Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5182 Immortal Level Triple Formation

Song Kuangyun also swung the long sword in his hand again and again.

Every time he waved, the spiritual energy in the surrounding air would be distorted.

After a few breaths, Song Kuangyun still failed to break through Chen Xuan's defense. At this time, Chen Xuan raised his head with a sick smile on his face, and then said: "Song Kuangyun, you are too weak."

After the words fell, Chen Xuan used the immortal fire defense, and the long sword in Song Kuangyun's hand was directly suppressed in the air.

Next, Chen Xuan held the long sword tightly in his hand and slowly struck Song Kuangyun with the sword.

In an instant, Song Kuangyun's body flew out and suddenly landed on the wall of Qingyi Sword Sect.


All the disciples looked at this move with surprised expressions.

"damn it……"

Song Kuangyun got up from the ground and came to Chen Xuan again.

"Damn it!! I will definitely kill you."

Song Kuangyun instantly took out his long sword.

However, just as he finished speaking, he was knocked away by Chen Xuan's sword again.

"You're a little weak."

Chen Xuan's voice was full of disdain.


Ten minutes later, in the distant void, Lu Jiu received the news, and then returned to the cabinet faction area.

However, when he saw the body of Song Kuangyun of Qingyi Sword Sect falling to the ground, his breath was weakening little by little. When another disciple lost his life directly, Lu Jiu was floating in the air, with a terrifying aura emitting nearby.

"Lu Jiu?" Chen Xuan asked directly.

"No warrior has ever dared to provoke our Qingyi Sword Sect. You are seeking death." Lu Jiu said coldly.

"If it weren't for your Qingyi Sword Sect, how could I possibly provoke our Qingyi Sword Sect?"

Chen Xuan said with great disdain, with a malicious smile on his face.

Ever since he came to the Immortal Dragon Master Sect, the disciples of the Qingyi Sword Sect have been bullying him.

At the beginning, Lu Jiu regarded him as a weak ant, but now he is gradually making breakthroughs in cultivation and can finally feel proud.

"A life and death battle?" Lu Jiu said.


Chen Xuan said immediately.

Within the Qingyi Sword Sect, Elder Qingyi came out, his expression very gloomy.

He glanced at Chen Xuan, and then his eyes fell on Lu Jiu.

"If you provoke me, Qingyi Sword Sect, you will die." Elder Qingyi said calmly.

"Don't worry, Elder Qingyi, I will let this guy die." Lu Jiu said.

"Haha, no one is allowed to die."

After Chen Xuan finished speaking, he turned around and returned to Shixian Sect.

Lu Jiu and Elder Qingyi left here together, and soon the Nineteenth Sect District Hall passed this life-and-death battle.

When the news came out, the whole cabinet area was shocked.

"Chen Xuan of Shixian Sect wants to fight to the death with Lu Jiu?"

"It would be great if this Chen Xuan could really kill Lu Jiu."

For a time, many disciples in the Cabinet Faction area started discussing.

A week later, Chen Xuan arrived at the competition stage very early and stood on the stage.


A red light came quickly.

Lu Jiu glanced at Chen Xuan, and then jumped onto the competition stage.

"This time the Shixian Sect can be disbanded, and you, Chen Xuan, will also die." Lu Jiu said in a cold voice.

Chen Xuan spread his hands and said: "The Qingyi Sword Sect will disappear only after this battle is over."

Seeing Chen Xuan's arrogant expression, Lu Jiu was very angry.

He couldn't wait to kill Chen Xuan.

Following the order from the elder of the Nineteenth Sect District's main hall, a terrifying sword energy was suddenly released near Lu Jiu.

These Qingyi Sword Qi, under his control, actually formed a sword shadow.

"The ninth level of Qingyi Sword Technique."

Lu Jiu let out a low drink, and a lot of Dao Zhenyuan instantly filled his surroundings.

Seeing this situation, many warriors exclaimed in surprise.

Almost all of Lu Jiu's Dao Zhenyuan are third-grade Dao Zhenyuan, which for him can increase its power a lot.

Swish! !

Lu Jiu's body slammed on the ground, and the shadow of the sword quickly landed towards Chen Xuan. The terrifying aura of the divine sword collided with the aura on Chen Xuan's body.

Chen Xuan held the long sword tightly in his hand, and suddenly struck out with the sword.

With his current body refining defense, this sword can almost break through the aura that condenses the five true essences.


