In an instant, the temperature dropped sharply, a cool breeze blew, and ice flowers appeared everywhere on the ground.

Crystal clear ice flowers appear one by one from the ground like particles left in the world.

They connect, meet, hover on the ground, and turn into beautiful ice and snowflakes.

As soon as one flower appeared, another one appeared. It was as if the azaleas all over the mountains and plains could not be opened in full, and the smooth floor was covered with ice-blue ice and snow. Everyone has never seen such a scene before, and everyone is stunned, but that's not all!

The stone automatically shattered on the ground, and a blue crystal pillar flew into the air from the crack, like a calling signal to the purest and most beautiful existence in the world.

Goose feathers were flying everywhere, and the house was filled with snow. The snowflakes were really as big as goose feathers, falling from the sky.

But they did not fall to the ground. Just three or five of them were connected in the air, and four or six of them met, and condensed into crystal clear ice crystals, which were set on the ground. They condensed into shaped ice sculptures, and then melted on the ground. On the top, there are circles, circles, and shaped lines. The scene is beautiful and moving, as if you are visiting the holy land of ice and snow!

When all the snowflakes were gone, an ice formation appeared on the ground.

Everyone knows that it is a combination of seal and attack. This should be a composite ice array.

There are square-shaped ice particles floating on the magic circle. The center also exudes a faint, ice-blue light. As we all know, once you get close to him, he will automatically shrink up. This is the most common style!

"That's it, on the other leg, facing the formation that has been formed, there are still everyone who has not reacted.

"Otherwise, I'd better show it to you!" This sentence came from Chen Xuan.

"Oh? Do you really want to be seen by others? Well, that's the case, so I'll show it for you."

Then, he took something out of his pocket and threw it into the circle.

It was a metal ring that fell into the circle.

The moment they came into contact, the originally gentle and beautiful ice formation instantly revealed its ferocious side. The moment after that, the first thing I saw was that he was first sealed by layers of ice, and then the sharp blades formed by the ice and wind and snow cut him one by one, and the blue shield It was difficult for him to escape, and he was now a huge trapped beast, flowing chaotically in the air, trembling, and accepting attacks from the outside.

In less than a minute, he went from an intact ring to powder! And it’s still ice granular powder! It’s ice particles!

"How about it, can you trust my things now?" Chen Xuan put his hands on his shoulders, looking confident. He can guarantee that some people must have never seen these things! All are newbies! So he is not worried about the popularity of this thing at all, but does he know how to use it and promote it better?

"Is this what it looks like? Are you already playing like this? Is this thing really as amazing as this?" One of the people suddenly stood up and asked.

"Isn't this kind of thing usually dangerous?" Another person also stood up.

"When used then, the lethality will be the same as now, right?"

"Yes, he was made according to the current method, and the effect is exactly the same."

"Isn't it still a little too long for her to unfold?"

"This is just for convenience so that you can observe it. It won't be so long when the time comes, and you can stand up completely and start using it in an instant."

"Did you buy this kind of thing from somewhere else?"

"No, we developed this ourselves! And it's now fully implemented."

"If you made it, could you recommend it to us?"

"Of course! I brought this today just to let you know that there is such a thing in the world, and it is very easy to use."

"This kind of thing shouldn't be very cheap here."

"There is no problem with this at all. It is up to us to decide. Since we want to promote it and let everyone use it, it will definitely not be particularly expensive! According to its energy ratio and effect, different prices will occur."

"How long can he last for me? Is it the same as what I made?"

"The time he lasts should be proportional to his ingredients. Under normal circumstances, the most common one can last 10 to 20 minutes."

Just like a child in kindergarten, with one leader, the others become active in an instant. People kept coming forward with questions of their own. Some people also voiced corresponding doubts.

Chen Xuan was not surprised and answered them one by one. As long as it is a new thing, it will appear like this! He has been questioned every time, and every doubt will be eliminated by his strength. He believes that it will be like this this time!

"If you look at it this way, this is indeed a very good thing.!"

Finally, someone gave him a positive opinion! This person is the mayor of this city!

"I think this thing should be promoted as much as possible. The sooner it is promoted, the better. It would be a pity if something like this has ever been rejected!"

"Great!" Chen Xuan agreed very happily on the surface. "With your support, I believe that this kind of thing will develop very fast. I am also willing to give you more shares and opportunities! I hope we can have a happy cooperation in the future!"

"Hahaha! No, no, no, no, no need for Jiamei Shares. If you are willing to sell this thing to me, it will be great for our people to have this thing in the future! As for this thing, it doesn't matter whether you have it or not. the same!"

