At this time, Xu Wendong looked down.

This voice contained a terrifying power of true essence, which spread throughout the entire Fenqi Palace.

Even the warriors of other palaces heard this voice of Xu Wendong.

"Is Xu Wendong looking for Chen Xuan?"

"Xu Wendong wants to provoke Chen Xuan?"

"What does Senior Brother Xu Wendong want to find Chen Xuan for?"

A warrior saw Xu Wendong in the air and said excitedly.

Chen Xuan on the road looked up at the sky, where Xu Wendong's face was gloomy.

The True God of Time and Space performed, and Chen Xuan's body came to the sky.

"Senior Brother Xu Wendong, hello."

Chen Xuan nodded and smiled at Xu Wendong.

"Are you Chen Xuan?"

Xu Wendong asked in a deep voice.

"Haha, that's right, I am Chen Xuan. I don't know what Senior Brother Xu wants to find me for?" Chen Xuan asked.

When he spoke, he also slightly curled his lips.

The reason is also very simple, because he felt a murderous aura on Xu Wendong.

Why is this Xu Wendong full of murderous aura?

Hearing Chen Xuan's words, Xu Wendong observed Chen Xuan.

After a while, Xu Wendong's face was also a little surprised, and then he said: "Do you know why I came to you? Because of Wanyan Qinghong..."

When Xu Wendong arrived at Wanyan Qinghong, he seemed very angry.

Chen Xuan was a little surprised after hearing it.

"Xu Wendong, what do you mean?" Chen Xuan nodded gently.

He thought that he had a good relationship with Wanyan Qinghong, could it be that the other party had a bad relationship with Wanyan Qinghong?


Xu Wendong tightly grasped the long sword in his hand, and a terrifying light burst out in his deep eyes.

"I heard that you have a conflict with Wanyan Qinghong, and you want to plot against him?" Xu Wendong said.

Chen Xuan's face was not afraid at all, looking at Xu Wendong and said: "Wanyan Qinghong and I have no grudges, I'm afraid you don't understand it correctly."

"Really?" Xu Wendong continued.

Chen Xuan said slowly: "As the strongest person in Fenmen, can't you tell the truth from what I said?"

"Well... I heard that you are very talented, I want to see how strong you are."

As soon as Xu Wendong finished speaking, the terrifying power of true essence in the air instantly spread around.

Many warriors were secretly paying attention to the conflict between Xu Wendong and Chen Xuan.

"This is interesting, Brother Xu Wendong, what are you going to do?" Chen Xuan frowned and asked.

"Don't worry, Chen Xuan, no matter whether you and my brother Wanyan have grudges, now I will suppress my cultivation to the fourth level of the Shenxuan realm and fight you." Xu Wendong said.


As soon as Xu Wendong finished speaking, a sword light appeared directly, and the terrifying power of true essence gathered on the sword light and blasted towards Chen Xuan.

Watching Xu Wendong's sword light about to attack, Chen Xuan's body disappeared instantly.

"Can't run away."

Xu Wendong shouted in a low voice, and the space and time were torn apart.

Chen Xuan took out the Lioyuan Sword and used the Moon Sea Sword Technique.

Moon Sea Sword Technique.

The aura of the Divine Sword Dao quickly stabbed at Xu Wendong.

With a clang!

Xu Wendong used the sword light to defend against the attack of these sword qi.


The sword qi close to his body shattered instantly.

Chen Xuan did not make a move. He held the Lioyuan Sword in his hand and looked at Xu Wendong and said, "Is it interesting? I have already said that I have no hatred or grudge against Wanyan Qinghong. Don't you believe it?"

Xu Wendong also showed surprise, and then stopped making a move.

He looked at Chen Xuan with complicated eyes.

With his invincible strength of the fourth level of the Divine Profound Realm, he was unable to defeat Chen Xuan immediately.

It can be seen that Chen Xuan is strong.

Hearing Chen Xuan's words, Xu Wendong remained silent.

In fact, after he came back, he went to find Wanyan Qinghong, but the other party was practicing in seclusion.

At the beginning, the two of them joined the Fenmen together and had a good relationship. When he heard that Chen Xuan was plotting against Wanyan Qinghong, he couldn't help it immediately.

He had already recognized Chen Xuan.

"Your talent is stronger than mine before." Xu Wendong said.

"If we were of the same level, I would easily defeat you, but I really have no grudges with Brother Wanyan." Chen Xuan said slowly.

Xu Wendong nodded. When he was in the early stage of the fifth level of the Divine Profound Realm, his strength was not as terrifying as Chen Xuan.

After this battle, Xu Wendong's attitude towards Chen Xuan changed a lot.

Xu Wendong cursed in his heart, and at this time he was also complaining about Elder Sulu who sent him the message.

"Elder Sulu wants to provoke a fight between me and Chen Xuan? Does he have a grudge with Chen Xuan?" Xu Wendong thought to himself.

So now Xu Wendong is very angry.

He immediately said goodbye to Chen Xuan and came to the residence of Elder Sulu Zheng

"Elder, I hope you can give me a way." Xu Wendong said coldly.

Although the other party is an elder, he is not afraid.

"Xu Wendong, what's wrong?" Elder Sulu asked in confusion.

"Chen Xuan and Wanyan Qinghong are not in conflict, what is he doing?" Xu Wendong said in a deep voice.

After hearing this, Elder Sulu laughed.

However, he had already had a way to deal with it.

Then, he slowly explained to Xu Wendong.

