"But even if he entered the Shixian Sect, Chen Xuan shouldn't have killed him." Song Qiangyun said.

"It's so funny. I'm afraid Song Qiangyun died because of you." Elder Lu Qun snorted.

Hearing this, Lu Yun remained silent.

"Although it is strictly forbidden to kill disciples of the same sect, it is normal for Chen Xuan to kill him. After all, this is his area. As for you, take Song Qiangyun's remains back. I hope you can report this mistake." Elder Lu Qun said.

"Okay, thank you elder."

Hearing this, Lu Yun gritted his teeth and took Song Qiangyun's remains back to Qingyi Sword Sect.

"Okay, thank you two elders." Chen Xuan said.

"You are a little arrogant this time." Elder Lu Qun said slowly: "There is only you in Shixian Sect. And Qingyi Sword Sect has already formed a phosphorus. If you kill Song Qiangyun at will, Qingyi Sword Sect will not let it go."

"It's also Chen Xuanzi, you are a little arrogant. It is estimated that Qingyi Sword Sect will not let it go. You should be more careful in the next period of time. It's best not to go out in Shixian Sect." Elder Shangguan Ze said.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan's pupils radiated spiritual light. Not surprisingly, Song Qiangyun's death made some of the peak talents of Qingyi Sword Sect who had been in seclusion for several consecutive years end their seclusion and learned that Song Qiangyun was killed.

In the entire Qingyi Sword Sect, there are many disciples of Qingyi Sword Sect in the central hall of Qingyi Sword Sect.

These disciples all came out of the previous era of the first level.

They have been in seclusion for several consecutive years in order to impact and enter the cabinet faction.

However, Song Qiangyun died, and these disciples who came out of the previous era of the first level still ended their seclusion.

The man sitting at the top is the current leader of Qingyi Sword Sect and the strongest one in Qingyi Sword Sect so far, Lu Jiu.

No one knows how many true essences Lu Jiu has condensed, but only knows that his strength is very terrifying.

For so many years, no warrior in the branch area has been able to force Lu Jiu to use the strongest skills. And Lu Jiu has been in seclusion. It is rumored that Lu Jiu has already impacted the fifth late stage of the God Realm.

Lu Yun, who is also quite powerful in the Sword Sect, is still trembling in front of these people.

"No problem, just do it directly."

Lu Jiu said lightly.

Lu Yun suppressed the fear in his heart and said slowly: "Lu Jiu, it's like this, it's all because of that Chen Xuan!"

Lu Jiu has been listening to Lu Yun's complaint carefully. After a while, Lu Yun finally finished.

After hearing this, Lu Jiu nodded slightly, and then looked at Lu Yun with deep eyes.

"So, it's my Qingyi Sword Sect's fault?" Lu Jiu asked calmly.

"Lu Jiu, Chen Xuan from the Shixian Sect lured Junior Brother Song Qiangyun to the Blood Sword Demon Tower to compete in sword moves, which led to Junior Brother Song Qiangyun losing several times."

"Junior Brother Song Qiangyun later broke into the Shixian Sect by force, and I couldn't do anything about it." Lu Yun hurriedly explained.

Lu Jiu sighed slowly. As the leader of the Qingyi Sword Sect, he stayed in the Xianlong Main Sect for a long time.

"Entering other sects... Now that Song Qiangyun is dead, where is the face of my Qingyi Sword Sect?" Lu Jiu's expression was slightly gloomy.

"Master Lu Jiu, I... give me a chance." Lu Yun said helplessly.

Lu Jiu raised his eyes, looked at Lu Yun again and said: "After all, Song Qiangyun is a disciple of our Qingyi Sword Sect, and we knew each other in the previous era of the first level."

Lu Jiu said: "I can give you a chance, as for whether you can seize the opportunity, it depends on you."

"Okay, thank you Master Lu Jiu."

After hearing this, Lu Yun was surprised and hurriedly said helplessly.

"Shixianzong Chen Xuan killed Song Qiangyun... His cultivation is too weak. I won't do anything. You can find a way to kill him." After Lu Jiu finished speaking, his body quickly disappeared in the central hall.

"Don't worry, Master Lu Jiu. I will definitely kill Chen Xuan." Lu Yun said in a deep voice.

In a short while, all the top masters of Qingyi Sword Sect in the central hall left.

