"Why?" Chen Xuan really couldn't tell in this regard. She felt that the one on the right was more like a place for killing people and selling goods!

"Don't ask, you will know when the time comes!"

The three of them walked along a bushy road on the left.

The environment for the Luohe High-speed Railway is the same, humid and even flowing water passes through. After walking for a while, there was a strange smell in the air.

"What's this?"

"I don't know, but we must have come to the right place!"

The smell in the air was very strange, and they wanted to vomit, but they also knew very well that this was definitely a smell that could only be created by humans!

Chen Xuan, come to your senses, because there are people on this road!

The main thing is that wherever humans mess with me, they must have water sources, so this road has plenty of water, is covered with plants, and the air is very humid. If the ticket is exchanged for another road, then drinking water alone will have a big impact. difficulty.

From this point of view, there are actually certain rules for not going to something. I’m just watching to see if you notice.

The admiration for him in my heart increased even more. It turned out that he was really lucky to know such a knowledgeable and well-educated person.

The three people walked in quietly, because they knew there was someone inside and did not dare to light the fire too brightly. The two fires that Chen Xuan extinguished with his magic power should actually be sealed! Then the rosin and honey left behind became very dark, only enough to see a little bit of the road in front of me.

They didn't know why, but their mood became seriously ill, frightened and excited at the same time. Fang Che even held Chen Xuan's arm with his hand. The other person responds to him with gentle comfort and gentle touches. Finally, he just pulled her forward.

After turning a few corners, the atmosphere became more and more intense, and the quality inside was beyond their imagination. They could not have imagined that a Huangshan Mountain would have such rich and luxurious configurations behind it. It was like a top-notch Qingsi building. back! Although his place here is not as good as that there, the weapons are so sophisticated and well-arranged that they are no different from the building in front of them!

The only difference between them is that one stands in the light and the other hides in the darkness. One is full of traffic and creates constant economic benefits, while the other is in an unknown place...

After retracting their thoughts, they saw rooms along the way, some with necessary supplies in them, and some with scaffoldings and tiger benches in them! It made them all feel vaguely uneasy.

They moved gently, checking room after room. The first few were empty, but the next one suddenly heard footsteps.

"Hush, there's someone!" Yan Keyun raised his hand to block the two behind him, and then sealed the torch.

"Who is it? Is it the boss?"

"Probably not, it should be just a soldier! Let's find a way to get around him without causing a conflict!"

The three Rus nodded and moved in three different directions instantly. What was originally a ball of fire turned into stars, each hiding in the dark. The soldier came here leisurely and walked around again, walking step by step, and found nothing. But when it walked past, he didn't know that the three people behind him had gathered together again and had arrived. The door he just came out of successfully avoided him!

She felt as if there was something behind her, so she turned around strangely, but saw nothing, so she walked away strangely again.

Yan Keyun arrived first, and he quietly looked in through the crack in the door. His vision was limited, and he kept turning his head around. Watching the interior of the room inch by inch.

According to his initial judgment and the furnishings in the room, this should be a torture chamber. Her bed was covered with various torture instruments, and the floor was covered with various shackles. There were stains in some places, maybe blood. The lights in the whole room are very dim. There is no one on the largest torture instrument in the middle, but there are a lot of bloodstains. It must have been not long after the interrogation was completed.

The two people behind came up one after another.

"There should be something, should you go in and take a look?" He pointed inside.

"Let's go, isn't that why we came here!"

The three of them opened the door softly without making any sound. They stared at the huge torture instrument in silence, with mottled blood and tear marks on it, and the smell of alcohol. When placed under the dim light, they blended together to make people feel sick. They thought about who had just endured such torture here.

She must be having a hard time!

The three of them were lamenting for that man when they suddenly heard a faint sword chant coming from the corner.

The voice was very soft, very muddy, and very vague, but it seemed to be wrapped in deep pain. He couldn't get rid of it himself, and could only emit it through the contact between the vocal cords and the sobs in his throat.

The three people heard the sound and searched, and finally found a body in a corner. For a moment, they were all stunned there.

There was a person curled up on the ground. The clothes she originally wore were in pieces, covered with mud and blood, and hung empty on her body. He was barefoot, and the pair of shoes in his memory had disappeared, replaced by bloody scars on his feet. There were traces of whipping all over his face and body. The red blood marks were shocking to see. There was a large piece of blood on his chest. The sleeves were torn to pieces by the whip. In some places, the skin was bruised and the capillaries were still intact. There was blood oozing out, but in some places the blood had solidified and turned into a dark reddish black color, but there was no scab, nor had it received any treatment. The face that was originally full of blood now looks white, and the eyes are trembling slightly, which is a sign of exertion.

You know who this person is without even thinking!

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