before, because after all, this was what he meant. Kind words, not criticism.

"Everyone knows my character and my rules, so they will strictly abide by my rules. Only you are the first to break through." She said this and took a sip of water. It makes people feel anxious.

"You are indeed two very bold people."

Such words came out of thin air, and both of them froze in place, and their originally smiling faces suddenly froze.

What should the next sentence be? What will it be, how shall we speak? Their hearts were racing, and as a result of what happened just now, she now understood the trick! But it’s useless to know the tricks. How should they answer?

"Hahaha!" Chen Xuan's mind was spinning rapidly, "No, no, sir, thank you! We are just newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers! We are new here, and there are many rules that we still don't understand. If there is any offense, please forgive me. Tolerance"

This is always okay, first praise others, then praise yourself, and then apologize! This should be no problem!

He now has two heads on one head. Not only does he have to keep outputting language, but he also has to keep replying, thinking, and making sure that every sentence is correct.

"Haha, okay, okay!" It seems that he must be really happy for this song! The laughter came out.

But the two of them still didn't dare to relax easily. It’s best to laugh with your whole body.

The old man said don't be restrained while adding vegetables to them, and he didn't forget to give them a little bit of the freshly served seafood!

Phew—Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. There should be no problem now. Although he was still a bit reserved, he could have a good chat at least.

"Okay, I've already talked about business with you. What do you want to do here this time?"

Have we talked? The two of them simply couldn't bear to complain. Forget it, that’s it! There are always so many rules in the adult world! He, Chen Xuan, can still accept it! After thinking about him for a while, he adjusted his language.

"Actually, it's like this. Only the rich people are Daming. We came here for no reason this time because we hope to have some cooperation with Mr. Neng Yuan. No matter how big or small, we hope to communicate with you more in the future!"

What he said was very measured. He didn't make many guarantees, nor did he have a long-term blueprint. What you said before was just empty words, clichés, and nonsense. I just promised him that there would be opportunities to cooperate and meet him in the future.

This is all he wants, because what they are doing now will not let him know in the future, and it will also not touch his interests. Rather than maintaining a relationship with him then, it is better to strike first. , so he said hello first!

"Is it just this?" Mr. Yi looked at him with a pair of sharp eyes, scrutinizing his face and his whole body, like the eyes of a goshawk.

It’s not like they don’t know what rank the two of them are in. If it’s just a normal thing, why do they prepare such a heavy gift? Why dress up so exquisitely? Why do you put so much makeup and eyebrows on your face? Do you think he is too busy to see something? In fact, she saw everything in her eyes. These most ordinary people were like children to him, but they were brought out here. Their difference was to tell him that they were prepared, and they were very big. Prepare! Just look at how attentive they are.

But they actually just wanted to be a normal friend with her? And they don’t even have a plan for cooperation?

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