Within the Shixian Sect area.

Chen Xuan was obviously unhappy.

"Because I'm not a disciple of the Sword Immortal Forest? Are these people ignoring me?"

Chen Xuan slowly stood up from the ground, left the Shixian Sect area, and quickly arrived in front of the Sword Immortal Forest.

Many disciples all started discussing, and before they knew it, Chen Xuan came to the Sword Immortal Forest.

The Sword Immortal Forest is in the Nineteenth Sect Area.

There was a faint light of terror near the black altar.

"Sword Fairy Forest."

Chen Xuan muttered in his mouth.

He looked along the Sword Fairy Forest and saw Fang Shaoye directly.

If you want to enter the Sword Immortal Forest, you must defeat one of the disciples.

Chen Xuan randomly selected a disciple, and soon the elder in charge of the Sword Immortal Forest notified the disciple to fight against Chen Xuan.

"Chen Xuan, do you want to fight me?" the disciple asked coldly.

"It's useless." Chen Xuan said slowly.

"You're just asking for death."

Just when the disciple was about to take action, he felt a chilling sword light and killed him instantly.


Without any defense, he was knocked away by Chen Xuan's sword.

"Okay...Chen Xuan wins and enters the Sword Immortal Forest."

The elder of the sect in charge of the Sword Immortal Forest said loudly.

Being able to enter the Sword Immortal Forest will almost make many elders in the 19th sect area pay attention to Chen Xuan.

Many disciples were very surprised that this was not Chen Xuan's strongest strength. If he exerts all his strength, can he defeat Fang Shaoye?

Chen Xuan glanced at Fang Shaoye and then said: "Eleven months later, we will fight again."

After entering the Sword Immortal Forest, Chen Xuan returned directly to the Shixian Sect area for retreat.

The main hall of the Nineteenth Sect District.

"Elders, Chen Xuan has entered the Sword Immortal Forest." A warrior said slowly: "I met Chen Xuan before. Although he did not enter the Sword Immortal Forest, his cultivation is very strong."

"Master Wang Yun, what do you mean?" The warrior who spoke was Elder Qingyi: "Chen Xuan killed the disciples of Qingyi Sword Sect. Doesn't it mean that Qingyi Sword Sect is not allowed to find him?"

"Fang Shaoye is actually from the Sword Fairy Forest. Since the matter has reached such a high level, we can only wait patiently for the life and death battle in eleven months."

Obviously, Elder Qingyi has some hatred for Chen Xuan.

After a while of arguing, Master Wang Yun agreed.

"Master Wang Yun, you are not the only one who has the say in the main hall of the Nineteenth Sect District."

"haha, yes."

Although Wang Yun disagreed, he couldn't bear the large number of people on the other side. In the end, he could only settle the matter.

Eleven months were enough for Chen Xuan to successfully practice the Sword and Ice Immortal Technique.

After spending more than a month in seclusion in the Shixian Sect area, Chen Xuan finally succeeded in practicing the first level of the Sword and Ice Immortal Art.

The spirit god moved slightly, and a sword energy suddenly condensed in the air. This sword ice fairy energy is actually condensed from the fusion of Tao Zhenyuan and is very powerful.

Following Chen Xuan's low shout, Jian Bing's immortal energy exploded directly.


Chen Xuan nodded with satisfaction. The power of the first level of the Sword and Ice Immortal Technique far exceeded his expectations.

"Fang Shaoye is just the condensed seven rays of true energy. With my current cultivation level, I should have no problem dealing with him. But it is not that simple to defeat him instantly." Chen Xuan said to himself.

"There are still a few more months to improve our strength as much as possible. This battle must let the disciples in the Nineteenth Sect Area understand that the Immortal Sect Area is also rising in my time."

After the words fell, Chen Xuan left the Shixian Sect area directly and came to Yiqing Immortal Palace.

As soon as he entered the Yiqing Immortal Palace, Chen Xuan saw many warriors practicing in the hall.

"Let's go to the next level. There's not enough breath here."

