Fang Che slowly raised his head and looked at him, and a tear rolled down his face.

Now all the self-blame, grievances, thoughts and worries are tied to a thread, which I never touch because I dare not touch it. But as soon as you touch it, it will set off inner waves, worry about your bleeding heart, and make her, the rocket wrapped by herself, think of her past unhappiness and the various things that still make her anxious now...

These things are all because of one person...the person who doesn't want to mention his name now, but is thinking about it...

Both of her eyes were red, her mouth was pouted, and something salty kept flowing into her mouth. She made a gap with her lips and gasped, like a goldfish! His cheeks were also red from holding back, and the tears were like golden peas, falling one by one uncontrollably. They struggled to break free from his eyes, rolled down his face, and fell to the ground...

The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she became. Her current thoughts made no sense, and he was not willing to reason with that old man! He smells so bad, sleeps so much, and looks so old at such a young age! Moreover, he is also a paranoid. What good is there about obsessive-compulsive disorder? There is nothing good about him. With such a person, he still has the audacity to talk to him so much! And the most annoying thing is that he even dared to mention...

He sniffed, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, crying "Wow"... Why? what is this? Did the old man do it on purpose? Why is he asking these questions? Didn’t he always respect Bie Rao? Then why do you want to inquire about other people's family and privacy, and why do you keep asking questions? Isn't this fun? Doesn't he know that everyone has sad moments? He actually dared to mention him...

He cried secretly and wiped his tears with the back of his hand. He didn't care that all the makeup he had put on this morning was gone.

Chen Xuan watched from the side and sighed softly. Son, the way he was holding back just now made him feel distressed again.

What a good kid! The look in his eyes and the tone just now, the aura that seemed to be ice blue, deep and depressing, and the person he was at that time, the Fang Che who pretended to be nonchalant despite being in the hellfire, Chen Xuan... I never want to see you again in my life!

The evening breeze gently blew up the fallen leaves on the ground and blew them into Fang Che's hair. Chen Xuan helped her pick off the leaves and put them in his arms.

She suddenly realized that summer had quietly passed and autumn was coming! How much does he cost? Chen Xuan suddenly remembered the words of a song between the withered leaves in his hands and the lovely person in his arms. That song must have come a long time ago because he didn't listen to it for a long time. The lyrics were originally about a pair of lovers, but he felt that the song was now suitable for them. You know that patting the boy in your arms is actually drizzle with him.

"Fang Che, do you know? I heard a song before, but it was a long time ago, and I didn't listen to it again for a while."

"That should be an old song, but I think it's just right to sing it to you now! If you don't want to listen, then just give it to Qiu!"

Fang Che lay on his knees, softly holding back his cries, really listening to his words, but he was too embarrassed to raise his head. Chen Xuan didn't break either, so I touched the back of his head affectionately and started singing.

"Then the cool wind, carrying your sweetness, caressed my hair... It turns out that all the beautiful scenery, all the pictures, are because you are by my side..." The song is not particularly nice, but it is full of emotion. , echoing under the autumn sunset...

He just sang softly, looking at the fragile Fang Che in front of him.

She suddenly thought of the lover in this song.

They once lived a peaceful life. Although they were not rich, they were happy. They have their own land and their own dreams, but none of this will exist later. When the singer of this song sings about her again, her lover has parted ways with her, and you have to accept him. There is no news about him, and it is not clear whether he is still in this world... Just like them now, even each side, and even the vast sea of ​​people must be constantly working hard to find each other, and they In between, whether the body is imprisoned or the mind is imprisoned, there is always one on the way! And the direction of this road is towards the other side!

"I'll find him eventually!" She said to herself silently. Whether it's pushing away the morning fog or pushing away the soil...

Mud... The hand caressing the back became slower and slower, and finally stopped gently on the back.

Chen Xuan suddenly remembered something again. The old gentleman and her just now...

"If you have a chance in the future, you must go to the wild mountain behind Qingsi Building to take a look!"

Yes, that’s it! He thought it was another deliberate sarcasm just now, but now he thought about it, the two of them had already decided to leave at that time, and the husband was ready to send him off, but at the last moment when the door was about to close, it was obviously not the right time to say it, It was not a good opportunity for in-depth communication, but he said such a sentence for no reason! And now that I think about it, there are some puns! You probably just want them to hear it!

Qingsi Building...the back hill...could it be...

He had a thought in his mind that made her excited as if she was electrified, but he knew that now was not the time to discuss this issue.

The two of them sat on the side of the road for a while, waiting for Fang Che to regain his strength. The two of them stood up again and walked side by side towards home. They walked very slowly along the way, and Chen Xuan, in order to capture a scene, all is the way to go. After many detours, we didn’t get home together until late at night.

Of course, when he came back, Fang Che couldn't see anything unusual. Only Chen Xuan knew what he had gone through.

That's why when he met the emotional Yan Keyun for the second time, he knew so skillfully how to comfort others.

"So you just came back without fighting?"

The scene switched to Jin's dinner table again. After Yan Keyun listened to half of their messy talk, he thought about it and picked some topics to talk about, and then raised the question he was most concerned about.

This person is different from them. Do most people use force to speak? Unexpectedly, this man's hands were not cold at all. This was really beyond his expectation!

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