Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5183 The main city of the secret realm

Chen Xuan slowly stood up from the ground and said helplessly to Lu Yuan: "Lu Yuan... It seems that I underestimated your talent! I also entered here to practice inadvertently."

After hearing this, Lu Yuan looked at Chen Xuan with a slight smile, and then said: "Do you know why I can practice here?"

Chen Xuan slowly shook his head.

"I obtained a powerful inheritance magic weapon in the main city of the secret realm." Lu Yuan paused slightly and continued: "Then I set up a simple three-layer immortal-level formation in order to break through..."

Afterwards, Chen Xuan chatted with him for a while, and then left here.

Watching Chen Xuan leave, a strange color appeared in Lu Yuan's pupils.

When Chen Xuan came out of Qingyi Sword Tower, he bumped into Lu Jiuyuan.

"Brother Chen Xuan, Lu Bei and brother Chen Xuan have some conflicts. This time after entering the Immortal Blood Moon Secret Realm, he suddenly disappeared... I wonder what brother Chen Xuan knows?" Lu Jiuyuan said calmly.

At this time, he was observing Chen Xuan closely.

"No, it's transmitted at will, you should know." Chen Xuan said slowly.

After Lu Jiuyuan heard this, he nodded slightly, and then said, "Thank you, Brother Chen Xuan."

After Chen Xuan left directly, a sharp look flashed in Lu Jiuyuan's pupils.

"It must be you, Chen Xuan."

Lu Jiuyuan said secretly.

Then he quickly returned to Luo Jian Sect and came to a courtyard with a plain environment.

"How is it?" asked a warrior wearing gray robes.

"Senior Brother Zhao Ci, Wang Yuyun and the others were massacred by Chen Xuan." Lu Jiuyuan said.

After hearing this, the man in gray robe showed murderous intent.

"This Chen Xuan really doesn't know how to live or die."

Zhao Cihan said in a cold voice.

"Senior Brother Zhao Ci, Chen Xuan has cultivated the Immortal Dragon Sword Intent. It's not easy to attack him." Lu Jiuyuan said.

"It's so funny. Qingyi Sword Sect is a bunch of garbage."

After Zhao Ci heard this, he sneered.

"Senior Brother Zhao Ci, I have arranged for the warrior to be in the main hall of the Immortal Sect. As long as he leaves, he will be discovered by us immediately." Lu Jiuyuan said confidently.

At this moment, after the Immortal Fire Body Refining reached the second level of the Immortal Rank, dozens of twelve strands of true energy were condensed.

Chen Xuan's true strength has reached a very strong level.

Eleven months passed in the blink of an eye.

Chen Xuan's face darkened instantly.

"Firebird was attacked in the Yunzhong City area?"

Chen Xuan used Kongyu's aura to instantly determine the approximate location of Firebird and the others.

"The sect leader of Longhua Shizong."

As soon as he arrived at Yunzhong City, Chen Xuan immediately sent a spiritual message to the head of Longhua Shizong.

"What's going on? Chen Xuan?"

The head of Longhua Shizong was very surprised when he discovered Chen Xuan.

"Sect Master, is there any movement in Yunzhong City recently?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Wang Xian Darao inherited the secret land?" asked the leader of Longhua Shizong.

"It should be the secret place inherited by Wang Xian Darao... I want to go there now, you take me there." Chen Xuan said hurriedly.

After a while, the head of the Longhua Shizong took Chen Xuan to the secret place of inheritance.

When Chen Xuan left the Immortal Dragon Sect directly, Lu Jiuyuan had already received the news.

"Senior Brother Zhao Ci, this guy has left the Immortal Dragon Sect." Lu Jiuyuan said hurriedly.

"Has this son left the Immortal Dragon Master Sect?" Zhao Ci asked.

"Yes, he seems to have gone to Yunzhong City."

"Yun Chong City? Is it for the inheritance of Wang Xian Da Rao?" There was a hint of disdain on Zhao Ci's face.

"It's so funny. It's just an inheritance from the fourth level of the mid-level god realm." Zhao Cidao said.

Lu Jiuyuan nodded, and then he continued: "Send the news to Song Zhenchu ​​and ask him to kill Chen Xuan."

