"If you say that, just come over here and let me see how strong Wang Yan is?" Chen Xuan said slowly.

"No problem, I will do as you wish."

Wang Yan's body slammed on the ground, and his body flew into the air in an instant, releasing a lot of Tao Zhenyuan.

Dao Zhenyuan is fused with sword energy, which is Wang Yan's most powerful attack so far.

When all the Taoist essence began to circle around in the air and entered his long sword in an instant, he shouted low, and the terrifying power instantly swooped down in the direction of Chen Xuan.


After feeling this power, some warriors around them gathered their defenses and prepared to resist.

But there were still some weak disciples who couldn't bear this powerful force, so that their bodies were knocked away one after another.

"This force is much stronger than I imagined."

"Now Chen Xuan probably has no way to defend himself."

The many disciples who were watching looked at Chen Xuan from a distance and sighed inwardly.

In the air, the great elder stood calmly.

"Wang Yan's power is probably capable of entering the top few in the Sword Immortal Forest. I wonder how Chen Xuan will defend himself?" The Great Elder knew a lot about Immortal Fire Body Refining, and even he thought that Chen Xuan couldn't defend himself.

"But he is really powerful. If you give him some more time, he will definitely be able to defeat all the disciples of the Sword Immortal Forest." The great elder continued.


Wang Yan is already infinitely close to Chen Xuan.

He felt that his body was about to be suppressed by this terrifying aura.

Chen Xuan desperately activated the Immortal Fire to refine his body, and at the same time released the power of the Immortal Fire.


However, a sword attack directly drove Chen Xuan into the secret cave.

The terrifying aura followed Wang Yan's long sword and once again launched a terrifying attack on Chen Xuan's body.

"So powerful."

Many warriors thought that this was Wang Yan's strength? It is too powerful in the same realm.

With one sword attack, Chen Xuan was directly attacked into the secret cave, and his attack was so decisive that Chen Xuan had no chance to react.


After Wang Yan saw Chen Xuan being knocked away by him, he immediately put away his sword at the next moment, with a wild smile on his face. He felt that Chen Xuan still failed to defend against his third blink.

"Although you failed to defend against my third move, your strength is indeed pretty good. I didn't kill you just now. To be honest, you have gained my approval now. You are very good." Wang Yan said.

As soon as he finished speaking, a monk in black suddenly jumped out of the secret cave, which made him feel a little shocked.

This is simply impossible, there is no reason.

Wang Yan rubbed his eyes vigorously. He felt that he was dazzled. Regarding his all-out attack, he knew very well in his heart how powerful this force was.

But now when he saw this figure, he felt shocked in his heart.

"Damn it, you were able to block my third attack..."

He couldn't imagine that this guy could actually block his attack after receiving his strongest sword.

At this time, Chen Xuan patted the dust on his body. The arrow did not hurt him at all. Even the strong men in the Sword Fairy Forest could not easily defend against it. hit.

This made him feel very incredible. How could he, Chen Xuan, be just a fourth-level warrior in the divine realm?

However, at this time, not only Wang Yan, but also all the disciples who were watching looked at Chen Xuan with extremely shocked eyes.

The power of the attack he just unleashed was so powerful that even Chen Xuan's opponent was hit with a sword mark. However, Chen Xuan was not injured at all.

How much powerful physical defense is required to achieve this?

They couldn't imagine that a warrior who had just entered the fourth level could do this, and they couldn't believe that Chen Xuan had surpassed them by so much.

"It seems very embarrassing. I seem to have been able to defend against your attack."

Chen Xuan looked at his cheek, and there was obviously a little laughter in his voice.

Of course, this is not a mockery, but Chen Xuan's recognition of the strength of his three-dimensional defense.

At this moment, everyone looked at Chen Xuan with dumbfounded expressions. Although they didn't want to admit it deep down, they had to find that Chen Xuan's strength in physical training was indeed beyond Wang Yan's expectations.

And it exceeded all the disciples’ expectations.

He was a little bit shocked. After practicing for so long, he thought that body refining and defense could defeat all my disciples in the nineteen major sect areas. Even in the same realm of cultivation, he definitely belongs to the top one or two. Who would have thought that just after finishing the retreat, he would see the terrifying monster that Chen Xuan was hit by.

It can be said that he has been hit hard in his heart now.

The key is that the opponent is just a weak fourth-level warrior of the divine realm, nothing more.

"Could it be that a lot of talents have been released from the Nineteenth Sect Area?"

Wang Yan thought to himself.

However, after hearing Chen Xuan's words, Wang Yan nodded slightly, and then felt that Chen Xuan was indeed a rare talent.

"Your cultivation is very good."

After the words fell, Wang Yan walked in front of Chen Xuan.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan was surprised, but soon smiled.

"From now on, your feud with Qingyi Sword Sect has nothing to do with me, Wang Yan, and I will no longer care about this matter. Are you very surprised?" Wang Yan said.

To be honest, Chen Xuan was indeed surprised. He thought to himself, isn't this person a disciple of Qingyi Sword Sect? Why are you talking to him in this tone?

But after receiving the other party's explanation, Chen Xuan knew.

It turned out that he was just a registered disciple, and he was discovered by an elder of the sect.

So I only have a nominal relationship with them, not their real disciples.

And now the other party has also taken the initiative to extend an olive branch.

Naturally, Chen Xuan would not refuse.

"Chen Xuan, I am from the Yanlong Clan. I am afraid that everyone in the sect knows that half of the reason why I have reached this point is because of my hard work, but half of the reason is because of my talent. You His talent is the strongest I have ever seen. I have some things to do in the past few days. When I finish these things, I will definitely come to you." After Wang Yan finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Watching Wang Yan leave, something strange flashed across Chen Xuan's pupils.

