At this time, the woman looked at Chen Xuando and said: "Let's go to the west. If there are pursuers over there, we will have to run out of the city."

Looking at the woman, Chen Xuan showed a puzzled expression and asked: "Go over there, let's go over there, what is your purpose?"

"The area we are in now is the residence area of ​​those powerful people, and to the west is the residence area of ​​lower-level people."

"Then why do we go there?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Why do you have so many questions? Just follow me!"

Hearing the woman's words, Chen Xuan was helpless. After all, he was not familiar with this place.

"Well, I'll follow you. I hope your judgment is right."

Chen Xuan is not very clear about the strength of that emperor, so he does not dare to be too arrogant here.

Just when Chen Xuan returned with the woman, he encountered many guards in black. At this moment, the guards simply rushed over with knives.

"No, it seems that the emperor has discovered it. Let's escape from the city and cross the border!"

The woman shouted loudly, then she looked at Chen Xuan.

However, although there were many black-clothed guards on the way to the city gate, the strength of those black-clothed guards was not very high, so the road to the city gate was relatively smooth, and no one could stop Chen Xuan. .

But when she saw the guards in black, the woman looked very panicked. She fiddled with her clothes behind Chen Xuan in a panic, took out a bottle and looked at Chen Xuandao.

"Quickly, if you take the elixir in this bottle, it will hide the power fluctuations in your body, so that you will not be noticed. I am sure that he is tracking you now!"

At this moment, there were constant shouts in the city, and this was the first time such a big change had occurred.

I only heard a guard in black shouting loudly, "You rebels really don't know how thick the land is. The emperor has given an order. I don't think any of you can escape!"

When the woman saw the black-clothed guard coming out, she looked very nervous. However, with his strength, there was nothing he could do. She could only look at Chen Xuan cautiously.

"It seems you have no strength at all." Chen Xuan laughed dryly and looked at the woman.

He couldn't imagine how this woman could have no strength at all since she was a member of the rebellion. This was so unreasonable.

For a woman, she herself cannot practice, but he is one of the staff members of this rebellion. Much of the planning was planned by him.

After Chen Xuan killed the guards, she looked at the woman and said, "Do you really want to rebel against me with your strength?"

"What do you mean?" the woman asked Chen Xuan coldly.

"Although I can't practice, my father has given me many things to take care of. I am here to make suggestions, not to kill enemies."

For women, his status was very high among the rebel conspirators, so hearing Chen Xuan mocking him now made him feel very uncomfortable.

"But you were arrested by them today. I think if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been able to escape!"

After hearing Chen Xuan's question, the woman was about to refute, but found that she had no reason to refute. Now she was indeed saved by Chen Xuan.

But if it weren't for Chen Xuan, she would have been arrested today, and it would be really difficult to escape if she wanted to escape.

"I want to ask you a question. If we run out of the city and pass through the window now, what are your plans?"

"I" the woman looked at Chen Xuan with a blank face.

Looking at the somewhat dull woman, Chen Xuan shook his head. Now Chen Xuan thought that it was because of his family that this woman could become a high-ranking staff officer in the rebel army.

While running, Chen Xuan looked at the woman and asked, "I haven't asked you what your name is yet."

"You can just call me Murong Xi."

Looking at the woman at this moment, Chen Xuan immediately asked: "You are the staff officer of the rebel army, so what is going on with your family?"

Murong Xi looked at Chen Xuan and shook his head: "My family, my father was originally a master in this city, but he was framed, so now many people have joined our camp."

"But I think those people are from the bottom. Your family now has so many people working for you?"

Then Chen Xuan asked again: "Are they still willing to bear the charge of rebellion?"

After hearing what Chen Xuan asked her, Murong Xi shook his head and said, "The reason why my father was framed was because he proposed the distribution of power."

"The so-called power distribution means that those at the top hand over part of the power of the city to the people at the bottom."

"Then I think they will definitely disagree."

"Yes, so my father was framed, and now those people are on our family's side without any hesitation."

Chen Xuan nodded thoughtfully.

Murong Xi continued: "In the past, my father already had great appeal in this city. After he was framed, many things were left to my elder brother to handle, but there are also some things, especially internal The trivial matters are handled by me.”

The finished woman glanced at Chen Xuan. At this time, Chen Xuan began to believe in this woman, so he took the pill she handed to Chen Xuan.

After eating it, Chen Xuan was speechless. Instead, he hid his energy.

