Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5119 Absorbing the True Essence of Heaven and Earth

In the torn space in the center of the True Essence Qi Tower, the True Essence instantly emitted and entered Chen Xuan's body.


At this time, Chen Xuan's face showed a sense of relief. He was originally stuck at a bottleneck. At this time, Chen Xuan also clearly felt a little loose.

"As expected, it seems that I must absorb enough true energy to be able to improve."

When Chen Xuan saw this situation, his face was filled with joy.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan closed his eyes, continued to exert all his strength, and began to absorb the true energy as if he was desperate.

The power of the earth essence here is indeed very rich. He must know that it is definitely not as good as the second level, but it is enough for Chen Xuan at this stage.

He is the top warrior at the third level of the strongest divine realm. Although he can barely deal with the warriors who want to enter the fourth level of the divine realm, it is very difficult to forcefully cross a large realm to deal with others.

The most important thing is that Chen Xuan's own talent is much higher than that of ordinary people, so he now needs to absorb several times more earth essence than ordinary people.

Only in this way can the strength be improved.

However, the Xianyun space is not the first level. Here, Chen Xuan can absorb the earthly essence without any worries. The power of the absorbed earthly essence can be converted into the power of his body. As long as he reaches a critical point, his strength will be able to break through.

As the earth essence poured into his body, the aura around Chen Xuan also increased rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, several days have passed. During these few days, Chen Xuan has been absorbing it crazily.


Suddenly, in Chen Xuan's body, waves of dark red spiritual energy suddenly swirled around him, and a crisp sound was heard.

Immediately afterwards, a ferocious aura burst out instantly, and Chen Xuan noticed that waves of terrifying power suddenly spread out around his body.

The volcanic lava around him was swept away in an instant, and Chen Xuan's body underwent earth-shaking changes at this time.

"Fourth level of divine realm?"

From the third level of the divine realm to the fourth level warrior of the divine realm, it is only one step.

But this is a big realm after all.

For many people, they may have spent their entire lives without being able to achieve a breakthrough in their strength.

This may be a level that they will find difficult to cross in their lives no matter what.

After all, reaching the fourth level threshold requires not only absorbing enough Taoist sources, but also one's own talents. The two can complement each other.

In just a short moment, Chen Xuan's realm was completely stabilized.

Now he can be regarded as a true fourth-level powerhouse in the realm of gods.

Wave after wave of true energy instantly surrounded Chen Xuan's body, and his true energy soul also improved again. Chen Xuan's strength had an essential breakthrough.

"The fourth level of the divine realm is really strong." Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

He clenched his fists, and a terrifying power was slowly emanating from his body.

However, compared to the second level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, the fourth level of the divine realm is nothing at all. Chen Xuan is still only at the level of the most powerful person of the first level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

But according to the information Chen Xuan received, they are only the lowest level of warriors in the second level of the real Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. After all, there are still many fourth-level gods in the second level.

That is to say, within the Xianyun space, Rao, a fourth-level expert in the realm of gods, is still very powerful.

Although their cultivation is nothing at the second level, they are still able to dominate here.

According to the Institute of Shadows, in the first level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, the fourth-level powerhouses in the realm of gods are not even sure of escaping, but it may not be that easy to go to the first level.

This so-called layer is actually the channel connecting the first level and the second level, which also forms a space of its own.

Chen Xuan had already discovered it when he went to the secret space of the so-called first level strongman.

Originally, he could use the spirit stone to go there directly, but Chen Xuan didn't expect that he would be teleported here.

In fact, if calculated strictly according to the second level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, Chen Xuan's body refining defense is already equivalent to that of a strong person in the middle stage of the fourth level of the divine realm, but now he is still not that powerful on the surface.

A strong person in the middle stage of the fourth level of the divine realm has Dao True Yuan in his body. If it fully explodes, it will be very powerful.

"What? What do you mean?"

Just when Chen Xuan was excited about entering the fourth level of the divine realm, he suddenly felt a weak breath coming from the True Energy Tower.

At this time, Chen Xuan frowned slightly, because he felt that this breath seemed a bit familiar. When he found this breath, Chen Xuan's expression instantly became serious.

He must be careful now.

No one knows what dangers there are inside. After all, no one knows whether there is any powerful person sealed in this tower.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness spread out in an instant. The aura in his body instantly gathered the entire True Energy Tower. Now his spiritual consciousness is very powerful, so after careful search, I actually clearly felt this. source of power.

"Divine Sword Intent?"

Chen Xuan, who observed carefully, was horrified to find that the sword energy in his body seemed to have some ripples with the aura of the True Energy Tower.

