The other party also saw his intention to change his ways, and refused to let him leave. After that, he took more drastic measures, and the other party also strengthened his defense!

The fierce battle between the two men reached the most critical point. No one was willing to give in. At the same time, if anyone gave in, they would be defeated.

The two people's thoughts were intertwined, and their magic powers collided. Although no sparks could be seen in the low, wet cave, the air currents and waves of their skills knocked everyone to the ground.

The three of them had a clear division of labor, but in fact they had to consider the actual situation. Their original plan was to rush out together, but now they found that this was impossible, so they had to change their plan and Chen Xuan would be responsible for the main resistance at the front. , the two people behind used his body and airflow as cover, constantly exchanging positions with her, and then slowly opened up a path. They moved forward with difficulty, at a very slow speed, because they had to constantly resist. There are magic attacks flying from all directions, and it has to resist rocks and fine sand. Which direction they want to go and how they go is mainly determined by Chen Xuan and the scientific nature of this road. They could barely stand upright and had to carry a seriously wounded man. They also tried their best to prevent themselves from falling and the child in their arms from being traumatized again. But after a long time, they moved a long distance.

"The power of reincarnation - reincarnation fist!" As she shouted, another big move flew out of his palm.

"Yan Keyun, this is not the way to go!" Chen Xuan launched an attack with one hand and shouted to Yan Keyun from a distance. "Sooner or later he will catch up with us!"

"I know, but we can't go any faster! You concentrate on fighting, and we will take care of you from behind!" The two of them also walked through the fire, braving all kinds of dangers and meteors streaking across their cheeks. At its most serious, not to mention flying sand and stones, a big move whizzes past their ears, and they can't avoid it.

"Then what else can we do? You can't get out like this!"

"Don't worry about it, we can get out!" Yan Keyun once again rejected his request to speed up.

Chen Xuan felt that this was not possible, it was a waste of time, and it was definitely not what an efficient person like him was willing to do! If Sanhua's physical strength continues like this, it will be a fatal blow to them. If he wants to win, he can only fight quickly. But now he has nothing to do, because he has to face such a strengthened opponent, but he seems very comfortable. You can see that the gap in strength is so huge that it cannot be overcome by one group! So they must use a way to contain each other!

Coincidentally, he also knows such a way...

While he was spinning and tumbling in the air, passing through various laser currents, he was gradually making up his mind.

"Listen to me, now you two hurry up and take him away!"

"How to go?"

"I'll buy you time! But you must run as soon as possible!"

"What do you want to do?"

"Hey!" Chen Xuan didn't answer him directly, turned his head and smiled evilly at him and walked away. Yan Keyun didn't know what kind of doctrine she was fighting, but he had a feeling it was definitely not a good thing...

"The power of reincarnation! The power of death!"

"Bang!" The air suddenly contracted in the opposite direction, and a white light seemed to flash out from behind. Yan Keyun turned around suddenly, and at the first sight, his eyes widened in disbelief.

In the dark cave, the surrounding darkness seemed to have turned into the night sky, and a large round hole suddenly appeared in the chaos. Although its color was very dark, it exuded light. It had purple-black connotations and flowing fluorescence. , the outer circle is expanded with a purple-white silver edge, and it is irregular in shape, very unfixed, soft, flowing in the air like a liquid, and constantly expanding, as if it wants to swallow up the space. And Chen Xuan stood in the middle of the hole, controlling him.

This is his inner strength!

He knew that Chen Xuan cultivated the body of reincarnation, so its internal power should be this purple. But he wants to release this at this moment!

His scalp felt numb for a while, and Yan Keyun knew what he was going to do...

Chen Xuan learned from Fan Li and kept expanding the magic circle, swallowing up the speed, until finally, he teleported and placed the magic circle in front of the black robe.

"Okay, you can come in too!"

As soon as he retracted his five fingers, the magic tightened instantly and took them both in. The man wanted to escape, but he was a little short of speed and couldn't catch up. Recently, I felt that at the last moment, he also used his inner strength, and the two forces intertwined to form an extremely strong network, connecting the two of them together.

Once they entered this place, it was no longer ordinary physical attacks and magic competitions. Now it was time to fight internally. Both of them were gritting their teeth and persisting, and neither of them gave up!

This kind of inner strength relies entirely on the strength of the wrist and fingers, so there is basically no need to change positions. Chen Xuan's legs and feet are like two nails, standing there steadily, as does the black robe opposite. . When all the strength of the whole body is concentrated, the slightest carelessness will cause the air flow to reflect, so one must be very careful and not move at all. It is for this reason that this competition is called:

"Suicide Contest"

And who will win in the end? Even if it is your own internal strength, you may be beaten to pieces. And if there are many people standing together, even if there is a winning side, then the other side cannot. It's moving, so winning is almost meaningless!

But now, Chen Xuan is using this method to buy time for them to leave.

Because they only have one enemy now, no one will disturb them, and if this person's strategy means she can no longer send text messages to attack, the other three people can also take the opportunity to evacuate, which is actually very expensive and risky, but this is indeed It was the most feasible way at this time, and he was willing to fight for their safety.

Although he knew that after the person in front of him came out, their chances of winning would be very...

Otherwise, he wouldn't have stuffed that thing into Fang Yan's arms... But fortunately, he probably wouldn't have to use it anymore!

But Yan Keyun was shocked by his behavior, because the behavior was naturally unnecessary, and it also consumed a lot of his own internal energy!

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