Suzaku's soul began to condense quickly, and it could be seen how powerful this strong man was.

Chen Xuan came to the altar and released the divine sword intention.

The sword energy contained the aura of Suzaku's divine soul, which filled the entire secret place in an instant.

The terrifying sword energy shrouded the altar.

Immediately afterwards, everyone entered the altar.

Finally, a voice came from the altar.

"If you pass, you can practice my swordsmanship."

As the voice fell, a dark red sword energy penetrated Chen Xuan's body.

In an instant, Chen Xuan felt that a large amount of information appeared in his memory.

"Burning Sword Intent?"

Chen Xuan was extremely excited, having finally obtained this secret technique.

The inheritance ended, and then the altar returned to its original appearance, and the fiery red color receded.

Chen Xuan bowed to the altar and then left the secret place.


When the sect leader and the chief elder of the cabinet saw Chen Xuan coming out, they came to his side eagerly.

"How is it?" the cabinet elder asked.

Chen Xuan nodded, then showed a smile.

"Succeeded?" asked the sect leader.

"Yes." Chen Xuan said slowly.

"Hahaha, great, I knew you could definitely pass." The elder of the cabinet smiled.

"Talent, definitely talented." The sect leader said loudly.

"He is indeed a talented person. He actually got Chuanchang directly in one go." The chief elder of the cabinet also expressed his admiration.

Chen Xuan couldn't understand what was so great about just receiving the inheritance.

Currently, Chen Xuan has obtained the Burning Sword Intent.

"Your son, you did a great job." The cabinet elder said with a smile on his face.

"Hurry back and practice Burning Sword Intent. Before the Seven Flames Secret Realm comes, try your best to enter the entrance." The sect leader said.

Chen Xuan nodded, and then left with a very excited expression.

Seeing Chen Xuan's leaving figure, the sect master and the cabinet elder remained silent once again.

"Sect Master, I believe it now. This boy is indeed very powerful."

The sect leader then said: "What a shocking guy."

The more he came into contact with Chen Xuan, the more the sect leader felt that there was no way to see through Chen Xuan.

"Sect Master, maybe Chen Xuan will show extraordinary strength in the Seven Flames Secret Realm this time, and I, a disciple of the Fen Clan, will finally be proud and proud." The chief elder of the cabinet said.

After returning to Fenqi Palace, Chen Xuan directly began to retreat.

The most important thing for him now is to improve his strength.

Especially this time, many top hidden powerhouses in the Seven Flames Secret Realm will also go there. Chen Xuan's heart feels extremely heavy.

And if he could cultivate the Burning Sword Intent to the basic level in front of the Seven Flames Secret Realm, this Burning Sword Intent would be his chance.

In Fen Qigong, Chen Xuan was sitting on the ground, with a strong aura of divine swordsmanship filling the area.

There is a lot of information around Chen Xuan, basically the explanation of Burning Sword Intent.

Chen Xuan watched Fen Jianyi's formula carefully.

"There are nine levels of Burning Sword Intent in total, which can allow warriors to cultivate to the seventh level of the Divine Mysterious Realm without burdens."

Generally speaking, the average medium-level secret method only allows the warrior to practice to the seventh level peak of the Shenxuan realm.

And from what I can see, this sword-burning intention can allow warriors to practice until they reach the seventh level of the divine realm without any burdens.

In other words, this Burning Sword Intent is the pinnacle of the intermediate secret techniques.

Half an hour later, after Chen Xuan read the Burning Sword Intent, he couldn't help but sigh that he didn't know which peak powerhouse created the Burning Sword Intent.

This is the most powerful sword technique that Chen Xuan has ever seen, much stronger than the Moon Sea Sword Technique.

If you want to practice Burning Sword Intent, the first level is the peak level of the fifth-level volume of Shenjian Dao, which is equivalent to Lu Xun's strength.

Chen Xuan has already met the qualifications, so there is no need to worry about this.

However, if the soul is too weak to carry the power of Burning Sword Intent, so that the soul must be at least level 5, then Chen Xuan is also qualified.

At the same time, the deeper your understanding of the way of swordsmanship, the easier it will be to practice it.

A monk who can be recognized by the altar has a strong talent, so there is no need to worry.

In the following time, Chen Xuan began to practice Burning Sword Intent.

Time is passing bit by bit.

During this period of time, some important things happened in Fenmen, which caused a sensation in the entire Fenmen.

Fan Feiying, the strongest of the Supreme A-level disciples, successfully condensed six strands of true energy. The power of true energy in the Qi Sea condensed nine strands, and then Fan Feiying's strength increased several times.

At the seventh level of Shenxuan Realm, except for the warriors who have condensed the nine paths, no warrior can be his opponent.

Many senior executives showed a sense of surprise.

At this critical moment, Fan Feiying condensed the nine true essences, which made the elder and others extremely excited.

Last time, Li Mingyan of the Shangguan family powerfully defeated Fan Feiying, who was also at the first level.

If Chen Xuan hadn't defeated Li Mingyan in the end, no one would dare to imagine what the final result would have been...

At present, Fan Feiying has finally condensed the six paths of true energy.

A week after Fan Feiying condensed the Six Paths True Essence, a news spread within the area of ​​Fenmen.

Xu Wendong, who had left Fenmen, came back. Xu Wendong's return made Fenmen very excited.

However, this was unexpected by the sect leader.

At the beginning, Chen Xuan asked the sect leader and found out that the strongest among the new generation of Fenmen was Xu Wendong.

At the beginning, Xu Wendong left the Fen Clan as the strongest person in the new generation of the Fen Clan.

