This information is basically the information about Xianyun space that Qingxian Wangjiu knows through exploration.

He didn't expect that his master would actually come here.

Although he has not yet become a disciple in person, he has received Wang Jiu's inheritance and can be regarded as his disciple.

Of course, what pleased Chen Xuan the most was that Qingxian Wangjiu actually left the secret formula of Qingyunxian Sword Intent.

Chen Xuan showed a puzzled expression and looked at the formula in his mind. He thought to himself that he had already learned it, so why would the master leave him the formula?

After a long time, he finally understood.

This is the Qingyun Immortal Sword Instruction formula that Qingxian Wangjiu practiced after achieving the fourth level of the divine realm.

If integrated into Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent, his attack power can be increased several times.

"It seems that I have to find a way to get out of here now. When I go back, I will find a safe place to practice again. I have no way to practice at the moment." Chen Xuan put the formula deep in his mind, and then his eyes fell on The long sword was about to break.

"According to the information left by the sect master, this long sword that is about to be broken is actually a third-grade immortal-level spiritual sword. Although it is about to be broken, it is far more than a second-grade divine weapon. If I can integrate it into my prairie fire sword, , the power will definitely be improved a lot.”

Chen Xuan's long sword swayed slightly, and he put the nearly broken long sword into the Kendo Ring.

At this time, Chen Xuan looked at the top of his head.

Suddenly a black cloud appeared in the sky and sucked his body out.

Immediately after the cave exploded, a terrifying aura swept directly through everything here, and all traces of Chen Xuan's visit just now were destroyed.

Chen Xuan knew that this was because Master Wang was afraid that the pinnacle of Xianyun Space would understand his identity.

It seemed like something must have happened before.

"Okay, thank you."

Chen Xuan heard this and said: "I wonder what level the strong man you are talking about has reached? If I have a chance, I will avenge you, as long as I am strong enough."

After the words fell, Chen Xuan quickly returned to the surface of the True Origin Qi Tower, and then left the True Origin Qi Tower.

This time in the True Energy Tower, although Chen Xuan did not train in it for a long time, for Chen Xuanlai, he also gained a lot from it.

However, at this time, in front of the Sword Intent Immortal Sect, almost all the powerful men from the Blood Immortal Sect were dispatched, seemingly wanting to destroy the entire Sword Intent Immortal Sect. This time, they were fully prepared.

"Song Yanting, you are responsible for all this. The choices you have made, no wonder other warriors don't help you." The fourth level expert of the Blood Immortal Sect's Divine Realm said coldly.

"If you dare to oppose our Blood Immortal Sect, you will be killed by us and die forever."

Within the Jianyi Immortal Sect, many emotions were tense and helpless. Shangguan Tianji, the sect leader of the Blood Immortal Sect, personally led many powerful fourth-level warriors of the Divine Realm to completely kill many of the powerful men of the Sword Intent Immortal Sect, leaving them in ruins ever since.

At the same time, he also showed those sects that were against the Blood Immortal Sect how powerful he was. The main thing was to give them a blow.

"Now you still have a chance. My Blood Immortal Sect has clear rewards and punishments. If you surrender and surrender to my Blood Immortal Sect, your sect will be protected by the Blood Immortal Sect immediately. If you don't dare to resist, don't blame us. For example, Bloody Immortal Sect, if you have the guts to go against the Blood Immortal Sect, the final result will be to kill you completely," Shangguantian said in a deep voice.

"Sir Shangguan Tianji, you don't need to take action against the Sword Intent Immortal Sect at all. How can you personally do these fish and shrimps? Let me do it. I can kill them all by myself."

The person who spoke was a strong man from the Blood Immortal Sect second only to Shangguan Tianji, named Lu Qionglong.

"No problem, Lu Qionglong, if there is any resistance, he must be killed." Shangguan Tian said anxiously.

Hearing this, Lu Qionglong, who was wearing gray robe, showed a sinister smile on his face and came to the lobby of Jianyi Immortal Sect.

He looked at the many warriors and said in a cold voice: "You are all people who joined the Sword Intent Immortal Sect. You still have time to surrender. If you don't surrender, you should know the final consequences."

"Sir, I quit the sect and surrender to you now."

"I'm like him. Is it too late to quit now?"

Finally, some warriors looked at them with horrifying eyes. It was obvious that they could not withstand the suppression of the Blood Immortal Sect. After all, this was a more ferocious sect.

And now that Chen Xuan is gone, no one can protect them, so many warriors are now loudly announcing their withdrawal from the Sword Intent Immortal Sect.

However, there are still a few sects who still want to wait for the news, so there are still a few strong men who have remained silent and have not expressed their opinions.

"It seems that there are still a few people who do not know how to live or die. In that case, just wait for death to come. No one can save you now."

Lu Qionglong smiled sinisterly, a sword light flashed, and terrifying power gathered in the long sword, blasting towards Song Yanting.

"Now we can only fight. Everyone, I just sent a message to Mr. Chen. I believe he will come back as soon as possible."

Song Yanting roared when he saw this situation and directly used his own technique. The nearby soul fire burned and the light flickered. He only saw his body rushing out in an instant and fighting directly with Lu Qionglong.

