Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5163 The responsible elder of the Secret Domain Bone Palace

"Yes, I have entered the sixth level." Chen Xuan repeated.

"Damn it, you actually entered the sixth level?" The elder in charge of the Secret Domain Bone Palace was a little unbelievable.

Chen Xuan nodded.

"A fourth-level warrior in the divine realm enters the sixth level?" The elder in charge was completely shocked.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan smiled slightly, said goodbye to the elder in charge, and left directly.

At this moment, Wang Luoxue was very angry. After returning to Qingyi Sword Sect, he burst into anger.

"Damn Chen Xuan, damn the Shixian Sect area."

"Does the Great Elder value Chen Xuan so much?"

"The great elder gave him the empty jade and allowed him to enter the secret realm bone palace to practice, which only the top disciples of the Sword Immortal Forest can enter. What does this elder mean?" Elder Qingyi said immediately.

After a while, Elder Qingyi continued to say in a low voice: "Now that the Great Elder values ​​Chen Xuan, we cannot attack him at will. You must hold back this time."

"Elder Qingyi, what is the best way for you and me to kill him?"

Wang Luoxue shook his head and said that he only had one thought in his heart right now, which was to cut Chen Xuan into pieces.

"Chen Xuan must die, but we must plan." A sly smile flashed in Elder Qingyi's eyes.

"What's going on? What is Elder Qingyi's plan?"

"I remember that Lu Bei of the Falling Sword Sect also had a grudge against Chen Xuan." Elder Qingyi said: "In a while, the disciples of the Sword Immortal Forest will soon enter the Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm to practice."

Wang Luoxue's eyes showed a slight smile, and he said hurriedly: "Did you attack Chen Xuan in the Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm?"

Elder Qingyi nodded: "There are countless inherited magic weapons in the Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm. Of course, it is specially used by the Immortal Dragon Master Sect to train the disciples of the nineteen major sects. However, only a hundred people outside the Sword Immortal Forest can enter."

"Recently, I have contacted some disciples with good strength among the hundred or so and asked them to kill Chen Xuan in the Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm." Elder Qingyi said: "Go find Lu Bei."

After hearing this, Wang Luoxue's pupils glowed with spiritual light, and he felt secretly happy.

"Don't worry, Elder Qingyi, I will definitely kill Chen Xuan this time." Wang Luoxue said.

Within the Shixian Sect area.

As soon as Chen Xuan came back, he clearly felt a dangerous aura.

"What happened?"

He quickly arrived in front of the secret room and felt the tearing breath coming from the secret room.

"Yu Wenqiu?"

In an instant, Chen Xuan suddenly discovered that Yu Wenqiu's aura was weakening little by little, and he seemed to be injured.

"What happened?"

Chen Xuan came to Yu Wenqiu's side and discovered that Yu Wenqiu had suffered a strong backlash while practicing.

Chen Xuan also understood that Yu Wenqiu possessed the secret method of immortal fire.

Xuanyuan Wenqing also experienced it once. When he reaches the advanced stage of practicing the Immortal Fire Secret Technique, there is a high chance of backlash.


Chen Xuan gave Yu Wenqiu a pill, and then, the power of the pill entered Yu Wenqiu's body instantly.

In just a short moment, Yu Wenqiu released a terrifying spiritual energy and immediately opened his eyes.

"Yu Wenqiu, are you okay?"

After half a stick of incense, Yu Wenqiu felt better.

At this time, Elder Lu Qun and Elder Shangguan also came.

"Chen Xuan, why did you call us here?" Elder Lu Qun asked.

"Two elders, how is Yu Wenqiu's injury?" Chen Xuan asked hurriedly.

Elder Lu Qun and Elder Shangguan looked carefully. After a long time, their expressions became a little solemn.

"How about it?"

"When your friend broke through, she suffered a very strong backlash. This backlash will keep her in the fourth level of the divine realm," Elder Lu Qun said.

"Do you have any idea?" Chen Xuan asked eagerly.

