This puzzled the elder. At the same time, he was also wondering in his heart who this person was.

Could it be that he encountered some danger? But even though he was curious in his heart, Chen Xuan still hadn't come over yet, so if he wanted to reveal the mystery, he had to wait.

There is a powerful protective formation near the sect, so most disciples will not go directly through the main entrance, but will teleport directly through the airspace.

While the elder was waiting, the empty jade light flashed in the sky, and Chen Xuan walked out.

Chen Xuan was probably the first in history to come to their sect through the formation and become his own disciple.


As soon as he walked out of Kongyu, he could clearly feel the extremely terrifying sword aura. This aura emanated from the surroundings and suppressed his body.

At this moment, the sword energy in Chen Xuan's body spurted out instantly, forming a confrontation with the aura in the air.

The Suzaku fire on his body is also gathered all over the body to defend against the invasion of the terrifying sword energy.

At this time, Chen Xuan also saw a huge stone mirror suspended in the air.

Among them is the symbol of a sword blade.

"Are you the disciple who just returned from Xianchongyun City? Why did you come back in this way? Although you can return to our sect through the teleportation formation, isn't this unnecessary? Or is it the danger you encountered?" the elder suddenly asked.

But he had doubted at first whether someone would attack, but after seeing that Chen Xuan was alone, he gave up his vigilance because Chen Xuan's cultivation was too weak.

After Chen Xuan heard this, he noticed the elder Zi Tong standing in front of Kongyu.

"To be honest, my name is Chen Xuan. I wonder who this elder is?" Chen Xuandao said.

"Don't go so far now. Your identity is very suspicious now. Take out your empty jade and I want to check who you are." Elder Zitong nodded.

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan took out the empty jade and handed it to Elder Zi Tong.

The elder first looked at Chen Xuan, then he carefully observed the empty jade in Chen Xuan's hand, and then his expression suddenly changed.

"This empty jade... how is this possible? It's really strange, where did you get this empty jade, and why did it appear on your body?" Elder Zitong said in a deep voice.

Although he was off guard at first, his words were filled with chills after seeing what Chen Xuan took out.

But this confused Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan. The other party's attitude was quite good at first.

But why is it like this now? Is there something wrong with this empty jade? Why did Elder Zitong look at Kongyu, and then your attitude towards him changed so drastically.

"Senior, since you asked me, this empty jade was given to me by Elder Shangguan Ze. Let me tell you the truth. I came from the first level." Chen Xuan said softly.

"What are you doing? Wait a minute, have you seen Shangguanze? How is this possible? Didn't he die a long time ago? Is it possible that you know? Where is he?"

After hearing what Chen Xuan said, Elder Zitong seemed to know Shangguanze, and then his expression kept changing.

Chen Xuan could feel that he was very anxious inside, so Chen Xuan asked curiously. "Excuse me, do you know this senior?"

"Keep walking, follow me to the elders' area."

Elder Zi Tong attacked Chen Xuan directly. Chen Xuan's face was extremely shocked. He originally wanted to defend himself, but the next moment Chen Xuan discovered that he had arrived at an area.

"Brother, hehehe, you don't need to worry. This is my residence in the Immortal Dragon Sect. I was outside just now, so it was inconvenient to talk to you. You listen to me. Shangguan is my friend. A long time ago , his breath disappeared suddenly, and then I felt something was wrong, so I stopped looking for him.”

"what's next."

Chen Xuan suddenly asked.

"Then I searched the entire Xianqing Continent but couldn't find him. This thing made me feel very strange. The last time I saw Shangguanze's Kongyu was a thousand years ago. I don't know how long it has been. I originally I thought he was dead because he was framed by others," Elder Zi Tong said slowly as he tried to calm down his mind.

"What happened? Tens of thousands of years ago?"

Chen Xuan was slightly shocked. Could it be that what Elder Zitong wanted was the empty jade brought by Qingxian Wang Jiu?

"This senior came out of the first level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. Elder Shangguan Ze fell into the first level of our Ten Thousand Immortals Continent because he was seriously injured, but his realm fell to the third level of the divine realm. He is in When a fourth-level powerful person in the realm of gods appears in the first level of our Ten Thousand Immortals Continent and brings the news to the Immortal Dragon Master Sect, after all, with his current strength, there is no way to reach the second level," Chen Xuan said slowly. .

"Okay, okay, so, brother Shangguan Ze is not dead yet? Since you said that, I know, and I know that this old guy will definitely not die easily."

Elder Zi Tong suddenly laughed and was extremely excited.

"That's great. I wonder how brother Shangguanze could be killed." Elder Zitong's face became clearer obviously.

