But while walking, Murong Xi seemed to see something and picked up a piece of jade from the ground.

"This piece of jade seems to belong to one of my father's men. I can't remember it wrong. I remember that he gave this to me a long time ago, but I threw it away..."

Hearing what Murong Xi said, Chen Xuan could only shake his head helplessly and said to her: "Are you sure you won't get it wrong? Don't they look alike?"

Murong Xi shook her head and said to him: "No, look at the cracks on it. These are the marks left when I threw it out..."

Chen Xuan looked at it and found that there was indeed a crack on it.

"I really didn't expect that he was killed. I remember that when I returned it, he suddenly disappeared. I didn't expect that he died here..."

Looking at the tearful Murong Xi, Chen Xuan could only comfort him: "Don't cry. Those things have passed. Let's think about how to get out of here safely."

"It's all your fault! I don't want to come in. Now we can't get out. How can we get out when it's so dark in front!?"

Hearing Murong Xi questioning himself again, Chen Xuan was also a little angry: "If you don't come in here, aren't you afraid of being taken away by staying there?"

At this moment, a loud "bang" like thunder was heard.

At this moment, Chen Xuan felt that the ground beneath his feet was shaking violently. All the bottles and cans on the shelves fell to the ground and shattered, and the bones were rolling around on the ground.

"What's going on?" The ground was still shaking, and the thunderous rumble seemed to come from deep inside.

At this moment, Murong Xi could no longer stand, swaying from side to side, and almost fell down. Seeing her like this, Chen Xuan hurriedly grabbed her waist, straightened her body up and said to him: "It's the voice coming from inside, we I want to go in and have a look.”

At this time, a square disk appeared on Chen Xuan's hand, controlling the divine power and the magnetism in the tunnel. At this time, the square disk slowly showed golden light.

Then several spells appeared, and a red needle pointed in the north direction.

"Go this way, that's where the noise is coming from."

Murong Xi was surprised when he saw it: "You actually know this thing?"

"What's wrong with this thing?"

"I have never seen such a strange power. Can this thing in your hand be able to identify the direction? And where did you get it from?"

"I'll explain it to you when I have time. Let's go there first."

"Go over? Are you crazy? If you want to go over, go over. I don't want to go over."

Hearing what Murong Xi said, Chen Xuan said to him: "Then if you don't go over, just stay here by yourself. I can't guarantee whether there will be some monster that eats life in front of you. "

Chen Xuan looked at the bones and seemed to be hinting at Murong Xi.

"It's really too much. I'll just live with you, but you must ensure my safety..."

"no problem."

Chen Xuan ignored Murong Xi and concentrated on understanding the source of the loud noise in front of him.

"It's not like two masters are fighting, right?" Chen Xuan asked himself casually, but his steps did not stop.

Because the light was too dark, Murong Xi stumbled behind Chen Xuan and ran deeper into the tunnel together.

It was at this moment that the rumbling sound stopped, "Why is there no sound?"

The continuous sound just stopped suddenly, and Chen Xuan picked up the golden plate in his hand again and took a look.

"Why did you change the direction again?"

The pointer was seen swinging back and forth from left to right, which made Chen Xuan a little bit lost.

After looking at the dark tunnels ahead, Chen Xuan didn't know which way to go.

"Forget it, let's just go here and rely on my feeling."

Chen Xuandao walked towards a tunnel on the left. After walking for about four or five miles, the entire tunnel was dark and very quiet.

"You are really strange. The sound I heard over there must be something bad, but you are still walking forward." Murong Xi said loudly behind Chen Xuan.

But just as Murong Xi finished, Chen Xuan heard a loud man's voice, and this voice came through and reached Chen Xuan's ears.

"Murong Yun, do you want to destroy my place?"

"This place is the source of your brutal powers. If you don't destroy it, I don't know how many more people you will frame."

After hearing the voices of the two men, Chen Xuan looked at Murong Xi behind him in surprise, but Murong Xi didn't seem to hear anyone talking behind the wall.

Hearing their voices, Chen Xuan looked at Murong Xi behind him and said, "Let's go there now."

At this moment, Chen Xuan walked around a few times, and he vaguely felt that although there were passages extending in all directions, they actually led to one place, and it was in that place that he felt the energy fluctuations on the two people.

Just as Chen Xuan was walking forward, he suddenly discovered that there was a hall in the middle. At this moment, there was a pedestal in the middle of the hall with a human-shaped statue on it.