Elder Shangguan said: "Not only is your friend's foundation destroyed, but his true essence and spirit have also been destroyed. If you forcefully restore his injuries, the power in his body will be counterattacked. I'm afraid, all he has left now is Fairy Dragon Grass. "Elder Lu Qun nodded slightly and then said: "However, the Immortal Spirit Dragon Grass is actually a fourth-level immortal-level spiritual material, and it is not that simple to obtain."

"Fairy Dragon Grass? Where can I get Fairy Dragon Grass?" Chen Xuan asked.

"The fourth-grade immortal-level spiritual materials are only available in the cabinet sect area. However, we don't understand the specific situation in the cabinet sect area." Elder Lu Qun had no idea at all.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan sent the two elders away, then turned and left here.

Nineteen major sect areas, nineteen sect main halls.

"Great Elder, I have something to ask you." Chen Xuan nodded slightly and said to the Great Elder.

"About Qingyi Sword Sect?" the great elder asked.

"Great Elder, to be honest, I have a friend who possesses the Immortal Fire Secret Technique. When he broke through, he suffered backlash, and now his true soul is injured." Chen Xuan paused slightly and continued: "I want to get the Immortal Dragon Grass. "

After hearing this, the great elder nodded.

"Chen Xuan, there is no fairy dragon grass in the 19th sect area. Only the cabinet sect area has it. I have no way to control the cabinet sect area. As far as I know, the elder Shangguan Yi in the cabinet sect area is cultivating the fairy dragon grass." The great elder said.

"Great Elder, can you send me to the cabinet faction area? I will directly ask Elder Shangguan Yi for the Immortal Dragon Grass." Chen Xuandao.

The great elder was silent for a moment, saying nothing.

"No problem, I can take you into the cabinet area." The great elder said, "As for whether you can do it or not, it's up to you."

"Okay, thank you very much, Great Elder." Chen Xuandao.

"This is the cabinet faction area." The great elder said with a smile: "I will feel more at ease in front of Elder Shangguan Yi in a while."

Chen Xuan nodded. According to the rules of the Immortal Dragon Master Sect, disciples from the nineteen major sects are not eligible to enter the cabinet sect area.

The Great Elder not only allowed him to enter, but also personally brought him to see Elder Shangguan Yi.

After a while, the two people arrived in front of Elder Shangguan Yi's sect.


"The great elder of the nineteen major sects asks to see the elder Shangguan Yi." the great elder said.

Soon, after half a stick of incense, the guard ran out in a hurry and said: "Please come in."

After hearing this, Chen Xuan's pupils flashed with joy.

Under the guidance of the guards, the two came to the courtyard.

"Elder Shangguan Yi."

Seeing Elder Shangguan Yi, the Great Elder said.

A closer look revealed that there was a ray of soul fire condensing in Elder Shangguan Yi's body. After seeing the soul fire, Chen Xuan was shocked in his heart.

He could clearly feel the terrifying aura being released from the soul fire.

"What a powerful soul fire." Chen Xuan said to himself.

Elder Shangguan Yi didn't say a word, and the Great Elder also remained silent. After waiting for half a stick of incense, Elder Shangguan Yi said: "Great Elder, what are you doing in my cabinet area?"

"Elder Shangguan Yi, I came to this place because I have something to ask you for help." The great elder said, and then he looked at Chen Xuan, and then said: "This is an outstanding disciple of my Nineteenth Sect Area, Shixian Sect Area Chen Xuan."

"Chen Xuan pays homage to Elder Shangguan Yi."

"Time Immortal Sect area?"

A trace of surprise flashed across Elder Shangguan Yi's pupils, and he then said: "Nineteen major sect areas... is he the founder?"

"Not long ago, Chen Xuan came to the Immortal Dragon Sect, and the Immortal Sect area was established."

After hearing this, Elder Shangguan Yi nodded, and then said: "I see..."

"Directly, what's the matter?" Elder Shangguan Yi asked.