"Okay, since that's the case, I won't force it. Then I will reserve the source of this thing for you. When there is an extra copy, or when a new product appears, I will ask others to give it to you as soon as possible. I’ll give you one in your city!”

He also had to be very attentive, keeping everything in mind and keeping an eye on everyone.

"Okay, thank you for thinking so carefully about us. With your joining, the people in our city will live a better life, and there will definitely be great development in other aspects!"

"Hahaha, Mayor, you are serious. I will choose a businessman to do my job!"

The mayor, who was very pleasant to the eye, had no intention of chatting with him, so he very wisely thanked him and did not talk to him more, and everyone returned to their seats.

Chen Xuan, I am also thinking about his own calculations at this time. In fact, he probably knows a thing or two about what the mayor is thinking. If a business wants to be successful, who doesn't want to cooperate, or to unite the producers of raw materials? I have this mayor who is unwilling. In the final analysis, he must be afraid of taking more risks and causing unnecessary trouble, so he refuses. This is not his problem. Doing business is voluntary in the first place. In addition, he is A city really cannot withstand any big winds and waves, these should also be the treasures of wisdom!

If you can't afford to offend, you must afford to hide! Only by leaving enough escape routes for yourself can he be able to resist the fire. He understands this truth, and so does Chen Xuan! Two understanding people already know each other's thoughts without saying another word. Sure enough, sometimes a good emotional intelligence is still very important. At that time, they can save a lot of unnecessary things. thing!

"Okay, okay!" Sui Xi really couldn't stand it anymore. After a good meal and a meeting procedure, he became a master. The interface of drinking Shao Shao Rao will be the same as joining a franchise. I can make them put this together. The theme tape for this time went astray, and many people were waiting behind us! So he should stop this matter in time!

"It's almost time for you to stop flirting with me, right? Then it should be my turn!"

He watched the two people dilly-dallying, and in the end they didn't come up with the next thing to note. He really couldn't bear it anymore, because after all,

He is hungry!

Looking at the table full of dishes, there are not many big people who listen to them seriously, and sometimes discuss very seriously. If these two people linger on, dinner will change. It’s cool!

"Okay, okay, everyone listen to me! One last thing!"

"We have just discussed the exits and entrances, the work distribution and strength of personnel, and the issues of special skills. Then, there is another issue, positioning and handover!"

"We discussed several plans on this issue!" Mr. Yi couldn't help but interrupt. They really struggled all afternoon and finally decided on this one!

"Yes, sir, you are right, we really discussed it for a long, long time!"

"But we personally feel that no matter how hard it is, it may not be the most practical one, so if you have any good suggestions, I hope you can put them forward!"

"Yes, there is no limit to the topic discussion content. As long as the final result is perfect, everyone can do whatever they want!"

"Okay, the prerequisites are clear. Now come over and introduce to everyone the positions of key figures and the handover of troops!"

"In a T-shaped vegetable market, the main personnel will be placed in the place with the most traffic. After all, our rescue target will be in that place at that time! So the plan I gave is, Chen Xuan, Fang Che, you Two people are responsible for both sides of the market center and will be responsible for picking him up when the time comes!"

"I, Yan Keyun, the two of us are mainly responsible for the access management of the two exits of a vegetable market, and Mr. Yi is responsible for the other side. In this way, the entire vegetable market is under our control except verbally! Including the final closure Then in the second half, we will block the road behind and then join you! Of course, not only the five of us, but also the stronghold of a son will have corresponding videos to cooperate. We guarantee that every one of us will It is not empty at all, and there must be constant flow in the middle. That is to say, the entire vegetable market will be under the control of two pairs of soldiers, us and them. I don’t know where the other party’s control is, so we need to be careful!”

He's done. Next, give everyone a minute to think.

He pinched the pocket watch in his arms and looked at the time. One minute later

"Does anyone have any other opinions? No? Very good! That's it! Your discussion is over like this. Everyone remembers their respective responsibilities! Then tomorrow, those troublesome soldiers who came for reinforcements will find a chance to talk to us. Meet one

After he finished, he waved his arms and sat down here, still paralyzed.

"Okay, okay, now everyone can start eating!" He finally stopped exercising your serious airs in summer clothes and could start eating dinner with confidence and boldness. Of course, she also hoped that others could let go, so he had to set an example! Isn't it a shameful thing for him? But it's really not a sign of impoliteness!

Of course, this method is also very useful. From the moment he collapsed, there have been some strong men who couldn't help but do the same. Just now, all of them were conscientious and upright, pretending to be very upright and listening to what was going on. In fact, they are all ordinary people, who could possibly keep doing this!

Only one person relaxed, and the others followed suit, so the dinner they were looking forward to finally began!

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