Second, they met with the people who were going to help them next time.

Fang Che got up very early this time, of course, he went to bed early the night before. Today's breakfast was very healthy, with some bread, eggs, fruits, and some vegetables. He tried hard to adjust his work and rest time and his eating habits to make himself in the best condition.

He gave himself the best and most beautiful clothes. Although he only had a few sets of clothes, he still remembered to carefully select the best ones from these clothes, wash them, and then choose a very large stone, put it in the burning fire to roast it, and after roasting it black and hot, wrap it with a clean cloth, put it on the wet clothes, and slowly iron the wrinkles on the clothes.

Then he was very careful when he put on the clothes, trying not to make new wrinkles on her.

A white dress fluttering, it looked very good on her. Then he looked at the mirror and combed his very long hair.

She tied them all up, and took care of them very anxiously, and then put on the hairpin. Very beautiful.

This is not because there are wars like before, but I still feel that I should live more realistically, be better to myself, and live more delicately, not like before! I made myself so embarrassed and covered with scars. Then I didn't care about it and let her keep lying like this, and didn't pay attention to her clothes, just wear any one, so she didn't look like she was starting to live a good life at all! So, he felt that some changes should be made! So he would change into new clothes at a certain time, and he even went to borrow some cosmetics from Yan Keyun. Yan Keyun hadn't gotten up at that time. After listening to his request in a daze, she was frightened and widened her eyes, and woke up all of a sudden! What's wrong with that? He is not normal at all! But he didn't stop it very severely, because he knew that Fang Che had been fluctuating a lot recently, and this might be a way for him to express his emotions! So he didn't want to disturb him, so he gave him this opportunity. Since he couldn't help much, he could still do this little thing! As long as a man makes himself happy and spends a little on cosmetics, what's the problem? Who can't boys wear makeup? Besides, he himself usually does such things! He can't do it until he is black, and then stop others from touching him! She must take out some of the best quality cosmetics from her own cosmetics for his sake and give them to her! This boy should be tinkering with these messy things for the first time. He doesn't know how to wash his face in the future. If he mixes some tissues and very poor quality, it will definitely stay on his face, which is not good for his skin. So he chose the top lining, and they are all pure and handmade! The ingredients in it are also very precious, all of which are the most natural pearl powder and special precious medicinal materials, and mineral cosmetics. There is no stimulation at all, even if you don't remove your makeup at night! It's most suitable for this kind of newbie who has no experience at all! When he threw these cosmetics out, he also gave him a sandalwood. "If you want to have a better temperament, beautiful makeup is not enough, you also need to have a fragrance that emanates from the inside out!" He thanked her for the cosmetics one by one, then left his room, came to his own room, and began to dress himself up in front of the mirror. In fact, it was not the first time for him to do this. When she worked in that kind of place before, sometimes in order to look better when going out, she would be forced by the boss to put on some makeup, but he was very resistant in his heart. He felt that it was inviting favor and hurting his face! So he was resistant every time, so that when she came out in the end, even if he asked him to do this again, he was very unskilled! It doesn't matter, he said to himself, It's different now, I have changed. He is not like this for the sake of looking good or pleasing others, but it's really not for boredom. He just wants to give himself a good complexion, paint a good mood, and make himself as cheerful as his makeup! The purpose of makeup has changed, and the mood will certainly be different. It will also be more attentive and more careful than before, because maybe this is the reason! You may not know about makeup. No matter what you do, as long as you really want to do it well, your attitude will always be different. You will have expectations for it, ideas about it, and of course hope for a good ending! So, he learned from the way those girls sat in front of the chair in his memory, and painted his own beauty for himself stroke by stroke. He followed the general steps of Yan Keyun's makeup that he had seen before, and decided to send him over to see the sandalwood and light it. Only by lighting it first can the fragrance spread! He thought. So, he picked up a not particularly delicate incense burner and lit it, and the room gradually had a quiet smell. It makes people feel very at ease and calm. He sat back in front of the mirror, still according to his memory, step by step. She now has some powder on her face. He doesn't know if it is, but anyway, let her face become whiter! But soon, he found that he had answered too much, and his face became pale, as if he had just taken it out of the refrigerator!

"Pfft..." She laughed at her funny look, but he didn't dare to waste these good things, so he had to repair them in place, and he painted some other colors on his face.

He looked at a light yellow powder and wondered what it was. ——Actually, that was the eye shadow applied on the eyes... Then he applied a little bit on his face to restore the normal color to his face!

Then he took out the red printing paper.

She was not mistaken about this, she recognized it, but there was another question that troubled him:

So many colors for her! Sometimes more than ten! Of course, this kind of thing doesn't take up space, and each one is just a little bit small, so when I asked him to hand over a box, I didn't think there was anything wrong with it. After opening it, I realized that I had underestimated this kind of thing!

He didn't know which one to use, so he chose a lighter color. After all, he was still a boy, so he shouldn't wear too much makeup!

This kind of thing is really suitable for both men and women. Everyone likes it. As long as you have a little, your complexion will instantly become better! My lips have gained color, and my face is no longer the dark yellow color it once was.

He felt in his heart that this was enough and wanted to stop, but her hands told him that it was not enough. She wanted more.

Of course, it's not that he has any obsession with this kind of thing, it's just that... he hasn't rested yet... maybe he will stop when he gets tired from wandering around!

Then he picked through the large box and kept applying things he recognized on his face.

She now really feels that the cosmetics given to her are of the highest quality!

If you pick up a pure white one at random, almost all of it is pearl powder. If you pick up a colored one, almost all of it contains medicinal ingredients. A faint medicinal fragrance comes from inside. It smells very good, making people sober and greedy for this smell.

He went to private chat by himself, dressed himself up and did it over and over again. If he failed, he would try it again. She was also very good at color control. She would not paint a big picture for herself as soon as she started like some beginners. Wear heavy makeup and end up looking like a monster eating monster. Even when she is using some things that only girls use, such as blush, powder, and rouge, she does it just right. She takes the essence and stops after using it to a certain extent, which in turn will make her gain even more points!

He sat in front of the machine for more than an hour, and the sandalwood in the stove was almost burned out. This was a reminder of the longest time for makeup.

Seeing the empty stove, Fang Che felt that he should really stop this time and looked at himself in the mirror again.

This time, his makeup was delicate and fresh, not vulgar at all, but rather as cool as a goshawk. The last thing he painted on himself was a light make-up, mint color.

The eyebrows are a bit sharper, and the solid color is a bit more solid. The dark rose-red color gives a cold feeling, but it is not the coquettish rose color, which is very suitable for masculine temperament. The powder she used was of a cool-toned color similar to whiteness, and she also added dry powder and loose powder to make her face not greasy at all.

Even some blue accents are added on the fingertips. It's the kind of mixture of clear blue and white blue, and it's not the whole hand, just the fingertips, and it's added with colorless brightness. The entire finger feels clean and cool like a scabbard. Finally, paired with his white clothes, the whole person looks clean and energetic.

There was still a bit of timidity in his heart and he was too embarrassed to go out, so he went to find Yan Keyun first and asked her to help take a look.

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