"Isn't it the same for you Xuanyuan Bi?" Zhang Yanting said.

"Okay, okay, let's fight again in six years." Xuanyuan Bi put away the phantom of the soul and said with a smile.

But just when Zhang Yanting was about to leave, they suddenly felt that there was a warrior secretly there.

"Who is it?"

Following Zhang Yanting's roar, Chen Xuan walked out helplessly.

"Zhang Yanting and Xuanyuan Bi, I came here accidentally." Chen Xuan explained hurriedly.

"Fourth level of divine realm?"

Seeing Chen Xuan, Zhang Yanting looked a little confused, obviously feeling a little unhappy.

"Are you Chen Xuan from the Shixian Sect area?"

Xuanyuan Bi looked in Chen Xuan's direction with a smile on his face and asked.

"How does senior brother know?" Chen Xuan was a little surprised.

"Of course I know that you can use your true soul to defeat your opponent in the sword tower." Xuanyuan Bi said with a smile on his face.

After knowing that this was Chen Xuan, Xuanyuan Bi's attitude improved significantly.

"It turns out it's you." Zhang Yanting was also surprised and said: "However, your current cultivation level is too weak. Go back."

"Senior brother, see you later."

Chen Xuan left in a hurry.

After returning to the Shixian Sect area, Chen Xuan kept thinking about the battle between Zhang Yanting and Xuanyuan Pi.

"Senior Brother Xuanyuan Pi's control over swordsmanship has reached an extremely terrifying level." Chen Xuan hurriedly began to practice the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent.

After half a stick of incense, Chen Xuan released a terrifying spiritual energy.

"I haven't mastered the Immortal Dragon Sword Intention, but I have mastered the Sword Ice Immortal Technique to the second level."

After completing the second level of the Sword and Ice Immortal Art, Chen Xuan still has not entered the middle stage of the fourth level of the divine realm, but he can be regarded as creating the highest achievement in the second level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

"Just wait, after a few months, I will make you regret it."

After the words fell, Chen Xuan continued to practice.

Time is passing slowly, and nearly a few months have passed in the blink of an eye.

Battle against Tai Zheng

Many warriors are discussing, who will be killed in this life and death battle?

"Lord Lu Bei, are you here?"

A warrior in the crowd recognized Lu Bei and asked with a smile.

"Let me see how Chen Xuan was killed by Fang Shaoye." Lu Bei said in a cold voice.

As time went by, more disciples gathered at the competition platform Zheng

Nearly half an hour later, Fang Shaoye also arrived.

"Senior Brother Fang Shaoye."

Soon, several elders from the main hall of the Nineteenth Sect also arrived at the scene.

Among them, elder Qingyi saw Fang Shaoye and smiled on his face.

"This time Fang Shaoye is 100% able to kill Chen Xuan."

After waiting for a while, under the eyes of many warriors, Chen Xuan finally came over.


Flying directly to the competition stage, Chen Xuan then looked at Fang Shaoye.

"Chen Xuan, are you here?" Fang Shaoye asked with murderous intent on his face.

Chen Xuan spread his hands and said, "Yes...and it's you who will die this time." "

"It's so funny. After today, the Shixian Sect area will disappear from the Nineteenth Sect Area." Fang Shaoye said disdainfully.

"This damn guy, I hope Fang Shaoye can kill him." Lu Bei said solemnly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu Bei, it's just Chen Xuan. He is no match for Fang Shaoye."

"Haha, that's right. Fang Shaoye is also the top expert in the Sword Immortal Forest. How can Chen Xuan defeat him?"

On the competition stage, Master Wang Yun announced the rules of a life and death battle.

Then, an extremely powerful force erupted near Fang Shaoye, and then a phantom of a divine soul appeared near him.

As the phantom of the soul passed by, the terrifying sword energy began to spread continuously, quickly forming a black aura. On top of these auras, murderous intent began to be released continuously.

"Blood killing swordsmanship."