What Lu Jiu said was that Chen Xuan's cultivation was too weak. He was only at the fourth level of the Godly Realm. It was not worth Lu Jiu's effort at all.

Walking out of the central hall, Lu Yun's expression was slightly dim.

"All this is because of this guy Chen Xuan. If I don't kill him, how can I, Lu Yun, survive in Qingyi Sword Sect in the future?" Lu Yun's face was gloomy and his voice was cold.

"Damn you, wait for me..."


Chen Xuan's terrifying power was injected into Yuwen Qiu's body, and at the same time, he gave Yuwen Qiu the elixir he had refined.

Although Yuwen Qiu did not suffer any damage from the fight with Song Qiangyun. But Song Qiangyun's power invaded Yuwen Qiu's body.


After a while, a gloomy atmosphere was faintly filled near Yuwen Qiu.

"Yuwen Qiu, it's okay."

Chen Xuan said softly

"Chen Xuan, if you kill Song Qiangyun, Qingyi Sword Sect will not let you go, and must kill you with their own hands." Yuwen Qiu was a little worried.

Chen Xuan looked at Yuwen Qiu with a smile on his face and said, "Don't worry, I won't be so arrogant, and they will definitely not easily trouble me."

After Yuwen Qiu recovered from his injuries, Chen Xuan was at peace for a while.

Somewhere, outside the Yiqing Fairy Hall.

After Chen Xuan handed over a certain amount of Zhenyuan Lingyu, he entered the Yiqing Fairy Hall.

There are almost no warriors in this tower

Chen Xuan smiled, and then walked to the core position and chose a place to practice.


The surrounding aura is filled with the extremely strong divine sword intention, and at this moment, it is outside the Qingxian Palace.

"Senior Brother Lu Yun, Chen Xuan has entered the Yi Qing Immortal Palace," a Qing Yi Sword Sect disciple said hurriedly.

"Chen Xuan wants to practice in Qingxian Palace?"

Lu Yun sneered, and soon, Lu Yun entered the Yi Qing Immortal Palace.

Seeing that Chen Xuan was alone, a sinister smile appeared in Lu Yun's pupils.


Lu Yun held the long sword tightly in his hand, and the surrounding divine sword intent quickly gathered on his long sword. Then he suddenly struck out with a sword in the direction of Chen Xuan.


The terrifying aura of Divine Sword Intention suddenly exploded.

Terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations spread directly over the place where Chen Xuan was, instantly interrupting Chen Xuan's practice.

"What? What do you mean?"

Chen Xuan's face was gloomy, he suddenly opened his eyes and turned around to look.

"Lu Yun?"

Chen Xuan clenched his hands and said, he was interrupted by Lu Yun at the most critical moment, which made Chen Xuan very angry.

"What's wrong?" Lu Yun said with a smile on his face.

"Damn it, you actually..."

Chen Xuan suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Haha, that's so funny."

Chen Xuan snorted coldly and continued to comprehend again.

But in the following time, Lu Yun kept provoking Chen Xuan.

"The famous disciple of Qingyi Sword Sect can only provoke me like this?"

Chen Xuan said sarcastically.

"What? How about my Qingyi Sword Sect disciple?"

In fact, Lu Yun's idea was to deliberately anger Chen Xuan.

But it was obvious that Chen Xuan had anticipated his gossip.


Chen Xuan sat cross-legged in the core position. The closer he got to the core position, the stronger the aura of Divine Sword Intent became.

"Tao Zhenyuan."

Chen Xuan felt the five true essences.

"If you want to absorb the sixth path, you must defend against the attacks of these five paths." Chen Xuan said to himself.

Seeing Chen Xuan devoted himself to training, Lu Yun's expression became even more gloomy.

"Damn it."

Lu Yun cursed secretly and continued to make noise to influence Chen Xuan.

At this time, Chen Xuan took out the Six-Path Fusion Dao True Yuan and prepared to absorb it.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yun smiled softly in his heart.

"Absorbing the fusion Tao true energy in front of me, are you looking for death?"

Lu Yun sneered and continued to interfere with Chen Xuan.

Every attack by Lu Yun can form powerful spiritual energy fluctuations, which instantly spread all over Chen Xuan's body.

Chen Xuan has already learned lessons from the past when it comes to absorbing and merging Taoist essence.

