At this time, Yu Wenqiu's long sword suddenly slashed out.

"Want to fight me?"

Song Qiangyun's pupils radiated spiritual light, he touched his chin and said in a cold voice.

Immediately behind him, a large amount of Dao Zhenyuan appeared, and the mysterious aura instantly filled the vicinity, easily breaking Yu Wenqiu's attack.


The two collided, and then Yu Wenqiu's sword could not withstand the force and could only be repelled.

"Don't seek death. If it weren't for Senior Brother Lu Yun, I would have attacked you before." Song Qiangyun observed Yu Wenqiu and said in a cold voice.


As soon as Chen Xuan returned to Shixian Sect, he felt a terrifying power burst out.

"What's going on? Is there someone fighting?"

At first, Chen Xuan thought it was friends sparring with each other, but when he took a closer look, his expression suddenly changed.

"Song Qiangyun."

Chen Xuan's time and space power circulated, and he appeared in front of Yu Wenqiu in an instant.

"Yu Wenqiu, is there something wrong?" Chen Xuan asked.

Seeing Chen Xuan, Yu Wenqiu shook his head gently, indicating that he was fine.

"Just wait, leave this to me." Chen Xuan looked at Yu Wenqiu and said.

Then Chen Xuan turned around, with a hint of murderous intent flashing in his pupils, and looked at Song Qiangyun.

"Song Qiangyun, this is our Shixian Sect." Chen Xuanqiang said in a cold voice while suppressing the anger in his heart.

"Shixian Sect? Haha, that's funny! So what can we do?"

Song Qiangyun shook his head slightly and said.

There is Senior Brother Lu Yun behind him, will he be afraid of Chen Xuan?

"You not only entered Shixian Sect, but also provoked my friends. Are you looking for death?" Chen Xuan continued.

Song Qiangyun's face was filled with disdain: "How is it? How is it? Are you going to hit me?"

Chen Xuan walked towards Song Qiangyun step by step, murderous intent burst out in his pupils.

"Even if I kill you, the elders of the Immortal Dragon Sect probably won't ask anything." Suddenly, a strange smile appeared on Chen Xuan's face.

Hearing Chen Xuan's words, Song Qiangyun laughed wildly.

"Chen Xuan, you think too simply. Do you really think you can kill me by defeating me in the Blood Sword Demon Tower?"

Song Qiangyun said disdainfully.

The battle in the Blood Sword Demon Tower relies entirely on the perception of the Divine Sword's intention.

Song Qiangyun's sword soul is not as good as Chen Xuan's, but with all his cultivation, it is very simple for him to completely kill this guy who is only a fourth-level warrior in the realm of gods.


Terrifying power suddenly erupted from Chen Xuan's body, and the next moment the atmosphere in the entire Shixian Sect was rapidly increasing.

Song Qiangyun had almost no defense and was knocked away by Chen Xuan's sword. He fell heavily to the ground. In an instant, a strong wind passed by.


Song Qiangyun's pupils were flushed and full of anger.

After struggling to stand up, Song Qiangyun looked at Chen Xuan like crazy: "Damn you bastard, you are simply asking for your own death."

"You have no need to live anymore."

Chen Xuan didn't give Song Qiangyun any chance. The prairie fire sword suddenly appeared, and then he displayed the Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent.

All Suzaku sword skills were used, and the terrifying sword light carried frightening power to kill Song Qiangyun.

At this time, Chen Xuan used space skills and kept using his body skills, leaving Song Qiangyun without even the slightest bit of defense.


Shocking spiritual energy fluctuations continued to emanate from the Shixian Sect.

Song Qiangyun attacked like crazy, defending against Chen Xuan's attack.

"If you want to kill a warrior at the fourth level of the Divine Realm who is in the middle stage of the Fourth Level of the Divine Realm, you can't do it."

Song Qiangyun roared crazily while attacking.

But at this time, behind Chen Xuan, Dao Zhenyuan burst out with great pressure.

