Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 4984 Entering Shenlie Mountain for the first time

"He is Chen Xuan? He has an invincible seventh-level cultivation at the ninth level of Shenxuan realm, and he dares to challenge the elders of our sect?"

"Don't look at this guy. Chen Xuan's talent is very strong. He even killed Shangguan Kehun of the Dragon Immortal Sect in the Fire Secret Territory."

"It has to be that the Supreme Demon King of the Immortal Dragon Palace values ​​Chen Xuan very much. Otherwise, the Master of the Dragon Immortal Sect will not let him go."

Maybe there is no problem in dealing with the elders who have just entered the realm of gods, but the strong men who have truly entered the realm of gods are simply not comparable to the ninth-level invincible seventh-level warriors in the realm of gods.

Zhang Yan and others standing at the front looked at Chen Xuan with puzzled expressions.


The first elder jumped onto the competition stage. A strong aura emitted near him, but Chen Xuan didn't care at all.

"Chen Xuan, don't blame me for not warning you. If it's you, don't blame me for being cruel." The elder said.

"Please take action." Chen Xuan nodded.

Hearing this, the elder who had just entered the realm of gods shouted lowly, and suddenly burst out a nearby aura.

The next moment, his body flashed, and a strong red aura appeared in the sword.


The elder, who had just entered the realm of gods, held the sword tightly in his hand and attacked Chen Xuan's body.

"Your strength is not good enough."

Chen Xuan slowly shook his head. Compared to the Fire Armor Giant King, this elder was really too weak.

In an instant, Chen Xuan's long sword was filled with Suzaku fire, and he suddenly struck out with the sword.


The long swords collided and erupted with a terrifying light, making the competition platform tremble.

Black fire directly enveloped the elder.

Then, boom... a warrior flew out of the fire, and then fell on Lin.

Many warriors immediately understood that the elder who had just entered the realm of gods was defeated by Chen Xuan.

"How is it possible? How can Chen Xuan's true strength be so strong?"

"The elder actually lost?"

The faces of many warriors darkened instantly, and they realized how powerful Chen Xuan was.

On the competition stage, Chen Xuan turned to look at the dazed Great Elder, and lowered his voice: "Great Elder?"

After hearing this, the great elder of Shenlie Mountain woke up from his surprise and said, "Chen Xuanying."

The Great Elder also didn't expect that Chen Xuan's true strength was so strong.

The second elder of Lebi Wutai is called Wang Kong.

"Chen Xuan, go back to Jincheng..."

Elder Wang Kong's face was gloomy and slightly angry.

"Let's get started." Chen Xuan said calmly.


As soon as Elder Wang Kong took action, he directly took out his ninth-level immortal weapon. Elder Wang Kong added the ninth-level immortal weapon and suppressed Chen Xuan at once.

The soul fire released from the ninth-level immortal weapon directly enveloped Chen Xuan.

"Chen Xuan, you are not as powerful as I thought. If you have the guts, come out of my soul fire." On the competition stage, Elder Wang Kong sneered.

"Elder Wang Kong is very powerful. Even a strong person at the first level of the divine realm is not willing to face him."

"Elder Wang Kong's realm is already high, and he even produced a ninth-level immortal weapon." Zhang Xia said coldly.

On the competition stage, Chen Xuan was trapped. Many firelights condensed and killed Chen Xuan.

However, upon hearing Elder Wang Kong's voice, Chen Xuan let out a disdainful smile.

Immediately afterwards, his spirit moved slightly, and the fire of Suzaku filled the surrounding area.

The aura of Suzaku Fire was released, instantly suppressing the Fire Trapped Sword Technique.

When the Suzaku Fire appeared, the fire in the Fire Trapped Sword Technique continued to disappear, and Elder Wang Kong saw the changes in front of him, which made his face darken.

"What happened?"

He felt that he had no way to control the Fire Trapped Sword Technique.

The area around Chen Xuan was filled with intense Suzaku fire, which quickly absorbed the fire light in the Fire Trapped Sword Technique. After a few breaths, the Fire Trapped Sword Technique disappeared, and the Suzaku Fire surrounded Chen Xuan.

"How can it be?"

Elder Wang Kong was shocked.

Feeling the soul fire in Chen Xuan's body, he grasped the spirit sword tightly and swung it out.

"It's time to end." Chen Xuan took out the prairie fire sword.

Rimu's sword intention was used, and a terrifying red sword light shattered the attack from Elder Wang Kong, and then decisively hit the ninth-level immortal weapon.


A crack appeared on the blade of the prairie fire sword.

"As expected of a ninth-level immortal weapon." Chen Xuan then struck Elder Wang Kong away with a sword.


Elder Wang Kong's body fell under the competition stage.

"Damn, what the hell is going on..."

Elder Wang Kong fell into madness.

The consecutive defeats of two elders who had just entered the realm of gods caused the Shenlie Mountain to tremble.

All the warriors were talking about Chen Xuan.

"It's so funny, but third elder, let me see how you defeat it?" the fourth elder of Shenlie Mountain said softly: "If I kill you in battle, even the Supreme Demon King of Xianlong Palace will have nothing to say. Can."

The four elders of Shenlie Mountain sent a message to the third elder who stepped onto the competition stage.

The third elder who stepped onto the competition stage nodded slightly and then walked onto the stage.

"Damn you bastard, although you are very strong, there is no way to cross between the seventh level of invincibility at the ninth level of Shenxuan realm and the realm of God," said the elder Black Nine Heroes.

