She just took a breath, and Yan Keyun suddenly asked him strangely.

"Do you think this scene looks familiar?"

He didn't know why, but he always felt as if he had experienced it before, just like the quarrel just now, and their mutual search for the entrance to Shandong. Although the eyelashes just now were a little different, he always felt that he should have experienced it. Had such a thing. Because the memory in his mind told him that what he saw now was a little different from before.

"Yeah." She was the same, always feeling as if she had experienced it somewhere before. I can guarantee in my heart that these memories are not fake. They are very clear and vivid, but also very vague, as if I can't remember them no matter how much I think about them. The harder he tried to think about it, the less he could think of it. He didn't even know why, so he had no choice but to trust his first impression and let it develop freely. This was actually a better way to preserve it.

His first impression told him that he had really been here before, and that it was suitable for these two people to come. They have experienced similar things, but...

No but! He told himself not to think about it, but because the more he thought about this kind of thing, the weirder his mind felt. This is what it means to be covered with things that are attracted. After covering it, it is not easy to be withdrawn. In this way, he will lose his original memory. Scientists have come to clear conclusions about this kind of thing.

So it tells us, don’t think about life casually if you have nothing to do!

But putting the perspective back, what should the two of them do now?

"Chen Xuan, are you sure this cave in front of you really exists?" Yan Keyun is also a little confused now. Her eyes are not as clear and transparent as before, but they want to be covered with a thin layer of yarn. It's like the layers of fog you put on her face blocked her vision.

"I don't know..." He didn't have any good way to distinguish.

"Then what should we do? Why is this situation happening now? Did we fall into a rift in time and space?"

"I think it's not that one, that one is too complicated! If you want to know that, the requirements are too high, the cost is too high, and the requirements for magicians are also very high. Ordinary people can't activate it."

So they initially ruled out this possibility, which is really nonsense! There should be no one with enough money and time to play such a game with them.

"Then if it weren't for this space-time rift, it should be much simpler. This way it's mostly within our capabilities, don't worry!" Chen Xuan comforted it in turn.

"Then let's keep going inside, but do you know which one is true and which one is false?" This time it was Chen Xuan who asked him.

"I think……"

Fang Che suddenly interrupted.

"I think it should be the second one!"

"Why? Don't you think the second one is a copy of the first one?" Two grown men questioned

"Yes, it's because there are many people who think like you, so the second one is more real!"

"Because of this, doesn't your man have any scientific basis?" Yan Keyun felt that sometimes at the beginning, he could be trusted with his three views and his ability to judge, but most scientific basis and practical activities could not be trusted. Less.

"What is this based on the special thinking of human beings? There is really no evidence at this stage, but I think it should be right."

"In that case, come out and listen!" Under normal circumstances, it is very fair and peaceful. Everyone usually discusses it on an equal footing and is willing to give him this opportunity.

"Everyone, think about it carefully. You and I have been deceived twice in your life. So, is he already defensive the second time?"

"If it were me, I would be more careful and even think that the second update is a trap. Is that true?"

"So, if everyone thinks there is nothing wrong with the first one, then the second one is made by a master, which is a return to nature. It is not a particularly obvious operation, but to lock her up and make her believe in her own thinking. , and then the lips were completely addicted, unable to break away from him, and could no longer really decipher the correct answer.”

Fang Che, there are only so many words in total, but every one of them is very useful. After he finished, the two people began to think deeply.

"Do you think this makes sense?"

"There should be some, and his should be right!"

"So which path should we take? Which one is true?"

"If Fang Cheruci said it, we will choose the second one. I think the second one is also true!"


They lit torches and walked in. The torches were soft and made of honey and rosin. The fire they lit was red and bright, and had a fragrant smell. There was a bright fire.

They lifted up the eyelashes of the cave's leaves, revealing its eyelids as white and smooth as marble, and stuck their heads in.

It was dark inside and nothing could be seen, but the smell of putrid smell and grass hit me first.

It's very humid inside.

They stuck their torches in and lit the road ahead, observing and searching along the way.

This is really a unique cave. Although it cannot be too grand and spectacular, it can still be regarded as a strange and strange place.

There are jagged rocks over there, beautiful and strange, and the air is fresh, giving people a cool and refreshing feeling. Chen Xuan couldn't help breathing, and took a breath of these smells that can't be smelled outside. In an instant, I felt tired and nervous. Although I was exploring, it was also very fresh and refined. The humus with grass and soil in the cave floated in the air, and the chiffon cake smelled so good, and there were even fireflies flying by. The smell was very good, and the stones inside were also scattered. There were many strange forks in the torch Zhao, which looked very abrupt in the dark, leading to different places. From this point of view, this mountain foot sea is really sparrows, but it is very big! Occasionally, there are some filled, dewy corners, and some birds will fly by. Walking in, I even heard the sound of water. They looked closely and found that it was a dew river!

"It's really a good cave!" He sighed in his heart countless times! If this was an ordinary outside, then he would definitely regard it as an outdoor paradise, but thinking of their own purpose,

I hope he will always be so clean!

But as expected, when it comes to bad things, reason will always outweigh emotion! So they all said the wrong thing!

Each of them held a torch and walked forward again. Sure enough, after Chen Xuan walked a few hundred steps ahead, the scene became different.

It turned out that a straight road came to an end, and two roads turned out in front, leading to different places.

"How to go?" Chen Xuan asked them later.

"Let's go first!" Yan Keyun. "There are three of us in total, don't separate!"

"Okay, which one should we go first?"

Yan Keyun walked to the front and checked each one.

There are two roads in total. The one on the left has a good environment and is full of various plants. The air inside is very humid. The one on the right seems to be a desert, with no grass and dry air inside. After putting the torch over, it turned yellow.

"Let's go on the left one!"

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