Chen Xuan was suddenly hit by a powerful black force in his body and fell on Lin's face. He spat out a mouthful of blood and turned pale.

Seeing the wild aura in the eyes of the man in white robes, walking towards him step by step, Chen Xuan stood up hard, glanced at the tough man in white robes, and touched the ground with his hands.

The man showed surprise, and then he saw that the ground was actually covered with fierce flames. Then he saw layers of flames appearing in front of his eyes, blocking his sight. At the same time, Chen Xuan also quickly moved toward him. Sweeping ahead.

The Suzaku Mysterious Fire Formation did not block the white-robed man for too long. It only took a few minutes to destroy the entire Suzaku Mysterious Fire Formation. He had just chased him a few hundred meters away when his face suddenly showed contemplation, and then he stopped. He stopped his steps and watched Chen Xuan and Wang Lun flee forward.

Several men behind him were also chasing after him. They looked at the man and asked, "Where did he go?"

The fierce man said with a sinister look on his face: "Those two guys have now reached the area of ​​a mysterious beast. I'm afraid they will be killed soon."

The reason why the Lord of Longque City wants to join forces with the Frost Kingdom is because there is a huge threat hidden in the polar ice field. Many areas are occupied by extremely powerful mysterious beasts, so even they cannot explore at will. Because the area occupied by these mysterious beasts limits their exploration, the whereabouts of the ice sheet ruins have not yet been found.

The Lord of Yuwen City is naturally the Lord of Longque City. As the Lord of Longque City of the Yunye Empire, he has considerable power in the northeastern part of the Yunye Empire, and he is now joining forces with the Frost Kingdom. First, he wants to hunt down the mysterious beast. , the second is to find the secret realm of the ice field.

In the entire polar ice sheet, the deeper you go, the more areas are occupied by mysterious monsters. The area that Chen Xuan just advanced to is the hunting range of a powerful mysterious monster. In their eyes, Chen Xuan If he dares to come to this area, it means he is dead.

Mysterious monsters are a special kind of existence. Not only can they speak human words, but they also have very strong strength. Their cultivation methods are also different from ordinary monsters. Mysterious monsters can also condense golden elixirs, and their IQs are also very high. The physical strength and spiritual energy proficiency are very powerful, far stronger than human practitioners of the same level.

On a mountain peak in the polar ice field, a middle-aged man with an imposing figure said to a man wearing heavy armor: "I have forced the two of them into the area of ​​the mysterious beast. Inside, they will definitely die.”

The man in heavy armor pondered for a moment and continued: "There are still many outsiders who have this idea for the ice ruins. Now we have only solved one. Now that the news has been spread, there are still many people who come here to look for the secret place." , we will also intensify our search efforts.”

Another man in a black robe replied: "We can no longer search for them. It is most important to find the ice field ruins first. Now we have a large number of manpower to search for these outsiders. We no longer have enough manpower, and the Dragon Blood Tribe has The people around us are definitely not honest, and they will definitely bite us back when the time comes.”

"You're right. After we find the ice field ruins first, we can naturally deal with them. Don't worry now." An elder from the Frost Kingdom said.

When the Frost Sect Master heard this, he nodded slightly.

At the same time, on this mountain peak, Chen Xuan was lying quietly on the forest. He originally thought that the fierce man in white robe would continue to follow him, but he did not expect that he would actually leave, so Chen Xuan lay down behind a rock. Heal.

Several Dantians in his body were moving rapidly. Chen Xuan noticed these changes and swallowed a pill for throat healing. His body suddenly felt much more relaxed.

Wang Lun surrounded Chen Xuan and said, "Why didn't that guy catch up?"

Chen Xuan was also wondering about this question, so he said: "I don't know, but I always feel that this place is a bit weird. We must be more careful."

After a while, Chen Xuan felt that his body relaxed a little. Although the injury had been mostly healed, he still felt a little pain in the wound.

"I'm afraid it will take a few days to recover." Chen Xuan said slightly.

Although they felt that this place was a bit strange and there were basically no monsters nearby, they could only continue walking forward.

"I always feel that there is a terrifying message in this place. I don't know where it is coming from." Chen Xuan said doubtfully.

After thinking for a moment, he didn't know where this terrifying aura came from, but Chen Xuan stared at the back of his body suspiciously.

Sure enough, Chen Xuan suddenly heard the roar of a monster, and then he found an ice giant lizard suddenly appeared in front of him.

This ice giant lizard exuded a powerful aura, and the ice was rising on its body. After seeing Chen Xuan, its eyes actually flashed with strong murderous intent, and it roared at Chen Xuan. The next moment , the ice giant lizard violently raised its claws and ran towards Chen Xuan quickly.

Although the ice monitor lizard was very large, it was not slow. In the blink of an eye, it had already reached Chen Xuan's side, raised its huge claws, and grabbed Chen Xuan fiercely.

Chen Xuan hurriedly gathered the Suzaku Fire, and the prairie fire blade appeared immediately, blocking the ice giant lizard's claws.

When Chen Xuan's prairie blade collided with the claws of the ice giant lizard, the sword light condensed by the prairie blade in his hand was instantly broken into two pieces, and the blazing flames continued to burn around Chen Xuan, directly forcing Chen Xuan's body back.

Seeing this situation, Wang Lun quickly followed up and dealt with the ice giant lizard with Chen Xuan.

This ice giant lizard was very powerful, stronger than any he had encountered before.