"Oh, really?"

Chen Xuan shook his head slightly. It was not like he had never dealt with a powerful person in the first level of the divine realm.

"Since you are seeking death, I will let you die." Elder Hei Jiuxia took action directly.

His strength is not comparable to that of Elder Wang Kong.

Elder Black Nine Heroes released a trace of the power of the Immortal Law. Feeling the terrifying power of the Immortal Law, many warriors in the arena took a few steps back.

"Go to hell."

Seeing that Chen Xuan was about to attack, the elder Hei Jiuxia held the sword tightly in his hand and struck out at Chen Xuan.


The terrifying long sword fell on Chen Xuan's body, and the power of the Immortal Law instantly touched his body.

Amidst the exclamations of many warriors, Chen Xuan's body disappeared.

"What? Where did you go?"

Elder Black Nine Heroes couldn't even feel Chen Xuan's presence.

At this moment, the Great Elder and the Fourth Elder of Shenlie Mountain stood up at the same time, their faces full of shock.

"This kid should have used the True God of Time and Space? Is it the intention of the Ninth Grade True God?" The great elder's face showed surprise.

"What does the Ninth Grade True God mean?"

If Chen Xuan really has the will of a ninth-grade true god, this would be too powerful.

Similarly, the fourth elder of Shenlie Mountain also thought of the meaning of the ninth-grade true god.

Just when many warriors were shocked, Chen Xuan's figure appeared out of thin air.

Rimu's sword intention was unleashed, and the prairie fire sword stabbed decisively at the back of the elder Black Nine Heroes.

"It's just asking for death."

The elder Black Nine Heroes sensed Chen Xuan's appearance, and the power of the Immortal Yuan Law surged towards Chen Xuan.

However, Chen Xuan disappeared again, and the attack of the elder Black Nine Heroes failed.

In the air, the true spirit of time and space filled the air near Chen Xuan. Immediately afterwards, he instantly displayed the Time Sword Immortal Technique blessed by the Immortal Essence Secret Technique.

When the Immortal Sword Technique was unleashed, Chen Xuan stabbed out his sword from time to time. Half a quarter of an hour later, Elder Black Nine Heroes had several injuries on his body, and blood was constantly being released.

There was a blush in his pupils, and he was extremely angry, attacking the surrounding air crazily.

However, only Black Nine Heroes revealed many flaws.

Chen Xuan seized this perfect opportunity, used the Rimu Sword Intention, and released a powerful attack. The prairie fire sword pierced the arm of Black Nine Heroes.


Black Nine Heroes struck the Liaoyuan Sword with his sword. In an instant, the Liaoyuan Sword shattered into pieces, and his body also fell under the competition platform.

Getting up from the ground, the elder Black Nine Heroes began to unleash his murderous intent.

There is a big gap between the divine realm and the ninth level invincibility of the divine realm. Black Jiuxia is an elder at the first level of the divine realm. Although his power is not too strong, he is not able to compete with the ninth level invincible warrior of the divine realm. comparable.

But now he was defeated by an invincible seventh-level warrior at the ninth level of Shenxuan Realm. Black Nine Heroes was very unconvinced. He got up from the ground, his body flashed quickly, and he jumped onto the competition stage, his breath bursting out.

"Are all the people in Shenlie Mountain like this? If you lose, you lose, and you still want to kill me." Chen Xuan let out a disdainful laugh,

Hearing his words, Black Nine Heroes looked extremely ferocious, and began to release his murderous intent continuously. He said with a murderous intent on his face: "Chen Xuan, continue."

Black Nine Heroes thought that he had been accidentally attacked just now, otherwise he would not have been defeated by Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan smiled and his body suddenly disappeared.

Regarding Chen Xuan's attack, the elder Black Nine Heroes saw Chen Xuan's body disappearing in the air instantly and began to fully defend.

He knew that Chen Xuan would definitely seize the opportunity to attack him, and he was confident that if he defended with all his strength, the other party would have no way to repel him.


Behind the elder of the Black Nine Heroes, Kong Ninth Level Immortal Qi appeared, and then Chen Xuan's body appeared without any movement. The sharp sword in his hand burst out with terrifying sword light, killing the elder of the Black Nine Heroes.

The elder Black Nine Heroes had been patiently waiting for Chen Xuan to appear. When Chen Xuan appeared, he immediately used his unique move. A terrifying aura filled the air above the competition stage.

Click... The sword light was gathered by the terrifying aura, and then the attack of the elder Black Nine Heroes fell on Chen Xuan.


Chen Xuan's body disappeared into the sky again

Beside the competition stage, the fourth elder of Shenlie Mountain frowned.

The fourth elder of Shenlie Mountain turned to look at the first elder, and then said: "First elder, where is Chen Xuan fighting?"

"The fourth elder of Shenlie Mountain, you probably know Chen Xuan's true strength. But Elder Hei Jiuxia clearly lost."

The relationship between the Great Elder and the Fourth Elder was not good. Now, he seized the opportunity and gave him a heavy blow. After all, Hei Jiuxia belonged to the Fourth Elder.

"Haha, that's so funny."

Chen Xuan snorted coldly in the air, and then a strong aura of Divine Sword Dao filled the area.

Immediately afterwards, he performed the Time Immortal Technique blessed by the Immortal Essence Secret Technique.


Elder Hei Jiuxia showed a puzzled expression. No matter how he attacked, he could not touch Chen Xuan.

"Damn it."

The elder Black Nine Heroes attacked the surrounding air as if they were desperate.


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