Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5175 The person who set up the magic sword formation

Chen Xuan also felt a little emotional at this moment. Finally, he glanced at Kong and left here.

He encountered so many dangers this time that Chen Xuan's thoughts were clearer now than before.

His most important goal now is to obtain more Qingyi Sword Stones. After receiving the inheritance of the Fantasy Royal Sword Spiritual Formation, he also learned some information about the Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm.

Now Chen Xuan knew that the core inheritance magic weapon left by the top powerhouse with the Immortal Fire Refining Body had been controlled. Only by completely obtaining the ten Qingyi sword stones can he obtain his legendary legacy.

Chen Xuan has just realized how to refine the body with fire first. Although his talent is very strong, if he still needs to pass it on, he can make rapid progress in cultivation.

From the information about the person who set up the Fantasy Sword Formation, Chen Xuan also got some places where the Qingyi Sword Stone had appeared.

Although some Qingyi Sword Stones may have left, at least Chen Xuan now knows a general direction. Compared with before, he can now no longer have to randomly explore where these magic weapons are hidden.

"I will put aside the Immortal Fire Body Refining for the time being. It will take a lot of time to break through. Now I must concentrate on finding the Qingyi Sword Stone."

At this time, Chen Xuan said to himself while walking.

Every step you take can leave aura of spiritual energy in your spiritual veins. If you observe carefully, the aura of spiritual energy also contains the strong power of the divine sword.

Now Chen Xuan can't help but exude this kind of power, but there are many people chasing behind him, following this aura, but Chen Xuan doesn't know about it.

In the past month, it can be said that great changes have taken place in the secret realm of Immortal Blood Moon.

At this time, there are still many top-ranked experts in the secret realm, all looking for the Qingyi Sword Stone. They all know that if they want to obtain the highest inheritance, they must collect all these stones.

However, when they were looking for magic weapons, fights were inevitable among the warriors who entered the secret realm. In the past few days, more than a hundred disciples of the Sword Immortal Forest entered the Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm, and an explosion broke out. Many battles.

Now there are countless casualties in the entire secret realm, and many disciples have suffered greatly.

Since the Magical Divine Sword Spirit Formation reached a certain level, Chen Xuan's strength has also been improved compared to before.

Of course, his realm still hasn't been broken through.

But the improvement of his cultivation also made Chen Xuan's state of mind improve a lot.

Now Chen Xuan's understanding of the battle method has become deeper.

In comparison, formations are divided into several categories. One is illusion-based formations, and the other is defensive and offensive formations.

Chen Xuan's understanding of the formation has reached a very deep level now, but he is not in a hurry to continue his understanding. He is searching for the Qingyi Sword Stone with all his heart.

With information about the person who set up the Fantasy Sword Formation, the program harvested two Qingyi Sword Stones in just one week.

This was indeed beyond his expectation.

He didn't expect that he would get it so quickly.

So now Chen Xuan already has a lot of Qingyi Sword Stones in his hands, but if he wants to find the final inheritance, he needs nine, so Chen Xuan is still looking for them.

In this way, time is passing.

Eleven months later, Chen Xuan had almost obtained all the Qingyi Sword Stones. At this moment, he was in front of a canyon.

Chen Xuan stopped and observed: "According to the information from the person who set up the Fantasy Sword Array, there seems to be a Qingyi Sword Stone in this canyon. If it can be found here, it should save a lot of effort."

There were dense black clouds above this canyon, and there were bursts of thunderclouds rolling in the sky, making it look ferocious and terrifying.

After pondering for a moment, Chen Xuan entered the canyon.

As soon as we entered the canyon, we could clearly feel the power of Shenjian Dao coming towards us.

After receiving this breath, Chen Xuan's face was slightly shocked.

Then he discovered that there seemed to be a large formation here, and Chen Xuan's body fell directly into it.

"What? What do you mean? I didn't expect this canyon to be a formation."

Chen Xuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the magic sword formation here was actually quite powerful and even threatened him.

"Although this kind of phantom sword formation is very powerful, I have a deeper understanding of the phantom sword formation now. This level of formation is not a problem for me at all."

Chen Xuan walked calmly in the magic sword formation, and at this time, a golden light appeared in his pupils.


At this moment, the Qingyi Sword Stone in the Sword Dao Najie shook, and Chen Xuan's pupils immediately looked into the distance.

His eyes were full of excitement.

All this shows that there really is a Qingyi Sword Stone in the canyon, but now he must break this formation to correct it.

But why did the aura revealed from the Qingyi Sword Stone make Chen Xuan feel something was wrong.

"Get out of here quickly, I'm afraid it's not advisable to stay in Chu for a long time." Chen Xuan whispered.

At the same time, following the guidance of Qingyi Sword Stone, Chen Xuan quickly

However, inside the canyon at this time, there was a black altar with a young man on it.

If Chen Xuan were here, he would definitely recognize this guy. He is Zhang Yiyun, a disciple of Long Yi Qingmen.

