"Okay, that being the case, I won't interrupt," Sui Xi stopped the discussion in time. "As for today's matter, I would like to ask the market to discuss it and come up with a result! Then we will do it!"

"Okay, I'll ask my guard to send me a plan when I get back!"

"Okay, that's good. I'll charge an expense, and that's the price for the common people."

"No, there shouldn't be any money left, unless we don't touch their houses and stalls during the war!"

"This should be solved in theory. I'll put an irregular protective cover on her and put them all inside!" Yan Keyun borrowed the joke at this time, and Chen Xuan thought that he could actually do this!

"Okay, this problem is solved. The next problem is that there are three roads. Why are they so close?"

"The three roads will be open until 11:30 in total. After 11:30 noon, all people on this street should be soldiers in civilian clothes. Then block yours inside and prepare to fight."

"Yes, this may indeed be one of the issues that needs to be taken into consideration. In that case, let these soldiers walk around in a radius of half a mile. If you want to do a show, you must make it look a little bit like it. Don't let them have any emotions. Suspect!"

"Then there's the next question, the intersection!"

"How about I take care of this question? By the way, let's talk about the soldiers' abilities. You can sit down and have a rest and eat something!" Mr. Yi stood up and disrupted him.

Sui Xi looked at him with questioning eyes, and he nodded affirmatively.

"Okay then, I'll bother you next!" Then, he sat down politely and gave up his seat.

"Okay." Seeing that the other party has finished, he puts his hands on the table.

"Then let me share the next topic with you."

"As for the issue about this intersection, our soldiers are responsible for protecting it. As you can see, there are three exits at this intersection, so we decided to block the two adjacent intersections when the battle is halfway through,"

"Why not at the beginning?" Another person questioned.

"Because we have to take into account the opponent's troop distribution! We and your suspicions are that the opponent's soldiers are likely to be part of Qiaozhuang's costumes, just like us, becoming ordinary people. Then they have to pass through the entrance. If If you put them wrongly at the beginning, it will not only cause a direct flow of people, but also make it very easy to start a fight with others outside the vegetable market. Therefore, our communication decision is to put them up first and then contain your pot. , because after all, there are no protection measures outside. If he can start a fight outside, ordinary people may be harmed."

"That's it." That Ru nodded, thanked him, and then sat down.

"Yes, and this is our layout of the venue. In the middle of the final battle, they should have almost come in, so at this time, seal the door and keep them all inside. In theory, this is The most feasible way. Then regarding when the signal will be sent, please give us a signal based on the situation at that time. Once you see this signal, please don’t go out or stay away from the intersection.”

Everyone nodded to show their understanding.

"Then the second question is about the distribution of troops."

"Based on the information we obtained and our own investigation, we found that the opponent's soldiers have more magic attributes. Everyone should know this, so our corresponding soldier configuration is magic attributes. In this case, we are evenly matched!"

No one has any opinions, because after all, these are not within the scope of their management. The only ones who can propose the best plan are these main managers.

"Of course, in order to take other situations into consideration, we also have some other types of soldiers. I think they are infantry and flying soldiers. Of course, there are only a few flying ones. These people are mainly engaged in air battles, so the number of personnel Of course, if necessary, I will increase the number of staff appropriately.”

"Then there is the issue about magic props. I think everyone here should learn about this issue together!"

"Because after all, this thing is very useful, even in ordinary times! It can help us solve a lot of troubles, so everyone should learn it!"

Then he took them out and showed them one by one.

The first one, the most important one, and the most useful one is Chen Xuan's formation stone.

The popularity of this is not very high. Only people in the supermarket in his hometown know about this kind of stuff. It still needs publicity from many companies outside, so he took this as an opportunity and gave them some gifts first. , let them know how to use it and the effects after use, and regard it as making a small contribution to this time, and then after this time is completed, its value can be promoted one by one in the future.

"Don't look at him. Do you think it is just an ordinary stone? But when we put it on the ground, you will feel something very magical happening in front of you! And now, we are here to test it. Effect!"

After playing, he took out a stone from his hand and threw it on the ground. Everyone breathed together and observed carefully.

The stone rolled from his hand to the ground, making a crisp sound.

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