There is actually a jet black stone in the mouth of the statue. Although it is jet black, it also exudes a trace of blood red color, and there are many lines on the stone.

Moreover, the stone actually kept making plop-plop sounds. If you look closely at it, you will see that there seems to be a human-shaped pattern on the stone.

"This stone is really weird. What on earth is it?" Murong Xi walked in and took a look.

However, Chen Xuan looked around and found that there were 10 statues lined up on both sides of the humanoid statue, and the statues seemed to surround it in a circle, as if to protect the statue in the middle.

"This should be a defensive strategy." Murong Xi looked at the statues and said.

Just when they were observing the thing in front of them, they discovered that there were sudden fluctuations in the space.

A man suddenly appeared these days, and after their man appeared, many more people appeared one after another.

"I really didn't expect that you would actually arrange for two miscellaneous fish to come to this place to steal my heart."

The man in black at the back looked at Murong Xi and Chen Xuan curiously, obviously not knowing why these two people were here.

"Don't be slanderous. I didn't send them here. I've always been upright, but that's different from you!"

After hearing this, the man who came first snorted and said, "Even if you weren't that, I wouldn't believe it. Now these two guys are here, let me see how you explain it!"

Among the two people who had just arrived, the man behind was about the same age as Chen Xuan, but the man in front was slightly older.

At this moment, the old man in black robe looked very strange. His face was actually engraved with all kinds of complicated twists and turns, which made people feel very profound and unpredictable, and it felt very extraordinary.

"It seems that their strength is extraordinary!" At this moment, Chen Xuan was curious about these two people. Obviously, Chen Xuan only had the cultivation of gods and demons, but the two people in front of him were only higher than him!

However, Chen Xuan had just taken the elixir given to her by Murong Xi, so now she hid her power. At this moment, the two people only thought that they had no spiritual power. Fortunately, I no longer paid attention to the two of them.

The old man in black robe said to the young man in black behind him: "This place is my foundation. If this place is destroyed, then I will die. If you want to destroy this place, it will be the same as killing me!"

At this moment, the voice of the old man in black robe seemed very excited, and then he saw waves of spiritual energy ripples spreading out. Just as the ripples spread out, Murong Xi behind Chen Xuan's body suddenly coughed.

Apparently Murong Xi's body was not strong enough to withstand the fluctuating power, and he suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Are you okay?" Chen Xuan and the others glanced at Murong Xi, and then used the divine power in their bodies to heal her injuries.

But those two people didn't seem to pay any attention to them.

The young man in black said: "Don't go on like this. This place is empty now. It's not like it was back then. Even if you practice here, you can only consume your own spiritual energy and you won't be able to improve your cultivation much." ! It will also kill many young lives.”

At this moment, the young man in black became more and more excited: "What's the use of keeping a place like this? It's better to destroy it!"

The old man in black robe had a ferocious look on his face: "You don't know, that's why you are so embarrassed. Our ancestors once said that if the practice of this technique is successful, it will disrupt the entire Black Rock World!"

"You are too obsessed with strength." The young man with black hair looked at the old man in black robe and said.

"Haha, if you are willing to join forces with me, the two of us brothers can successfully enter the realm of God Kings, and then we two brothers can kill them! With the power that can shake the earth!"

The old man in black robe looked at him and said, "Brother, you have to believe me. I am also thinking about our family."

However, the man in black did not listen to him. Instead, he raised the sword in Liao's hand and said to him: "Stop confusing the public with your evil words. Now that you have killed so many people, our family is facing great danger. You are so impressive!"

After hearing the words of the man in black, the old man in black looked at the spiritual energy writing on his forehead, then pointed at the statues with his finger and said to him: "You have taken note that these are things left to us by our ancestors, you Don’t destroy them, I will never let you destroy this place!”

"They have made mistakes again and again, and now we can't make any more mistakes!"

"Don't worry, those old guys are dead now. If he dares to show up, I will kill them all!"

The old man in black robe saw that the young man in black was speechless, so he looked at Chen Xuan and Murong Xi and continued to say to him: "We are the only ones who can enter this place, why did you let these two guys in?"

At this moment, the young man in black looked at the old man in black: "I have told you a long time ago. I did not let these two people in. Don't change the subject. I will not let you continue to practice this kind of skill." ”

The black-robed Taoist raised his hand after listening to him, and the spiritual energy around him continued to condense.

The power gathered in his hand at this moment made the entire secret cave tremble.

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