Zhang Yiyun is considered to be the strongest person in the Long Yi Qing Sect who has entered the Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm this time. His cultivation level ranks over 100, so he is very strong.

"I really didn't expect it. This is indeed an interesting place. Maybe you can find some legends here."

What Zhang Yiyun is best at is hiding his aura.

If it were an ordinary person in the magic sword formation here, they would definitely not be able to cross this area even if they used all their strength.

But it was different for him. The formation, which was very difficult for ordinary people, was not a problem for Zhang Yiyun. He used his skills to quickly reach the altar inside the canyon.

Not only the long sword, but the Qingyi sword stone in his Najie also vibrated at the same time.

After feeling this breath, his face was very surprised, and then he smiled.

"I didn't expect to find it so quickly."

Now he concluded that there must be a Qingyi Sword Stone here.

"The Qingyi Sword Stone should be inside the altar, but how can we get it out? Does it have to go through some forces?" Zhang Yiyun.


Zhang Yiyun exerted his strength, and then hit the altar with a heavy sword.


There were layers of cracks on the altar, and he originally thought that after breaking through them, he would definitely be able to get the magic weapon.

But the next scene caused his expression to change immediately.


Zhang Yiyun felt something unusual, and the altar seemed to start to make waves.

"What happened? Why did the altar start to shake? Was my method wrong?"

Zhang Yiyun took a few steps back and looked at the altar warily? He doesn't know what this altar will become.

At this time, Chen Xuan, who was walking in the air in the magic sword formation, felt a terrifying aura spread out instantly, which made Chen Xuan immediately speed up.

The aura that appeared in front of him was absolutely unmistakable.

"But I'm curious as to why there is such a strong killing intent in front of me. It's really weird."

The murderous intention in front of him had to be too strong. Chen Xuan had never felt such a terrifying aura before.

He feels that the situation here is a bit weird

"Did a warrior come to this place? How did he find out?"

Chen Xuan had broken the formation at this moment, and now his body flashed, speeding up, and rushed towards the inside of the canyon in an instant.

Chen Xuan must now hurry up and find the highest inheritance so that he can deal with those who want to kill him six years later.

After a while, he arrived inside the canyon.

"Yes, something..." After arriving here, he was completely surprised by the scene in front of him.

Chen Xuan looked at the altar inside the canyon with a puzzled expression.

While pressing the words, Chen Xuan discovered that on top of the cracked altar, suddenly there was a monster with two dragon horns on its head, fighting crazily with Zhang Yiyun.

"Fourth level late-stage monster in the divine realm?"

Chen Xuan was extremely panicked. How could there be monsters at the late fourth level of the Divine Realm here?

Although this monster beast has horns like a dragon, it is completely different from the dragon clan.

It was indeed beyond Chen Xuan's expectation.

At this moment, Zhang Yiyun used his skills to continuously dodge the attacks of the monster beasts at the late fourth level of the Divine Realm.

But the power of this monster beast is too powerful, and every time the power of thunder spits out from his mouth, it can bring a threat to him.

So much so that he groaned secretly.

After all the hard work to get here, he just wanted to get the Qingyi Sword Stone. Why did he summon such a huge monster after breaking the altar?

This is all very unusual.

"What's going on? No, I feel that there must be some reason for the aura. Why does this monster appear here? And there seems to be something wrong with his aura. He probably hasn't used his full strength yet."

Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt something unusual, and then he saw that the monster was really sealed, and just under the altar, he found traces of a formation.

"This is definitely a formation. Is this terrifying monster sealed here?"

Chen Xuan clearly felt that the aura of this beast in the late fourth level of the divine realm must have been suppressed.

After a long time, after careful thinking, he finally determined one thing. This was this monster beast at the late fourth level of the divine realm. It was definitely not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

The strength of this terrifying monster has definitely been suppressed, and it must have been suppressed by a strong man at the fifth level of the divine realm, so that the monster in front of them cannot perform at the fourth level of the divine realm. Later strength will come.

"No wonder I felt such terrible power from him, but he didn't show the strength he deserved. It's just as expected."

At the same time, Chen Xuan let go of the stone in his heart.

Since the power of this monster is not that powerful, Chen Xuan won't be too worried.


However, at this time, the movement of the Qingyi Sword Stone in the Sword Dao Najie became louder than before. Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness spread out instantly, looking for the magic weapon he wanted to get.

In an instant, Zhang Yiyun was knocked away by a late-level fourth-level divine beast.

His body drew a red line in the air, as if he couldn't believe that he couldn't defeat this monster.

But soon, he admitted it frankly.

This is a monster beast in the late fourth level of the divine realm. No matter how strong it is, it is impossible to win.

But at this moment, his body fell in front of Chen Xuan.

I originally thought I had encountered another monster, but found out that I actually saw a human warrior.

Seeing him, Chen Xuan had no expression on his face, but the other party showed a hint of joy.

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