Ever since he got the soul-refining grass, he hadn't had time to swallow it, but because Wang Lun was watching, Chen Xuan was naturally relieved. After hearing Wang Lun's answer, Chen Xuan immediately sat on Lin's side. , swallowed the Soul Refining Grass into his mouth.

After half an hour, Chen Xuan's body was once again covered with a layer of frost. This layer of frost has now been completely integrated into Chen Xuan's skin, not only allowing him to mobilize the Suzaku Xuanli faster, but also It also made his body stronger.

Now Chen Xuan is very confident in the strength of his physical body. During the process of cultivation, if the practitioner's physical body reaches a certain level of strength, it can be called an immortal body.

Before reaching the immortal body, he was a Taoist body. The distance between reaching the immortal body and becoming a loose immortal is only one step. Chen Xuan has just exceeded the limit of the mortal body.

It is precisely because of the power of the demon soul that Chen Xuan's physical body strength has been greatly improved. It is also a very difficult process to upgrade his mortal body to the Tao body. This requires absorbing a large amount of the blood of the mysterious demon beast. It is because the cultivation of demon souls is very cruel and even uses the blood of other cultivators, so it is banned by the Black Rock World.

Feeling the changes coming from his body, Chen Xuan gently exhaled a breath of cold air and said to Wang Lun: "Okay."

Next, they continued to explore the polar ice field, trying to find the entrance to the ice field ruins. However, after so much, they still could not find the entrance to the ruins, and they also killed a Frost in the middle. The master of the country.

At the same time, in the temporary stronghold of the Frost Sect Lord, a man wearing an orange robe had a gloomy face.

"I didn't expect that our people would be killed again. I heard that this time it was the man who used the Suzaku Xuanli. I didn't expect that his cultivation level was so strong. People who had reached the sixth level of the divine king realm could actually be killed by him. Kill him!"

At this time, Chen Xuan was still walking in this area, and he didn't even know that the Frost Sect Master had sent experts to search for his traces.

White mist surrounded this area. Not only was it colder, but the monsters were also more powerful. At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a breath of mysterious power in the distance.

This breath suddenly appeared from a distance, and Chen Xuan directly used his Suzaku profound power without hesitation, and all the power in his body gathered around him.


Chen Xuan blocked the attack of a man in black.

"Who?" Chen Xuan asked.

I saw a man wearing black armor with black scales underneath, looking at him with a long sword in his hand.

"Damn intruder!" The man in black said coldly.

"Are you from the Frost Kingdom?" Chen Xuandao.

Chen Xuan saw that the clothes he was wearing still had the symbol of the Frost Kingdom written on them. Unexpectedly, the next moment this man had a gloomy look, with bloodthirsty murderous intent in his eyes. He looked at Chen Xuan and said: "Son, today actually If I find you, just leave your life here!"

Chen Xuan felt that the technique that the man had just performed was very similar to the technique from the Frost Kingdom, so he shouted out loud: "Aren't you from the Frost Kingdom?"

The man in black showed a sinister smile and said: "It seems that you know a lot. Now that I have discovered it, I will use your flesh and blood to improve my own cultivation. Hahaha, it seems that I’ve been waiting here for so long and it’s finally paying off.”

Chen Xuan sneered: "Are all the people in the Dragon Blood Tribe so arrogant?"

The man in black said solemnly: "Sir, don't be too proud. Although I am only one person now, it is more than enough to kill you!"

"Then you come and take a look. See if I will kill you today." Chen Xuan did not show a trace of fear. He had just noticed that this man's cultivation level was not much higher than his.

The man in black roared angrily, and his figure flashed quickly. In the blink of an eye, he appeared next to Chen Xuan. After a fight, Chen Xuan had the upper hand, and Chen Xuan also discovered that the man in black had the upper hand. He suffered some injuries and has not recovered yet.

Chen Xuan sneered and ignored the surprised look on the man in black. He unleashed the power of the Suzaku and surrounded the man in black. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Xuan used the Suzaku sword technique. Bombarded the shadow.

Just now, the man in black cast a shadow, trying to confuse Chen Xuan, but he didn't expect that Chen Xuan had already noticed it and followed his spiritual power to continue attacking from behind.

The eyes of the man in black were full of shock. He did not expect that Chen Xuan, who had just reached the third level of the divine king realm, could actually break through his defense.

"Wang Lun, just watch it!" Chen Xuan said loudly.

Hearing this, Wang Lun stood aside and stared at Chen Xuan closely.

When he first saw Chen Xuan, he thought that he had reached the seventh level of the title and could defeat Chen Xuan directly. However, the strength that Chen Xuan unleashed far exceeded his expectations.

The prairie fire blade was swung out instantly, and the voice of Suzaku emerged, directly hitting the body of the man in black robe, knocking him far away, and the man in black died instantly.

Chen Xuan put away his sharp blade, with a dull look in his eyes, not showing any pride at all for killing the black-robed man.

After killing him, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun continued to move towards the front of this area. Chen Xuan's intuition told him that this place was likely to have a lot of dangers, and people from the Dragon Blood Tribe must have also come to this area. .

After walking for more than half an hour, Chen Xuan found an ice field in front of him. There was a stream flowing in the middle of the ice field, and directly above the stream, there was a figure sitting in the middle.

Chen Xuan could see the red profound energy emerging from the man's body at a glance.

Most of the people in the Dragon Blood Tribe are also cultivating demon souls, but the demon souls they cultivate are somewhat different from Chen Xuan.