In an instant, the two collided fiercely in the air.

With almost no defense, Song Yanting was thrown away by Lu Qionglong's sword. He was no match for him at all.

“It’s so funny that with your level of cultivation, you actually dare to be arrogant in front of me.

"That's right. The old man named Song is no match for us Darao. How dare someone like him dare to fight against me, Mr. Lu Qionglong? He is simply seeking his own death."

After hearing the sound of admiration in his ears, Lu Qionglong sneered, and then without giving Song Yanting any chance, he struck Song Yanting with one sword after another.

However, surprisingly, he did not directly kill Song Yanting, but chose to directly suppress Song Yanting, and then began to torture him.

At the same time, every time he struck with the sword, there would be another scar on Song Yanting's body.

Soon his body was covered with blood, but Song Yanting didn't resist from the beginning. He knew that he no longer had the strength to resist.

However, despite this, a red light still bloomed from his body, like a poisonous snake, ready to attack at any time. His resentful eyes were observing Lu Qionglong.

"The master of the sect will avenge me and avenge my shame. So what if you kill me? We all know your sect's past behavior. Even if those people who are afraid of death surrender to you, I'm afraid they won't live long in the end. ." Song Yanting said with difficulty.

"Hahaha, it's so funny. Are you still going crazy at this point?"

Seeing this situation, Lu Qionglong suddenly struck out with his sword.

Suddenly, a red light emanated from Song Yanting's body, which did not block his sword energy. His bones creaked, and his body was directly hit by his sword energy.

Then his body traced a trajectory in the air like a kite, then flew out and passed out directly.

"Master of the Gate."

Although Chen Xuan is now the new sect leader, this is just an honorific title. Chen Xuan will definitely not stay here forever, and Chen Xuan has told them before that once his cultivation level breaks through, he can enter the second level. I will leave here as soon as possible.

At the same time, Shangguan Yunyu hurried over and said worriedly. "Are you okay? Master."

Shangguanxu, who was nearby, waved a spiritual sword, looked at Lu Qionglong and said, "Do you know if you want to die? What will happen to you if our Lord Chen Xuan comes back?"

"What do you think will happen to me??"

Lu Qionglong laughed heartily, and with a quick movement of his body, he came to Shangguanxu: "Can this kid still kill me?"

As he spoke, Lu Qionglong killed Shangguanxu directly. In an instant, a terrifying aura killed Shangguanxu.

In an instant, Shangguanxu was directly hit by his sword energy, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. He knew that he could not be the opponent's opponent, so he looked extremely nervous.

"It's so funny. I thought you could bring me a little surprise, but it turns out you can't even support me for one round. You're such a loser."

Lu Qionglong's long sword shook slightly and directly threw Shangguanxu's body into the air. Then a red sword energy bloomed from his long sword and slashed directly into the air.

After Shangguanxu's body was hit by him, he obviously lost control.

He only saw a red light flashing in the sky, and like a shooting star, his body struck hard.

However, Shangguanxu's body could only fall towards the ground. If he was hit by this sword energy, he would definitely be seriously injured.

But just when Shangguanxu's body was about to be hit, a sword light appeared out of thin air and directly blocked the sword energy in front of Shangguanxu's body.

"Is there something wrong?"

Chen Xuan arrived in time and very quickly, and saved Shangguanxu.

"I'm fine now, but Master Song Yanting seems to be in danger."

After Shangguanxu saw Chen Xuan, his pupils were filled with anger.

Chen Xuan said softly: "Don't worry, now that I am here, Song Yanting will be fine, and the Jianyi Immortal Sect will not be destroyed, and they will bear my wrath."

After seeing Chen Xuan, everyone showed surprise.

"I didn't expect it to be you. If I guessed correctly, you are the guy at the third level of the divine realm who started the sect war? I thought you were very strong, but now it seems that you are not very good." Sudden changes occurred , making Lu Qionglong also surprised.

He felt a strange aura from Chen Xuan's body, and then he glanced at Chen Xuan coldly and said in a cold voice. "If we can, we'll fight one on one."

"Haha, that's right. I have to say that your strength is pretty good here, but you actually dare to mess with me. Even if you are Mr. Wang, I will definitely teach you a lesson today." Chen Xuan took a step He walked towards Lu Qionglong step by step.

"It seems that, True Energy Tower, you have broken through to the fourth level warrior of the Divine Realm. However, this cannot provide you with any help. Your result is still death, because you cannot be my opponent." Lu Qionglong said.

Before this, they had planned to conquer the various sects here. In their plan of the Blood Immortal Sect, this guy must be killed. They also felt that Chen Xuan's talent was indeed quite strong. If they didn't If he was killed, there would definitely be more and more dangers in the future, so they couldn't leave any trouble behind.

"The famous Blood Immortal Sect bullies the Sword Intent Immortal Sect. Do you think this is interesting? You only bully other sects." Chen Xuan asked lightly.

"The Bloody Immortal Sect has surrendered to our Blood Immortal Sect, but you dare to attack him. This is provoking our Blood Immortal Sect. If I don't kill you, do you think I will let you go?" Lu Qionglong was arrogant. road.

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