A sword blasted away the ninth level of Qingyi Sword Technique, and then the Immortal Fire Body Refining was activated instantly.

"Just die."

Lu Jiu held the long sword and swung it out.

But when he was gathered by the immortal fire defense, his body was directly suppressed to the ground in the eyes of many warriors, and then he fought with Chen Xuan.

Seeing this situation, many warriors in the competition stage sighed one after another.

"It seems that Lu Jiu doesn't just want to kill Chen Xuan."

"As the strongest disciple of Qingyi Sword Sect, Lu Jiu's cultivation is also extremely strong."

Lu Jiu sneered, and streaks of sword energy appeared in the air, hitting Chen Xuan's body.


On the competition stage, crackling sounds were heard continuously.

The two of them were completely gathered by the terrifying aura of divine sword intent. In an instant, Chen Xuan knocked Lu Jiu away with a sword.

His body kept taking a few steps back. After stabilizing his body, a complicated expression flashed through his pupils, and then he said grimly: "It seems that you have improved a lot in the past six years in the Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm."

After the words fell, near Lu Jiu, a stream of red divine sword aura swallowed up the entire competition platform.

This was followed by a burst of Qingyi Sword Qi.

While many warriors showed surprised expressions, Qingyi Sword Qi was released from Lu Jiu's back, and finally floated in front of him.

This Qingyi Sword Qi contains extremely terrifying power.

Seeing this situation, even Elder Qingyi exclaimed in surprise.


"It's really terrifying, such a powerful sword energy."

The aura emanating from Qingyi Sword Qi was too depressing.

In the viewing area, several elders in the main hall of the Nineteenth Sect District saw the Qingyi Sword Qi, and their pupils emitted a spiritual light.

On the fighting stage.

Chen Xuan looked at the ninth level of Qingyi Sword Technique in front of Lu Jiu and nodded slightly.

"The power released from the sword energy can actually defend against his fairy fire defense. It is indeed extremely weird." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

Fortunately, Lu Jiu is not too strong. If he were stronger, the fairy fire defense would be directly broken.

"Damn you bastard, you can be proud of me if you die below the ninth level of my Qingyi Sword Technique."

As he spoke, Lu Jiu directly attacked Chen Xuan.


Lu Jiu's body slammed on the ground and was in front of Chen Xuan in an instant.

Then the spiritual sword in his hand suddenly swung, and the Qingyi sword energy carried frightening power and instantly pierced Chen Xuan's body.

Chen Xuan also displayed the Immortal Dragon Sword Intention in an instant.

The attack power of the ninth level of Qingyi Sword Technique is too strong. Even he cannot rely on the Immortal Fire Body Refining to defend it, so in the end he still has to rely on the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent.

After all, the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent is already Chen Xuan's strongest attack so far.

When Chen Xuan had just used the second level of the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent, the Qingyi Sword Intent instantly attacked his body.

The terrifying crimson light engulfed Chen Xuan in an instant.

What happened in front of them made all the warriors in the competition arena exclaim in wonder.

Many disciples thought that Chen Xuan would definitely die here after being stabbed by Qingyi Sword Qi.


Being stabbed by the ninth level of the Qingyi Sword Technique, even if you don't die, you will still be seriously injured. At this time, even Lu Jiu suddenly laughed.

After being stabbed by the Qingyi Sword Qi, the Immortal Fire Body Refining erupted instantly, and Chen Xuan was helplessly defending against the Qingyi Sword Qi.

"What a mysterious Qingyi sword energy."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but started to sigh, the power in Qingyi Sword Qi was very strange, and it was difficult to defend against the Immortal Fire Defense.

He could only be defeated by relying on the Immortal Dragon Sword Intention to injure Lu Jiu.

Just when many warriors thought it was about to end, there was a crisp sound, and suddenly, an insensible sword light appeared in the air, and then, this sword energy pierced Lu Jiu's body.

Lu Jiu's body suddenly swayed, and the Qingyi sword energy that attacked Chen Xuan slowly dissipated.

"What happened?"

Elder Qingyi was a little anxious when he saw this situation.

In the viewing area, the eyes of many warriors were all focused on Lu Jiu.

"It's the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent."

"He actually cultivated to the second level?"

After being surprised, several elders in the main hall of the Nineteenth Sect suddenly laughed.