At this moment, they came to a bamboo forest. After confirming that there were no pursuers behind them, Chen Xuan looked at the place carefully.

This was a bamboo forest, but when they went deeper into it, they saw the chaotic jumble of rocks inside.

It seems that there is nothing unusual about those stones, but the rules of placement are like a formation diagram.

Seeing Chen Xuandong's nervous expression, the woman seemed to be amused by him, so she said to him: "These are just ordinary stones. There is no need for you to be so surprised."

However, Chen Xuan used his mental power to detect the nearby area and felt that the stone was not as simple as it appeared.

"I think these stones are very unusual. It would be better if you come over and take a look."

Then Chen Xuan pulled the woman over.

"Why don't I feel something is different?"

Just when Murong Xi finished speaking, there was only a loud rumbling sound, and the stone actually emitted bursts of light. When the light dissipated, a black tunnel actually appeared in the middle of the stone.

When he saw the tunnel being formed, Murong Xi opened his eyes wide, obviously in disbelief.

"This, what is this?"

"I just mentally explored the inside and found this

Seeing Murong Xi's surprised expression, he asked, "Don't you know where this tunnel leads to?"

Murong Xi shook his head and said to him: "I have never heard of this place before. We can't be a trap, right?"

"Probably not. If I guessed correctly, this should be connected to another space, and it's still a relatively far place."

"Come in first. I see that the pursuers have passed by and surrounded us in the south of the city. It's not a good idea to go out now."

Chen Xuan jumped in immediately. Murong Xi saw that he could jump in and hurriedly followed.

After all, if Chen Xuan went in, he would never dare to spend the night alone in this place with his courage.

Just after it was taken in, the hole slowly closed automatically.

At this moment, a splendid space actually appeared in front of Chen Xuan's eyes.

Murong Xi on the side also saw it and opened his mouth in surprise: "Where is this place? How come there are so many exquisite carvings..."

Chen Xuan looked above his head and saw many carvings on both sides of the passage. The carvings were very exquisite, and there were even gems hanging in their eyes.

Those carved eyes emitted a dazzling light, illuminating the room very brightly.

"It seems that this place has been built for a long time, but I don't know where it leads to."

Chen Xuan looked around at the place. I found that there was a very deep road ahead.

But at this time, Murong Xi's face turned pale with fright. She secretly glanced at the carvings on the walls and felt that those eyes were staring at her.

Then seeing the tightly closed space passage behind him, Chen Xuan shook his head and said to Murong Xi: "It seems we can't go back, we can only go forward."

"Okay..." Murong Xi responded.

"Do you know where this place is?" Chen Xuan asked Murong Xi.

Murong Xi searched carefully in his mind and said: "I don't know very well. I have never been to this place, but I have known about this bamboo forest for a long time, but my father has never been to this place before." Don’t even let me get close to here.”

Hearing what Murong Xi said, Chen Xuan still felt that this woman must be hiding something from her. And this place definitely holds great secrets.

Chen Xuan walked very fast. At this moment, Murong Xi felt that he could not keep up with his pace.

"Hey, can you walk slower? Don't you see how dark this place is? I can't see clearly, why are you walking so fast!"

Hearing Murong Xi's voice behind him, Chen Xuan also slowed down his pace, but he looked around while walking.

He covered his eyes with the divine power in his body, and found that the passage in front of him slowly became wider.

"The power of gods and demons."

Chen Xuansheng murmured.

Now he finds that his strength cannot be used half as much as before. According to the people here's evaluation of him, he is now at the second level of gods and demons.

"But fortunately, I still have the same skills as before."

After the two of them walked for a long time, they saw that the place in front suddenly became very open, and there were many skeletons on both sides.

Those skeletons were all very short, but they also made Murong Xi scream in fear.

Chen Xuan saw that his face had turned pale, so he continued to ask: "Do you really not know where this place is?"

Murong Xi said hesitantly: "This should be a secret room that my father mentioned before, but I really don't know much about it."

They walked faster and faster, but the further they walked, the more bones there were. At this moment, Murong Xi slipped on a section of bone, and only heard Murong Xi's scream.

Hearing the scream, Chen Xuan quickly covered Murong Xi's mouth.

"Speak louder! If there is anyone here, wouldn't you have exposed us?"

Hearing Chen Xuan and Murong Xi cry, their eyes narrowed, "No, I will never scream again, I will follow you..."

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