"Strictly speaking, I don't know much about what happened back then. After all, my status was not that high at the time, so I have never met him." When he arrived at this warrior, Elder Zi Tong's expression was a little gloomy.

Chen Xuan could clearly feel that his mood was not very good, and he must have thought of something.

"What happened? Can you tell me about this elder? How is he doing now?" Chen Xuan asked eagerly.

Elder Zitong shook his head and said: "This Rao Fu is indeed very strong, but it is a pity that he has passed away now."


After hearing these words, Chen Xuan's mind began to think crazily, and he was unable to accept this information for a while.

"You were dead before him? How is this possible? How could he die here?"

Chen Xuan lost his voice and said.

In fact, what Chen Xuan said at the beginning was that he thought he would be able to see him when he came to the Immortal Dragon Master Sect, but he did not expect that he was already dead.

"To be honest, if I hadn't found Shangguanze's empty jade on him, I wouldn't have known that he was a disciple of the Immortal Dragon Master Sect." Elder Zitong said helplessly: "When I sensed that Shangguanze's brother Kongyu At that time, it seemed that several people were fighting.”

"The location of the battle was also far away from where I was performing the mission, but I felt the aura, so I immediately went to the location of the battle. But I... I could only have wrong timing, and in the end I went too late."

This passage was full of twists and turns. Chen Xuan originally thought that he had never met Wang Jiu, but when he heard it, he realized that the matter might not be that simple.

"What happened before? You should know the inside story, right?" Chen Xuan asked immediately.

"To tell you the truth, he had a conflict with the disciples of the Divine Sword Master and was killed by the opponent's top warrior. The other party was very powerful and had reached the divine realm without impact. When I went there, the Divine Sword Master The disciples of the sect have killed him, and his whereabouts are still unknown. Only the empty jade on his body is left on the ground, and I don't know much about other things." Elder Zi Tong continued.

"I originally thought this was a coincidence, and I didn't think he was from the first level."

After hearing what he said, Chen Xuan held the sword tightly in his hands, filled with anger in his heart.

"How is this possible? How could this happen? Why was he killed?"

Chen Xuan can also be regarded as his successor, and now there is only one thing on his mind, which is revenge.

But the purple-eyed elder in front of Chen Xuan could not be considered very high in the Immortal Dragon Master Sect, and could only be considered very average.

Under normal circumstances, he is just an ordinary elder who leads disciples, and he is not an elder from the inner sect, let alone an elder affiliated with the cabinet.

Therefore, his cultivation is not considered to be at the top of the sect.

In the following conversation, Chen Xuan learned that his name was Lu Qun, and that he had been friends with Shangguan Ze millions of years ago.

So much so that when he saw the man who owned the Shangguan Zekong Jade being killed by the disciples of the Excalibur Master Sect, he was still very angry in his heart.

I finally found some clues, but all of them were suddenly disconnected.

And he also believed that his brother's death was probably related to the powerful man at the fifth level of the divine realm.

So much so that he wanted to cut his enemies into pieces, drink their blood, and eat their flesh, but he knew that it was definitely not that simple.

The other party holding his brother's empty jade was either his enemy or knew his brother's hiding place.

And the person who killed him was most likely the person who dealt with Shangguan Ze in the first place.

Although he knew nothing about the matter, he knew that he was still confused, so he had to endure it.

The reason is also very simple, because millions of years ago, Shangguan Ze was not an elder, just an ordinary disciple.

For a large sect like the Immortal Dragon Sect, it is certainly impossible for them to conflict with the Divine Sword Master Sect because of an ordinary fourth-level warrior of the divine realm.

If there was no Immortal Dragon Master, wouldn't he be looking for death if he fought against the Divine Sword Master?

If Chen Xuan hadn't arrived, he would have been almost numb. Their friendship had been established millions of years ago.

But now, he saw another hope.

"My lord, could you tell me where he died?" Chen Xuan asked dully.

"Since you asked me, I will tell you everything. But now his body should have been weathered long ago. If you want to go, I can take you there, right in front of the Immortal Dragon Mountain. ." Elder Lu Qun said.

"Can you really take me there?" Chen Xuan asked.

Elder Lu Qun nodded, and then took Chen Xuan to a plain next to Kongyi Plain.

In the very center, there is a circular altar with no breath on it.

When I was in the Immortal Meteor Layer, I was wondering, why didn't he come back after he left the Second Level?

It turned out that he was killed before he could enter the Immortal Dragon Master Sect.

Although Chen Xuan knew nothing about what happened before, he didn't even know what kind of conflict Wang Jiu had with a disciple of the Divine Sword Master Sect.

Regarding the current Chen Xuanlai, Chen Xuan didn't know the reason for the conflict between the two of them. He only knew that Yiqing Immortal King Jiu was killed, and Chen Xuan, as his successor, had to avenge him.

And he felt that there must be a huge conspiracy hidden in this matter.

