Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2281 The difference between hardness and softness

But this sublimation is not completely relaxed, but stable and leisurely, a kind of pride and freedom beyond the average ability, because it does not need to gamble with all the strength of the body like other people, he only needs to take out one tenth or even one hundredth, and he can kill the opponent with a kind of contempt.

The stupid Chen Xuan of the other party hit him fiercely, but her skirt fluttered gently, as if it was just a gust of wind.

Chen Xuan hit her body hard again and again, but he stood steadily as if nothing happened,

A low and hoarse male bass suddenly floated out a sentence

"How is it? Do you feel satisfied? Do you want to fight again?" It was like a soft call from hell. But it brought infinite pressure, which made his heart tremble, as if it suddenly collapsed on her heart.

He slowly withdrew his hand, raised his eyes again, and looked at the person in front of him again.

After staring at him for a while...

"No matter who you are, I must take it away today!"

"The power of reincarnation! Extinction of the void" He took a big step back before starting, opened up a distance of two rounds, and then swung his two fists, and a burst of black and purple fluid magic energy rushed straight to the opponent from the air!

"Haha, overestimating your own ability, moths flying into the fire!" He raised his scimitar, and with two "rustling" strokes, he cut the entire big move from the air, directly cutting it like cutting vegetables at home, into pieces, pieces, just like he was a tomato or just a jelly pudding, and even the structure and color of its internal structure could be seen from the blade of his blade!

"Can there be such a thing?!" Chen Xuan was dumbfounded. There were too many strange things when he came in today. First, he entered a fake cave, and now he saw a monster that he didn't know whether it was a human or a ghost! Then he could even cut off the attacks launched by others! Why are all these? Many times, humans are not afraid of that thing, but the fear of the unknown brought by that thing. Just like him now. His whole body is tense, his body is straighter than usual, just like an arrow with a full bow.

This is a sign of his nervousness.

Yan Keyun was behind him, protecting Fang Che with one hand, reminding him where he couldn't see.

"This is not an ordinary knife!"

The string in his mind seemed to break at once! Yan Keyun watched his body relax visibly, and his aura was stable.

So that's it, it's so simple, just because of his weapon!

The burden of his thoughts was thrown away in an instant, and he was full of fighting power again.

"How is it? Your move didn't scare me! If you have the guts, fight for another 300 rounds!"

She knew nothing about the person in front of her, she didn't know who he was, what kind of magical weapon he had, why he had to go against her, and whether she could beat her, but what she knew was that only if I moved forward, there would be a possibility of victory! And she was not alone, there was the strongest backing behind her! And there was also the person she wanted to protect the most!

"Not bad..." The man cut off his moves and collected them, "But this is just the beginning! You can never beat me by yourself!"

"How do you know if you don't try!" Chen Xuan only remembered his evil ability to reverse at this time. He almost forgot that he was different from others! Not only did he practice the magic of the magician's death, but his ability was amazing. The same level, different levels!

"Of course, I wanted that guy to lure you here, but you came by yourself, so don't think about leaving!" And you will never know who I am!"

"What kind of nonsense is this? I don't believe this! Let's not talk about other things first, I'll defeat you first!"

Without saying a word, the two started the second round

"The power of reincarnation! Reincarnation Fist! "He let go of his most uncomfortable skill because it was useless. It was very bloody. It was different from taking a detour. Instead, he caught it with both hands! That's right, that hand couldn't be a mortal body. There were different energies in her two hands! I don't know how it was achieved. Anyway, it was like holding two special protective shields, and I wouldn't get hurt at all! "How could there be such a strange thing?" Recently, she always felt very strange. It wasn't a fight with others, or she was trapped by someone else. She always made her dizzy. The dizzy feeling made her feel very bad, as if she had fallen into an endless absurd dream, and she didn't know how to wake up. Did he also know that this was a difficult problem in reality, not a dream? He had to solve Ming's difficulties one by one, and he had to serve them one by one, no matter how absurd he was! "Come again! The power of reincarnation! Extinction of the void! ”

There is another big move. This time, the man still cut him into three pieces with one knife. The familiar road, in an instant, seemed to see that skill, the moment when he was seen as not being able to change shape, very arrogant, very domineering!

"How is it? Haven't you seen enough?"

"I don't believe you, I won't watch!" Chen Xuan, our reliance, fight this battle at your own pace, don't be disrupted by him!

"Well, in this case, let me show you my skills!"

He put the knife behind him, jumped with both legs, spread his hands, like a soaring eagle, flew in front of her,

"Ice! Ice blade!"

He only touched his hands, and the sword turned into a blue aurora, as if it was quenched and wrapped in a layer of ice!

Unexpected, but reasonable! Chen Xuan has become accustomed to such unreasonable things.

Sure enough, still copy and paste! There's nothing else like these!

Don't worry about them. The soldiers will stop them, and the water will cover them! No matter how others change, I will not change. As long as I follow my own pace, I will always defeat him! After all, these are not their true talents, there will always be flaws!

After making this clear, he felt relieved and had another fight with her boldly!

"The power of reincarnation, destroy the void!" The opponent's attack methods were ever-changing, sometimes with water, sometimes with fire, and sometimes with swords, but he always had his own ideas and kept his four or five moves unchanged. , and occasionally add yin and yang to cut off the dawn! They started a protracted war between slugs in this space of thought. Although the opponent had some overwhelming advantages in strength, she was able to fight with her extraordinary talents, dexterous skills, and world law-abiding. It’s a tie!

As time passed, the two men almost demolished the cave, but they still fought equally.

Yan Keyun and Fang Che hid behind a stone and waited patiently but anxiously.

"Chen Xuan, this won't work." Yan Keyun reminded him from behind. This person came with bad intentions, but he knew at a glance that he was here to block their progress. If Zhongliao's fist really wasted too much time here, then the best opportunity would be delayed, and in the end, it would become less and less effective. It's easy to escape, so don't be too eager to fight. The most important thing is to get out of here first!

"Let's find a way to get away first! I want to fight with him!"

"Okay!" He replied crisply. He immediately took back his power, changed his attack method, turned attack into defense, and bought them time to leave.

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