The speed of the ice giant lizard was very fast, and it did not give Chen Xuan time to think at all. It pounced on him again. Chen Xuan once again urged the power of the Vermillion Bird in his body, and the prairie blade emerged again.

This time, Chen Xuan directly exerted the power of the ice soul to trap the ice giant lizard in it. Although it could restrict the body of the ice giant lizard, after a long time, the ice giant lizard still broke free from the restraints and jumped towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's body was shaken out by the giant lizard again. Seeing the giant lizard shaking its head and tail, Chen Xuan's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly said to Wang Lun: "Find a way to surround it from the side!"

Wang Lun also gathered the mysterious power in his body, and the shadows of the ultimate black giant sword emerged. It took more than ten minutes for them to kill the giant lizard.

"What exactly is this place? I didn't expect the cultivation of this giant lizard to be so strong." Chen Xuan said with a slightly surprised look.

Just after killing the giant lizard, the two of them continued to walk forward, and then Chen Xuan heard two roars from the front.

Hearing this powerful call, Chen Xuan's face began to change. The cultivation of the two black demon beasts fighting in front had far exceeded his estimation. Chen Xuan carefully concealed his breath and continued to walk slowly forward with Wang Lun.

Chen Xuan and Wang Lun cleverly watched the two black demon beasts fighting in front.

The two Xuanmo beasts were very large, and they were completely unrecognizable in the middle of their battle, and a deep pit appeared on the ground.

"No way, there are actually two Xuanmo beasts fighting here!" Wang Lun showed surprise on his face.

The cultivation of these two Xuanmo beasts is extremely powerful, and they have even entered the seventh level of the Fengjun realm. Seeing the two Xuanmo beasts fighting back and forth, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun hurriedly retreated to the back, fearing that they would be affected by the battle between the two beasts.

"It's easy to get, we just watch here, these two Xuanmo beasts are still fighting a tie now, and when their strength is exhausted, we can take advantage of it!" Chen Xuan said.

Wang Lun nodded slightly, and watched the battle with Chen Xuan. The two Xuanmo beasts fought for a whole day, but there was still no winner.

Chen Xuan and Wang Lun stayed here for several days before they saw that one of the Xuanmo beasts was killed by the other Xuanmo beast because of lack of physical strength.

Ying Liao Xuan Demon Beast was not feeling well either. Now this Xuan Demon Beast was seriously injured, and blood was constantly flowing out of his wound. Because he was focused on fighting just now, he did not notice that Chen Xuan and Wang Lun had approached them.

When he reacted, it was too late. Chen Xuan and Wang Lun attacked this Xuan Demon Beast together. Even though this demon beast was seriously injured, it took more than half an hour to kill it.

Then, Chen Xuan checked the two Xuan Demon Beasts. One of the Xuan Demon Beasts was named Qing Mo Wolf. The blood of this Xuan Demon Beast can nourish the bones of the demon soul cultivators, and eating their meat can also improve the cultivators' cultivation.

In this Black Rock World, many cultivators would like to use the flesh and blood of Xuan Demon Beasts to train their own bodies. However, because the cultivation of Xuan Demon Beasts is generally very powerful, far exceeding the demon beasts and cultivators of the same level, the flesh and blood of Xuan Demon Beasts is naturally very precious.

Chen Xuan was in a very happy mood. He did not expect that he would meet two Xuan Demon Beasts today.

"How is it? It seems that our luck is pretty good. No wonder the man in white robe didn't catch up just now. It turns out that this place is the territory of the black demon beast. Now it seems that the two black demon beasts are dead. We are safe here." Chen Xuan said happily.

Wang Lun nodded slightly. After more than half an hour, they dissected the bodies of the two black demon beasts and then sat cross-legged. Because Chen Xuan was cultivating the demon soul, he could use the blood of these black demon beasts to train his physical strength.

After collecting the blood, Wang Lun cast a puzzled look. Seeing that Chen Xuan did not explain, Wang Lun continued to cut the body of the black demon beast.

For several days, they stayed in place. Chen Xuan also took advantage of this time to refine the blood of the black demon beast into his body. This was the first time that Chen Xuan absorbed the blood of the black demon beast.

Yuwen Qiu once told him that if he wanted to increase the power of the demon soul again, he had to absorb the blood of the black demon beast.

After half an hour, a roar came from Chen Xuan's body.

As time went by, the blood of the Black Demon Beast continued to fill Chen Xuan's body and all attached to his bones. Chen Xuan clearly felt that this power was making his body stronger.

Unable to help but sigh, Chen Xuan continued to absorb the blood of the demon beast, feeling this power filling his body. It took more than two hours for Chen Xuan to finally refine all the blood of the Black Demon Beast.

At this time, Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes and saw red lines appearing on his body. Chen Xuan suddenly felt that his body was full of strength. After a few seconds, the lines were instantly hidden on his body. In the skin, Chen Xuan stood up and clenched his fists, gathered all the strength of his body into his hands, and then struck forward with a sword.


The ice crystal tree in front of Chen Xuan was immediately blown away until nothing was left.

Wang Lun heard the noise and ran over immediately, looked at Chen Xuan and asked curiously: "What happened? Why do you feel weird?"

Chen Xuan's face was full of excitement. He now clearly felt that the strength of his physical body had increased a lot again. The demon soul can increase the physical strength of the cultivator. Now, even if Chen Xuan is slashed by the sword on his body, He certainly wouldn't be seriously injured.

"I feel that my physical strength has increased a bit now. Wang Lun, can you help me check it? I am going to swallow this soul refining grass." Chen Xuandao.

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