"Senior, my friend suffered a backlash and needs Fairy Dragon Grass to recover from his injuries. Please give me a piece of Fairy Dragon Grass," Chen Xuan said slightly.

"What? What do you mean, fairy dragon grass?"

Elder Shangguan Yi exclaimed and fell into deep thought.

"Elder Shangguan Yi, give him a fairy dragon grass. For you, the fairy dragon grass is nothing." The great elder said: "Chen Xuan is a rare top talent in the nineteen major sects. There is no need to spend any money." How soon will he also enter the cabinet zone?"

"Haha, what does this have to do with me? Great Elder, please go back first." Elder Shangguan Yi waved his hand.

The great elder was a little worried.

Elder Shangguan Yi said: "You go, he will stay."


The great elder fell silent immediately, then nodded without saying anything more, and left immediately.

Soon, only Chen Xuan and Elder Shangguan Yi were left in the hall.

"Are you from the first level?"

Chen Xuan nodded, and then Elder Shangguan Yi's expression softened a little: "Your friend's injury cannot be fully restored if you use Fairy Dragon Grass to restore the injury."

"In that case...what should we do now?"

Chen Xuan was a little anxious.

Elder Shangguan Yi took out a piece of fairy grass from Najie, put it in Chen Xuan's hand and said slowly: "This is fairy ice grass. It is more effective than fairy dragon grass. You can just break it into pieces and give it to her."

"No way, it turns out to be fairy ice grass..."

Just when Chen Xuan was confused, Elder Shangguan Yi said softly: "The strongest person in the first level is my old friend, you can take it."

After hearing this, Chen Xuan was extremely shocked.

"Okay, thank you, senior." Chen Xuan said hastily and helplessly.

Elder Shangguan Yi waved his hand and said: "Go back. If you can enter the cabinet area, you can come to my place to cultivate fairy grass, refine elixirs, and refine weapons with me."

Chen Xuan smiled softly in his heart. He didn't expect to get the magic weapon so easily at this moment.

Nineteen major sect areas, Shixian Sect area.

After Chen Xuan crushed the fairy ice grass and gave it to Yu Wenqiu to eat, Yu Wenqiu's mood improved instantly.

At this moment, Yu Wenqiu was filled with strong power, and his shaking soul gradually calmed down.

In just a few days, Yu Wenqiu's injury completely improved.

And after using the Immortal Ice Grass, Yu Wenqiu clearly felt that there seemed to be some essential changes in the Immortal Fire Secret Technique.

"Yu Wenqiu, when you are qualified to enter the Secret Realm Bone Palace, I will take you to the Secret Realm Bone Palace for training. By then, your Immortal Fire Secret Technique should be broken through." Chen Xuan said slowly.

Yu Wenqiu nodded, and then said gratefully: "Chen Xuan, thank you...

After Yu Wenqiu recovers from his injury, Chen Xuan prepares to continue training at the Secret Domain Bone Hall

The last time I concentrated on body training, I felt that I had reached a critical point. This time I tried to change my fire defense.

After settling Yu Wenqiu, Chen Xuan came to the Secret Domain Bone Palace again.


Soon, he arrived at the sixth level of the Secret Domain Bone Palace.

The terrifying power of flames continuously hit the body refining. Chen Xuan activated the fire defense to the extreme, and his whole body was enveloped by the Suzaku fire.

After about half a stick of incense practice, Chen Xuan already felt that his fire defense was about to change.

Chen Xuan suddenly opened his eyes and took out a fairy grass from Najie.

This fairy grass is called Qingyu grass. Absorbing the terrifying Divine Sword Intent can help the warrior concentrate on cultivating his body-refining strength.

However, the condition Elder Shangguan Yi gave him for this fairy grass was that after entering the cabinet sect area, he would be his disciple for six years.

After making up his mind, Chen Xuan absorbed the green jade grass.

In an instant, the extremely ferocious Divine Sword Intention suddenly burst out and spread throughout Chen Xuan's entire body.


The crackling sound resounded throughout the air.

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