After Chen Xuan saw his attack, he then used his skills to easily dodge the opponent's attack, then laughed sinisterly, and then said: "You dare to attack me, if you do this, you may not live to see the end of the world." After the voice fell, Chen Xuan took out the sect's empty jade: "I wonder if you recognize it? I think you should know it too." The red-haired warrior who was originally ready to exert his full strength saw the empty jade in Chen Xuan's hand, and then his expression suddenly became gloomy, and then his attack suddenly stopped. It was obvious that he couldn't not recognize this thing. Then he showed a hint of surprise in his eyes and looked at Chen Xuan in disbelief. This scene really made them feel greatly shocked. They never thought that they were so arrogant at ordinary times, but they actually made a mistake. "Damn it, you are actually a disciple of the Xianlong Sect? Why do you have the sect's empty jade? This is absolutely impossible, I have never seen you before." After the voice fell, the red-haired warrior put all his strength and revealed a fierce killing intent, then he shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Your empty jade is not real, it is absolutely impossible to be real, you must be pretending on purpose." Chen Xuan gave a disdainful smile and put away the empty jade: "Then I only have one question now, what are the consequences of provoking the disciples of the Xianlong Sect? You were very arrogant just now, weren't you?" Although she doubted in her heart, facing such a confident Chen Xuan, she also had some doubts in her heart. Could it be that the empty jade that this boy took out was real? When he was thinking, many warriors around him showed shocked expressions, and at the same time bowed respectfully to Chen Xuan. The red-haired warrior who was extremely arrogant just now, at this moment, was like a deflated ball, and he dared not provoke Chen Xuan again. At this moment, his expression changed, and he had to be extremely entangled in his heart. Now he didn't know what to do.

Although he dared to bully others, he didn't dare to provoke a real disciple of a big sect like Chen Xuan even if he had ten thousand courage.

At this time, several other people seemed to notice the movement here, so several people who were originally outside came out one after another, and through the conversation between these people, Chen Xuan learned that they seemed to be warriors from a small sect.

"Elder Wang Hu, what happened?" One of the warriors suddenly came over and said.

Seeing this person coming, Chen Xuan took out the empty jade, and then said: "He wanted to kill me just now, hehe, it's a coincidence, what are the consequences of provoking the disciples of the Xianlong main sect, I think he should know better than me."

"Elder Wang Hu, why did you provoke him, are you going to bring death to our sect?"

Several people saw the empty jade in Chen Xuan's palm, and then their faces darkened instantly. They didn't expect that they actually provoked a disciple of a big sect.

Although they were all management in their own sects, they were nothing to the people of the big sects.

The most important thing was that they naturally recognized Kong Yu's authenticity. Besides, no one in Xianqing Continent had the courage to pretend to be a disciple of Chen Xuanlong's main sect, and it was under their noses.

This continent was also a relatively large area in the second layer. There were many big sects in it, but Xianlong's main sect was definitely the most powerful one.

"Sir, Elder Wang Hu didn't recognize him, so please be magnanimous and spare his life."

Several people seemed to realize that they had provoked someone they shouldn't have provoked, so they all pleaded with the red-haired warrior before, wanting Chen Xuan to spare him once and not kill him.

However, for Chen Xuan, this was not so easy to let go.

"It's so funny. It seems that you guys are also bullying the weak and afraid of the strong. If I were not a disciple of Xianlong's main sect, would I be the one who died here today?"

Chen Xuan snorted coldly and entered the courtyard.

Seeing Chen Xuan's expression, several people's faces were very gloomy, and then they followed in very hurriedly.

However, when they followed in, they took a look at the dejected Elder Wang Hu, and knew what the consequences were waiting for him, so they all shook their heads.

They came from a sect, and their power in this city was not particularly strong, so they were just helping in the Xianlong Main Sect.

If it weren't for the Xianlong Main Sect, I'm afraid they would have been destroyed long ago.

Compared with the inner disciples of these sects, even if they were elders of the sect, the gap in status between them was too big.

The empty jade stone in Chen Xuan's hand, which symbolized the identity of the disciple, had already made their own strength clear to them.

Then even if these inner disciples killed them, the Xianlong Main Sect would not do anything, after all, it was not Chen Xuan who caused trouble this time.

At the same time, people were discussing near the courtyard.

After seeing the empty jade that Chen Xuan had just taken out, the countless warriors who were watching were shocked, and the most important thing was that the fourth-level warrior in the realm of God who had just reminded Chen Xuan was even more shocked.