For warriors, if their strength cannot be improved, they must break through in actual combat.

And now he's back.

Fenmen Elder Hall Zheng

"Hahaha, Xu Wendong, you are finally back." The cabinet elder smiled.

"Sect Master, Chief Elder of the Cabinet." Xu Wendong nodded lightly to the two of them.

The sect leader had already received the news that Xu Wendong was coming back, so he observed Xu Wendong and sighed slowly.

"This time in the Seven Flames Secret Realm, I will help Fenmen." Xu Wendong said in a deep voice.

After hearing this, the sect leader and the chief elder of the cabinet nodded.

Xu Wendong, who has condensed the nine true essences, is only one step away from reaching the seventh level of perfection in the divine realm.

It is only a matter of time before such a peak powerhouse reaches the seventh level of the divine realm.

Perhaps, in the Seven Flames Secret Realm, one can enter the seventh level of perfection in the Mysterious Realm.

"Xu Wendong, you are tired from traveling and traveling, please take a good rest first." said the cabinet elder.

Xu Wendong's return shocked the faces of other sect leaders.

However, in addition to Xu Wendong's return, some warriors from other sects also left seclusion.

All in all, the entire Nine Flames Continent became tense because of the Seven Flames Secret Realm.

In the Shangguan family of Jiuyan Continent, Li Mingyan has condensed the six paths of true energy, and his strength is equivalent to that of a strong man of the nine paths.

In addition, Shangguan Long, the former top powerhouse of the Shangguan family, has also returned.

At that time, the undisputed strongest member of the new generation of the Shangguan family had condensed the nine true essences and became the strongest at the seventh level of the Shenxuan realm.

The same is true for Shangguan Xiao. His talent is not weaker than Shangguan Long. He left Jiuyan Continent with Shangguan Long and now he has condensed the nine true essences.

The Shangguan family was very happy to have two young top experts who had condensed the Nine Paths.

Within the Shangguan family area.

"How come you two are back so soon?" Shangguan Xuan asked in surprise.

"Over the years, we have joined sects from other continents and achieved breakthroughs in cultivation through hard work. Now we are back when the secret realm opens." Shangguan Xiao said softly.

Shangguanxuan smiled slightly after hearing this.

Fortunately, he sent Shangguan Xiao and Shangguan Long away from Jiuyan Continent. Currently, Shangguan Xiao and Shangguan Long are worshiped by elders of sects in other continents, and their future prospects are limitless.

"No problem, very good. This time the Secret of Seven Flames can be regarded as training for you." Shangguanxuan said softly.

Shangguan Long doesn't care about the Seven Flames Secret Realm at all. Among the new generation of Jiuyan Continent, no one is his opponent, and this time, he wants to come back to prove that he is the number one.

The nine top sects are also nervously preparing for the Seven Flames Secret Realm, and some casual cultivators are also beginning to prepare to enter the Secret Realm.

All in all, all the warriors in the entire Nine Flames Continent are patiently waiting for the arrival of the Seven Flames Secret Realm.

Some sects are also continuing to prepare, and there may be sect disciples who will obtain inherited treasures at the Seven Flames Ruins.

The top positions in the Seven Flames Secret Realm have always been selected by the disciples of the nine top sects.

It is very difficult for warriors in the sect to break into the top few. Unless they encounter some miracle, it is simply impossible.

Inside the Burning Gate.

Chen Xuan suddenly stood up.

Holding the prairie fire sword in his hand, he moved quickly on his toes, waving the prairie fire sword constantly.

One after another, strange sword lights appeared in the sky.

In just a short moment, terrifying sword energy spread throughout.

Chen Xuan shouted low, and the sword energy in the air suddenly rushed towards Kong.

In an instant, time and space were broken, and murderous intent overflowed.

Seeing this, an excited smile appeared on Chen Xuan's face: "The Burning Sword Intent has finally begun."

And what he just used was the first level of Burning Sword Intent.

However, being able to learn it in such a short period of time was not only due to his own talent but also the help of Suzaku Soul.

"It's a pity that the cultivation level still continues to break through the middle stage of the fifth level of Shenxuan realm."

Chen Xuan was a little helpless because his cultivation level had not improved.

However, after cultivating the Burning Sword Intent, his strength increased several times, and he was at least able to fight against warriors who had condensed the six paths of true energy.

If one's cultivation level is improving, the Seven Flames Secret Realm will be much simpler.

"There is no way to improve your practice for the time being. Let's rest."

There was not much time left before the Seven Flames Secret Realm, so Chen Xuan simply took a rest. After all, he was tired from so much practice.

Putting away the prairie fire sword, Chen Xuan walked out of the courtyard.

Walking on the road to Fen Qigong, there are martial arts warriors everywhere.

At this time, Chen Xuan heard the discussions of some warriors.

"Fan Feiying condensed six paths of true energy?"

Chen Xuan nodded and continued walking.

However, when he heard the news of Xu Wendong's return, he stopped instantly.

"Xu Wendong returned? What happened?" Chen Xuan asked the warriors nearby.

"It turns out to be Brother Chen Xuan. You have been in seclusion during this period." The disciple smiled and said: "Xu Wendong is the new top powerhouse of our Fen sect. He left our sect and went to other continents. Now came back."

After hearing this, Chen Xuan nodded.

"Xu Wendong? Could it be that this Xu Wendong is the master's top expert who has condensed the nine true essences?"

At the same time, Chen Xuan was sure that Xu Wendong was the talent the sect leader said he was.

"I really want to meet such a strong person." Chen Xuan said with a smile on his face.

But at this time, Xu Wendong appeared in the sky above Fenqi Palace.

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