Chen Xuan wanted to try it.

Then, Chen Xuan entered the next level, and a fierce aura suddenly hit him.

If you look carefully, you will see that the second level is divided into several areas. The frontmost area has 19 floating bronze mirrors.

"What's going on? Why don't they go to the floating bronze mirror to practice?"

Chen Xuan didn't think too much and walked directly onto a floating bronze mirror close to him.


Strong earth essence surged instantly, and Chen Xuan's face showed a hint of joy.

Most of the disciples who have no way to enter the Sword Immortal Forest do not have enough True Yuan Lingyu to practice here.

"Who is this guy? Why did he go to practice at Senior Brother Lu Bei's place?"

"What's going on? This guy seems to be Chen Xuan from the Shixian Sect area."

For a moment, the eyes of many disciples were all focused on Chen Xuan.

"Although Senior Brother Lu Bei is not very strong, he has a powerful Senior Brother. Otherwise, how could he dare to occupy a floating bronze mirror in the second level?"

"Yes, this floating bronze mirror is the best place to practice in the second level."

Many disciples were talking about it. At this time, Lu Bei came.

"Lord Lu Bei..." said a disciple.

Senior Brother Lu Bei nodded, and then walked directly towards the floating bronze mirror.

However, he then pointed at Chen Xuan who was practicing and said: "How dare he occupy my position?"

Hearing this, several disciples slowly stood up from the ground and said, "Senior Brother Lu Bei, this guy is Chen Xuan from the Shixian Sect."

"Chen Xuan? Chen Xuan who fought with Fang Shaoye to the death?"

Senior Brother Lu Bei's expression gradually darkened.

"Nineteen floating bronze mirrors, but they occupy only one of my floating bronze mirrors. I, Lu, have been so angry?"

Senior Brother Lu Bei was extremely angry in his heart.

"Senior Brother Lu Bei, let me teach him a lesson."

Soon, a disciple took out a long sword and stabbed Chen Xuan.


Chen Xuan instantly knocked the guy out, and at the same time, Chen Xuan stopped practicing and looked at him.

"What are you doing?" Chen Xuan said in a deep voice.

"Are you Chen Xuan?" Senior Brother Lu Bei asked while observing Chen Xuan.

"Who are you?"

"How dare you take my position?" Senior Brother Lu Bei said.

Chen Xuan was obviously a little unhappy when he heard this.

"Yiqingxian Palace is a place where all disciples in the 19 major sects can come. What do you mean?" Chen Xuan said in a deep voice.

"But this floating bronze mirror belongs to me, Lu Bei." Lu Bei said.

"As long as I hand over enough Zhenyuan Lingyu, I can practice. Who do you think you are?" Chen Xuan said slowly.

"Damn you, you dare to talk to Lord Lu Bei so arrogantly? Are you looking for death?"

"Damn you, I wonder where you can run to this time! Haha! You definitely won't live long, and you even dare to provoke Lord Lu Bei?"

Several disciples surrounded Senior Brother Lu Bei and looked at Chen Xuan.

"I am also a disciple of Jianxianlin, how dare you say that?"

Chen Xuan's attitude was very strong, and he didn't give Senior Brother Lu Bei face at all, and directly attacked his men.

The next moment, Senior Brother Lu Bei's deep eyes were observing Chen Xuan.

After the voice fell, Chen Xuan didn't continue to pay attention to Lu Bei, and continued to practice.

Seeing this, Senior Brother Lu Bei tightly grasped the long sword in his hand, and suddenly killed Chen Xuan with a sword.


When his long sword was about to approach Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, and then exerted all his strength, and fiercely hit Senior Brother Lu Bei's long sword with a sword.


Senior Brother Lu Bei's strength is almost the same as Lu Yun's, and he is no match for Chen Xuan at all.

During the confrontation, Senior Brother Lu Bei's body flew out.

"Damn you, bastard! You will definitely not live long. Senior Brother Lu Bei is Lu Jiuyuan. If you dare to provoke Lord Lu Bei, Lu Jiuyuan will definitely kill you with his own hands."

