He found that the other party was not only very powerful in physical training, but also very mature in mastering the true soul.

Seeing this situation, he laughed heartily, obviously thinking that Chen Xuan was looking for death.

It can be said that most people really have no way to defend against Wang Yan's three moves.

Because there are very few people in the same realm who are his opponents.

Looking at the entire Sword Immortal Forest's famous disciples, there are only a few who can compete with Wang Yan. Unless they are some disciples with very outstanding talents, they have a chance of winning.

Most of the others couldn't beat him.

It is conservatively estimated that after his breakthrough, his strength will be three times that of the same level, and it is very likely that it will be more.

Wang Yan did not expect that Chen Xuan would have the courage to agree to him and even agree to his request.

A sinister smile appeared on his face, and then the entire ground trembled, and a fierce aura emanated from his body.


Chen Xuan could clearly feel a strange spiritual power coming from his breath, and Chen Xuan's face was filled with a cold smile.

Now he just wanted to try out what level his defense power had reached.

"You're ready for me."

Wang Yan looked at Chen Xuan at this moment, as if looking at his prey. The next moment, the power in his body shook. He held the long sword tightly, and the surrounding space instantly squeezed towards his long sword. .

Chen Xuan even felt that the air in front of him was a little distorted.

Following his command, the huge long sword suddenly swooped down and decisively attacked Chen Xuan.

"His cultivation is so powerful."

Many disciples surrounding the Shixian Sect area felt the ferocious sword energy, and then they couldn't help but panic. They thought that Chen Xuan would definitely be beaten to death this time.

It's not easy to block his attack.

And they could clearly feel that Wang Yan's power was much stronger, indicating that he must have made breakthroughs during this period.

At the same time, these disciples also believe that this time when he comes back, Wang Yan can definitely compete for the top positions, and can be selected as one of the top ten talents in the sect.

At the same time, the faces of many warriors darkened instantly.

They thought that Chen Xuan might be in trouble this time.

"I wonder if he can sustain it?"

"There are very few people at the same level who are his opponents. Mr. Chen Xuan is afraid that he will not be able to stop his attack."

The eyes of many warriors fell on Chen Xuan's figure.

Chen Xuan stood quietly. He immediately became motionless, but Chen Xuan was not without any defensive posture.

His deep eyes were observing Wang Yan's long sword. Although Chen Xuan could clearly feel a hint of danger now, he still did not push for defense.

But just when the opponent's long sword was about to strike, a cold light suddenly burst out from Chen Xuan's eyes.

"Refining the body to defend against his attacks. Now I still don't know what level his strength has reached."

Chen Xuan thought to himself.

Although the opponent's aura is very strong, he conceals his own strength and cultivation, so Chen Xuan still can't tell what state he is in.


The terrifying long sword fell on Chen Xuan.

However, contrary to the expectations of many warriors, a ferocious aura instantly spread across the entire space. Chen Xuan was directly knocked out and hit a wall in the distance.

"Chen Xuan is definitely defeated. I thought he could take two moves, but it seems he can't even take one."

This is what many warriors are thinking at this moment. They think that Chen Xuan is lucky to be alive after being attacked by the opponent with a sword, and they do not pray that Chen Xuan can defend himself at all.

With such a powerful force, even ordinary disciples who are in the middle stage of the fourth level of the divine realm are unable to defend against its edge, let alone Chen Xuan who has not yet entered the middle stage of the fourth level of the divine realm.


However, to their surprise, when Chen Xuan's body refining defense was pushing forward, a ray of fire surrounded him, and at that critical moment, it blocked Wang Yan's sword energy.


In the face of Chen Xuan's powerful defense, the opponent's attack finally showed a crack, and then the terrifying aura surrounding his sword disappeared.

The power between the two of them disappeared, and the whole place returned to calm again, while Chen Xuan stood motionless.

Seeing this situation, all the disciples were completely shocked.

"How is this possible, that he is okay?" They looked puzzled and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

They originally thought that Chen Xuan must have died, but the current scene refreshed their expectations.

How could such a powerful sword energy be defended like this?

Even Wang Yan was shocked, but then a smile appeared on his face again.

"It seems that your cultivation level is good. I heard these rumors, and it turns out that you are not fooling me. Your strength is indeed very good, but I still did not use my full strength." Wang Yan said.

"Hahaha, do you think I used my full strength just now? To tell you the truth, I didn't use my full strength either."

Chen Xuan's attitude was very tough, and his answer was also very decisive.

In the first round of the fight just now, Wang Yan and Chen Xuan did not lose at all.

But he did not use all his strength, otherwise the opponent's attack would not be able to knock him away.

It was because Chen Xuan wanted to feel how far his realm had reached.

"Don't be too proud of yourself. My next move will use half of my strength, and I won't be as merciful to you as I was just now."