"no problem."

At the same time, there was a palace in Yunzhong City.

A mysterious warrior exuded a terrifying aura.

Suddenly, Lu Jiuyuan's voice came to his ears.

"Chen Xuan of Shixian Sect?"

After listening to Lu Jiuyuan's words, the mysterious warrior laughed heartily and said, "Okay."

After the words fell, Song Zhenchu ​​slowly stood up from the ground and looked at the place where Wang Xian Darao's inheritance was.

Near Yunzhong City.

"The magic weapon inherited by Wang Xian Darao is in the canyon Zheng," the master of Longhua Shizong said floating in mid-air.

Wang Xian was once a talent in the Xianqing Continent. In the past two days, the place where Wang Xian was killed attracted many fourth-level divine warriors in Yunzhong City, even warriors in the fourth-middle-level divine realm.

The secret place of inheritance has a spiritual seal, and warriors at the late fourth level of the divine realm and above cannot enter, otherwise, the space will immediately collapse.

"Chen Xuan, we're here, go in." The head of Longhua Shizong said.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan also entered the canyon.

Soon, Chen Xuan felt Zhang Jianyun's aura.

Chen Xuan followed Zhang Jianyun and waited for Rao's breath. After walking forward for about half an hour, he arrived at the secret inheritance place of Master Wang Xian.

Chen Xuan discovered that there was a dark secret passage ahead, and there were strong spiritual seals around the dark secret passage.

Using Kongyu's aura, he felt that Firebird's aura was nearby.

Before he could reach the dark secret passage, he was discovered by two warriors at the fourth level of the divine realm.

"Baby, this is our Qingyun Sect's territory. You are not allowed to enter without an entry order."

The two warriors are both in the middle stage of the fourth level of the divine realm, and there is a strong aura nearby.

"Isn't this the secret land of Wang Xian Darao's inheritance? How come it has become the territory of your Qingyun Sect?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Get out of here quickly. Otherwise, you will die here." Another warrior suppressed.


Chen Xuan smiled disdainfully and directly used his body skills to enter the dark secret passage.

With a flash of inspiration, Chen Xuan discovered that after entering the dark secret passage, he felt the auras of Firebird and the others. Chen Xuan sped up and rushed towards the auras of Firebird and the others.

"Hold on for a while, the master is here." Firebird said with a bitter smile.

"I don't believe I can't kill you this time."

Although the black-clothed warrior was desperately defended by Zhang Jianyun, another purple-haired warrior burst out with powerful power.

The spiritual sword in his hand kept waving, creating a terrifying sword light.

Only a bang was heard!

Phoenix Fire Bird was struck by the sword light. Seeing this, Fire Bird and the others used their magical beast spirits one after another.

However, the purple-haired warrior had a trace of disdain on his face.

"You can be proud of being killed by me."

After the words fell, a terrifying aura emitted from the vicinity of the mysterious purple-haired warrior, and the spiritual sword in his hand suddenly slashed towards the Firebird.


The phantom of the huge dragon fire bird blocked the attack of the spiritual sword.


Shocking power erupted from the spirit sword, directly destroying the phantom of the dragon fire bird.

The firebird's body immediately flew out.


The secret method of time and space was operating to the extreme. Chen Xuan used his movement method and saw the fire bird being knocked away. This scene filled his pupils with anger.

"Damn it! Stop it."

Chen Xuan shouted low, came to the side of the fire bird, and struck out with his sword, blocking the attack of the spiritual sword.

"Master Chen Xuan, you are here."

The mysterious purple-haired warrior saw Chen Xuan and asked immediately, "Who are you?"

"Master Chen Xuan, be careful, he is very powerful." Zhang Jianyun lowered his voice.

Chen Xuan nodded, then looked at the mysterious purple-haired warrior and the black-clothed warrior.

"Are you here looking for death?" There was no expression on Chen Xuan's face.

His eyes looked at the mysterious purple-haired warrior and the black-clothed warrior, and they contained terrifying killing intent.

"That's so funny. Do you think you can beat us?"

The warrior in black sneered

After hearing this, Chen Xuan slowly said: "Yes."