"It seems that this man is also from the Dragon Blood Tribe, but he seems to have been seriously injured." Chen Xuan felt that the powerful strength exuded by the Dragon Blood Tribe man far exceeded him.

I'm afraid he is also a master in the Dragon Blood Tribe. As soon as Chen Xuan walked forward, he found that the path blocked the attack of a man in black. The man from the Dragon Blood Tribe suddenly opened his eyes, his white eyes staring at Chen Xuan's body. Chen Xuan clearly felt a strong white profound force, wrapping the body of the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe. Immediately afterwards, the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

A voice came into Chen Xuan's ears: "You are actually able to come here. It seems that Mu Dan has been killed by you, right?"

Chen Xuan looked around and found that the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe who was sitting had completely disappeared and turned into a red mist, but the sound still reached Chen Xuan's ears.

"Don't talk so much nonsense. I think you should be injured now." Chen Xuan said coldly.

The next moment, Chen Xuan suddenly saw the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe reappear out of thin air. It was obvious that he was injured and could not maintain a fighting state for too long.

"Wang Lun, although he has been injured, he is very strong. The two of us will go together." Chen Xuandao.

Even so, Chen Xuan did not dare to act rashly, lest the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe could kill him instantly with his explosive strength.

However, the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe had already taken the lead. He was very fast and appeared behind Chen Xuan in the blink of an eye. Chen Xuan immediately took out his own sharp blade and struck out with his backhand. Suzaku Xuanli came from his body. Emerged from above, forcing the body of the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe back.

The man from the Dragon Blood Tribe immediately began to flee in the opposite direction. Chen Xuan knew that he was seriously injured now. If he just wanted to create a chance for himself to escape, then how could Chen Xuan let him go? Although he has no hatred against the Dragon Blood Tribe, the Yun Ye Empire and the Dragon Blood People are at war now, and Chen Xuan is now affiliated with the royal family of the Yun Ye Empire, so he helps.

Moreover, the men of the Dragon Blood Tribe must carry many treasures on their bodies. They also cultivate the power of demon souls. Chen Xuan is very curious about what is different about his demon souls. Chen Xuan could clearly sense that his cultivation was very powerful, and he might have reached the realm of a god king.

Chen Xuan hurriedly followed, waving his arms, and the Suzaku mysterious power emerged quickly, filling the entire sky in the blink of an eye. The Suzaku fire blocked the sun and attacked directly towards the fleeing Dragon Blood Tribe man. The man from the Dragon Blood Tribe who was escaping did not react at all. Chen Xuan behind him had already launched a fierce attack on him, so his body was actually stabbed by a Suzaku Fire, and then he fell from the ground.

At this time, Chen Xuan also discovered that the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe was not injured at all. The black armor he was wearing actually had strong defensive power, completely neutralizing Chen Xuan's attack.

However, the powerful impact still left the men of the Dragon Blood Tribe behind. Chen Xuan couldn't see clearly what kind of face the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe looked like. It was night in the ice field, so the light was very dark. Chen Xuan could only use his own mysterious power to sense where it was. location, and what surprised Chen Xuan was that this man from the Dragon Blood Tribe could suddenly conceal his figure, just like an assassin. After a long battle, and with Wang Lun's help, Chen Xuan discovered that he Hiding behind a rock.

With a sword in the air, Suzaku's profound energy suddenly emerged, and he suddenly pursued the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe. The man from the Dragon Blood Tribe who had just been hiding behind a stone showed a look of surprise and looked at him as he attacked. The sword energy that came over hurriedly avoided it, but at this time the wounds on his body began to burst, and blood flowed out of his body.

"Son, if you dare to kill me, you have offended our Dragon Blood Tribe. Don't you know how the people of our Dragon Blood Tribe deal with things? I will definitely refine you into blood by then." Dragon. The man from the Blood Tribe said angrily.

Chen Xuan sneered: "I have offended you a long time ago, and now I won't leave you alone. As long as I kill you, everything on you will belong to me!"

With a sword blast, another Suzaku sound emerged from Chen Xuan's body. This time, Chen Xuan summoned a large amount of Suzaku fire and directly knocked the body of the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe away.

He had been seriously injured, but now the wound burst and blood kept flowing out. Chen Xuan's flames directly hit his wound, making it impossible for the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe to treat his injury.

Seeing that the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe was already lying on Lin, Chen Xuan slowly approached him. Only then did Chen Xuan see what the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe looked like. There was something on the face of this man from the Dragon Blood Tribe. With a very huge scar, it was only possible to clearly see that the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe was staring at Chen Xuan with his white eyes.

Without any hesitation, Chen Xuan swung his sword, pierced the head of the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe, and killed him directly. Then Chen Xuan quickly searched the body of the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe and found on his body A storage ring.

"I didn't expect that he also had a storage ring on his body." Chen Xuan whispered.

Although since Chen Xuan came to Lu Yucheng, he has found that many people have storage rings, and there are also many storage props that have almost the same principle as the ring in Chen Xuan's hand, but they are still in the minority. Chen Xuan didn't know why storage rings in this world were so expensive.

After the search, Chen Xuan left here quickly. Since a person from the Dragon Blood Tribe has appeared here, it is very likely that he is not the only one. Moreover, the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe was seriously injured just now, probably because of the relationship with this place. It was formed by fighting with mysterious monsters, so Chen Xuan did not stay nearby at all.

Their battle just now caused a huge sensation. If these mysterious beasts came over, Chen Xuan and the others would be in great danger.

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