"Is there any inheritance left by the most powerful person here?"

Chen Xuan felt a little excited, then controlled his body and quickly continued to move forward.

If there really is a inheritance here, the other party will definitely be able to improve his strength.

Although Chen Xuan has broken through now, who doesn't want to make his strength stronger.

As his body continued to move forward, Chen Xuan could clearly feel the pressure increasing. However, Chen Xuan was surrounded by Suzaku fire, and this flame kept protecting his body, which also enhanced Chen Xuan's defense to its strongest level.

Soon we arrived at the depths of the True Energy Tower.

At this time, he discovered that there was a room here, and at the bottom of the room, there was actually a passage.

"In the Xianyun space, there must be many powerful people who have come to the True Yuanqi Tower. Didn't they find anything wrong here??" Chen Xuan was also very surprised, but because he himself had no idea about this I don’t know anything, so I can only think about it secretly.

The deeper he went inside, the more clearly he could feel a terrifying aura constantly surrounding his body.

This must be the aura of Divine Sword Intention, there is absolutely no mistake.

At the same time, the sword energy in Chen Xuan's body was out of control, but streams of magma overflowed from the volcano in front of him.

This place is like hell, but this pure sword energy will never lie to him. There must be some kind of legend in it.

At this moment, Chen Xuan discovered that this breath actually came from the magma.

Without thinking, he directly chanted the magic formula and rushed into the magma.

When Chen Xuan reached the bottom, he suddenly discovered that a terrifying tearing space had formed in front of him, blocking the surrounding magma.

"No way, there is such a place."

After Chen Xuan saw the scene in front of him, he was also very shocked.

He was hesitating whether to enter this space or not. After all, this was the bottom of the volcano.

Moreover, an inexplicable space suddenly appeared here, and no one knew where it would lead.


Just when he was hesitating, Chen Xuan heard a voice, and then his face was extremely excited, and he entered the terrifying abyss without hesitation.

At this time, the abyss originally under the volcano disappeared, and the torn space returned to the True Energy Tower.

Chen Xuan soon realized that he had entered a place at the bottom of the True Energy Tower. I am afraid that no one has ever been here.

At this time, Chen Xuan used the Suzaku Fire, and then looked around, and he found that there were caves everywhere nearby.

There seems to be a pool of water in the center, and there are even some fish swimming through it.

Chen Xuan has never been to such a mysterious place

"Has Qingxian Wangjiu been here?"

The reason why he entered the abyss without hesitation just now was because the mark of the soul flickered and Chen Xuan heard a voice.

Chen Xuancai concluded that Qingxian Wang Jiu had been here before.


Suddenly, a red light burst out in front of him, attracting Chen Xuan's attention.

Chen Xuan walked quickly to the front of the cave, and immediately behind him he saw an almost broken long sword stuck in the gravel next to the cave.

When Chen Xuan walked over, it was probably because of his appearance that the sword in front of him was about to break.

"Hahaha, it seems that this is all a coincidence. When you came here, you already had the strength to go to the Immortal Dragon Master Sect. I think your current strength should have reached the fourth level."

The sword in front of Chen Xuan was about to break, and a large amount of aura was released. Then, this aura condensed into a residual soul floating in front of Chen Xuan.

After Chen Xuan saw the scene in front of him, he was very shocked. This was the technique left by Qingxian Wangjiu.

"As far as I know, this Immortal Cloud Space is also a zone connecting the second level, but almost no second level strong person will appear here." Green Immortal King Jiu said: "If you have just left the first level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, I advise you to practice in the Xianyun space for a while, and then leave when your strength is almost enough to fight against the strong ones in the late fourth level."

"Otherwise, if you encounter danger in the second level, no one can save you."

"real or fake."

Chen Xuan looked in front of him carefully and listened carefully. He was curious about what the other party would do.

Although he already has a certain understanding of the second level, given Chen Xuan's current level, it is not easy to get in touch with it.

At this time, Qingxian Wang Jiu continued: "When I came to the Xianyun space before, I provoked the peak powerhouses in the Xianyun space. Hahaha, it was already tens of millions of years ago when I came here. When I was chased by him, I was caught off guard and left the sword here, but the sword was almost broken. Our battle was beyond words. "

"By the way, I have one more thing to tell you. In the Xianyun space, you must be careful and don't reveal your identity. Otherwise, my relationship may cause you a lot of trouble."

After the words fell, the shadow disappeared, but a large number of light groups appeared around Chen Xuan.

He knew that there must be information about this place recorded in these light groups.

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