His speed increased to the extreme, and in just a short while, he used his physical skills to reach the lobby.

At this time, he saw Li Qiuyu being repelled by Lu Yun.

"Lu Yun, you are simply asking for death."

Chen Xuan's prairie fire sword appeared, and then he mobilized all his strength and instantly displayed the first level of the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent.


A frightening sword light erupted from the prairie fire sword, carrying extremely terrifying power, penetrating the air and killing Lu Yun directly.

Lu Yun, who was dealing with Li Qiuyu, felt a hint of danger. When he raised his eyes, his expression suddenly changed.

"Oh no."

Lu Yun secretly screamed, trying to dodge, but it was already too late.

Boom! !

The extremely shocking sword light directly pierced Lu Yun's body, and then dragged his body onto Lin's face.

The entire lobby was discussing.

Countless disciples showed expressions of surprise, and they looked at the scene happening in front of them in disbelief.

"My dear, how strong is Chen Xuan really?"

"Defeat Lu Yun instantly? He is only a warrior in the early stage of the fourth level of the divine realm."

For a moment, many warriors in the hall were shocked by the sword skills performed by Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan walked to Li Qiuyu and said softly: "Li Qiuyu, how are you?"

"Brother Chen Xuan, I'm fine now." Li Qiuyu said.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and then walked towards Lu Yun step by step.

At this moment, Lu Yun was filled with panic.

Lu Yun sensed the danger and used all his strength to get up from the ground, looking at Chen Xuan with an extremely ferocious expression.

"You dare to touch my sister Qiu Yu, do you want to die?"

"Chen Xuan, what...are you going to do?"

Before Lu Yun finished speaking, Chen Xuan struck out with another sword.

The terrifying sword light once again penetrated Lu Yun's body, and this time his breath was weakening little by little.

"If you weren't in the Immortal Dragon Master Sect, I would have killed you long ago." Chen Xuan said with murderous intent.

"Damn it! Stop it." Suddenly, there was a roar.

Immediately afterwards, he immediately made a sound that broke through the air, and then Fang Shaoye's figure appeared next to Lu Yun.

Fang Shaoye glanced at Lu Yun, who was lying on the ground and his breath was gradually weakening, and then his eyes fell on Chen Xuan. His deep eyes were observing Chen Xuan closely.

"Chen Xuan? Are you beating him up?" Fang Shaoye asked.

Chen Xuan nodded, and then said: "Haha, that's right. If it weren't for the Immortal Dragon Master Sect, I would have killed Lu Yun long ago."

"Why did you hurt Lu Yun?" Fang Shaoye said solemnly.

"If he takes action against Qiu Yu, it's up to you."

"Brother Fang Shaoye, you have to help me kill him."

Lu Yun said ferociously.

Fang Shaoye sneered and continued: "Do you know that you cannot leave the sect before becoming an inner disciple of the Immortal Dragon Master Sect? Li Qiuyu left the sect. Lu Yun only punishes warriors who ignore the rules. You take action to beat Lu Yun Hurt, do you know what you did wrong?"

Fang Shaoye's attitude was very strong, and he wanted to find a place for Lu Yun.

Chen Xuan shook his head slightly and said disdainfully: "What did I do wrong?"

"It seems that Shixian Sect has no need to continue to exist."

"It's really ridiculous. Is it necessary for the Shixian Sect area to continue to exist, and how dare you?" Chen Xuan said with disdain, looking at Fang Shaoye as if he were looking at stupid garbage.

"Are you provoking me?" Fang Shaoye asked gloomily.

"How about it? If you have the guts, you can destroy our Shixian Sect area." Chen Xuan said coldly.

"Damn it, you actually..."

Fang Shaoye heard this and prepared to launch an attack.

But at this time, Elder Lu Qun and Elder Shangguan came together.

When the two of them saw what happened in the lobby, Elder Lu Qun and Elder Shangguan frowned slightly, obviously feeling a little unhappy.

"What happened?" Elder Lu Qun asked coldly.

Seeing Elder Lu Qun coming, Fang Shaoye became even more arrogant.

"Elder Lu Qun, Chen Xuan, a disciple of the Shixian Sect area, deliberately asked Li Qiuyu to leave the Shixian Sect area, which itself ignored the rules of the cabinet area. My junior brother Lu Yun implemented the regulations for the cabinet area and handed it over to Elder Lu Qun. However, Chen Xuan protected Li Qiuyu and injured him. "

Fang Shao finished his work and looked at Chen Xuan with a smile.

After listening to Fang Shaoye's words, Elder Lu Qun nodded slightly without saying much, then turned around.

"Fang Shaoye, are you sure Li Qiuyu ignored the rules of the cabinet area?"

"Yes, this monk has not joined the Immortal Dragon Sect at all." Fang Shaoye said.

"Stop talking nonsense here."

In an instant, Elder Lu Qun said angrily.

"Elder Lu Qun?"

Hearing this, Fang Shaoye didn't know what to do.

"I can tell you clearly that Lu Yun is looking for death." Elder Lu Qun said solemnly.

"No way……"

"Elder Lu Qun, as the elder in charge of the cabinet area, it is not very good for you to help the Shixian Sect area like this." Fang Shaoye said in a low voice.

"It's so funny. Li Qiuyu has already joined my sect, but you and I prefer to join the Shixian Sect area?" Elder Lu Qun said.

