However, the Supreme Demon King of the Immortal Dragon Palace stood silently, motionless, letting the spiritual energy hit his body. Suddenly, a panicking aura was released from the ground.

"That's weird, what is it?"

The faces of the top experts darkened instantly, and they looked at the Supreme Demon King of the Immortal Dragon Palace with wide eyes.


The Supreme Demon King of the Immortal Dragon Palace released the aura of the second level of the Divine Realm. At this time, all the warriors in the Central Continent felt extremely shocked in their hearts.

Lu Kuanglong, who was originally preparing to continue the attack, felt his face darken instantly after feeling this aura.

"Second level of divine realm? How is it possible?"

Lu Kuanglong lost his voice and said.


Lu Kuanglong tore through the air and fled from this place.

"You can't escape." The Supreme Demon King of the Immortal Dragon Palace said softly, and a sword flashed before slashing out.


The top experts were extremely shocked.

"No way, actually..."

They looked at each other and were extremely shocked.


At this moment, Lu Kuanglong was blocked by the Supreme Demon King of the Immortal Dragon Palace.

"Go to hell!"

Lu Kuanglong used his special move and struck out with his sword.


At this time, the Supreme Demon King of the Immortal Dragon Palace swung his sword, slashed through Lu Kuanglong's sword, and directly knocked Lu Kuanglong away.

Lu Kuanglong let out a roar, used his life-saving magic weapon to escape again, and quickly headed to the Demon Gate area.

"Zhang Qianlang, the supreme demon king of the Immortal Dragon Palace has broken through to the second level of the divine realm."

In the Demon Gate area, Zhang Qianlang was setting up a formation when he suddenly heard Lu Kuanglong's voice transmission.

"What are you? You can't."

Zhang Qian suddenly stood up from the ground, his face darkening instantly.

"Second level of divine realm..."

The worst thing happened. The supreme demon king of the Immortal Dragon Palace entered the second level of the divine realm and was no longer an opponent.

"Damn, what the hell is going on..."

For a brief moment, Zhang Qianlang's pupils darkened, and the formation was activated in an instant.

The aura of terror permeated the surroundings.

This formation was obtained by Zhang Qianlang from a ruins.

"The second-level powerhouse in the divine realm is not something we can defend at all. This formation can send us into the turbulence of space. We can only retreat quickly now, otherwise we will definitely be killed if we encounter him. ." Zhang Qianlang explained.

"There is no time, hurry up, keep the green hills, don't worry about running out of firewood, as long as the two of us don't die, there will be time by then. Even if we enter the space turbulence, we may not enter other continents."

Lu Kuanglong was extremely angry in his heart. He never expected that the supreme demon king of the Immortal Dragon Palace would break through to the second level of the divine realm.

If they enter the formation, the Mingyao Clan warriors and the Demon Sect will be completely destroyed immediately.


The formation was activated and quickly gathered together.

At this time, the Supreme Demon King of the Immortal Dragon Palace arrived.

"Want to escape? What you want is quite simple."

The Supreme Demon King of the Immortal Dragon Palace struck out lightly with his sword, causing the formation to tear apart instantly.

However, his arrival was still a step too late. Zhang Qianlang and Lu Kuanglong had already disappeared.

The Supreme Demon King of the Immortal Dragon Palace closed his eyes, and his consciousness instantly spread out, covering the entire Central Continent. However, to his surprise, he found no trace of the two of them.

Then he discovered that the remaining aura in the formation seemed to be dissipating little by little.

In the end, he concluded that the two of them should have used the formation to escape into the space turbulence.

"Warriors in the divine realm don't have much chance of survival when they enter the space turbulence. Space turbulence is not an easy place. Once they get there, they will have a narrow escape from death." The Supreme Demon King of the Immortal Dragon Palace said calmly.

After solving the two peak experts, the Supreme Demon King of the Immortal Dragon Palace returned to the Immortal Dragon Palace.