Fang Shaoye gave a low shout and instantly used the blood-killing sword technique.

The black spiritual energy condensed in the air, under the control of the phantom of the soul, gathered together to form a terrifying torn space, in which a frightening black sword light appeared.


The phantom of Fang Shaoye's soul condensed in the air, and the black sword light that appeared from the torn space absorbed all the spiritual energy. Then a red light burst out.


Fang Shaoye killed him with one sword.

"It seems that Fang Shaoye really hates Chen Xuan, and he used bloody swordsmanship from the beginning."

"That's true. According to the blood-killing sword technique, although it is a third-level immortal's secret method of immortality, its real power is equivalent to that of a higher-level fifth-level immortal's secret method of immortality."

On the competition stage, seeing Fang Shaoye's attack, Chen Xuan let out a disdainful smile, and then kept moving in the air, dodging Fang Shaoye's attack.

At this time, the prairie fire sword appeared, and he displayed the Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent and the Suzaku Sword Technique, killing the phantom of the soul.


The cracking sound resounded throughout the air, and Chen Xuan's body quickly retreated, fighting on the competition stage.


Fang Shaoye defeated Chen Xuan's attack and came to Chen Xuan's back.


Facing Fang Shaoye's strong attack, Chen Xuan used the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent.

A sword appeared in the air instantly, carrying unrivaled power and killing Fang Shaoye.

At this time, Chen Xuan also used the Sword and Ice Immortal Technique.

When the Sword and Ice Immortal Technique was unleashed, the terrifying secret power of the soul instantly condensed two terrifying sword-and-ice Immortal Qi, killing Fang Shaoye.

"What's going on? What kind of swordsmanship?"

In the viewing area, Elder Qingyi's expression changed.

"What happened?"

Elder Qingyi watched Chen Xuan closely.

Only a bang was heard!


A miserable cry came from Fang Shaoye's mouth, and his blood was released.

In an instant, Fang Shaoye's body was shaking, but there was no chance of winning. The power of the Immortal Dragon Sword Intention was too strong, and he could not defend it at all.

Swish! !

At this moment when Fang Shaoye's body fell, two sword and ice immortal energies entered his body with a bang!

Fang Shaoye fell on Lin.

This surprised Elder Qingyi and others, and then he lost his voice and said: "It must be the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent. Only the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent can explode such a powerful force."

The attack of the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent immediately caused Fang Shaoye to lose his strength.

At this moment, Chen Xuan walked towards Fang Shaoye step by step, the prairie fire sword gently shaking in his hand.

The next moment, the prairie fire sword fell quickly, Fang Shaoye's true soul shattered, and he was instantly killed by Chen Xuan.

"Damn it! Stop it."

Elder Qingyi instantly burst out with a fierce aura and said hurriedly and angrily.

But it was already too late, Fang Shaoye had been killed by Chen Xuan.

Elder Qingyi's body flashed quickly and landed on the competition stage. After discovering that Fang Shaoye was dead, Elder Qingyi's expression became extremely gloomy.

Suddenly Elder Qingyi raised his head and observed Chen Xuan with his deep eyes.

"Elder Qingyi, what are you doing?" Master Wang Yun said angrily: "Fang Shaoye has been killed, this battle is over."

Throughout the competition stage, many disciples looked at Chen Xuan with doubtful expressions.

"Have you cultivated the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent?" Elder Qingyi asked in a cold voice, suppressing the anger in his heart.

"With your current level of cultivation, you are not qualified to obtain the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent formula. You must have stolen the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent." Elder Qingyi said.

After hearing the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent, discussions instantly started in the competition arena.

"My dear, Chen Xuan actually cultivated the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent?"

"Up to now, no warrior in the nineteen major sects can master this swordsmanship..."

Many warriors looked in Chen Xuan's direction with surprised expressions.

"How is it possible? How can this damn guy master Chen Xuanlong Sword Intent?"

Lu Bei lost his voice.

On the fighting stage.

