Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5184 The inheritance of Lord Wang Xian

"No matter what the current situation is, Wang Xian Darao's inherited magic weapon is a very precious thing. We must not let this precious treasure fall into the hands of others."

Wang Luo also knew that with his power, there was no way to open the spiritual seal, and he had to rely on other people's power to do so.

But there was nothing he could do now. After thinking about it in his mind, he finally came to the conclusion that he should inform the other warriors of Qingyun Sect as soon as possible.

While Wang Luo was deep in thought, a group of them came here.

"Lord Chen Xuan, have you seen that canyon?" Zhang Jianyun looked at the canyon ahead.

"What's going on? There are warriors."

Firebird directly saw Wang Luo in front of the canyon.

"Keep walking, go over and have a look."

Although Chen Xuan was far away, he could already feel the shocking burning spiritual energy.

This kind of aura made Chen Xuan feel very familiar.

"It seems that this place is very likely to be the inheritance treasure land of Wang Xian Darao. Let's go there and have a look."

Chen Xuan muttered something in his mouth, and then quickly approached the canyon under the leadership of Zhang Jianyun.

At the same time, the auras of Chen Xuan and others suddenly appeared! Wang Luo felt quite helpless, and his face gradually darkened.

"Who are you? Why did he come here?"

Wang Luo asked in a cold voice.

"You don't care who we are, but I also want to ask who you are?" Firebird demanded.

"Hehehe, it seems that you know nothing about our sect. I am Wang Luo of Qingyun Sect. I think you should have heard of it." Wang Luo looked at Chen Xuan and the others. It was obvious that he was doing this on purpose. Say his name.

After all, he felt that his name was famous far and wide, and he wanted Chen Xuan to give up looking for Chuan Chang here.

But after hearing his voice, Chen Xuan shook his head slightly, indicating that he had not heard it.

"Son, don't be pretentious here."

Although the other party is ready to attack at any time, Chen Xuan and the others are not a vegetarian. At this time, Chen Xuan and the others insist on going in.

Seeing Chen Xuan and others about to enter the canyon, Wang Luo showed a ferocious look on his face and stopped him directly: "Everyone, do you know where this place is? This is the area of ​​my Qingyun Sect. I have not received the entry order. You None of these guys are allowed in.”

"Hehehe, the Qingyun Sect is really powerful. This is clearly the inheritance treasure land of Wang Xian Darao, so why did it become your Qingyun Sect? I have never heard of this fallacy. Why don't you, Wang Xian, also be your Qingyun Sect? From the door?" Fire Bird said.

"That's right. Mr. Wang Xian and our Qingyun Sect have a long history."

Wang Luo said: "I advise you to leave this place as soon as possible, otherwise, you will not be able to bear the consequences. If you take responsibility by then, I am afraid you will only die."

Wang Luo's words were full of threats.

But Chen Xuan looked at him with a big smile on his face. Who is Chen Xuan? The last thing to fear is threats.

If the other party talks nicely to her, Chen Xuan's actions may be gentler, but if the other party talks to him with this attitude, don't blame him.

"That's such a big statement. If we insist on going inside to look for inheritance, what can you do to us?" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

"If you insist on going in, there is only one end, death."

As soon as Wang Luo finished speaking, he stepped hard on the ground and floated in mid-air for an instant. Then he used all his strength and suddenly struck Chen Xuan with a sword.

After feeling his attack, I felt a faint smile on my face.


Caught off guard, Chen Xuan was hit by Wang Luo's sword, but his body took a few steps back.

Seeing this situation, Wang Luo laughed ferociously. He thought that Chen Xuan was not his opponent, and his face was filled with a malicious smile.

"You alone dare to go against my Qingyun Sect? You are simply looking for death."

However, after Wang Luo finished, Chen Xuan looked at him, raised his head with a calm expression, looked at Wang Luo and said: "Your strength is not as strong as I thought, and it did not cause any harm to me."

"Damn it, you actually, this is absolutely impossible, you were hit by me, how could you be okay?"

At this time, Wang Luo showed a puzzled expression, as if he couldn't believe it, why was Chen Xuan not even injured?

How can this be?

It's not common sense at all.

He was still very confident in his body-refining defense, but the person he met was Chen Xuan, so he had bad luck.

"That's so funny. You're a little weak."

"That's right, his strength is simply incomparable to our Lord Chen."

Fire Bird said with disdain: "It's really funny that he has such three-legged cat skills and dares to be arrogant in front of us."

After hearing what he said and being treated like this by Fire Bird, Wang Luo became even more unhappy, but now he felt a little timid.

However, thinking of his responsibilities here, he immediately moved his spirit slightly, took out his spiritual sword, displayed his skills and attacked Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan shook his head gently. If the other party wanted to die, he would have nothing better to do.

In an instant, the terrifying power of Divine Sword Dao filled the air.


Wang Luo fell into a terrifying sword energy. Finally, Chen Xuan took out a spirit stone in his hand and threw it directly into the air.

Formation is set up.

And he was instantly trapped by Chen Xuan's illusory formation.

The Blood Dragon Divine Bird was very excited: "Master Chen Xuan, the power of your illusion formation is too strong."

