Boom! !

Suddenly, a chilling sword light burst out in the air, and the monk in black was caught off guard and stabbed by Chen Xuan's sword light.


The black-clothed monk let out a miserable cry, and his body fell heavily on Lin's face.

Only a bang was heard!

The Immortal Dragon Sword Intent was used again, with extremely powerful power, directly killing the black-clothed monk.

After killing the monk in black, Chen Xuan's body instantly entered the secret cave.

Inside the secret cave, there is a red altar, and red light bursts out from the altar.

"It's true that the secret method of the soul is often passed down"

Lu Yun's pupils exuded a touch of joy, and he thought to himself.

Lu Yun walked to the altar, and the light immediately dissipated.


A strange sound came from the altar, and then it began to vibrate crazily.

The next moment, Lu Yun discovered that a strange aura was being released from the altar, and it was being released towards his body.

Only a bang was heard!

A chilling sword light broke through his body.

"How can this be!"

Lu Yun turned around and looked over, and suddenly spotted Chen Xuan.

"Chen Xuan!"

A trace of panic flashed through Lu Yun's pupils.

"This is my place, Qingyi Sword Sect, how did you get in?"

Lu Yun said in a cold voice.

But when Chen Xuan heard this, he swung his sword again.


Lu Yun's body was directly knocked out of the secret place and landed on the wall of the secret cave.


The strange aura released from the altar entered Chen Xuan's body in an instant.


"That's weird, what is it? The secret method of the fifth-level immortal essence?"

Although it is not the secret method of the sixth-level immortal essence, it is also the secret method of the fifth-level immortal essence.

In an instant, Chen Xuan sat on the ground and began to comprehend the secrets of the soul in the altar.

However, Lu Yun looked extremely fierce.

He was thinking of ways to kill Chen Xuan.

He racked his brains and finally came up with a plan.

"I remember that in this Sword Holding Peak, there seems to be a Fairy Blood Bear Demon King who is in the middle stage of the fourth level of the Divine Realm."

A sinister smile appeared on Lu Yun's face, and then he disappeared into Lingqi Zheng.

At this moment, Chen Xuan was comprehending the secret inheritance of the soul in the altar. Not long after, Chen Xuan suddenly released a terrifying spiritual energy.

"Legends left by a strong person in the late fourth level of the divine realm"

Chen Xuan secretly said to himself that although the inheritance of this divine soul secret method is not too strong, it is still of some use to him.

The Sword and Ice Immortal Technique is the name of this third-level Immortal-level Immortal Essence Secret Technique. After this Immortal Essence Secret Technique has been cultivated to the first level, it will be able to fight against ordinary strong men in the middle stage of the fourth level of the divine realm.

If he can cultivate to the sixth level, he will be a strong person in the middle stage of the fourth level of the divine realm.

A look of surprise appeared on Chen Xuan's face. After absorbing the six-dimensional fusion Tao true essence, the true soul realm reached the third level of immortality.

"We'll practice again when we get back."

Chen Xuan slowly stood up from the ground and thought to himself.

However, at this moment Chen Xuan heard the voice of the monster.

"What happened?"

"Chen Xuan."

Suddenly, a roar came over.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yun's body appeared instantly and came directly to Chen Xuan.

"What? What do you mean?"

Seeing Lu Yun, Chen Xuan's pupils showed a hint of surprise.

However, when Lu Yun was about to rush forward, suddenly there were several Immortal Blood Bear Demon Kings behind Lu Yun.

"Immortal Blood Bear Demon?"

Chen Xuan's face was extremely shocked.

The Immortal Blood Bear Demon King is a ferocious beast with ancient bloodline that is relatively difficult to deal with in the middle stage of the fourth level of the divine realm. They are very powerful.

"Damn guy."


In an instant, Chen Xuan was surrounded by an Immortal Blood Bear Demon King.

"Chen Xuan, you will die this time!"

Lu Yun said with great disdain.

"Lu Yun. You shameless guy." Chen Xuan said secretly.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yun suddenly laughed.

Naturally, Lu Yun would not leave here easily. He also wanted to obtain the secret technique of the soul from Chen Xuan.

Hoo ho ho!

Chen Xuan exerted all his strength, and suddenly a sword fell on the Immortal Blood Bear Demon King.

In an instant, mysterious power entered his long sword, and his body involuntarily took a few steps back.

You must know that the prairie fire sword is only a low-grade fifth-level immortal. It collided with the Immortal Blood Bear Demon King and he was slightly injured.

Hoo ho ho!

The Immortal Blood Bear Demon King roared and rushed towards Chen Xuan.

After a simple test, Chen Xuan knew the strength of the Immortal Blood Bear Demon King. At this time, Chen Xuan saw Lu Yun not far away who was secretly delighted.

Formation... open!

"Oh no."

When Lu Yun discovered something unusual, it was already too late.

"Immortal-level triple formation?"

Lu Yun's expression was extremely ferocious. He didn't expect that Chen Xuan was actually a third-level immortal-level magician.

The seal of the formation made Chen Xuan quickly retreat to Lu Yun's side.

"Just die."

The Immortal Dragon Sword Intent was used, and the prairie fire sword decisively penetrated Lu Yun's body.


Lu Yun died instantly.

At this time, the Immortal Blood Bear Demon King had also approached Chen Xuan.

Then, Chen Xuan displayed the first level of Immortal Dragon Sword Intent.

In this way, Chen Xuan used the formation to fight with the Immortal Blood Bear Demon King.

Only a bang was heard!

After displaying the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent for about four sticks of incense, Chen Xuan felt that his understanding of the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent had reached a bottleneck.

He didn't want to continue to tangle with the Immortal Blood Bear Demon King, so he began to continuously use the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent.

