At this moment, the power of strong flames surged around him, forming a terrifying tearing space around him. In an instant, streaks of immortal fire essence suddenly swooped down.


Around Chen Xuan, the aura of Divine Sword Intent was rising sharply.

Although his fire defense is strong, he needs a more powerful physical training.


The Immortal Fire True Essence struck Chen Xuan's body, and the faint breath of Divine Sword Intent hidden here was absorbed by Chen Xuan.

Throughout the sixth level, Chen Xuan's body underwent great changes.

But if you want to be completely successful, you need to pay a high enough price.


Swish! !

Suddenly, the torn space in the air quickly gathered into a true energy ball.

All the power in the entire sixth level is gathered in this true energy ball Zheng

Chen Xuan could clearly feel that even a strong person at the late fourth level of the Divine Realm would not dare to defend against the explosive power of this true energy ball head-on.

The power contained within it is truly terrifying.

Chen Xuan noticed that his body was absorbing the true energy ball uncontrollably, and he could clearly feel that this breath was rapidly increasing.

This situation made Chen Xuan feel a little unpredictable. He had never encountered such a thing before.

"What happened? Why did you suddenly absorb this power?"

Chen Xuan's face was full of shock. He noticed that there was a very powerful aura in his body that was squeezing his Dantian. Now he felt as if the power in his body was about to explode.

It's like being out of control.

"Oops, if I allow this power to take over my body, I may really not be able to hold on."

Although Chen Xuan was panicking in his heart, he had no choice but to let his body strengthen.

In just a short while, the true energy surrounding Chen Xuan quickly entered his body.

This power made Chen Xuan feel very shocked.


Everyone in the sixth level of the Secret Domain Bone Palace was in panic. A series of desperately spinning auras appeared on Chen Xuan's body.

There was a blush in his pupils, and Chen Xuan was almost unable to support her with her strength.

Even Chen Xuan didn't expect that this place would be so dangerous.


At this moment, miserable screams came from his mouth, which showed that he was bearing the strong pressure in the space.

If he couldn't persist, Chen Xuan would most likely die, but it was obvious that Chen Xuan would definitely persist.

There is an obsession in his heart.

"I have to hold on now."

His heart was roaring hysterically. Chen Xuan held the sword tightly in his hands, and then a cold light appeared in his pupils. He wanted to vent this power, so Chen Xuan hit the ground crazily.

Streams of sword energy began to destroy the surroundings, and the power squeezing towards him began to gradually dissipate.

Not long after, sword marks appeared in front of him one by one, but now he couldn't care less.

He felt that the Suzaku fire was disappearing, and the aura of his fire defense seemed to have been almost swallowed up by the true energy ball.

If it was really completely swallowed up, Chen Xuan would be completely unable to support this power.

"I didn't expect that I would encounter such strong pressure when entering the sixth level." The blush in Chen Xuan's pupils suddenly shone brightly.

At this time, Chen Xuan seemed to feel a change in his body, and the power returned to his body again.

"What's going on? Am I about to break through?"

Although he fell into a state of madness, Chen Xuan still had some calmness in his heart. He knew that he must not let this power drive him crazy now.

So Chen Xuan began to gradually come back to his senses. At this moment, when he saw this situation, he took the initiative to activate the last remaining strength of the fire defense and sent it into the true energy group.

I want to see if I can achieve a complete breakthrough in my cultivation.


When the last bit of power was absorbed, the true energy ball exploded directly, and the extremely terrifying power suddenly spread all over Chen Xuan's body.


There was a sudden sound, the ground was shaking, and the surrounding space was compressing desperately. Chen Xuan now only felt that his body was swaying, but when he clenched his fists, he felt that he was full of strength.

This also clarifies a problem. His body has now strengthened to a certain level.

Under the attack of terrifying power, Chen Xuan quickly recovered from the injuries he had suffered before.

"No way, actually..."

Chen Xuan showed a puzzled expression and looked at the scene in front of him seriously. Now his heart was extremely shocked.

Because he discovered that the light group surrounding his body was transforming his body, and most importantly, it was improving his understanding of the technique at an unparalleled speed.

Being under pressure here will also make Chen Xuan know a lot more about body refining, and now Chen Xuan already knows enough.

"What a terrifying Divine Sword Intent."

The Divine Sword Intent in his body was so huge that even Chen Xuan was a little shocked.

He didn't expect that he would master this body training so quickly.

"What exactly is body training?"

He was also very curious, what had become of his ninth-grade immortal-level body refining when his fire defense disappeared?

Most warriors will practice a defensive technique, and what Chen Xuan practices is fire defense. This body-training technique can not only enhance his strength, but also improve his defense.