A terrifying aura emerged, and then, Chen Xuan directly attacked the light erupting from the ninth level of the Qingyi Sword Technique. Immediately afterwards, the Qingyi Sword Qi was cut in half by Chen Xuan.


Lu Jiu's aura was weakening little by little.


Lu Jiu originally thought that after using the ninth level of Qingyi Sword Art, he would definitely defeat Chen Xuan.

But the truth is often unexpected.

At this moment, Chen Xuan, holding the prairie fire sword in hand, gradually walked towards Lu Jiu.

His expression was extremely nervous, and he seemed to have given up on defending Chen Xuan.

"Lu Jiu, are you ready?"

Chen Xuan said suddenly.

"Haha, you want to kill me?"

A ferocious smile appeared on Lu Jiu's face.

Only a bang was heard!

The prairie fire sword slashed across his neck. When Lu Jiu's body fell on the competition stage, many warriors in the entire competition stage were looking at Chen Xuan.

Elder Qingyi, with an extremely gloomy expression, quietly returned to the Qingyi Sword Sect and began to prevent Shixian Sect's attack.

In this life-and-death battle, although Lu Jiu's ninth level Qingyi Sword Technique was very powerful, Chen Xuan was even more powerful.

This life and death battle directly caused the Qingyi Sword Sect to lose a lot of strength.

From then on, all the disciples of the Qingyi Sword Sect would never leave the sect easily, and Chen Xuan's Shixian Sect was officially recognized by the other eighteen sects.

After killing Lu Jiu, Chen Xuan successfully entered the top 100 of the Immortal Sword Garden.

All the disciples were shocked. After six and a half years of training in the Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm, Chen Xuan had made too many breakthroughs.

At this time, many disciples were willing to join Shixian Sect.

However, Chen Xuan was practicing in Shixian Sect

Immortal fire body refining is only one step away from reaching the second level of the Immortal level, and an opportunity is needed.

"Forget it, let's go to Qingyi Sword Tower." Chen Xuan said to himself.

After leaving Shixian Sect, Chen Xuan quickly came to the Qingyi Sword Tower.

After entering the Qingyi Sword Tower, Chen Xuan rushed towards the seventh level.

A moment later, the intensity of the sword energy in the seventh level was extremely terrifying.

"It's really powerful."

At the seventh level, Chen Xuan could clearly feel a hint of pressure.

But if you want to achieve a breakthrough through Immortal Fire Body Refining, it’s definitely not that simple.

Soon, Chen Xuan came to Linba Pass.

"What's going on? There are actually warriors here?"

Chen Xuan was surprised to find that there was a warrior in the eighth level, and it was Lu Yuan.

At this moment, there was a three-level immortal formation near Lu Yuan.

Although there was a triple immortal-level formation, Chen Xuan passed directly through the formation and his eyes fell on Lu Yuan.

Chen Xuan didn't think too much. Soon, he found a quiet place, sat on the ground, released the Immortal Fire Body Refining, and began to practice with concentration using the power of the ninth level.


The ferocious aura of the divine sword poured into his body.

At this time, Chen Xuan took out the True Essence Gathering Stone from the Sword Dao Najie and absorbed it.

While concentrating on cultivating immortal fire and refining his body, Chen Xuan was also devouring the True Essence Gathering Stone to condense the Tao True Essence.


Lines of Dao True Yuan were condensed by him.

After four sticks of incense, Chen Xuan absorbed thousands of true essence gathering stones and condensed five strands of true essence.

It is relatively simple for Chen Xuan to gather the third-grade Dao True Yuan. After a few days, Chen Xuan has absorbed all the True Yuan Gathering Stones in the Sword Dao Najie.

At this time, the number of his Dao Zhenyuan had reached a terrifying twelve Dao.

However, the True Essence Gathering Stone still couldn't be completely swallowed, and the body still couldn't bear it.


Just when the number of his Tao Zhenyuan reached twelve, the Immortal Fire Body Refining finally broke through.

The Immortal Fire Body Refining has reached the second level of Immortal Level, and the terrifying aura of Divine Sword Intent fills the vicinity. At this time, the Immortal Fire Defense is also trembling rapidly, and it directly spreads throughout the entire eighth level.


The trembling of the immortal fire defense directly broke through the triple immortal formation that protected Lu Yuan.

"Chen Xuan's?"

After Lu Yuan saw Chen Xuan, the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. He thought there was a sneak attack by a traitor.

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