Three people quickly gathered around and patted the back of her hand gently. These people were so cruel that the back of her hand was even injured! Yan Keyun had no choice but to pick a clean area and stroke it gently. Chen Xuan called softly in his ear. Only Fang Che stood there blankly, not daring to move or call him. It was as if there was a piece of exquisite glass in front of him, beautiful but fragile, and a dream that was not beautiful but one did not want to wake up, and would be lost if touched! So he didn't dare to step forward and just stared there blankly.

Fang Yan also seemed to hear a familiar voice, and finally instinctively opened his eyes and glanced at the two of them, but his eyes were not focused yet.

"Fang Yan...Fang Yan..." Yan Keyun called softly from the side.

He seemed to hear it. He rolled his eyes and looked in their direction. After a few glances, he suddenly seemed to have found some treasure! It also suddenly became hot and boiling. He stared at them one by one, opening his mouth to ask for something, but nothing came out.

"Okay, okay, here we are!" Chen Xuan gently held the back of her hand, caressing it carefully, giving her the warmth of his hand. He finally sensed it and closed his mouth in relief.

Several people began to discuss how to move her. They couldn't just leave her here. After finally seeing her, how could she let her into the tiger's den again! As long as he meets him, there is no reason not to take him away!

"What should we do? Can he move like this?"

"You have to move even if you can't move. After today, I still don't know when it will happen again!"

"Okay then!" The two of them tried to lift Fang Yan horizontally, trying not to touch its wound.

Fang Yan was held up in the air by the two of them, smiling foolishly, with a beautiful arc at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes turned into stars, as if the injuries all over his body and the starvation had nothing to do with him.

The two of them moved as slowly and quickly as possible, because they didn't know when the danger would come.

Fang Che, however, was watching like a frightened child. He didn't dare to intervene, didn't dare to speak, and didn't even dare to call him. He just stood by and helped them observe the situation.

One or three of them, big men, moved in a shuddering manner, like mice in the dark, moving lightly, but at an astonishing speed.

Fang Che didn't do anything, he just opened the way ahead, inquired about the situation, and reported any problems immediately.

There was no problem at all in the first half of the road, and they passed safely until they came to the fork in the road just now. From a distance, they saw a figure standing there in front of them, like a long sword, waiting for them.

Fang Che stopped first, and the two men behind him also stopped.

Chen Xuan stopped, took a look, and silently stuffed something into Fang Yan's arms.

"Ouch, why are you standing still? Keep moving forward!"

Was it an unfamiliar voice?

The three people were immediately surprised as to who they thought it was an old acquaintance.

"It's the soldier from before."

"Are you sure it's him? It's not wrong?"

"No, I've paid attention to his figure!" Yan Keyun is still very capable in this regard.

"Okay, who are you? Why did you come to rob my prisoner?"

They didn't answer directly, they were still whispering.

"Is she the only one?"

"I don't know, but it shouldn't be much."

"Then which one of us will go?" Of course, this kind of soldier would be killed!

"Fang Che, can you?" Both of them were carrying someone on their backs and didn't dare to put her down.

Fang Che had nothing, but it was like a sword drawn from a bow, drawing an afterimage in the darkness. This time he was very ruthless and showed no mercy. The two of them struggled silently in the darkness, and no one said a word. , but no one shows mercy, they all fight with real swords and guns! Fang Che was slightly better this time, and with his full energy, he knocked the man to the ground in just a few strokes!

Just as he was about to give the man a final blow, end the battle, and leave here, another black figure flashed up. He walked from the black corridor with a light on his back, as if he was a messenger from hell. He was wearing a black gauze, a black hood, a mask and a turban. His face could not be seen clearly, but he could see a man. figure. As soon as this man came out, he was holding a big scimitar, almost like a sickle. The cold white iron looked particularly dazzling and terrifying in the black cave. It made people shudder to see him, because he couldn't imagine the biting coldness at the moment when his body came into contact with hers, and the warmth and hotness after the contact.

He walked slowly step by step, and the three people watched calmly. Even staring.

The man walked up to Fang Che step by step, put away his murderous intention, and met his eyes. Fang Che seemed to be frightened by some power, standing there motionless.

The man in black nodded to her, his voice moved, and he made a broken sound, like laughter. But it made the child shudder, his back felt cold, his hands and feet twitched, and he had goosebumps all over his body.

He slowly approached him, almost breathing with him. The knife in his hand moved, but it was not pointed at him. Instead, it killed the soldier in front of him in one stroke. The bright red blood splashed out. These two people put on their clothes. Fang Che trembled.

"You're fine!" His voice was deliberately kept low and broken, like a feeble whimper, but it was also hoarse, making people's hearts tremble and their skin numb.

Fang Che rolled her eyes to look at him and turned her head away in embarrassment. It was very strange that at this time, she didn't feel a trace of fear, as if her entire soul had been taken away, leaving only a body.

"Come back!" Chen Xuan suddenly pulled her behind him and tried his best to palm to palm with the person in front of him.

"Hmph!" The man stood up straight, as if he was on vacation, and kept circling around in a circle with one hand as if he were drawing a whirlwind, fighting with him.

His temperament in striking him is also different from others. Chen Xuan has the most common fighting style. He shoots with great energy, showing passion and surging. Moreover, each punch is very weighty and very real. Real play.

But she was different. She even had one hand behind her back. She was as light as a swallow, and the strength she used was not the kind of dead strength, but she kept taking advantage of the situation. Using the movement, one hand could not move, and the long The water sleeves seemed to have fluids, and they were very beautiful when they were developed in the wind. A pair of feet stood on the ground, as stable as a rock, motionless, and the body was still very loose.

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