Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5185 The terrifying burning spiritual energy

Wang Luo, who was in the phantom formation, had fallen into a state of madness and began to attack the phantom formation crazily.

But his own strength is not strong, and he has no understanding of the Phantom Array at all.

Mainly because he didn't understand, it was impossible to break through the illusion formation, and Chen Xuan's understanding of the illusion formation was not comparable to his. He wanted to get out of here.

Unless you bring in reinforcements from the outside, or learn the formation inside, it is impossible to successfully comprehend it without more than ten years.

Within the canyon.

Chen Xuan and his party have discovered some clues here. Yes, Chen Xuan and the others are seriously looking for the legend left by Master Wang Xian.

However, the canyon is filled with burning spiritual energy, which looks particularly strange in the dark valley.

"It was rumored that Lord Wang Xian possessed many secret techniques before his death, and Su also mastered some magic techniques. Now it seems to be true, but I am curious about what his skills are?"

Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

The burning spiritual energy contained in the breath made Chen Xuan have to be vigilant.

However, the more they felt this strange aura, the more they proved that the magic weapon inherited by Wang Xian Darao was in this place, and they definitely did not find the wrong place.

"Lord Chen Xuan, wait a moment."

"What's wrong?"? Chen Xuan turned back and looked at Firebird. "

"If I felt it right just now, I felt the breath of a monster." Firebird suddenly said.

"Really or not, is there the scent of a monster here?"

Chen Xuan looked at the Fire Bird with some surprise. Just now, Chen Xuan was also using his spiritual consciousness to spread throughout the canyon. He didn't feel any aura of the monster beast, but the Fire Bird actually felt the aura of the monster beast.

If Chen Xuan guessed correctly, this was obviously the power of the demon soul belonging to the demon beast, and they could clearly feel the aura of their own kind.

"Where is it? Here?" Chen Xuan asked hurriedly.

“Just ahead”

Chen Xuan looked over and his expression suddenly became calm.

Chen Xuan didn't notice it at first, but when the fire bird pointed at it, Chen Xuan suddenly realized that it was the place that he felt was special just now.

And there was a huge boulder there. This boulder was very strange. It was covered with a trace of terrifying flames, and there was also the breath of life around it.

"Keep walking, go over and have a look."

After the words fell, the group quickly came to the huge rock inside the canyon.

"That's weird, what is it?"

After seeing the boulder, Firebird showed a puzzled expression.

"There is absolutely no mistake. This is the powerful soul of the demon clan."

The firebird was very excited after seeing this huge rock.

"Master Chen Xuan, help me cover him, I will devour him."

"Are you dreaming?" Chen Xuan looked at the stone in front of him. Although it looked exactly the same as the stone, he did feel a strange aura from it.

But Chen Xuan doesn't think this has anything to do with inheritance.

But then, Chen Xuan saw that the inside of the original boulder actually produced a light red aura, and the whole thing seemed to be completely integrated.

"If it is really the inheritance of the so-called strong man, I'm afraid it should be very helpful to Firebird." Chen Xuan also whispered.

However, at this time, the Fire Bird can't wait to devour the powerful soul of the demon clan. If he succeeds, his strength will definitely be able to break through.

"Be cautious."

Just when the firebird was about to touch the soul, a red light suddenly burst out from the soul.

In a short moment, Chen Xuan suddenly struck out with his sword, directly breaking the red light that was attacking the Firebird.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan's immortal fire defense enveloped the soul.

This situation made the other monsters next to them all show surprised expressions.

"Ah, what is going on?"

"Didn't I just absorb it?"

"Why did this rock suddenly move?"

"Will the breath in the stone be of any help to the firebird?"

When some of them were confused, Chen Xuan shouted low, and the ferocious aura of the divine sword condensed into a series of terrifying sword lights that pierced the soul of Zheng Zheng.


In an instant, shocking shouts resounded throughout the air.

After the soul was stabbed by the sword light, the intense burning spiritual energy burst out instantly, swallowing the entire boulder directly.


The burning spiritual energy eventually disappeared, so it disappeared into the air.

"The burning spiritual energy here invades the soul. If you want to absorb it, you must be careful. Although the power inside is helpful to you, you must be careful to fight against it." Chen Xuan took back his sword and explained.

After hearing this, Firebird was extremely worried.

The strange power emitted from the boulder just now indeed exceeded his expectations.

Fortunately, his Lord Chen Xuan is here, otherwise, if he devours the energy at will, he will definitely be hit by the protective energy.

"Master Chen Xuan, it was really very dangerous. It's okay now."

"You can absorb it, remember to hurry up, we must hurry up and find Chuanchang"

Chen Xuan looked around to make sure there was no problem nearby, and whispered.

"Hehehe, okay, okay."

The fire bird then displayed the spirit of the phantom beast, and the phantom of the dragon fire bird instantly absorbed the soul with nearby power.