"My lord, hurry up and break this spiritual seal. We have to go in quickly to see if there is any magic weapon." Feng Huoniao said.

"Don't worry, let me see, I should be able to crack it."

After finishing, Chen Xuan walked to the spiritual seal. At this time, a light curtain suddenly appeared in front of Chen Xuan, directly blocking it.

There are still some differences between the soul seal and the formation, but there are similarities between the two. At this time, Chen Xuan gently touched the spirit seal and felt the power in it.

In an instant, invisible auras floated in front of him.

Chen Xuan could clearly feel a subtle breath entering his body.

Next, Chen Xuan closed his eyes, and a dark red aura was revealed in his soul. Then Chen Xuan began to continuously evolve the operation of the spirit pattern seal.

He is already very proficient in formations. The operating rules of this seal are actually not much different from formations, but these seals are basically equivalent to defensive formations.

It does not have offensive performance itself.

After a long time, he suddenly released a terrifying spiritual energy, and a calm smile appeared on Chen Xuan's face.

"Oh, I see."

The best way to crack the spiritual seal is to destroy it from the root. Only in this way can it be cracked quickly, otherwise it will be in vain no matter how long it takes.

The method used by Chen Xuan was very difficult. If it weren't for Chen Xuan's current level, otherwise, it would still be somewhat difficult for him at this stage to crack the spirit seal with this method.

After all, the person who set up this seal should be a top powerhouse, and conservatively estimated to have reached the fifth level of the divine realm.


Chen Xuan walked over directly, and then gently placed his long sword on the spirit pattern seal.

A blue light suddenly flashed.

In an instant, a terrifying space atmosphere filled the air near him.

The next moment, the spirit pattern seal was instantly broken.

This scene was seen by everyone.

"Hahaha, sir, you are amazing. I never thought that you would break it so quickly despite all the hard work we have gone through." Firebird and the others suddenly laughed.

"Since it's broken, let's go in and take a look." Chen Xuan said calmly.

After the words fell, the group quickly entered the canyon.

This canyon is shrouded in layers of black mist.

Not long after they entered, a strong wind passed by in the distance, and then the strong men from Qingyun Sect, who were at the fourth level of the middle stage of the Divine Realm, hurried over.

"Wang Luo? What's going on?"

Many warriors were very confused after arriving here.

Suddenly, a warrior shouted loudly: "Wait a minute, I feel a strange aura. Someone seems to have set up a formation here."

"What formation is it?"

"Wait a minute, there is a phantom formation here. Wang Luo seems to be trapped in the phantom formation. Let's go over and have a look."

In an instant, the eyes of many disciples of Qingyun Sect were all focused on the illusion formation.

"Wang Luoyan."

The leading warrior said softly, and immediately a warrior wearing white clothes began to observe the phantom formation next to him.

"How is it? Do you know anything about this formation?"

At this moment, the warrior thought for a while, and then said: "His formation should be a bit difficult."

"What can I say directly? Is there a way to crack it? If there is no way, we must ask for reinforcements." The leading warrior asked.

Wang Luoyan observed for a long time, and finally a look of shock appeared on his face, and then he shook his head and sighed.

"The warriors who set up the illusion array are very powerful. However, if my realm is 20% higher, I can definitely break through this illusion array. But with my current strength, there is no way to break it." Wang Luoyan said.

After hearing this, many warriors showed frightened expressions on their faces, and they were very surprised in their hearts.

Although they can feel a complex aura here, they also have a little understanding of the formation. Many warriors think that such a very ordinary illusion formation can be so powerful.

Moreover, in the eyes of several disciples who are proficient in formations, this formation is still very complicated.

"Do you mean that you have no way to break this formation?" asked the leading warrior.

After Wang Luoyan heard what he said, he immediately shook his head.

Even if his master comes in person, it is not absolutely possible to break it. Now he is very helpless with this formation.

After receiving the other party's affirmation, the leading warrior sighed slightly.

"I think the warrior who set up the illusion formation must have entered the canyon."

"What should we do now?"

"Now we have no other choice. Judging from the current situation, we can only rely on unity to make up for our lack of understanding of the illusion formation."

"We have been preparing for such a long time. The magic weapon inherited by Wang Xian Darao must not fall into the hands of other warriors. If the magic weapon is obtained by others, he will definitely be reprimanded by the elders."

"But what should I do, Brother Wang?"

Another warrior asked.

"Wang Luo is now trapped in the formation. With my current strength, I can't save him. Let him stay here first. The most important thing for us now is to defend the inheritance school," said the leading warrior.

"Many warriors, you must remember this. If you encounter a warrior who has set up a magic formation, you must attack her directly. This guy should be very proficient in formations, and his magic formation must be very powerful."

"I think you all should have fought with array mages before..."

For most warriors, the last thing they want to face is the formation master, because when they face these formation masters, they are likely to get stuck in the formation and even be attacked by others. "

"Let me explain to you first. If you face him, you must not give him a chance to set up an illusion array. Otherwise, if we fall into the illusion array, we will all be killed by him, unless the elders come to save us. "Yes." Wang Luoyan said with a gloomy expression.

"Get ready to go."

The leading warrior led many disciples of Qingyun Sect into the canyon.

The terrifying burning spiritual energy swallowed up the entire canyon.

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