But the ninth-grade body refining has always existed in the legend, will the level continue to increase?

Finally, after half a stick of incense, the power in the true energy ball gradually stabilized in his body.

The body also gradually returned to its peak state at the beginning.

But Chen Xuan could clearly feel that the constant flow of power in his body seemed to indicate a problem. His attempt just now seemed to have been successful.

"Did it really succeed?"

Chen Xuan clenched his fist, and then the sword floated around his body.

A breath of breath naturally emitted from all around him, dragging Chen Xuan's body to float above the sky.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan finally let go of the stone in his heart.

Finally succeeded.

He let out a sigh.

It took such a long time to finally be able to improve. Although it is not yet known what kind of physical training it is, it is at least clear that Chen Xuan has succeeded now.

Now is the time for fire defense to change, so Chen Xuan now needs time to change his defense power.

In this way, when the enemy attacks him, he can naturally defend himself.

For Chen Xuanlai, as long as he has enough time, he can complete the complete transformation. By then, its defensive power will undergo a new round of changes, and it will definitely be improved a lot.

In the following time, Chen Xuan suddenly closed his eyes and waited for a breakthrough. At this time, the protective film of fire defense surrounding him was disintegrating bit by bit.

Then it was replaced by layers of new aura, and the power contained in this aura was obviously more powerful.

The movement that occurred in the sixth level of the Secret Realm Bone Palace affected the entire Secret Realm Bone Palace.

Many warriors showed shocked expressions.

Especially some of the disciples who were practicing on the first four levels, how could they have imagined that there would be such a big movement on the sixth level? It was precisely because of this that their pupils were filled with shock.

"What's going on? Could it be that a warrior inspired a ninth-grade immortal-level body refining? Who can do it?"

"My dear, if this guy makes such a big noise, he must be a ninth-grade immortal-level body refiner. I didn't expect him to be able to practice the body refinement method to this level."

For many warriors, body training is a very mysterious power.

It is a skill, but it is completely different from the mind method.

The method of body refining can improve one's attack power and lethality, and it can also improve defense and body strength.

It is difficult for a warrior who is proficient in the body refining method to have high achievements. After all, most warriors with high cultivation level are honing their true soul.

In other words, it is the power of the soul.

However, body refining is closely related to the improvement of a warrior's cultivation. As long as the power of body refining is strong and the power of the soul is strong enough, unrivaled might will be unleashed.

As we all know, all the most talented people in the world basically cultivate their bodies and souls to the extreme. At the same time, they are also very proficient in various techniques.

"I don't know which guy broke through."

When each warrior practices body refining, the power of body refining awakened in the end is different. This is due to their bloodline and inheritance, so everyone is different, just like different souls. The force is the same.

Some souls are worthless, but some souls can be of great help to them.

These are all.

At the same time, many disciples were discussing.

To be able to make such a big movement in the Secret Domain Bone Palace, it is estimated that the ninth-grade immortal level body refining will definitely shock many warriors.

Outside the Secret Domain Bone Palace, the elder in charge of the Secret Domain Bone Palace observed the situation in the hall with fierce eyes.

He didn't expect that such a terrifying aura could be emanating from it.

All of this makes one question clear.

At this time, he was in charge of the Secret Domain Bone Palace and could directly see through the situation in the hall.

When he saw Chen Xuan in the sixth level, he was also quite shocked: "What happened just now? To be able to cause such a big commotion, this guy's body training is definitely not bad. I didn't expect that there was such a thing." The seed appears.”

Soon, the elder in charge of the Secret Domain Bone Palace finally saw Chen Xuan.

He showed a puzzled expression, as if he did not expect that the person who had achieved such an achievement was actually Chen Xuan whom he had met before.

"It's strange, what is it? There are faint flames nearby forming the strongest defense. Is this the Immortal Fire Body Refining?"

The elder in charge of the Secret Domain Bone Palace lost his voice and his face was filled with shock.

"Hehehe, it's really the body refining with immortal fire."

Then the elder in charge of the Secret Domain Bone Palace laughed wildly after seeing Chen Xuan's body.

Immortal fire body refining is actually the rumored ninth-grade immortal level body refining. Even in the second level of body refining in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, he can still be ranked among the top few.

At this moment, the sixth level of the Secret Domain Bone Palace.

Chen Xuan slowly released a terrifying spiritual energy, and his whole body immediately released a large amount of information about the Immortal Fire Body Refining.

After a brief inspection, Chen Xuan's face was filled with a smile.

"I didn't expect that I was quite lucky. My bloodline was actually the Immortal Fire Body Refining."

When every warrior attains enlightenment, the power of body refining will be purified.

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