He has been looking for opportunities to seek revenge against Chen Xuan.

Wang Yuyun pondered for a moment and then said: "We can completely destroy Chen Xuan's cultivation from the outside, but it is not that simple to get close to the tearing space. If you are not careful, you will be sucked into the tearing space Zheng."

Regarding the Magical Divine Sword Spirit Formation, Lu Bei now only has one thought, which is to kill Chen Xuan.

"Wang Yuyun, if nothing else, what can you do?" Lu Bei asked directly.

After Wang Yuyun heard this, he immediately said: "I have a way to kill him."

"No problem, you go and hurt him, I will kill him myself." Lu Bei said.

"no problem."

Wang Yuyun waved his long sword, and the ferocious power of the Divine Sword Dao surrounded him.

He slowly walked towards the tearing space, trying to absorb the power of the Magic Sword Spirit Formation on the opponent.

When Wang Yuyun approached the tearing space, a cold light flashed in his pupils, and then he held the long sword in his hand and suddenly struck the tearing space with a sword.

Only a bang was heard! !

When the sword hit and tore apart the space, the space instantly shattered, and the ferocious power of the Divine Sword Dao swallowed Chen Xuan's body instantly.

At this time, the entire Fantasy Sword Formation underwent earth-shaking changes.

"Oh no."

Feeling the power of tearing the space apart, Wang Yuyun returned to Lu Bei.

But even so, many warriors from Luo Jian Sect were knocked away by the terrifying aura.


A layer of invisible sword energy appeared near the phantom sword formation, controlling the entire space.

"Damn, seems trapped."

Wang Yuyun's face darkened instantly and he whispered.

At this time, the Fantasy Sword Formation calmed down, and all the ferocious power of the Divine Sword Dao entered the space.

Then, the space disappeared.

"Chen Xuan is dead?"

"Haha... Even if he is a strong person in the middle stage of the fourth level of the divine realm, it is impossible to defend against him."


Lu Bei hesitated.

"Lord Lu Bei, we should find a way to leave this place." Wang Yuyun said anxiously. He was not in the mood to pay attention to Chen Xuan. Now there is turbulence in the space, and now the entire fantasy sword formation has been cracked. They want to get out, it is almost extremely difficult. Difficulties.

Boom! !

Suddenly, Chen Xuan released a terrifying spiritual energy, and then coughed.

He looked extremely nervous.

The power of the Divine Sword Dao in his body was instantly released.

"What is this place?"

Chen Xuan was very confused. He devoted himself to practicing the Magic Sword Spirit Formation in the torn space, but was plotted against him. Later, the space was torn apart and transmitted here.


Suddenly, Chen Xuan looked around, surrounded by a chaotic aura.

"Has my Illusionary Divine Sword Spirit Formation been improved?"

He was horrified to find that his Magic Sword Spirit Formation had actually improved.

"Why did you break through?"

Chen Xuan said slowly.

At this time, a fiery red light appeared in front of him.


Fiery red light and shadow instantly rushed into his mind, and then a large amount of information was released around him.

"No way." A look of surprise appeared on Chen Xuan's face.

This is the true core of the Fantasy Sword Formation, and if it can be cultivated, the Fantasy Sword Spirit Formation will soon reach a terrifying level.

"Oh, I see."

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and then said with a smile on his face.

The tearing space is a trial set by the creator of the Fantasy Sword Array. As long as you can persist in the tearing space for a certain period of time, you will come to this place full of chaotic aura.

"It's so funny. When I get out, I will kill you."

Chen Xuan snorted coldly, and then walked into the ancient bronze door in front.

This is the only channel.


"The power of the Divine Sword Dao...and my understanding of the Illusionary Divine Sword Spirit Formation is also improving."


Chen Xuan moved forward quickly, constantly absorbing the aura of the Magic Sword Spirit Formation inside the ancient bronze door.

Contrary to Chen Xuan's expectation, his Magic Sword Spiritual Formation has grown to a very high level.

At this moment, Chen Xuan noticed that his body was attacked by the chaotic spiritual energy space.

In an instant, Chen Xuan felt a familiar aura, and then his body passed directly through the bronze door and appeared in the world Zheng just now.

In the magic sword formation, Chen Xuan suddenly appeared.


What Chen Xuan didn't know was that a month had passed outside during the time he was in the Ancient Bronze Gate.

His consciousness spread out in an instant, and his spirit moved slightly, completely controlling the entire phantom sword formation.

"It's really mysterious." Chen Xuan sighed.

He saw Lu Bei and others trapped in the magic sword formation, and suddenly a strong killing intent appeared in his eyes.

For the past eleven months, Wang Yuyun has been attacking the Fantasy Sword Formation, but ultimately failed to break through the constraints of the Fantasy Sword Formation.


"You couldn't even break through such a magic sword formation for a whole month?" Lu Bei said angrily.

In mid-air, Chen Xuan's vicinity released a power that was more powerful than the power of the Divine Sword Dao in the Fantasy Sword Formation.

In just one breath, Chen Xuan arrived at where Lu Bei was.

"The person who set up the Fantasy Sword Formation is too powerful." Wang Yuyun was also helpless.

For a month, Wang Yuyun studied the Fantasy Sword Formation all the time, but in the end he still had no clue of how to break the formation.

Suddenly, a figure passed through.

"Who is it?"

Wang Yuyun looked around, but finally did not find Chen Xuan's presence.

"Who is he? Get out of here."

A trace of panic flashed across Lu Bei's face.