So much so that when he took out Dao Zhenyuan, he immediately began to absorb Dao Zhenyuan without hesitation.

Chen Xuanlingshen moved slightly, releasing a large amount of Suzaku Fire from his body, and the strong aura of Divine Sword Intent covered the drying essence, hoping to complete the absorption.


In the end, Chen Xuan was unable to control the power between Dao Zhenyuan.

"Daozhenyuan is absorbing my power."

Chen Xuan fused Dao Zhenyuan and absorbed the power in his body. If he continued, he would be seriously injured even if he died.

"How can this be!"

At this moment, Lu Yun's attack suddenly struck again, and terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations instantly enveloped Chen Xuan.

But this time the spiritual energy fluctuation did not affect him.

"That's weird, what is it?"

Chen Xuan was horrified to find that these spiritual energy fluctuations were forcibly absorbed by the sixth fusion path true essence.

"What's the meaning?"

After absorbing the spiritual energy fluctuations, the aura between the fused Tao Zhenyuan was significantly weakened.

Chen Xuan smiled softly in his heart. Seeing this situation, Lu Yun's spiritual energy enveloped Chen Xuan's body one after another, and was later absorbed by the fused Tao Zhenyuan.

"Damn bastard...go to hell."

Lu Yun sneered, and with one last blow, he used all his strength to suddenly attack Chen Xuan.


The crackling sounds were heard continuously.

The spiritual energy was completely absorbed by Dao Zhenyuan.

However, at this moment, Chen Xuan clearly felt that after Dao Zhenyuan absorbed enough spiritual energy, it was gradually integrated into his body.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan closed his eyes, and his understanding of the divine sword's intention helped him absorb the last bits of true energy.

This sixth ray of true energy instantly merged into Chen Xuan's body.


In a few breaths, the absorption of the sixth fusion path true energy was completed.

At this time, the sky above the entire Immortal Dragon Master Sect was instantly filled with a force of void.

On the Immortal Dragon Main Sect, a terrifying tearing space appeared, and frightening power was released in the tearing space.

Whether it was the cabinet area or the branch area, many disciples showed doubtful expressions and looked at Sora with great horror.

The terrifying aura spread throughout the entire Immortal Dragon Sect, directly shocking many elders of the Immortal Dragon Sect.

"What happened?"

Some elders asked doubtfully.

"Why did this happen all of a sudden? Could it be that a strong person appeared in our Immortal Dragon Sect?"

For a moment, Chen Xuan, who was concerned about the Qingxian Palace, put Dao Zhen Yuan into his body.

Only a bang was heard!

Chen Xuan felt the power in his body being released.

"Get out of here quickly." Then, Chen Xuan left Yi Qing Immortal Palace in a hurry.

When he walked out of the Yiqing Immortal Palace, Chen Xuan soon discovered that the surge of true energy here was most likely caused by him absorbing the sixth path of true energy.

Soon, Chen Xuan left the Yi Qing Immortal Palace and returned to the Shixian Sect area.


The surge of earth essence lasted for several breaths, but it still caused a great shock in the Immortal Dragon Master Sect.

Elders from the cabinet area and branch areas gathered together one after another.

At this moment, a warrior was sitting above the main hall of the Immortal Sect.

He looked at the tearing space that was gradually dissipating in the sky, and then said: "I really didn't expect that such a talented warrior would appear in our Immortal Dragon Master Sect."

When he finished this sentence, his eyes happened to fall on Chen Xuan in the Immortal Sect area.

"A talent who came out of a new era?" the warrior thought to himself, with a faint smile on his face.

But as soon as the warrior finished speaking, a phantom of soul appeared in front of him.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect you to show up." The warrior smiled.

"I have already noticed this guy when he first came to Xianqing Continent. His talent is very powerful." The strongest man in the first level said with a smile.

Being able to be praised by the strongest person in the first level, if word spreads, the entire second level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent will be discussed.

"What? Do you want to take her away?" Master Xuanyuan said calmly.

The strongest man in the first level sighed slowly and said: "This guy can absorb the true energy of the sixth fusion path. The Immortal Dragon Master Sect is more suitable for his cultivation, but I hope you can help him when he encounters danger."

Soon, the phantom of the first level powerful man left.

The next moment, Xuanyuan's pupils were full of smiles.

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