At this moment, under the attack of the famous warriors, the demon warriors and the demon clan were completely defeated.

A well-known and upright warrior has become the absolute controller of the Central Continent.

Many demon sects surrendered, but the Supreme Demon King of the Immortal Dragon Palace did not order them to be killed. Instead, he trapped them in some dangerous places to train the warriors of his own sect.

In Jincheng, Chen Xuan appeared inside Jincheng as the city lord.

Now the power of the Golden Immortal Array is even more powerful, and Zhang Yudi is also responsible for controlling the Golden Immortal Array. Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan brought Zhang Jianyun back.

"Zhang Jianyun, how are you?" Chen Xuan asked.

Zhang Jianyun said: "Chen Xuan, this old guy has been teaching me this time. We demon clan want to unite together. He has not done anything to me. Anyway, I am fine now. I just need to cultivate for a while."

"I heard from the Supreme Demon King that you have been seriously injured and there is no way to enter the middle stage of the first level of the divine realm." Chen Xuan tried hard to suppress the anger in his heart.

After hearing this, Zhang Jianyun remained silent.

Chen Xuan slowly shook his head. He held the sword tightly in his hand and said solemnly: "Zhang Jianyun, don't worry. I must find a way to recover you. I also know what you did for me."

In that original situation, he had every chance to escape, but he didn't do that, and the reason was very simple.

It and Chen Xuan have known each other for a long time, how could it shrink back because of this little thing, and that is indeed what he said. The reason why Lu Kuanglong captured him was simply because he was also a member of the demon clan and wanted to win over him to help him rule this continent.

"Chen Xuan... I know you really want to help me, but I don't have very high hopes for this matter. All in all, let's take it one step at a time."

Zhang Jianyun sighed.

Jingjing nodded, and after Chen Xuan settled Zhang Jianyun, he left.

In just a few months, the famous and upright warriors completely controlled the Central Continent.

All the warriors cheered, and at the same time, some dangerous places were opened to the weak monks.

There are many space halls in these dangerous places.

In the space hall, a large number of demon warriors and demon sects are imprisoned.

This place is just right for them to practice, and those of us warriors here have been sealed. We may never be able to leave here, and we will only be trapped here for the rest of our lives.

If they want to blame, they can only blame themselves, because they must be greedy or dissatisfied with the rule of the human race, and even many people from the Demon Sect have already ended up like this this time.

But Chen Xuan would not forgive them at all. They could only ask for this.

The Central Continent has returned to peace.

On this day, the leader of the Dragon Fire Sect summoned Chen Xuan.

Dragon Fire Gate, in the courtyard.

"Master, what's wrong?" Chen Xuan asked.

The leader of the Dragon Fire Sect nodded, and then said: "The Supreme Demon King of the Immortal Dragon Palace has reached the second level of the Divine Realm. You should have helped him."

Chen Xuan laughed and said nothing.

"Have you felt that the Supreme Demon King has changed, whether it is his aura or his personality." The leader of the Dragon Fire Sect continued: "But I call you here this time, and I still have something to tell you."

"It's normal to enter the second level of the divine realm." Chen Xuan said slowly.

In fact, he also felt it, but Chen Xuan wanted to talk more, so he deliberately pretended that he didn't know, anyway, when the Demon King came out.

Chen Xuan did feel some changes in his aura, but Chen Xuan didn't ask too much because he knew that if he knew that the Demon King wanted to follow him, he would definitely tell him personally.

The leader of the Dragon Fire Sect shook his head slightly.

"When the Supreme Demon King took action against Lu Kuanglong, I was watching in secret. Vaguely, I felt that there was an aura on his body, but I can't tell you the details." The leader of the Dragon Fire Sect said.

"Please tell me in detail what happened on Kong Volcano." The leader of the Dragon Fire Sect asked.

After Chen Xuan heard this, he immediately told the master of Longhuo Sect what he saw in detail.