Only a bang was heard!

The Immortal Blood Bear Demon King died under the seal of the Immortal Level Three Formation.

Then Chen Xuan's body instantly escaped to Zheng Baojian Peak.

Qingyi Sword Sect.

"Why hasn't Lu Yun come back yet?"

Fang Shaoye was very anxious.

"Damn... what a stupid piece of garbage."

Fang Shaoye was full of resentment towards Lu Yun.

"Senior Brother Fang Shaoye."

Just when Fang Shaoye was anxious, an ordinary disciple of Qingyi Sword Sect came over in a hurry.

"Senior Brother Lu Yun is dead."

"What are you? You can't, right?" Fang Shaoye asked with a puzzled expression.

The disciple nodded and said: "Yes...he is dead."

After hearing this, Fang Shaoye's face became extremely gloomy.

"Chen Xuan killed Lu Yun?"

Fang Shaoye suddenly left the Qingyi Sword Sect quickly, and his consciousness instantly spread out, covering the entire Shixian Sect area, looking for Chen Xuan.

At this moment, Chen Xuanzheng was discussing with Li Qiuyu in the Shixian Sect area, but at this time, he felt the power of divine consciousness.

"What? What do you mean? Fang Shaoye?"

Chen Xuan frowned slightly, looked at Fang Shaoye in the distance for a moment, and said loudly: "Fang Shaoye, what do you mean?"

"What? Chen Xuan, you still want to stop me?" Fang Shaoye said with murderous intent.

"This is simply too funny. You are invading my sect. If you dare to take a step forward, I will definitely tell Elder Lu Qun."

After the words fell, Chen Xuan turned around and left here.

Fang Shaoye looked at Chen Xuan's back and sighed slowly.

Chen Xuan had been in the Shixian Sect area, and he was not the one who killed Lu Yun.

"Who killed Lu Yun? Wasn't it Chen Xuan?"

Fang Shaoye thought secretly in his heart.

Time Immortal Sect area.

"Brother Chen Xuan, Qingyi Sword Sect is too arrogant." Li Qiuyu said.

"Don't worry. When the Immortal Sect becomes stronger, they won't have the courage." Chen Xuan said softly.

"Brother Chen Xuan, I want to go to the sword tower to compete in sword fighting. Can we go together, okay?" Li Qiuyu said.

When Chen Xuan heard this, he could only bring Li Qiuyu to the sword tower.

Just when Li Qiuyu was about to walk to the sword tower, a disciple wearing a green robe said, "Are you going to compete with swordsmen?"

"Yes, yes." Li Qiuyu said with flashing eyes.

"It just so happens that I also want to compete with sword moves. How about we compete?" the disciple said.

"Of course...I'm afraid you can't beat me." Li Qiuyu asked.

In an instant, Li Qiuyu controlled the long sword.


Although it was Li Qiuyu's first time competing with swordsmen, his swordsmanship was still very good.

Soon, Li Qiuyu won over this disciple, and the other disciple also looked helpless.

Just as he was preparing to speak, a voice suddenly sounded. Chen Xuan turned around and suddenly found that the disciple who had just lost to Li Qiuyu was knocked away by a warrior.

"Master Zhang Yu, I will definitely give you the True Yuan Lingyu, please let me go."

This disciple's body was constantly shaking.

Hearing this, the disciple said in a cold voice: "You are looking for death."

"Master Zhang Yu, spare my life."

This disciple watched helplessly as Master Zhang Yu was about to take action against him, but was helpless.

"Master Zhang Yu, I lost all my true energy jade to her! It's that girl!"

Hearing this, Lord Zhangyu looked at Li Qiuyu.

"Where is the True Yuan Lingyu?"

Master Zhang Yu asked calmly.

Li Qiuyu nodded, and then said: "Chaos! I didn't win against him."

"Do you know that he is my Zhang Yu's younger brother? Do you dare to compete with him in sword fighting?" Zhang Yu slowly stood up from the ground and said coldly.

Li Qiuyu glanced at Zhang Yu seriously, and then said: "Did you get kicked in the head by a donkey? I have nothing to win from him. We are competing fairly."

Being treated like this by Li Qiuyu, Zhang Yu also showed some doubts, and then exuded a fierce aura and observed Li Qiuyu.

"Li Qiuyu, let's get out of here."

Chen Xuan also shook his head.

"Damn you bastard, stop it!"

Zhang Yu said angrily.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan and Li Qiuyu stopped, looked at Zhang Yu with bright pupils, and said: "Stupid."

"Hand over the true essence jade." Zhang Yu said.

"Haha, if I didn't take it, why would I give it to you? Are you trying to blackmail me?" Chen Xuan had a tough attitude.

"Really or not, you are against me, Zhang Yu?" Zhang Yu looked in the direction of Chen Xuan with a smile on his face, and approached Chen Xuan step by step.

"Die to me!"

Seeing Zhang Yu approaching, Chen Xuan suddenly struck out with his sword, knocking Zhang Yu away.


Zhang Yu's body kept retreating rapidly.

"Damn bastard, who are you?"

Zhang Yu looked in the direction of Chen Xuan with a heavy expression and asked coldly.

"Chen Xuan."

"What are you? You can't, are you Chen Xuan? Chen Xuan from the Shixian Sect area?"

After Zhang Yu heard this, he showed a puzzled expression and looked at Chen Xuan in disbelief.

"What??" Chen Xuan said slowly.

At this moment, Zhang Yu did not expect to meet Chen Xuan from the Shixian Sect area. During this period, Zhang Yu had been hearing rumors about this guy.

It was obvious that Chen Xuan's true strength in the Shixian Sect area had far exceeded Lu Yun, and Zhang Yu did not think he was Lu Yun's opponent.


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