After hearing this, Fang Shaoye was also shocked, and then showed a puzzled expression.

"How can it be?"

At this moment, Fang Shaoye glared at Lu Yun who was lying on the ground with a cold face, and his heart was filled with anger.

"Li Qiuyu has met the criteria for recruiting disciples and has officially become a disciple of the Shixian Sect area. What's not good about him leaving the Shixian Sect area?" Elder Lu Qun looked at Fang Shaoye and continued to ask.

"Elder Lu Qun, I was wrong..."

Fang Shaoye nodded slightly to Elder Lu Qun, and then quickly disappeared into the lobby.

"Elder Lu Qun, thank you very much." Chen Xuan said sheepishly.

Elder Lu Qun waved his hand and said: "This matter is my fault. From now on, no warrior will come to trouble you again."

Above the Immortal Sect's main hall, Xuanyuan's main sect stared coldly.

The most important thing was that when he saw Li Qiuyu, a smile appeared on his face.

"Li Qiuyu also has rare talents."

Looking at the second level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, he can be regarded as the pinnacle powerhouse.

Xuanyuan Master chuckled and said: "I have been looking for a successor, and this girl is very good."

Within the Qingyi Sword Sect.

"Stupid guy, you hurt me again!"

Fang Shaoye yelled angrily, if it wasn't for Lu Yun, he would have left the Immortal Dragon Sect long ago.

"It's best to kill him this time, otherwise you won't live long."

Fang Shaoye said with a cold face.

However, Chen Xuan, who was in the Shixian Sect area at this time, also received a piece of news.

"What's going on? Lu Yun left?"

Chen Xuan was a little confused as to why Lu Yun left.

"If this guy attacks me, Qiu Yu, he will definitely die."

After learning that Lu Yun had left, Chen Xuan left the Immortal Dragon Sect instantly.

At this moment, in Baojian Villa.

"Damn Chen Xuan, I will never let you go, I will kill you with my own hands."

Lu Yun cursed secretly in his heart.

“What is this guy going to do?”

Chen Xuan used the magic words of time and space, and originally planned to attack Lu Yun after leaving Baojian Villa, but according to what this guy meant, he seemed to have discovered the ruins of an altar, which contained an inherited magic weapon.

Although he has cultivated the Immortal Dragon Sword Intention and absorbed the fusion of the six adjacent paths and the true essence, his strength is still not perfect.

"First let's see what kind of altar remains it is."

Chen Xuan made a decision and began to follow Lu Yun.

With his talent in time and space, it was just that Lu Yun couldn't discover it at all.

Soon, Lu Yun left Baojian Villa in a hurry.

When he came to a forest, Lu Yun looked around, then turned around and hurried towards the sword-holding peak.

"What's going on? The ruins of the altar are in this Sword Holding Peak?" Chen Xuan was a little confused.

Soon, Lu Yun entered Baojian Peak.

"I'm Lu Yun." Lu Yun said.

After hearing this, the black-clothed monk nodded without saying anything more, then took Lu Yun and continued to the front school.

"What else have you seen so far?" Lu Yun asked.

"It's still not available, but there is a heritage magic weapon." The black-clothed monk said.

After hearing this, Lu Yun was secretly happy.

"Chen Xuan, just wait." Lu Yun said. Soon, the black-clothed monk took Lu Yun to Zheng Sword Peak.

"What's this?"

Lu Yun looked with some surprise at the secret cave in Baojian Peak.

"Go over and have a look." The black-clothed monk took the lead and arrived around the secret cave.

Behind the Sword Holding Peak, there is a secret cave.

"As long as you get close to this place, your spiritual consciousness will be completely covered up." The monk in black said: "We suspect that there is a legend in this secret cave."

"Is there a legacy?"

After Lu Yun heard this, there was a hint of surprise in his pupils.

His strength has reached a bottleneck, and it is somewhat impossible to improve his strength in a short period of time.

If you can obtain the inheritance of the secret method of the soul, you can still increase your strength by increasing the strength of the true soul.

"Didn't you go in and take a look?" Lu Yun asked.

The black-clothed monk heard this and shook his head slightly.

"No problem." After finishing his words, Lu Yun's body disappeared directly into the secret cave.

However, at this time, the monk in black turned his head and looked into the distance, and said with a smile: "Still not coming out?"

After hearing this, Chen Xuan was also surprised. He didn't expect that the black-clothed monk could find him.

"Who are you?" The monk in black looked in the direction of Chen Xuan and said in a cold voice.

"You care about me?" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

The monk in black snorted coldly and disappeared.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan immediately looked around.

Chen Xuan took out the prairie fire sword, pointed it at the sky, and suddenly swung the sword out.

In an instant, a ferocious sword light pierced the air. In an instant, the body of the black-clothed monk fell to the ground, his expression a little gloomy.

"Damn...zi! How did you do it!"

The monk in black was surprised.

With Chen Xuan's skills, he could be killed directly.

The attack power of the first level of the Immortal Dragon Sword Intention has exceeded most of the powerful people in the middle stage of the fourth level of the divine realm. What's more, the black-clothed monks are weaker among the elite disciples of Qingyi Sword Sect.

The monk in black immediately took action and wanted to kill Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan's spirit moved slightly and his body disappeared into the air.

"What? What do you mean?"

The monk in black was shocked. He couldn't feel Chen Xuan.

"How can it be?"

The monk in black looked around, guarding against Chen Xuan.

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