There are only two possibilities for this situation. The first is that they are really confused and unprepared. The other is that it is a very big plan that cannot be described or summarized in words! And if karma doesn’t happen, the consequences cannot be predicted, so we won’t know until the time comes!

Of these two options, Mr. Yi prefers the latter...

He probably knew the purpose of the other party's visit, and he was already worried about it, so he didn't ask any more questions.

The meal, which made them feel painful, was still going on. He became more respectful and polite, more numerous and more complicated, making all four of them uncomfortable. Because this time he could no longer show a sincere face and smile like before. Before everything was about to change, the best way he could do was to protect himself. After all, he uses what he is best at, in a way that others cannot approach. It felt like a long meal, and the topics they continued to talk about once again became irrelevant topics. They were nothing more than family affairs, Xu Han's greetings, etc., but they still talked about some pain points. That's their best friends and siblings.

Mr. Yi, I kept looking at his expression that now looks like a plaster statue. As usual, I asked about his parents, brothers and sisters, Chen Xuan and Fang Che one by one, and answered one by one, of course half of them. all fake!

Chen Xuan actually has parents and had a very happy childhood, which gave him the courage and unknown self-confidence to venture outside! But as he drifted away for a long time, his contact with them became less and less. In addition, he encountered too many bad guys, and his awareness of this aspect gradually became less and less. What's more important is that he learned to protect Unless you are a close friend, you will not answer your own privacy. Of course, these people will not ask! So when people ask him whether he has parents, as long as he is an ordinary person, he will answer no!

He didn't want to curse his parents, but it was so convenient! It will reduce some unnecessary troubles, avoid those more noisy ladies and gentlemen from asking endless questions, and it will not bring danger to them! This is the most important thing. No one wants their parents to suffer nameless harm and unreasonable attacks.

"Oh, that's really a pity!" The other party was also a quality person. Knowing this answer, he was very polite and didn't ask any more questions. Whether it's to protect other people's privacy or to protect his secrets! So he asked another person.

"Where is this brother? How are your parents doing? Or do you have a brother?"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xuan glanced in Fang Che's direction.

"Thank you for your concern!" Fang Che answered unhurriedly.

"My parents, they only love their hometown and are not willing to travel far, so they are not with me,"

"Well, you should be in good health if you feel like this! So, do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"...Yes. I have a younger brother." He answered very honestly, with a very calm expression. Chen Xuan was quietly watching him closely.

"So how old is he this year? Life is so messy, why didn't he come with you? Is it because I'm too fierce?" He even made a joke by finding a way out for himself.

"Sir, you really know how to laugh!" Fang Che managed his expression very well. He still maintained a calm face, his eyes were as clear as fresh mountain spring water, and his sitting posture was very upright. Sitting upright, he was still calm and comfortable. Coupled with her neat dress and the shining hairpin in her hair, she looks like a gentle young man! There seems to be no flaw in my heart! This person exudes a cool and cool cultivation, and his own unique sunshine atmosphere.

But Chen Xuan saw it.

He passed through the layers of fog, looked through his deceitful eyes, abandoned the hypocritical sunshine, and saw the darkness and trembling in her heart now.

He really wanted to go over and give her a comfort, or put a hand on his shoulder, but now he had to sit still and cooperate with his performance...

"Why would I think you're cruel? Of course my brother doesn't either!" Fang Che spoke very diligently again, while Chen Xuan was beside him and was sweating for her.

"She is very nice! It's just that she has been busy practicing recently, so I didn't bring her here! Besides, her child is not sensible, so it's better to stay at home!"

good! Very good! Chen Xuan simply wanted to applaud him. Sometimes a person's determination is stronger than his ability to move forward bravely. You may rush forward very quickly, but you may not be able to do it at the critical moment, and you may not change your attitude without changing your face! Fang Che's performance was outstanding!

"Well, I see, then if that's the case, I won't ask any more questions."

Okay, it's time to end! Chen Xuan counted down silently in his heart. But who would have thought? At the end, he added another sentence.

"Your brother should be a very good person, because when you flirt with her, no matter how you pretend, your heart is soft! I hope she can have a bright future like you!"

"Thank you!" Fang Che was forced to hold back, but he still hit a painful point. When he said this, his voice was very clear, but also deep.

"In that case, we won't bother you!" Chen Xuan hurriedly tried to pull her away. Even if we can't leave now, we must give him the most positive hint and let him know that we will leave here soon.

"Thank you for your hospitality today, see you next time!"

After that, he turned his back to the friend.

"Okay!" Mr. Yi answered very happily. After all, it was fate. He could come as he pleased and leave as he pleased. As long as Li was there, he had no reason to stop him, but he should also know why!

Forget it, let's forgive him when we can!

Chen Xuan finally nodded at him and took Fang Che away. Their boy opened the door for him.

"Brother, I have one last word! When your brother grows up, you can take her to the mountains behind our Qingsi Building!"

After saying this, he ordered the boy to close the door. Chen Xuan was about to turn around and ask him why, but he could only see the vermilion door and the afterglow on the wall. The door was already closed.

He had to give up and turned his head back. He was still holding Fang Che in his hand. They did not stay here, nor did they take the busy road, but chose a road specifically, passed through one jungle after another, and came to a place where there was no mercy.

This time, she could finally put her arm on his shoulder and pat him gently! He patted her again and again, caressing her gently, without saying a word for two minutes. He just kept comforting her with body language.

It was not until two minutes later that he felt his body was no longer shaking and he could start breathing normally instead of holding his breath, and then he put his hand down.

He comforted it softly:

"Okay, there's no one left."

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