"Did I see it right? He is actually an inner disciple of the Xianlong Sect?" The warrior seemed to be unbelievable. He felt like he was dreaming. The others were also shocked. However, at this time, several people in the courtyard looked at Chen Xuan's back, and their faces were very energetic. "Master Chen Xuan, this is all a misunderstanding."

"This lord has nothing to do with us just now." At this moment, several warriors were trying their best to please Chen Xuan, hoping that his lord would release them in large numbers.

Although they still don't know Chen Xuan's cultivation level, they feel that since Chen Xuan has the status symbol of an inner disciple, his status must be very extraordinary.

"I think you should also know the cause and effect of this matter. Don't bully the weak and be afraid of the strong in the future. Moreover, I don't want to see this kind of situation in the future. You should know that if there is another time and I still encounter you, you will Get ready to collect the corpses," Chen Xuan said slowly.

Finally, he looked at a few people.

"Okay, thank you sir, we will never dare to do it again. We will definitely pay attention to it." Several people said in surprise.

"Very good, now I also have a question to ask you. I want to return to the Immortal Dragon Master Sect and need your help. If you can help me, you can come to me if you need anything in the future."

Chen Xuan directly expressed his inner thoughts.

After all, it was Chen Xuan's first time to come to the Immortal Dragon Sect. Naturally, Chen Xuan didn't understand the rules here. Moreover, Chen Xuan didn't understand how to get in, so he needed help from these people.

Ever since Chen Xuanliang left the sect Kongyu, these people seemed to be very afraid of Chen Xuan, and how dare they ask Chen Xuan to help them in the future.

Knowing that Chen Xuan was going to return to the Immortal Dragon Sect, several people quickly contacted the responsible elders in the sect to help Chen Xuan.

"The elders in the sect already know about this. Don't worry, you can return to the sect right away." One of the warriors laughed.

Although he was also very curious in his heart, why did the guy in front of him hold a sect's empty jade, and he could return to the sect at any time, but in the end he asked them to send a report.

However, they did not dare to ask. After all, some large sects recruit disciples in different ways. Sometimes some elders would even allow some people to enter their sect just because they see that they are destined or have outstanding talents. .

At this moment, Chen Xuan nodded, and then waited for a moment, and sure enough, the formation in the courtyard was activated.

"Sir, Kongyu has been prepared. Now you can go to the sect. As long as you enter, you can enter the sect through the formation." A warrior said patiently.

After hearing their words, Chen Xuan nodded silently.

This was indeed a shortcut, so Chen Xuan, under the guidance of Ji Rao, quickly entered the Zheng Zheng formation.

At this time, a flash of inspiration occurred, and Chen Xuan disappeared from the courtyard.

Several people looked at each other, and finally their expressions became very dark.

At this moment, there was also a warrior who swallowed a mouthful of saliva and then said to the people around him: "This guy is really a murderer. I felt a very cold breath from his body just now."

Another warrior wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to the people around him: "That's right. The aura on his body is indeed terrifying. I don't know what level he has reached."

However, at this time, the few warriors who were watching were finally relieved. They thought Chen Xuan would reveal it to them at first, but it seemed that they were overthinking.

"Elder Wang Hu, you are very lucky."

At this moment, a middle-aged warrior with gray clothes and black hair said to Elder Wang Hu who did not dare to come in from outside.

After hearing what he said, although he hesitated, he hurried in.

"We listen to the Snow Sect. Although they don't have the right to speak here, they are still incomparable to the big sects. Fortunately, this inner disciple has a better personality and is more talkative. If he meets several other inner disciples, , none of us can even think of returning here alive."

Elder Wang Hu didn't say a word and could only remain silent now.

Who could have provoked this powerful enemy?

However, there is a huge sect above the Kongyi Plain.

At this moment, in front of the empty jade of the Immortal Dragon Master Sect, an elder was waiting patiently.

"A disciple of the Immortal Dragon Master Sect? Why do you appear at this time?"

The elder was a little confused. Seeing the light flashing from the forward, he felt that things were not that simple.

It stands to reason that the disciples of the Immortal Dragon Master Sect all have sect empty jade on their bodies, which is the empty jade that symbolizes their identity.

Moreover, these stones contain the power of the sect, so they can return to the main Immortal Dragon Sect through the sect's empty jade.

And this disciple has the sect's empty jade, which means he can definitely return here directly, but the blame lies here. As a disciple of the sect, he needs the help of people from Xian Chongyun City. He feels that this It shouldn't be that simple.

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