Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2297 Entering the Black Rock World for the First Time

Time flies, and more than a month has passed in the blink of an eye. Now Chen Xuan has left the people he knew.

At this moment, Chen Xuan has adjusted his mentality. He knows that the previous life is not what he wants. There is still a long way to go in the future. Now he has to plan his goals. When he was walking on the street.

He calmed down and thought about it for a few days. Now he is a little tired of this world.


"What's going on?" Chen Xuan only heard a loud noise. At this moment, a dark vortex appeared on it. The vortex was attracting his body with great divine power.

When the suction force became stronger and stronger, Chen Xuan had used all his strength to resist it, but found that he was powerless.

"Damn, what's going on? This force is too strong."

After a loud noise, the black hole sucked Chen Xuan's body in. Just after Chen Xuan opened his eyes, he found that he was in a strange world.

To be fair, this was the first time that Chen Xuan came to this kind of world. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a forest. There were many monsters in the forest, staring at him eagerly.

"What's going on? I can't use my divine power." Chen Xuan looked at his body and found that no matter how he mobilized his Dantian, he could only use a part of his great divine power.

"It seems that this is really difficult to deal with." Just when Chen Xuan didn't know what to do, she heard a sharp whistle coming from above. At this moment, Chen Xuan's face changed and he saw a man over there.

Chen Xuan saw the man unsheath his sword. It turned out that the whistle was blown by him.

It seemed to warn Chen Xuan not to stay here. "Who are you? How come you are in the Monster Forest? This is not a place for ordinary people like you." Chen Xuan looked at the man in front of him and didn't know what to say, so he could only scratch his head. "I don't know either. I was not in this world originally. I came here when I saw a black hole." Just when the man finished talking to Chen Xuan, he heard a roar, and even the earth was shaking. The sound was so loud that it was beyond Chen Xuan's imagination. "What's going on?" The man over there said, "Not good, those monsters seem to be crazy now." "Monsters!" Chen Xuan looked at the man in disbelief at this time. But the man rushed forward to Chen Xuan's side and took Chen Xuan's hand and ran forward. "Why are you running? What are the strengths of those monsters?" "That's right, I have too many monsters now. If you don't run, you can only wait to die. It's really strange, how can a stranger like you appear in this Monster Forest!" "What monster?" The man said as he ran. "As the name suggests, Warcraft is a creature with huge energy. They are different from us humans, and even many high-level God Emperors dare not easily provoke these Warcraft. They have lived in this forest for a long time." "Then how did you get into this forest?" Chen Xuan asked without thinking, and now he was also wondering what the origin of this man was? "I am the ranger of this Warcraft Forest. I just saw a black shadow passing by, and then I saw you lying on the ground. Those Warcraft are in a state of madness at the moment, so run quickly!" The trees were shaking, and the sound of the Warcraft behind was getting closer and closer. At this moment, Chen Xuan finally saw the appearance of those Warcraft. The ghost-faced fangs had huge horns on their heads. The smooth fur actually had iron armor like thorns, and the thorns on it were actually burning with flames. "It looks like there are several of them," Chen Xuan said. "Of course, these Warcraft are social animals. If you are besieged by them, you will definitely die miserably." Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with a trace of astonishment, but it was soon replaced by a little madness. "It seems that these monsters have something to play with me."

"Don't be impulsive. These monsters are not something you can deal with. These monsters are all fire monsters. Their attack power is beyond your imagination!" At this moment, the forest ranger persuaded Chen Xuan.

"I have never seen this kind of monster before. It's really strange. I want to see what kind of ability these monsters have."

Looking at the flames burning on the monster's mouth and the huge fire rising on its body, "These monsters are different from other monsters. They are intelligent, and some intermediate monsters are as intelligent as humans. These monsters in front of you are all high-level monsters. I really don't know how you can appear in the forest! Moreover, you actually made these monsters so violent."

At this moment, Chen Xuan has stood on the tree, and those monsters are staring at him from a distance. The fierce light flashing in their eyes can be seen that this monster now seems to want to kill Chen Xuan.

At this moment, Chen Xuan ignited his divine power. The ranger beside him opened his eyes in disbelief. "You are actually at the second level of God and Demon!" "What do you mean by second level? You were at the second level of God and Demon just now?" The ranger looked at Chen Xuan in surprise. "I really didn't expect you to have such strength, but you'd better be careful when facing these monsters. You should know that many years ago, these monsters had lost their minds. Even people at the level of God Emperor were killed by the monsters because of their madness!"

"Then I'd like to ask for advice." At this moment, Chen Xuan's body was ignited with infinite divine power, and that divine power was different from the blood-red flames on the monster. Chen Xuan's body was filled with bluish-white divine power!

