The sun broke through the clouds, and the warm sun shone into the forest. Chen Xuan now wanted to know what this world was like.

"Brother, what is your name?"

"My name is Li Ying. The monster forest you are in is under the jurisdiction of the master. You are not here to poach, are you? Don't you know how powerful the master of this place is?"

"What is the master?" Chen Xuan looked at Li Ying curiously.

"You don't even know the master. I am really curious about your origins now," Li Ying looked at Chen Xuan for a few times.

"There are 12 masters on this continent. Each master has his own territory, and their territory is vast. They are the gods of this place!"

"God?" Chen Xuan thought about it thoughtfully, but he still didn't understand what kind of status the master of Li Ying in front of him was equivalent to.

"Those who can be promoted to the master in our Black Rock world have the power to control the life and death of others!"

Chen Xuan's face also changed, "Can control the life and death of others"


Li Ying paused and said, "In the Black Rock world, as long as your strength is strong enough, you can control the life and death of others, and the master is such a god."

"Just now I saw you actually used the spiritual realm. You know, the spiritual realm can only be comprehended by the master. I don't think you are a master disguised to come to this forest."

Chen Xuan showed a surprised smile on his face, and hurriedly said: "No, no, no, I have nothing to do with the master you imagined. Maybe I just happened to use it."

Chen Xuan didn't know that the divine power he just used was actually a spiritual realm. He only felt that a mysterious power suddenly emerged in his mind, and that power made him feel uncontrollable.

So the monster just now was killed before it approached him

"Okay, I don't care where you come from now, you should leave this monster forest quickly. The master does not allow strangers to enter this place. In previous years, when this place was open, only the master and his subordinates could enter." Chen Xuan looked around and scratched his head awkwardly, "But this place is so big and winding, how can I leave here? I want to leave too!" Li Yingying looked at Chen Xuan with incredible eyes and said, "I really lost to you. In this case, I will take you out." Seeing that he had already set off to the northeast, Chen Xuan hurriedly chased after him and followed him. After walking nearly ten kilometers, he finally saw a beam of light shining on Chen Xuan's face from the end of the jungle. "You can go out when you see the front. After you go out, walk northwest and you can see a city. It is the largest city here and the commercial center of the Black Rock Continent." After Chen Xuan said goodbye to him, he embarked on the journey alone. It was indeed the same as Li Yingsuo's. After walking for nearly 20 kilometers, Chen Xuan looked at the magnificent city in front of him, and a strange light bloomed in Chen Xuan's eyes.

"It seems that this is the largest city in Li Yingsuo. It seems that it is indeed worthy of its reputation!"

This city is the largest city that Li Chen Xuan has ever seen. Even the height of the city wall is hundreds of meters, and it is almost endless.

At this moment, Chen Xuan saw many people coming in and out of the city gate.

"This place is completely different from the previous world," Chen Xuan sighed.

At this moment, he strolled on the streets of this city, and sincerely sighed that this place is as prosperous as a cypress. The bustling flow of people kept passing by Chen Xuan, and the buildings on both sides were built with round marble.

The magnificent buildings in this place were absolutely not seen in Chen Xuan's previous world.

Just as Chen Xuan looked around, he suddenly saw the crowd in front of him getting agitated, and everyone rushed to the front. Chen Xuan was stunned, not knowing what was going on.

Thinking that he didn't know much about this world, he also followed the crowd and squeezed forward.

Suddenly, a girl shouted loudly: "It's a green rabbit spirit beast!" The beautiful girl looked at the green rabbit, and her eyes were shining.

"Hurry up, this thing, but I can't afford it."

"Yes, if you buy a magic beast, you may not know it will eat you."

"Hurry up, it is forbidden to buy and sell magic beasts here, so don't let the guards find you."

The crowd that was just lively slowly dispersed, but a girl still stood next to the green rabbit spirit beast, looking at the breeder and said: "Excuse me, how much is this green rabbit spirit beast?"

He also looked at the girl: "This is only a future spirit beast. If you like it, you can take it away without paying a penny."

"Really?" The girl blinked her big eyes and looked at the man and said.

"Of course, I won't lie to you," the man looked at the girl and said to him.

At this time, Chen Xuan also looked at the green rabbit spirit beast with a little surprise, thinking that he had just fought with several fire-breathing magic beasts in the forest.

At this moment, the girl also went to the front of the cage, looked at the green rabbit spirit beast, touched the edge of the cage, and said to the green rabbit spirit beast: "Hey, are you willing to come with me?"

I saw the green rabbit spirit beast biting the short tail of the girl and chirping in its mouth. It seems that he likes that girl very much.