I only saw that the original boulder was like a stone egg, with streaks of red power emitting from it, which were being crazily gathered into the Firebird's body.


A slight change can be clearly felt on Fire Bird's body.

Chen Xuan could clearly feel the powerful aura of the dragon fire bird permeating the surroundings.

At this time, many warriors from Qingyun Sect also entered the canyon, and they also felt the existence of this power.

"It's in front, let's hurry over and take a look."

Soon, they noticed the movement on the boulder. When they saw the spiritual energy flowing near the firebird, their expressions instantly darkened.

Obviously they thought Chen Xuan was just here to steal their inheritance.


Following the order from the leading warrior, many warriors from the fourth level of the mid-level divine realm of Qingyun Sect took action one after another. They originally thought that this attack would wipe out Chen Xuan and the others.


The extremely powerful earth essence was released. Many Taoist essences were continuously connected in the air, and the forces continued to merge, and finally collided with each other, forming a frightening sword energy.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan also showed a little surprise.

These powerful attacks seemed to have already found their target, but their current target was not Chen Xuan, but the Firebird.

It can only be said that they know too little and know nothing about the real inheritance, so that they now think that Firebird has obtained the inheritance magic weapon of Wang Xian Darao, and want to prevent Firebird from absorbing the power of inheritance.

"The inheritance of Wang Xian Darao is mine, and you can never get it."

"This damn monster actually wants to steal Chuanchang."

"I originally thought it was a human race, but I didn't expect that it was a demon beast that set up the illusion array. It seems that he is also a powerful demon race."

The leading warrior roared and struck out with his sword instantly. He wanted to kill the fire bird.

Obviously he thought Firebird was the leader of Chen Xuan and the others.


The strength of a warrior in the middle stage of the fourth level of the divine realm is nothing to Chen Xuan, but when many warriors unite, the power they can unleash is very powerful. Even when Chen Xuan faces this kind of power, he has to alert.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt an oppressive aura.

He suddenly found a large amount of Dao True Yuan being released. After seeing this power, Chen Xuan smiled coldly.

"When did they come here??"

Chen Xuan directly saw that what these people wanted to kill was obviously the fire bird.

"You actually have the guts to deal with the firebird."

Zhang Jianyun was very angry in his heart and directly controlled a lot of golden spiritual energy to surround those Taoist essences.

However, the opponent's attack was too strong, and Zhang Jianyun did not have any substantial effect.

In an instant, the Blood Dragon Divine Bird, Phoenix Fire Bird, and Zhang Jianyun also took action.

Now they have been traveling together for a long time and have established a deep friendship with each other. No matter what happens, they will not allow Firebird to be threatened by them when absorbing the inheritance.

After seeing them preparing to attack, Chen Xuan had a faint smile on his face.

He really wanted to see Firebird. How far had their cultivation reached in recent years?

However, several of their attacks were defeated immediately, which was indeed beyond Chen Xuan's expectation, and their bodies were knocked back a few steps.

This scene made Chen Xuan very angry. It was not because Huo Niao and the others had not improved recently.

But because the other party actually dared to touch his people.

Chen Xuanling moved slightly, and the terrifying power of the divine sword instantly filled his surroundings.

Immediately afterwards, a huge illusory formation enveloped all the powerful men at the fourth level of the middle stage of the God Realm of Qingyun Sect.

"I originally thought that the demon clan was their leader, but it seems that there is someone else. We must hurry up now. His phantom formation will not be effective in a short time. Now we must hurry up and give it to him. Kill and resolve the battle as soon as possible." Wang Luoyan said loudly. He had studied the Phantom Formation, so he knew that when a formation was just set up.

This is also when he is at his most vulnerable.

"Come together and kill!"

The leader of the warrior roared loudly, and all the disciples who were at the fourth level of the Qingyun Sect's divine realm, gathered their strength to hit the illusory formation, hoping to break it open.

But it's just that their thinking is a bit simple.


The shocking attacks gathered in the air, and finally merged into one, killing directly towards the distance.

However, after this terrifying light flew halfway through the air, it was suddenly blocked by a light curtain. This force immediately hit the light curtain, causing the phantom formation to shake.

At this time, the prairie fire sword appeared in Chen Xuan's hand.

"Immortal Dragon Sword Intent."

Chen Xuan said softly.

In an instant, the space shattered, and a traceless sword light rushed directly into the hearts of these warriors.

Only a bang was heard!

As the sword light passed by, one after another, the warriors at the fourth level of the divine realm had no defense at all.

But then, Chen Xuan displayed the second level of Immortal Dragon Sword Intent.

The sword energy, which was more powerful than the first level, burst out instantly.

Only a bang was heard!

With one sword, he knocked back many disciples who were in the middle stage of the fourth level of the Divine Realm. Their faces were full of surprise.

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