Swish! !

Chen Xuan suddenly walked over, and he felt his master's breath on the ground.

"It should be right here."

At this moment, the elder walked next to Chen Xuan.

"That's right, it's right here." Although a long time had passed, he was convinced that Wang Jiu was killed here.

"I will never forget your revenge. Although I don't know how strong they are, I will avenge this blood feud for you."

Chen Xuan said to himself.

Because of Shangguan Ze, Lu Qun was very friendly to Chen Xuan, and he also saw that Chen Xuan's talent was very unusual, and he could exude such a terrifying aura in this state.

It shows that once he reaches a higher realm, his cultivation level will definitely improve accordingly.

"Chen Xuan, it's not easy for me to investigate this matter. I didn't even find out who killed him. What we are facing is a very powerful sect, and I alone can't." Ways to fight him."

"I know, I will definitely think about this later. The top priority now is to improve my strength."

Chen Xuan knew that he would definitely not be able to deal with such a powerful enemy now, so he could only helplessly hide his inner hatred in his mind.

Then I can't blame others. If I want to blame, I can only blame him because his current cultivation level is too weak and he is not qualified to find those powerful enemies.

However, Chen Xuan is not in a hurry. His talent is one of a kind, so Chen Xuan has plenty of time to wait, so he is not in a hurry.

His cultivation will definitely break through, and it will reach a level that frightens the enemy. When the time comes, he must find out the whole story.

And he will let all those people die.

"You also know that since we have chosen this path, the only way is to practice unremittingly. This world is like this. If your cultivation is weak, others can kill you at will, so It’s better to improve your cultivation level now,” Lu Qun said softly.

Soon, Lu Qun took Chen Xuan back to the Immortal Dragon Sect.

After arriving here, Chen Xuan had already seen many disciples passing nearby.

Their expressions were very calm.

There was only a slight curiosity about Chen Xuan, but no one came to ask about his origins.

After all, all the disciples here are working hard to practice, and they will not waste their precious practice time because of Chen Xuan.

At this time, the elder also looked at Chen Xuan, and a purple light emitted from his pupils.

"Chen Xuan, let me first explain to you the rules in the Immortal Dragon Master Sect. You must abide by the rules here. The family has family laws and the state has national rules. Naturally, our sect is no exception. If you don't abide by the rules, If you do, you will definitely encounter unexpected things in the future.”

"Now my plan is to pick up brother Shangguanze after I have settled you down. As long as he comes back, I will be able to guess who is watching behind the scenes." Elder Lu Qun said.

After hearing what he said, Chen Xuan nodded silently. Now his mood has stabilized.

What if he wants to seek revenge from his enemies?

Wang Jiu was a talent at the first level, a rare talent, but he was nothing at the next level.

So much so that he was killed shortly after arriving here.

"What I want to tell you is that the Immortal Dragon Master Sect is not so peaceful. There are many forces in the composition. Each force represents a sect of the first level in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. They come from the same level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. A warrior of the first level sect.”

"But this is already the sect that existed millions of years ago. I'm afraid the first level has also undergone some changes, and you should also know that Yijiu, which is the first level, is not just your world. "

Hearing his words, Chen Xuan was not too surprised.

He already understood it in the previous world.

The first level also has divisions, but they are not as strict as the second level.

At the beginning, there were a total of nine first levels produced by Chen Xuan, and there were many sect divisions.

In addition to the first level where Chen Xuan is, there are also some forces divided by those disciples of the sect millions of years ago after they came to the second level hall.

"If they are disciples of the same sect, they will naturally take care of each other, and they will also help each other when they practice."

"Actually, this is not a bad thing. Although these people form their own sect and often fight and fight, this will also stimulate competition among disciples, which is good for the long-term development of the Immortal Dragon Sect, but it also has disadvantages. We will stand together when we face the enemy." Elder Lu Qun said slowly: "You warriors who have just come out of the first level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent can only be regarded as the most ordinary inner disciples in our sect. , that is, the outer sect disciples have no way to enter the inner sect.”

"When you can enter the inner gate one day, it will mean that you have been recognized by the higher-ups, and by then you will rise to prominence.

Through Elder Lu Qun's explanation, Chen Xuan also had a thorough understanding of the Immortal Dragon Sect, and he also gained a little more understanding of the structure and operation of the place.

Within the Xianlong main sect, it is divided into cabinet sect and branch sect areas.

The inner disciples are in the branch sect area, and all the first level forces in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent are in the branch sect area.

As for the cabinet faction, also known as the cabinet, only those who have reached the late fourth level of the divine realm and have very outstanding talents are eligible to apply to enter the cabinet. However, just outstanding talents cannot explain everything.

As for whether they can successfully enter the cabinet, it is not yet certain. Not everyone can enter the cabinet.

It can be said that the disciples of the Cabinet Sect are all top experts in the same realm.

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