Fighting with Xu Wendong also made Chen Xuan realize the true peak talent.

Although his talent is not inferior to Xu Wendong, his weakness is cultivation.

"The cultivation is still a bit low. If I had some time, I would not be afraid of Xu Wendong, let alone the strongest talent of the Shangguan family. What a pity." Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

Up to now, although I dare not never lose to others, I have absolutely no worries among people with the same level of cultivation.

A week later, the Seven Flames Secret Realm is about to begin. Many warriors who have entered the Burning Clan will go to the Seven Flames Secret Realm in the main city of Jiuyan where the Shangguan family is located.

The Secret Realm of Seven Flames was actually formed from a damaged continent tens of millions of years ago.

There is a powerful bloodline of monsters from the Second Dynasty in this place.

The Seven Flames Secret Realm is controlled by the City Lord’s Mansion.

So much so that they have to arrive at the main city of Jiuyan in advance.

The sect's lobby was filled with warriors.

In the viewing area, the sect leader and the cabinet elder stood quietly.

Seeing that all the warriors had arrived, the cabinet elder began to speak.

"Everyone, today we will go to the Seven Flames Secret Realm." The Great Elder of the Cabinet said: "The Seven Flames Secret Realm is extremely dangerous, and we may even be killed in it, but we must participate. If we don't die in the Seven Flames Secret Realm, our cultivation will be certain. You can advance by leaps and bounds, and even improve greatly. I hope many warriors will remember that there are no friends in the Seven Flames Secret Realm, otherwise you may die. "

The meaning of the cabinet elder is very clear. When entering the Seven Flames Secret Realm, the monsters are not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is the struggle between sects.

Especially the disciples of the nine top sects will almost fight to the death whenever they see him.

In addition to killing monsters, he also has to worry about the plots of other warriors.

After talking for a while, the cabinet elder continued: "This time, Xu Wendong will be the main person in charge of our Burning Sect in the Seven Flames Secret Realm. When you enter the Seven Flames Secret Realm, you must obey Xu Wendong's words."

"Don't worry, I understand."

Many warriors answered together.

The sect leader said: "If you enter the top few in the Seven Flames Secret Realm this time, you will get unexpected rewards."

"What reward?"

Their pupils were filled with excitement.

"If you enter the top few, you will be able to obtain the secret method. You will also be able to obtain a large amount of material and earth treasures, and you can even break through to the seventh level of the Mysterious Realm for this reason."

The Sect Master's words made many warriors extremely excited.

The ninth-level secret method is actually the top secret method in Jiuyan Continent.

Weaker warriors are usually not seen.

Even for a top sect like Fenmen, the ninth-level secret method is considered to be the sect's top skill.

And this time, as long as you enter the top few in the Seven Flames Secret Realm, you will be able to obtain a ninth-level secret method, and you will also get a large number of materials and treasures.

“It’s really atmospheric.”

Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

The Yinjue secret method he practiced was a ninth-level secret method.

He is very aware of the power of the ninth-level secret method. The magic weapon of the Seven Flames Secret Realm is too rich.

No wonder some top-notch experts who had been hiding from the world appeared one after another.

"The top three disciples have the ninth-level secret method, a first-level immortal weapon, and a large number of materials and earth treasures."


There was a lot of discussion in the lobby.

Are even the immortal weapons coming out? Isn’t the first magic weapon more abundant?

"Sect Master, what is the number one magic weapon?"

Xu Wendong, who was standing at the front, asked.

In an instant, the entire lobby fell into silence.

Many warriors' eyes fell on the sect leader.

The sect leader looked around and smiled lightly.

All the warriors looked curiously at the sect leader at the front.

"It can be tempered once into the fire of nine flames."

After hearing this, many warriors looked surprised.

"If you win the championship, you can actually enter the Nine Fires."

"If the Fire of Nine Flames is destroyed, the Nine Flames Continent will also be damaged... I didn't expect it to go there."

So much so that the Fire of Nine Flames is very important. Although the various sects in the Continent of Nine Flames continue to fight decisive battles, if they encounter enemies invading the Fire of Nine Flames, they will immediately unite.

Within the Nine Flames Fire, there is a fire from millions of years ago.

It is said that if a warrior absorbs this fire, he will be able to temper his body and reach perfection.

In the past million years, no warrior has been able to enter the Nine Flames for tempering.

The reason is also very simple, because if you want to enter the Nine Flames Fire, you must obtain the legend of the Nine Flames Continent.

Within the Nine Flames Continent, there is a spiritual vein foundation. Only by inheriting the spiritual vein foundation and breaking through the Nine Flames Fire can warriors enter it.

So much so that there was no way to get recognition, and even Shangguanxuan and others couldn't get in.

There are not many powerful people who covet the Nine Flames Fire, but in the end they have no way to succeed, because even if they defeat all the powerful people in the Nine Flames Continent with their overwhelming strength, they still have no way to enter the Nine Flames Fire.

Millions of years ago, a warrior came out of the Nine Flames safely. At the end of the day, he became one of the most elite beings.

The Lord of Nine Flames back then also tried, but was unable to gain recognition.

As for Shangguanxuan, Master Fen and others, there is no way they don’t want to go inside.

However, there was no recognition.

But this time, the Shangguan family obtained the energy of the Nine Flames coming from the spiritual veins of the Nine Flames Continent.

This time, you can enter the Nine Flames Fire. When the news came out, the entire Nine Flames Continent was completely boiling.

However, at this time, many warriors, including Master Fen, were also shocked.

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