He didn't expect that the other party would suddenly show goodwill to him. Faced with this olive branch, Chen Xuan didn't know whether it would be better to accept it or not.

He looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Song Kuangyun and Wang Luoxue.

After seeing the two of them, a chill flashed through Chen Xuan's pupils.

Chen Xuan knew now without having to guess that since Wang Yan was only a nominal disciple, I'm afraid it was the two of them who came to trouble him this time.

"It's so funny. It must be because of the two of them. Don't let me meet them outside, otherwise I will kill these two guys." Chen Xuan said to himself.

After Wang Yan left, many shocked warriors also gradually left here.

Seeing these warriors scattering one by one, Chen Xuan also sighed.

Fortunately, he blocked the opponent's attack this time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

At this time, Chen Xuan returned to the Shixian Sect area in a hurry. As soon as he arrived at the sect, his face was very gloomy. Although he was not injured on the surface this time, his vitality was completely damaged.

If Wang Yan's last sword hadn't been used with all his strength, there would have been no way to defend him.

"This guy's cultivation is really strong."

Chen Xuan felt that Wang Yan was indeed very strong.


After taking the medicine, Chen Xuan's expression softened a little.

Recalling the time when he had just used the power of the Immortal Fire Body Refining Immortal Fire, there was a hint of surprise in Chen Xuan's pupils.

"I didn't expect that the fairy fire defense could be so powerful."

While Chen Xuan was thinking, the great elder in the sky looked at Chen Xuan with a smile.

"This guy is so powerful." The great elder said: "Using the power of the fairy fire from the fairy fire body refining, he successfully blocked Wang Yan."

It had to be said that Chen Xuan used the immortal fire defense to defend Wang Yan's attack with great difficulty. It was indeed not easy.

At this moment, I originally wanted to discuss it with Chen Xuan, but when he saw Chen Xuan taking part in the Immortal Fire Body Refining, the great elder turned around and left.

Chen Xuan has a deep understanding of the defense of the Immortal Fire Body Refining. The most important thing is the three moves to defend Wang Yan this time, which makes him look forward to the Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm.

As time goes by, the understanding of Immortal Fire Body Refining is gradually improving.

There is still no way to completely cultivate the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent, but Chen Xuan is not in a hurry to cultivate it so quickly.

If you can get the inherited magic weapon from the top powerhouse in the Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm, you can definitely break through to the middle stage of the fourth level of the Divine Realm. By then, the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent should be able to break through.

Qingyi Sword Sect.

"This guy really deserves to die." Song Kuangyun cursed loudly

Hearing this, Wang Luoxue nearby seemed to be very calm, so there was no change on his face.

Although Chen Xuan's talent far exceeded his expectations. He wished he could kill his opponent now and end the trouble completely, but he knew it was useless to rush now. They put everything on the next plan.

"The Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm."

Wang Luoxue is also looking forward to the time when the Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm will be opened, so that he can be the first to kill him.

"Sir, Lu Bei seems to want to ask for an audience."

Suddenly, a warrior came running up.

"What's going on? Why did he come suddenly at this time? What is this guy doing here?" Although Wang Luoxue was a little confused, he still asked this disciple to bring Lu Bei here.

Soon, Lu Bei came directly.

"Brother Wang Luoxue, brother Song Kuangyun, I didn't expect you two to be here."

After Lu Bei saw the two of them, he smiled with them.

At the same time, there was an imperceptible cruel smile on his face.

"I wonder what Brother Lu wants to do when he comes here this time?"

"The purpose of my coming here this time is also very simple. The Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm is about to open, so I came here specifically to meet Brother Wang Luoxue. I wonder what your plans are?" Lu Bei said.

"What's the plan?" Wang Luoxue nodded slightly.

"Brother Wang Luoxue, I won't hide anything from you. To be honest, I'm ready. As long as we enter the Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm, this guy will definitely die here. No one can stop him then. ." As Lu Bei spoke, he took out the magic weapon from Najie.

Wang Luoxue, who had no expression at first, suddenly had a flash of light in his pupils.

"Where did you get this thing? With a magic weapon of this level, can you kill Chen Jun quickly?" Wang Luoxue said.

"Hahaha, as long as I can kill this guy, it doesn't matter no matter how much I pay. As for this magic weapon, what can I do? To be honest, I stole it from my senior brother. This time, I am determined to kill Chen. The mysterious power must be gained," Lu Bei said.

"Hehehe, it's really great. Brother Lu, you came here at the right time. This time the assassination operation against Chen Xuan will be successful, and no one can stop us." Wang Luoxue said with a smile, his mood instantly Get better.

Lu Bei smiled and put away the things, and finally looked at the two of them, and then said: "Brother Wang Luoxue, you know this matter and I know it, and only the three of us know it. We must not let others know it." ”

"Don't worry, I will never tell anyone else about this. I'm afraid even if Chen Xuan dies, no one will know who killed him."

"Hehehe, I feel relieved with your words."

Of course, Chen Xuan knew nothing about their conspiracy, and time passed by in a hurry. , in the expectation of many warriors, the Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm is finally about to open.

At this time, Chen Xuan also stopped practicing and came to the lobby early.

In the lobby of the Nineteenth Sect Area, more than a hundred Sword Immortal Forest disciples were waiting quietly.

Many disciples are very excited. Every time the Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm is opened, some disciples will receive inherited treasures, and their cultivation will be greatly improved by then.

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