Song Qiangyun, who had an angry face at first, saw clearly the five fused Tao Zhenyuan, and then his expression suddenly changed.

"How is it possible? How could you absorb the true essence of the five fusion paths?"

At this time, Song Qiangyun also felt a lot of turmoil in his heart.

If Chen Xuan only absorbed a few fusion dao true essences, it would be nothing at all.

However, we must know that a long, long time ago in the second level of the entire Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, this group of the most talented fourth level warriors in the realm of gods only absorbed the true essence of the five fusion paths.

And if he could absorb the Five Paths, his cultivation level would increase several times, and even some ordinary middle-level fourth-level gods would not be able to pose any threat to him.

Song Qiangyun is in the middle stage of the fourth level of the divine realm, and his own strength is very weak. How could he be the opponent of Chen Xuan who had absorbed five fused Taoist essences?

As Chen Xuan roared, Qingyun Immortal's sword intent was continuously displayed, attacking with one sword after another.

This was the first time Chen Xuan came to the Immortal Dragon Sect to burst out with all his power.

In Chen Xuan's heart, he had the intention to kill Song Qiangyun, so the terrifying attacks continued.

"How can this be!"

Song Qiangyun defended himself against Chen Xuan's attack, and at the same time rushed towards the outside of Shixian Sect.

"Senior Brother Lu Yun, come and help me quickly."

Song Qiangyun hurriedly sent a message to Lu Yun.

"We must escape from Shixian Sect."

Seeing Song Qiangyun fleeing from Chu, Chen Xuan let out a disdainful smile.

"You will definitely be killed by me today, and no one can save you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the spiritual sword in his hand shook slightly, and the triple formation of the Immortal Order instantly enveloped the Shixian Sect, trapping Song Qiangyun inside.

Many elders of the Immortal Dragon Main Sect have formulated some rules in order to protect each side sect. Among them is that disciples of other partial sects are not allowed to break into the sects of other warriors at will.

Otherwise, it would be the end if some powerful disciples could just force their way into other partial sects.

The reason why Song Qiangyun and Lu Yun dared to enter Shixian Sect was because they were not afraid of Chen Xuan.

At present, Chen Xuan has displayed powerful skills, trapping Song Qiangyun in the immortal-level triple formation.

"Do you regret it?"

In the air, Chen Xuan was floating in the air, staring at Song Qiangyun coldly, and asked coldly.

Song Qiangyun, who was running away in a hurry, looked extremely ferocious and said loudly: "Chen Xuan, if you kill me, Qingyi Sword Sect will not let you go and will kill you with my own hands."

"Qingyi Sword Sect?"

Chen Xuan let out a disdainful smile. At this time, Song Qiangyun was still threatening him with Qingyi Sword Sect?

"Do you think Qingyi Sword Sect is a threat to me?" Chen Xuan asked calmly.

"I have sent a message to Senior Brother Lu Yun. He will be here soon. If you kill me, you will die too." Song Qiangyun said.

Only a roar was heard!

The triple immortal-level formation restrained Song Qiangyun's body, and then Chen Xuan suddenly swung his sword out.

The sword light struck him decisively, and his long sword was cut off immediately. Then Chen Xuan walked over and cut off his arm.

The next moment, a miserable scream came from Song Qiangyun's mouth.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his expression was extremely nervous.

"Damn it, you actually..."

Seeing Chen Xuan walking towards him desperately, Song Qiangyun finally felt scared.

"Chen Xuan, you are trying to kill me."

Song Qiangyun hoped that Chen Xuan would let him go, but Chen Xuan gave a disdainful smile. If he still continued to practice in Qingxian Hall, what would Song Qiangyun do?

Only a roar was heard!

With another sword strike, Song Qiangyun's cultivation was directly destroyed by Chen Xuan, and blood spilled out from the corners of his mouth. However, at this moment, a ferocious aura came from the Qingyi Sword Sect, and it was quickly approaching the Shixian Sect.