At this moment, all the monsters were surrounding Chen Xuan's tree. Looking at the monsters in front of him, his eyes were filled with excitement!

Although these monsters were intelligent and powerful monsters, Chen Xuan learned from the ranger that they were not top-notch monsters.

As a result, a magical beast couldn't hold back its patience and roared at Chen Xuan.

The "Heart" guard member looked at Chen Xuan nervously and reminded.

Chen Xuan naturally heard the ranger's reminder to him, and saw the monster opening its bloody mouth, and the fishy smell and flames had already burned in front of Chen Xuan. At this time, Chen Xuan's face also flashed A look of panic.

"Die!" Chen Xuan roared, and a green long sword was condensed in his hand.

The long sword glowed with a strange light, and it slashed hard at the monster, but the sword lost a bit of its accuracy.

It didn't hit the monster's head, but hit his front paw.

At this moment, the monster covered its sharp claws and fell to the tree.

"It's broken. It seems that I can't show much of my strength in this place." Chen Xuan said nervously at this moment. He didn't expect that the magic beast here had such a high level of cultivation, and his charged blow failed to kill that monster. The monster was hacked to death.

The monster fell from the tree and rushed towards the tree, suddenly collapsing.

Chen Xuan also roared, and saw that the monster roared at Chen Xuan not to be outdone.

"It seems that this monster is more difficult to deal with than I thought. I thought its sharp claws were deadly enough, but I didn't expect that this monster's defense and repair power are also extremely high!"

Chen Xuan looked at the wounds that he had just slashed and supported on the monster's body. It had almost recovered in a short while. Moreover, he had clearly swung the sword with all his strength, but he did not expect that the monster would only hurt his fur. , actually didn't even cut into his hard carapace.

"It's really extraordinary. What level is this monster?"

"I have already told you that these monsters are very powerful. Let me give you a helping hand." The ranger who was watching from the side shouted loudly at this moment.

The divine power on his body suddenly spurted out, much stronger than before. In an instant, it penetrated the armor of a monster. At this moment, his body did not retreat. He squatted down and took out a long sword in his hand.

Chen Xuan, who was watching on the side, also showed a surprised expression. He did not expect that this thin ranger could be so powerful.

What made Chen Xuan a little angry was that he had been watching from the side just now and did not help.

There was dark red blood in the body of the monsters. At this time, the monsters seemed to be even more violent, and the roars were endless. The ranger was not easy to mess with. The strong scales of the monsters were pierced by his long sword. .

At this moment, a monster suddenly rushed towards him from behind, but he just squatted down, and the monster jumped into the air and was knocked away far away by the inertia.

Chen Xuan felt a strong wind blowing from behind him, and saw a magical beast coming from behind.

"Die!" Chen Xuan roared, and added blazing divine power from his shoulders. The divine power was like a diffuse flame, lighting up the entire forest red.

"You really don't know how to live or die!" Chen Xuan said coldly. He just hit the weak point of the monster.

"I know, the weak point of this monster is its chin."

The ranger looked back at Chen Xuandao: "It seems that you have discovered it. You are really smart. His weakness is indeed his chin."

Chen Xuan showed a confident smile, but in the face of the ranger's warning to him, Chen Xuan still did not feel how powerful these monsters were.

Looking at those monsters, they rushed forward with teeth that were more than two feet long and biting.

The teeth kept getting bigger as Chen Xuan worked, and they were close to Chen Xuan in an instant, and Chen Xuan roared.


On the package of flames, the monster roared and rushed towards Chen Xuan, but as soon as the monster came into contact with Chen Xuan's divine power, it let out a very painful wail.

Then the monster fell far away on top of Lin, and was knocked down heavily by the breath of the blanket, unable to move any more.

The whole process happened in an instant. Chen Xuan was also shocked by the monster. He did not expect that there was a monster behind his body, and it flashed to his side in the blink of an eye.

In fact, what surprised Chen Xuan was that the monster was very heavy, but it could actually move at such a fast speed.

Looking at the storm that Chen Xuan had just created, the ranger on the side also looked at Chen Xuan in surprise, "Did you use your spirit to generate the power? I'm really surprised where you came from?"

At this moment, Chen Xuan felt that he could not confess to the ranger, so he said: "Maybe I came to this place due to sleepwalking in a coma. I don't know very well..."

The ranger looked at Chen Xuan thoughtfully, but said nothing.

"Anyway, those monsters have been killed now." We said to the ranger.

At this moment, Chen Xuan was also thinking about how to get out of the forest, and he was curious about what kind of world this world was. The ranger was thinking about the origin of Chen Xuan? It is possible to have such a terrifying spiritual realm.

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