"Really? It turned out to be Lu Jiuyuan?"

Chen Xuan frowned slightly and smiled: "But who is Lu Jiuyuan."

"Damn it, you dare to do this..."

Senior Brother Lu Bei was extremely angry. He had just felt the horror of Chen Xuan.

"It's so funny, a waste of time, if you want to fight, fight, if you don't want to fight, get out."

Hearing this, Senior Brother Lu Bei said with disdain: "You will definitely die in Fang Shaoye's hands. Zheng Bu will not attack you."

"So, can I practice?" Chen Xuan spread his hands and asked.

"It's so funny, just wait for me." Senior Brother Lu Bei retracted his sword and turned to leave here.

Chen Xuan looked at many warriors, and then walked onto the floating bronze mirror.

Outside the Qingyi Immortal Palace.

"Lord Lu Bei... must kill him."

"Lord Lu Bei, you can definitely defeat Chen Xuan with all your strength."

Several warriors whispered.

Senior Brother Lu Bei's deep eyes flashed with coldness, and he said coldly: "Dare to provoke me, Lu Bei, he must die."

"Lord Lu Bei, how do we deal with Chen Xuan?"

After hearing this, Senior Brother Lu Bei sneered.

"Keep going, let's go to Qingyi Sword Sect to see Fang Shaoye."

In the 19th major sect area, Chen Xuan killed Song Qiangyun with force and defeated Lu Yun with one sword. The important thing is that he entered the Sword Immortal Forest, which can be said to be famous.

Lu Bei came from Luojian Sect.

One of the warriors of Luojian Sect has even entered the Cabinet faction area, which also makes Luojian Sect have a high status in the 19th major sect area. Even some sects with higher rankings than Luojian Sect dare not provoke them.

Senior Brother Lu Bei's strength is not too strong, but his senior brother Lu Jiuyuan's cultivation is very strong.

This time, Chen Xuan robbed Lu Bei's floating bronze mirror's practice site and asked him to come to see Fang Shaoye.

"Haha, Lu Bei?"

Fang Shaoye and Lu Bei discussed with a smile.

"Brother Fang Shaoye, I heard that you want to fight a life-and-death battle with Chen Xuan in the Shixian Sect area?" Senior Brother Lu Bei asked directly.

"This damn guy, I must kill him this time." Fang Shaoye's heart was full of murderous intent.

"I just made an enemy with Chen Xuan in the Yiqing Immortal Palace." Lu Bei continued.


Fang Shaoye looked at Lu Bei.

"I came here this time to discuss with Brother Fang Shaoye how to kill this guy."

At this moment, the second level of the Yiqing Immortal Palace, on the floating bronze mirror.

Chen Xuan has practiced for several incense sticks, and he can clearly feel that his understanding of the Sword Ice Immortal Art has reached a certain level.

"I really can't imagine it..."

Chen Xuan exhaled a breath of turbid air, and then opened his eyes.

After leaving the Yiqing Immortal Palace, Chen Xuan felt a subtle spiritual fluctuation in his breath.

"What? What does it mean?" Chen Xuan was a little curious, and he quickly rushed to the place where the spiritual energy fluctuated. The secret method of time and space was running, and Chen Xuan used his body skills to quickly come to the surroundings of the plain, which was far away from the 19 major sects of the Xianlong main sect. Chen Xuan suddenly found that there were two strong men fighting on the ground. The terrifying sword light collided with each other in the air in an instant, and the spiritual energy fluctuations that erupted shocked Chen Xuan. "They are so powerful, are they also disciples of the 19 major sects?" This kind of strength is already the strongest fourth-level middle stage of the God Realm that Chen Xuan has seen. "With their strength, they are at least among the top few in the sword fairy forest." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

At this moment, a man in black robe looked ahead. Opposite him was a warrior wearing a gray shirt.

"Zhang Yanting, your strength has not improved much over the years." The man in black robe sneered.

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