He pondered for a moment, and then said solemnly: "Be cautious. I don't dare to guess too much now. After all, this old dragon has indeed protected your continent for a long time. If it weren't for him, I'm afraid this The mainland has been in danger several times.”

After what the Dragon Fire Sect Master said, Chen Xuan's heart was filled with doubts.

After chatting with the leader of the Dragon Fire Sect for half an hour, Chen Xuan finally left the Dragon Fire Sect and returned to the Immortal Dragon Palace.

The famous and decent warriors unified the Central Continent, and it was time for Chen Xuan to go to Shenlie Mountain.

In the Immortal Dragon Palace, there is a teleportation array that leads directly to Shenlie Mountain. After Chen Xuan arrived here, he activated it directly.


With a flash of inspiration, Chen Xuan came to Shenlie Mountain.

"What's going on? Did you come from the Immortal Dragon Palace?"

The two warriors looked a little surprised.

"It turns out to be Brother Chen Xuan." The guard said with a smile.

"I want to see the strongest man in your Shenlie Mountain." Chen Xuan said slowly.

"No problem, I'll go right away."

The guard left here quickly and came back in a hurry half an hour later.

"Brother Chen Xuan, the most powerful man has something to do, but the elder asked you to go there first."

While walking on the road, Chen Xuan bumped into Zhang Xia.

"What are you doing here at Shenlie Mountain?" Zhang Xia asked with a hint of confusion.

"I want to see the strongest man in your Shenlie Mountain." Chen Xuan said directly.

"You want to see Qiu Yu?" Zhang Xia asked with a puzzled expression.

"What?" Chen Xuan asked immediately.

"It's like this. Our Shenlie Mountain has regulations. When the disciples are in retreat, you have to be tough to see Qiu Yu. At least you have to defeat the three elders in the sect." Zhang Xia explained.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan curled his lips.

"How can I defeat him if he is an elder in the realm of gods?" Chen Xuan said slowly.

"Let's go, I'll take you there." Zhang Xia led Chen Xuan towards the great elder's residence.

After the Supreme Demon King of the Immortal Dragon Palace broke through, the sect leader of Shenlie Mountain also began to retreat, hoping to break through to the second level of the divine realm. So far, it seems that the affairs of Shenlie Mountain are managed by the Great Elder.

"Brother Chen Xuan." The great elder said with a smile.

With his position, he naturally knew that Chen Xuan's ability to enter the second level of the divine realm had a lot to do with the Supreme Demon King of the Immortal Dragon Palace.

Chen Xuan is the warrior most valued by the Supreme Demon King of the Immortal Dragon Palace, so Shenlie Mountain is naturally very polite to him.

"Great Elder, Chen Xuan wants to see Qiu Yu." Zhang Xia said from the side.

The great elder nodded.

"Chen Xuan, Qiu Yu is practicing in seclusion. If you want to meet her, you will have to defeat the three elders." The great elder said, "But don't worry, the strength of the three elders is not too high."

"How many people can you defeat before you can meet Li Qiuyu?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Haha, that's right. If you defeat a few people, you can meet Li Qiuyu." The great elder said, "When do you plan to do it?"

Three quarters of an hour later, a news spread throughout Shenlie Mountain.

Chen Xuan, the lord of Longjin City, wants to challenge three elders who have just entered the realm of gods.

"Chen Xuan came to see Li Qiuyu?" Zhang Yan, who was practicing, continued with a shocked expression on his face.

After thinking for a moment, he stopped practicing and headed to the competition platform.

For a quarter of an hour, the competition was on the stage.

Standing at the front are the new generation of top experts from Shenlie Mountain, Zhang Yan, Zhang Xia and others.

"Chen Xuan."

Seeing Chen Xuan's arrival, Zhang Yan waited.

"Chen Xuan, I didn't expect you to come to see Li Qiuyu." Zhang Yan smiled.

"Chen Xuan, I heard that you killed Shangguan Kehun of Longxianmen."

After Chen Xuan greeted a few people from Shenlie Mountain, he immediately walked onto the competition stage.

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