"You're just asking for death."

The black-clothed warrior shouted loudly, and instantly took out his sword.

Swish! !

The black-clothed warrior laughed wildly, and a powerful force of earth essence immediately gathered and attacked Chen Xuan in an instant.


This violent aura contained a very strange aura. In an instant, Chen Xuan's Immortal Fire Body Refining was activated, and the Immortal Fire Defense surrounded him.

Boom! The violent aura hit his body and shattered directly.

Seeing this situation, the mysterious purple-haired warrior and the black-clothed warrior looked at each other, and then they took action together.

"Come together and kill!"

Every time the black-clothed warrior swung his long sword, a violent aura composed of condensed earth essence would erupt.

These auras kept killing Chen Xuan.

At this time, the spiritual sword in the hands of the mysterious purple-haired warrior carried such terrifying power, and he also killed Chen Xuan directly.

"You are too weak."

A disdainful smile appeared on Chen Xuan's face.

Then he clenched the long sword in his hand and released the Immortal Fire Body Refining of the Immortal Level 2. The body refining defense was so powerful that it was frightening.


The body of the black-clothed warrior flew out, and the mysterious purple-haired warrior let out a low cry and retreated involuntarily.

"How can it be?"

The purple-haired warrior showed a puzzled expression, looking at the scene happening in front of him in disbelief.

Together, the two of them could not pose any threat to him even at the mid-level fourth level of the Divine Realm.

But Chen Xuan actually defeated them both in just one round.

"This guy is too strong, let's go."

The mysterious purple-haired warrior gave a soft drink and quickly disappeared with the black-clothed warrior.

"Lord Chen Xuan, chase..."

Firebird said loudly.

Chen Xuan shook his head and said with a smile: "The two of them have been seriously injured, and the front is very dangerous. I'm afraid they won't survive long..."

"And this time, in the inheritance of King Immortal Darao, what did you find?" Chen Xuandao.

"Lord Chen Xuan, do you want to get the inheritance of Wang Xian Darao?" Firebird asked with a smile.

"I have really heard some explanations about Wang Xian Darao. Although he is a mid-level fourth-level god, his cultivation is still very strong."

"When you were being chased by the purple-haired warrior, we passed through a canyon and felt a burning spiritual energy emanating from it?"


Zhang Jianyun pondered for a moment and said, "Let's go, I still remember."

Then Chen Xuan took them quickly to a mysterious canyon.

At the same time, Wang Luo's face was extremely shocked.

Wang Luo, the top expert among the new generation of Qingyun Sect, had condensed dozens of true essences not long after entering the middle stage of the fourth level of the divine realm.

"We must obtain the magic weapon inherited by Wang Xian Darao and cultivate his secret method of sword immortal yuan."

Wang Luo said secretly.

From the information he got from Qingyun Sect, he discovered the explanation about Wang Xian Darao's inheritance.


Suddenly, Wang Luo stopped and suddenly discovered that in a canyon not far away, the burning spiritual energy was so strong.

At the same time, Wang Luo was extremely excited.

"Could this be the inheritance treasure land of Wang Xian Darao?"

Thinking of Wang Xian Darao inheriting the magic weapon, Wang Luo felt extremely excited.

Wang Luo held the sword tightly in his hand and quickly arrived in front of the canyon.

Feeling the burning spiritual energy emanating from the canyon, Wang Luo determined that there was a high probability that this place was the inheritance treasure land of Wang Xian Darao.

"I must go in quickly and find the secret method of Sword Immortal Yuan."

Wang Luo said with a smile on his face and immediately prepared to enter the canyon.


When Wang Luo came into contact with the entrance of the canyon, an invisible sword energy appeared instantly, and then spread rapidly, completely sealing the entire entrance of the canyon.

Wang Luo's expression was gloomy and he frowned slightly: "Damn it, why is there a spiritual seal?"

Wang Luo used all his strength and continuously attacked the spirit pattern seal, but it was of no use at all.

In the end, Wang Luo stopped attacking. His face was a little gloomy. He could only take out the sound transmission stone and tell the news to the other disciples of Qingyun Sect who were in the fourth level of the middle stage of the divine realm.

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