Seeing his expression, Chen Xuan temporarily relaxed his vigilance, at least the other party would not attack him.

Moreover, he had found a backer in the sect, so Chen Xuan changed the topic and said with murderous intent: "

These people are so hateful. If he hadn't been hunted down in the first place, he wouldn't have fallen to the first level. "

After hearing what Chen Xuan said, the elder immediately said: "You are not wrong. If you let me know who was chasing Shangguan Ze's brother, I will never let him go. I will definitely kill him thousands of times." "A knife with ten thousand stems"

Chen Xuan could tell from the change in Elder Zitong's expression that he really had a very good relationship with Elder Shangguan Ze.

Since the two people have a very good relationship, Chen Xuan has found the right person this time.

"It turns out that the reason why I couldn't find Brother Shangguanze for so many years was because he fell into the first level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent." Elder Zitong couldn't help but sigh.

"After so many years, I thought he was dead.

Then he looked at Chen Xuan and a smile appeared on his face. He knew that all this was because of Chen Xuan, otherwise, he would still know nothing about the truth of the matter.

After all, this guy came from Kong Yu who owned Shangguan Ze, so he naturally wanted to understand Chen Xuan.

"Tell me the first level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent immediately. Don't be anxious yet.

Tell me everything you know and whether there are any enemies of his. ? "

Chen Xuan shook his head and said, "Don't worry, Lord Shangguan is still safe now."

"Very good, very good. Since he is safe now, I will go find Brother Shangguan Ze." Elder Zi Tong said.

Although Chen Xuan didn't know the specific location of the first layer, he told him the name.

Unexpectedly, Elder Zitong had heard of the first level.

"Hahaha, I really didn't realize that you are from the first level, and you have been to their level." Elder Zi Tong said with a smile.

"What's going on? Senior also understands? Did you come from the first level before?"

"It's not just me. I'm afraid there is no warrior in the entire Xianqing Continent who doesn't know this." Elder Zi Tong said: "The layer was actually founded by the strongest person in the first level. Originally there was no such thing as the layer, but only the first layer alone It exists at the junction of the first level and the second level, and his creator is one of the strongest people in the second level in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.”

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan was shocked in his heart. He didn't expect that the strongest person in the first level was so strong and had the ability to create the first level.

The strongest person in the second level of the entire Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. If you think about the strength of the first level strong person, he is also a top expert in the second level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

"However, this mysterious first level strongman never seems to take the initiative to help the warriors who come out of the first level. According to the wishes of the Supreme Elder, if he forcefully takes care of this matter, it will lead to unpredictable consequences." Elder Zi Tong said: "And his character is also very weird.

No one knew what he was thinking. "

So even though this former first-level strongest man was one of the second-level strongest men in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, many warriors didn't know his true face.

He is called the strongest person in the first level because many warriors don't know his real name.

As early as tens of millions of years ago, this so-called strongest person in the first level entered the second level with his stubborn strength.

No one in the same realm is his opponent.

The second level is equivalent to an independent world. The earth essence here is stronger than the power of the first level, so the warriors living here are more powerful.

Therefore, many first-level warriors will choose to enter the second level, but there are also many warriors who were born here.

However, after listening to the elder's explanation, Chen Xuan nodded, and then looked into the other person's pupils.

So that was it, he finally understood now.

At this time, his heart was also very eager to meet the first level strong man.

This man is indeed very mysterious.

Although the elder told Chen Xuan that she was one of the top experts in the second level, Chen Xuan could not have guessed that there must be more powerful people in the second level who had not yet appeared.

"You still have a lot of talents in the first level. But recently, no warriors in the first level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent can enter the second level. I am afraid it has been millions of years. You are the first." Elder Zi Tong said.

"But this is normal. The first important thing in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent is to comply with the rules of the second level in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, so their earth essence will be even less. Those who want to come to the second level should have excellent talents. ”

"By the way, I have a question. Senior, have you seen Elder Shangguanze's empty jade tens of thousands of years ago?"

"what do you mean?"

Chen Xuan thought about it carefully and continued: "Is there another person who came here before me? And he also holds the same empty jade as me in his hand."

"This is impossible. There is only one Kongyu. Even the elders of our sect can only have one."

But after thinking about it, he suddenly said again. "But it might be a copy, and I think I've heard of your person before."

After hearing what Elder Zi Tong said, Chen Xuan concluded that the warrior who came with the Sky Jade was Qingxian Wangjiu.

After all, it was just him.

"I wonder if you have met this elder. Can you tell me about him?"

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