"Elder Qingyi, Chen Xuan can cultivate Chen Xuanlong Sword Intention, which is a good thing for our nineteen major sects!" Master Wang Yun said solemnly.

"Wang Yun, as the elder of the Nineteenth Sect District, you should know how an ordinary disciple in the Nineteenth Sect District can come into contact with the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent?" Elder Qingyi said solemnly.

"It's so funny. No matter what, Chen Xuan has cultivated the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent and is already the top disciple in my 19th sect area. If you take action against him, you have to ask me." Wang Yun Dadang.

"Chen Xuan, how did you obtain the Immortal Dragon Sword Intention?" Elder Qingyi still asked.

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Chen Xuan said slowly.

"It's so funny. When the Nineteenth Sect District Hall pressed you, you were not so arrogant." Elder Qingyi said angrily.

Chen Xuan shook his head slightly to express his helplessness.

"Elder Qingyi, you are the elder of the Nineteenth Sect District Hall. Are you interesting?"

Elder Qingyi comes from the Qingyi Sword Sect, so he naturally wants to protect the disciples of the Qingyi Sword Sect. He was originally very confident that Fang Shaoye could kill Chen Xuan in the Shixian Sect area, but it turned out that Elder Qingyi could not accept Chen Xuan The fact that killed his disciple.

"It's so funny. Who do you think you are? You dare to talk to me like this?"

Elder Qingyi said angrily.

At this time, he swung his long sword instantly, and a sword light appeared, attacking Chen Xuan.

Seeing this situation, Lord Wang Yun gave a low shout and exchanged sword energy with Elder Qingyi.

"I only give you a quarter of an hour to think, get out." Elder Qingyi said in a cold voice.

"Elder Qingyi, please stop." Wang Yun said.

"Want to stop me? Haha, by you?"

Elder Qingyi sneered, and his body turned into streaks of red light, instantly surrounding Lord Wang Yun.

In an instant, while Wang Yun was dealing with Hong Guang, Elder Qingyi had arrived in front of Chen Xuan without any movement.


Chen Xuan suddenly dodged Elder Qingyi's powerful attack.

"Damn you bastard, go to hell."

Elder Qingyi struck out with his sword, and Chen Xuan was shrouded in terrifying power.

"Stop." Mr. Wang Yun said loudly with a blush in his pupils.

But...he had no way to stop Elder Qingyi.

"Oh no."

Chen Xuan secretly yelled something bad and just wanted to use the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent.

Suddenly, a space breath appeared, and then he felt that the raging power that trapped him disappeared instantly.

"Elder Qingyi."

In an instant, Elder Qingyi's attack was instantly neutralized.

"What happened?"

In the competition arena, many warriors showed doubtful expressions and looked at Elder Qingyi on the competition stage.

Looking at the entire nineteen major sect areas, there is no other warrior except the great elder of the nineteen major sect areas who can have such strength.

"My dear, even the great elders from the nineteen major sects are here?"

Many disciples were shocked in their hearts.

"Elder Qingyi, you shouldn't be like this."

"Great Elder, Chen Xuan's Immortal Dragon Sword Intention must have an unknown origin. In the name of the elder of the Nineteenth Sect District Hall, I will investigate him!"

Before he could finish his words, a cold sound came from the air again.

"From now on, Elder Qingyi will assist Elder Lu Qun in handling affairs and will not interfere with other matters."

"Great Elder, I..."

After hearing this, Elder Qingyi was shocked.

As expected of the great elder, the elder in charge of the entire nineteen sect areas... Chen Xuan was deeply shocked.

This is the benefit of strength.

However, at this moment, Elder Qingyi clenched the sword in his hand and looked at Chen Xuan sadly.

"Elder Qingyi, let's go." Lord Wang Yun took back his sword, turned around and left.


Suddenly, Chen Xuan looked at the other party with some doubts.

Before he could react, many disciples discovered that Chen Xuan's figure had suddenly disappeared.

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