The phantom sword formation in front of him has been completely controlled by Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan's phantom sword formation has reached a stronger level. Looking at the entire Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm, no warrior can defend against his phantom sword formation. Array.

The next moment, Chen Xuan suddenly appeared from the sky.

"I thought it was you, but I didn't expect it to be you?"

Lu Bei and Wang Yuyun said.

The two of them showed puzzled expressions and looked at Chen Xuan in disbelief.

"Weren't you swallowed by the power of the Illusionary Divine Sword Spirit Formation?" Wang Yuyun was even more shocked.

No warrior knows better than him how powerful the Illusionary Divine Sword Spirit Formation spreads out from the torn space.

Under the power of this powerful magic sword spirit formation, Chen Xuan actually survived.

"How can this be……"

Suddenly, Wang Yuyun looked in Chen Xuan's direction in horror and kept retreating.

"Has your Illusionary Divine Sword Spirit Formation reached such a terrifying state?"

If this is true, even Wang Yuyun cannot be his opponent.

At the same time, Wang Yuyun's body retreated involuntarily.

"Wang Yuyun, come on."

Lu Bei looked extremely ferocious and said loudly.

But the next moment, Wang Yuyun's body was instantly restrained in the air.

"Damn it, you actually..."

Chen Xuan said calmly: "Lu Bei, you are seeking death on your own. Should I kill you now?"

"Chen Xuan, you bastard, I will kill you."

Lu Bei had already fallen into a state of madness. He suddenly rushed towards Wang Yuyun and shouted wildly: "Kill him!"

Hearing this, Wang Yuyun's body showed an extremely strong power of the Divine Sword Dao.

Then the terrifying power of the Divine Sword Dao instantly enveloped Chen Xuan.

Seeing this situation, Wang Yuyun was extremely happy, as long as he was enveloped by the power of his divine sword. No matter how powerful Chen Xuan is, he cannot be his opponent.

Wang Yuyun controlled the magic sword formation and began to attack Chen Xuan.

In the air, many phantoms of sword blades suddenly appeared.


When Wang Yuyun finished speaking, the power of the Divine Sword Dao surrounding Chen Xuan was instantly swallowed up by Chen Xuan.

"You actually..."

Wang Yuyun's body trembled. Did Chen Xuan crack his Magic Sword Spirit Formation so quickly?

"Isn't your Illusionary Divine Sword Spirit Formation not powerful enough?"

Chen Xuan said with disdain, his spirit moved slightly, and the entire phantom sword formation started to move instantly.

In an instant, Chen Xuan laughed wildly, a ray of light flashed, and Lu Bei's body was directly knocked away.

To Chen Xuan's surprise, he did not dare to resist and could only beg for mercy instantly.

"Chen Xuan, I was wrong..."

But before he finished speaking, Chen Xuan smiled all over his face.

If it weren't for the power of his Illusionary Divine Sword Spiritual Formation, he would have been killed long ago.

Chen Xuan didn't even bother to deal with rubbish like Lu Bei.

Only a bang was heard!

Chen Xuanlingshen moved slightly, and the terrifying sword intent surrounded many warriors.

In an instant, all the warriors were killed by this force...

When Wang Yuyun finally fell to the ground, Lu Bei went crazy.

"It's absolutely impossible, I don't believe it."

When Chen Xuan attacked Wang Yuyun and others, he knew that he would not be able to leave here alive.

Only a bang was heard!

Chen Xuan's long sword pierced his head directly.


Chen Xuanlingshen moved slightly and completely dispersed the phantom sword formation here.

"I didn't expect that when I came to the Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm, I would encounter many opportunities."

Chen Xuan said with a smile on his face that he had benefited a lot from practicing the Illusionary Divine Sword Spirit Formation this time.


At this moment, a terrifying force suddenly erupted in the air, and the raging spiritual energy instantly rolled up around Chen Xuan, forming a terrifying torn space.

When this torn space condensed to the extreme, it instantly poured into Chen Xuan's body.


In his body, the terrifying power was constantly vibrating, and the power of Shenjian Dao was scattered in his body, causing Chen Xuan's pupils to gradually turn red.

After a long time, Chen Xuan carefully suppressed his Dantian, and it took all his strength to absorb the breath with great difficulty.

At this time, Chen Xuan said helplessly: "Thank you, senior, for your help."

No need, he knew that this was the last inheritance treasure left to him by the person who set up the Fantasy Sword Formation. Although this terrifying power of the Divine Sword Dao made Chen Xuan feel a little threatened, it also helped him a lot.


However, at this moment, a crackling sound suddenly erupted, and finally a figure appeared in the sky.

Chen Xuan took a closer look and saw that this was a phantom of a soul, but because the power left behind was too incomplete, he couldn't see it clearly at all.

However, he also vaguely heard a voice coming, but it was very vague.

After a while, the figure gradually dissipated, and Kong's power slowly dissipated.

And the sky, which had been obscured by black clouds and mist, became clear again.

Soon, the atmosphere here completely returned to normal and became no different from before, and the spiritual power of the thunderclouds in the sky was integrated into the boundless spiritual energy Zheng in an instant.

This spiritual vein has a very large area and is also very long and narrow.

Although the secret realm is divided into different spiritual veins, the place Chen Xuan is currently in must have the legend of a peerless powerhouse.

It's just that the place where Chen Xuan is now is too remote. Maybe no warriors will come to this place in the future. After all, no warriors will understand that there once was a top powerhouse who left the Magic God here. Legend of Sword Spirit Array

You can only do it because of Chen Xuan's coincidence, otherwise, if it had been anyone else, they would have been killed by the power of this space.

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