"Chen Xuan, please spare me. I was also arranged by senior brother Lu Yun." Song Qiangyun's painful sword

"You attacked my friend? Are you begging for mercy?"

Chen Xuan snorted coldly, and then the Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent was activated to the extreme, and five terrifying sword lights burst out with terrifying power, spreading throughout the sky and striking Song Qiangyun's body.

At this time, an angry voice came from outside Shixian Sect.

"Damn it! Stop it."

The warrior who appeared was Lu Yun.

But when he felt the spiritual energy fluctuations in the triple immortal formation, he wanted to stop Chen Xuan from taking action.

But it's all too late.


The sound of cracking resounded throughout the air, and the three-level immortal-level formation was shaking.

"You're just asking for death."

Lu Yun's face was gloomy, and he roared angrily. Then he released his true energy and began to attack the three-level immortal-level formation crazily.


Inside the formation, Chen Xuan's attack instantly swallowed up Song Qiangyun.

In just a short moment, Song Qiangyun lost any defense and was killed by Chen Xuan's sword light.

After glancing at Song Qiangyun, Chen Xuan's eyes penetrated the triple immortal formation, and then looked at Lu Yun.

Then, Chen Xuanlingshen moved slightly and put away the three-level immortal-level formation.

The angry Lu Yun was floating in the air, observing Chen Xuan with a cold face.

"Damn it, you actually killed Song Qiangyun?"

After Lu Yun saw Song Qiangyun, Lu Yun was a little unbelievable.

"This guy actually killed Song Qiangyun?"

"When you enter Shixian Sect, you are seeking death, and you are no exception." Chen Xuan said calmly.

"Damn it, you actually..."

Lu Yun looked extremely ferocious and said in a cold voice: "Song Qiangyun is a disciple of my Qingyi Sword Sect, and you actually have the guts to kill Song Qiangyun? Do you know that you are declaring war on the entire Qingyi Sword Sect?"

"If you don't leave, I will tell Elder Lu." Chen Xuan said calmly.

"Damn it, you actually..."

Lu Yun was extremely angry in his heart. He chanted the mantra softly and unleashed a ferocious attack.

"If a disciple of the Qingyi Sword Sect is killed by you, I will definitely take revenge."

Lu Yun no longer cares about so much.


Lu Yun's strength is also very strong in the Qingyi Sword Sect. His condensed Tao Zhenyuan has reached the level of a coat, and his attack power is very fierce.

Although Chen Xuan absorbed the five fused Tao Zhenyuan, his cultivation level was still not comparable to the angry Lu Yun.

In an instant, Chen Xuan was fighting with Lu Yun while transmitting a message to Elder Lu Qun.


Two terrifying invisible auras appeared in the sky above Shixian Sect. Then a tearing space appeared in the sky, and two warriors strolled out of the space.


The battle over the Immortal Sect was suspended the moment the two appeared.

Lu Yun was horrified to find that his body was suppressed in the air, unable to move.

He raised his eyes and looked into the distance, and suddenly found Elder Lu Qun coming.

"Lu Qun is the elder, Shangguan is the elder."

Chen Xuan nodded slightly to the two of them.

"What happened?"

Elder Lu Qun frowned slightly and then asked.

"Please also ask Elder Lu Qun to punish Chen Xuan."

At this time, Lu Yun took the lead and said: "Junior Brother Song Qiangyun just entered the Shixian Sect accidentally and was killed by Chen Xuan."

At this time, Elder Lu Qun also saw

"Elder Lu Qun, Song Qiangyun is seeking death." Chen Xuan said calmly, knowing that Elder Lu Qun would not embarrass him.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan told Elder Lu Qun about Song Qiangyun's entry into Shixian Sect.

Immediately, Elder Lu Qun looked at Lu Yun with a gloomy expression.

"Lu Yun, you have been with the Immortal Dragon Sect for a long time. Do you still want to ask me about this matter?" Elder Lu Qun asked.

Facing Elder Lu Qun's question, Lu Yun lowered his eyes.

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