Chen Xuan felt a little worried when he saw this situation. The girl didn't seem to have any real cultivation. If this monster suddenly went crazy,

Thinking of this, he stepped forward and looked at the man over there and said, "Why did you ask this girl to take this green rabbit spirit beast back?"

The man looked at Chen Xuan and said: "This green rabbit spirit beast is only given to people who are destined to be destined. If there is no destiny, he will not follow you."

"But why would you give it to someone else?"

"I am going to the south because of something important, so I gave this green rabbit spirit beast to others. I can guarantee that it is different from ordinary magic beasts." The man touched the green rabbit spirit beast. Ear, said to the girl.

"This green rabbit spirit beast seems to like you very much. He usually just eats some simple fruits. If you like it, take it back."

The girl looked at the man and thanked him. Then she looked at Chen Xuando and said, "Big brother, thank you very much for worrying about me. However, this green rabbit spirit beast is not a particularly ferocious monster. I still have it." Confidence can control this green rabbit spirit beast."

After the girl finished, she blinked and looked at him.

Although he heard the girl say that, Chen Xuan also looked at the girl with disbelief.

He didn't believe that the girl in front of him actually had the strength to fight against that kind of monster. After the battle just now, he also found that the strength of those monsters was really terrifying.

In Chen Xuan's previous world, he had never seen such a powerful monster.

Although now his strength is limited in this Black Rock Continent.

According to Li Yingsuo: "Your current strength is probably equivalent to the second level of gods and demons! In this Black Rock Continent, your strength can only be considered neither high nor low!"

But when Chen Xuan thought about confronting those monsters, he was almost killed. Since the strength of both gods and demons could not withstand the siege of those monsters, this was enough to show the terror of those monsters!

Although the green rabbit spirit beast in front of him looked exquisite, but looking at its sharp teeth and blood-red eyes, Chen Xuan did not believe that the green rabbit spirit beast in front of him could only act cute.

But when Chen Xuan heard what the girl said, Chen Xuan thought in his heart: "I am not the kind of person who likes to take care of things. Since he is like that, then I will stop meddling in these nosy matters."

So Chen Xuan said to the girl: "If this is the case, then you should be more considerate."

Looking at the girl's leaving figure, Chen Xuan also began to sigh, the strong men in this world are really different from what he imagined.

A few hours had passed before I knew it, and now the city had become dark.

At this moment, Chen Xuan heard a girl's scream, and then saw two men in black passing in front of Lin Ting's eyes.

"If you scream again, I will kill you."

The two men in black glanced at Chen Xuan and then dragged the girl away.

Chen Xuan took action without any hesitation or purpose, because Chen Xuan felt that this woman was clearly a woman with no power to restrain a chicken.

The two men in black in front of him were obviously violating the woman. Doing unspeakable things.

I saw the divine power slowly emerging from Chen Xuan's body, and the two men in black suddenly showed horrified faces, "It turns out that they are in the stage of gods and demons..."

"Run quickly," another man in black said.

"You want to run, but I think you can't escape." With a wave of Chen Xuan's big hand, the blazing divine power entangled the two men in black like a spiritual snake. No matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't escape. .

"You actually dare to prevent us from doing business, do you know what will happen to you!!?"

Hearing the two men in black questioning him, Chen Xuan smiled and said, "I don't know what will happen to me, but it seems like you won't be able to go back alive today!"

After Chen Xuan used up his blazing divine power, he strangled the two men's necks, and then they both died at the same time.

The woman's face showed a look of astonishment.

He saw that Chen Xuan in front of him could kill two men in black easily. If it was normal, he would understand it. However, the man in front of him actually dared to kill these two men in black.

"How did you kill them? You didn't know they were, they were the emperor's people in this city."

"So what if they are his people? They hurt you, can't I kill them?"

A horrified expression appeared on the woman's face: "It's okay if you just let them go. Now I'm afraid if they pursue this matter, I will really be executed."

Tears flowed from the woman's face: "You actually dared to kill them. Now what if they find out where my home is?"

Seeing that he was still questioned by the woman like this for the good things he had done, Chen Xuan also felt a little angry, so he said: "Then I won't care about you, just do whatever you want."

Just when Chen Xuan decided to turn around and leave, he suddenly heard a voice from behind

"You are really looking for death!"

At this time, Chen Xuan saw two men in black standing behind him. It seemed that the two black-clothed men had a higher level of cultivation than the two of them. The tokens they had on them said "First-Class Patroller".

But the two men in black on the ground only shadowed the patrolmen. "

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