"Of course I didn't fight, but don't you think it would be more painful to eat a meal like this and hold him back all afternoon than to fight?" He really felt that this meal was worse than a fight! When it comes to fighting, I can go straight and do whatever I want. It doesn't matter if I lose. I really can't stand such intrigues and ink stains! "

"Then what was his expression when he left? Do you think our operation was successful this time?"

"It must have been successful, right? He was willing to come and see us at the door, and provided us with very important information."

Yan Keyun also remembered that he had just mentioned the back mountain of Yi Zui.

"What was that thing he did just now? No, it should be what you did just now? Back Mountain?"

"He told me to go to the back mountain to play more yesterday. I think there must be something inside! So we should go there in the afternoon! Maybe... we will find some clues!"

Yan Keyun met his eyes. "Okay, I understand, let's go together!"

"Aren't you going to take Fang Che with you?"

A voice suddenly came from my mind. He hadn't thought about it yet and didn't know how to answer, so he looked into his eyes and asked for his opinion.

"Take me with you. I'll go with you!" Fang Che could tell from their slight movements what they were thinking about.

"It's okay, there may be any clues, I can know it as soon as possible!"

The two of them could no longer object and took her there.

In this way, the three people have been traveling for several hours, and now they have reached this place again, Qingsi Building.

The busy traffic of the year is still the same, and the life in front of the door is still brilliant, but the nightlife has not just begun, now it is just Lanshan.

"It's almost late today. Did we come too late?" Chen Xuan looked at the dark Shantou in front of him. His sister showed the color of pink and white, but because of those words in the afternoon, the originally normal Shantou was there. It looked particularly terrifying in front of him. The gloomy and abrupt pine trees and the half-yellow mountain peaks were like a monster, swallowing up all the unknown fear.

"So what? It doesn't matter, you won't have any real monsters! Even with us, we can kill him!"

Yan Keyun was so ambitious that she even suspected that the great immortal next to him had forgotten his identity!

They are ascetics! Tao! Isn't it normal to encounter a few beasts and monsters? It can also increase your cultivation!

Not every time though!

"I don't think there's any problem." It was Fang Che who spoke. "Let's just go in and take a walk. There won't be any danger. Then..."

"Okay! Let's go over here and take a look at Jin first!" Chen Xuan interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and walked forward with big steps.

He almost forgot that in such a hurry, it was not the two of them who wanted to break through this matter the most...

So, they went in without saying a word, and walked around the mountain. They only saw a lot of loess, but no caves anywhere.

It took them more than an hour to make a long circle around the front and back mountains. Fortunately, the mountain was not very big, otherwise they would really not be able to find it!

"I think this is unscientific. If you want to have a cave, it must be a place with very solid rocks. Look, this mountain is covered with loess. How is it possible?"

"What kind of science do you want in this world? The structure of this world is different from other worlds! Who told you that the mountains here must be made of earth and stone?"

"That's true. He looks like dirt, but he may not really be dirt!"

"So, just look for it slowly. It may not be in a place where the stone is very solid. It may be a cave dwelling!"

"Can you please stop being such a jerk!" You can't find her later. They are almost exhausted. She is really sulking while I do all these messy things!

"It's definitely not easy to find," Yan Keyun saw the change in the mood of the person in front of him and really comforted her.

"If he was placed right in front of you, you would definitely not dare to go in!"

"I don't believe in this evil. Do you believe it? If he really puts it in front of me, I will definitely step in!"

"Then you have to find it first!"

What's going on? Couldn't she find it? There is only such a hole in total, and it is such a big mountain. He can actually find it by turning over it. Maybe if he turns another corner, the hole will be right in front of him, and then it will jump in! Centimeter! No! still! Yu!

"Cave! Where are you? I'll give you three seconds to appear in front of me!" He yelled out, his voice seemed to resonate with the avatar, scaring the few remaining people in the forest. All the birds flew away!

"Hmph!" He stamped his foot, "These birds are so brave!" Then he turned around and walked in the opposite direction to him! Unexpectedly, when she looked up at me, a big hole stood in front of me!

"Ah ha, it's really just around the corner!"

There were white marble pillars in front of the cave entrance, but the door was hidden by leaves, like a black eye, using leaves as eyelashes, looking at them quietly.

"How's it going?" He turned to show off to that person, "I'm right, he'll come out as soon as you turn around!"

Yan Keyun didn't expect it, and at the same time, he was speechless at his childish behavior.

"Okay, okay! Yes, yes! You are awesome!" He lowered his head hypocritically and applauded him!

Then the three of them hunted with torches, sorted themselves out, and walked in in a row. ,

However, after entering, the scene changed, which was a bit strange... but the three of them remembered it very clearly...

In the afternoon, the three of them packed up and walked on the road again, once again removing the place they often visited.

To be honest, they really don't want to go to that place anymore, because there are a lot of bad memories in that place, but there are also people they miss deeply. This feeling is very uncomfortable and strange, like love and hate are together, You have to go even if you don't want to, there is no way around it.

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