As soon as Wang Yan finished speaking, his long sword suddenly appeared, and then he swung it fiercely and struck out with the second move.

Chen Xuan could clearly feel that the power of this sword was several times higher than that of the first sword.

Feeling this terrifying power, Chen Xuan was filled with wonder.

At this moment, this power instantly affected the surrounding disciples.

Some of the weaker disciples seemed unable to withstand the suppression of this force, so they all took a few steps back.

At the entrance of Qingyi Sword Sect, Wang Luoxue and Song Kuangyun looked at Chen Xuan with sinister smiles on their faces. All this was planned by them.

"It's so funny. How dare you not die this time? You dared to be so arrogant just now. I don't believe that this guy can still hold on. I can definitely kill him." Song Kuangyun said with disdain. .

"Even I don't dare to defend against Wang Yan's attack. This time he will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die." Wang Luoxue said.

At the same time, when Wang Yan's long sword swooped down, it was directly burned by a ball of soul fire.

The terrifying aura quickly raised the aura to the extreme.

At this moment, the foreheads of many warriors were covered with beads of sweat.

Chen Xuan could clearly feel that the soul fire contained terrifying power.

"Body refining with immortal fire."

This time, he also secretly activated the Immortal Fire Body Refining, and the body refining defense was raised to the extreme.


A strong divine sword intent was released from his body.

These divine sword intentions gathered Chen Xuan.


At this moment, the sword energy decisively fell on the power formed by the divine sword intention, and a terrifying light erupted.

In an instant, the entire earth trembled, a strong wind passed by, and Chen Xuan was directly swallowed by the fire of her soul.


"It's such a powerful force. If it weren't for the Immortal Fire Body Refining, I might not be able to withstand it this time." Chen Xuan thought to himself that he was indeed Wang Yan.

It has to be, its power is indeed too powerful in the same realm.

After the power of the Immortal Fire Body Refining gradually burst out, the opponent's sword energy gradually disappeared.

At the same time, everyone was staring ahead in stunned silence. They were all curious whether Chen Xuan could stop the spread of this power.

But the next second they saw a figure in the smoke, and soon Chen Xuan's appearance gradually emerged. When Chen Xuan appeared in front of people again, all the warriors showed shocked expressions, and the whole earth fell into silence.

Many warriors looked at him with surprised expressions. Now they were all impressed by Chen Xuan, so much so that none of them could say a word.

"This kid actually managed to defend himself?"

Wang Luoxue and Song Kuangyun looked very gloomy. They originally thought that Chen Xuan would be killed this time, but what happened once again exceeded their expectations.

After continuously defending against Wang Yan's attacks, how powerful is this guy?

"Could it be that the person in the sixth level before was really him?" Wang Luoxue pondered in his heart: "But what exactly is his body refining? Why? Why did he become so strong? This guy's cultivation level and breakthrough speed are also too fast."

Of course he had heard of Immortal Fire Body Refining.

However, people who can awaken this kind of body refinement are really rare in the world. Although ordinary disciples have heard of this terrible body refinement, they have never seen it. It is even more impossible for them to imagine that Chen Xuan actually possesses this kind of body refinement.

"Damn it, you actually mastered this kind of body refining, it's very good."

There are few people who can praise Wang Yan, but now Chen Xuan has actually done it.

"You are also very powerful. At least in the same realm, there are probably very few people who can match you." Chen Xuan said slowly.

Although Chen Xuan temporarily blocked Wang Yan's second move, he also knew that if the opponent used his full strength, he might really be a threat to him.

Therefore, Chen Xuan is not too proud now.

After all, he also knew the gap between him and Wang Yan. The opponent was a veteran strongman after all, while Chen Xuan was just a rising star after all. It was not that easy to deal with him.

Moreover, Manager Chen knew that the first sword Wang Yan was testing him, and the subsequent attack was just to see what Chen Xuan's cultivation level was.

However, the procedure is very clear. In this third move, Wang Yan will definitely show his full strength.

"Your body refining defense far exceeds my imagination. I guess this should be your ninth-grade immortal level body refining." Wang Yan continued: "But what exactly is your body refining??"

Facing Wang Yan's inquiry, Chen Xuan smiled mightily. He had no words and chose to remain silent.

In the previous defense, Chen Xuan also suffered some injuries and consumed his own strength. He had to try his best to restore his body to its peak to defend against Wang Yan's third blink.

Seeing Chen Xuan's expression, Wang Yan also smiled lightly.

"You won't tell me, right, but that doesn't matter."

Chen Xuan chuckled and said, "I don't have that much time to spend with you."

"To tell you the truth, in the Sword Immortal Forest, those who can leave their names there are basically talented people. But to be honest, there are not many warriors in the same realm who are more fierce than you in body training." Wang Yan said: " I will use my full strength in the third move. If you can defend yourself, I won’t trouble you again.”

After Chen Xuan heard what he said, he was ready for everything.

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